Greetings this beautiful day upon Earth Shan. You have been given another day in which to continue with your work and lessons. Yes, lessons and more lessons, as you shall complete the lessons you need to learn , as you live on Mother Earth.
Some of you Lightworkers are nearly done with those lessons needed to complete on this dense planet in 3D. You have been told that you are ready to graduate. Now you ask why, why? I will tell you why.
Why have we not beamed you Lightworkers to the Lighted Realms? Remember, we of the Lighted Realms are NOT in charge of that moment. We do NOT know when that time shall occur, as we wait, as do you, for Mother Earth to decide when. Lift off could be a day away or an hour or a month. We do not know, but we are ready at the moment’s notice when Mother Earth makes her decision. As you know, she has a free will such as you.
If there is a last lesson for you Lightworkers it would be PATIENCE. Yes, get off the rollercoaster of waiting and waiting, for this last lesson tells you that you are to keep on with your mission, and be sure that you read and read and meditate with the Lighted Realms. We surround you with great protection at all times.
Here is a good thing to do. Each of you have a force field around you and two Guardian Angels that have tended to you since you were born. Not only should you ASK for their help, but it is a good thing to ask that your force field around you be filled with Love and Light.
Pray and petition often for the healing of Mother Earth and all that reside upon her surface. This not only means the human souled ones, but all the clones, animals of the air, land and oceans, and all her environment of trees, flowers, etc. Remember, you are the caretakers of all that has been created, and even the lowly insects are included.
As you do these prayers, it helps Mother Earth beyond belief.
All the signs we see from Mother Earth does give us the knowing that her graduation is very soon. That is why all the Pleiadian ships are stationed and ready at a moment’s notice, for when the final signal occurs we have 15 minutes of Earth time to evacuate all, who would step into our beam.
What about the environment to be destroyed? That has been taken care of by the Lightworkers, who. with Sananda and the Lighted Realms have helped all that has been created in the environment of their souls to be brought to safety. They shall again bloom and grow in the Lighted Realms. All animals and your pets are to be lifted to safety and your pet shall be united with you, who are graduating. All the other races upon your planet have been healed and their souls ready for graduation. Also, all souled ones. who have died eons ago and were locked in a pattern of repetition, have been taken to the Light even from the very first civilization on Earth.
I suggest that you read Phoenix Journal 5 Chapter 5 for further information about liftoff. It is as real as it can be. Here is the link.
One thing to remember is that lessons never end, for we of the Lighted Realms keep on with our soul growth. The lessons are joyously done, for it is not at all like those lessons on Earth that get harder and harder as you prepare you soul growth to graduate. In a sense, life begins when you have graduated to the higher Realms of Light.
Cast all your fears, anxieties, hopelessness and agony upon the Christos, Esu Immanuel Sananda, for he is able to help. Carry on with your lessons, petitions, and prayers for Mother Earth, the Cosmos and for yourself. Your waiting with patience shall not be long.
My message today is an addendum tothe message of August 16. I wanted to say a few more additional comments to the Lightworkers that is most important to emphasis at this ending time for Mother Earth.
The Lighted Realms keep track of all Lightworkers and help them when they ask for help. We cannot do anything for you, but we can do all WITH you, if you but ask for help.
I hear the Lightworkers asking when, when, when is Mother Earth going to turn and we can be lifted off? When? When? Why isn’t she graduating? She is at the last degree before tipping. I shall tell you why, for it may surprise you. For WHAT is she waiting? She is waiting for YOU! She waits for you to learn these very last most difficult lessons! Mother Earth wants to graduate. She has been cleansed and is once more a beautiful blue planet and wants to turn on her axis and graduate, but she WAITS for you to learn these last lessons.
Only YOU know what about your last lessons. Here is a guide for you. We shall protect you if you ask. The great Cohans are ready at a moments notice. They are El Morya, Lanto, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, Paul the Venetian, Lady Nada, and Germain. included are Aton/Hatonn, Sananda, and Creator Source. I, also, can advise you . All of us are here for you at a moment’s notice
Here is some advice for you Lightworkers.
1. Have you mentally and etherically let go of the materialistic “things” you want, because you think they will, make you happy?
2. Remember, all 3D life on earth is to be wiped away when she turns over. EVERYTHING.
3. You are living in an ILLUSION. You are on a “holodeck” to learn lessons.
4. You are an eternal SOUL. Your soul is living in a “fleshy envelope” to learn lessons. You all have had many, if not thousands of “envelopes” over many years.
5. Have you kept up feeding your soul? By that I mean reading, and mediation and ask for our help. Have you made taking care of your soul your primary objective?
6. Do not wallow in material things to make you happy. Great happiness is when you are spiritual aligned with the Lighted Realms. You are in the world but not of it.
7. Remember you have ALL YOU NEED, but maybe not all you WANT. Be thankful to the Lighted Realms. Be thankful for your home and have food to eat.
8. Most of all be thankful you have all the help Heaven can allow. Keep connected by reading those heavenly guides and listen to the Lighted Realms in your heart. Some Lightworkers can actually hear our voice, and others know by their inner feeling and intuition. We speak any way possible to let you hear our call.
9. Be loving and kind to those with whom yo live.
I know that these last lessons are hard, but you can learn these quickly and with confidence. I am not trying to be harsh or mean, but to tell you like it is. The Lighted Realms love all of you most dearly and it their greatest desire that you will learn quickly and come home where you belong.
I have asked Anne to write a message from me today, as it is of great importance to all Lightworkers at this ending time. Why do I say this? It is because the lessons are getting much, much harder before the end when the Lightworkers are taken home to the Lighted Realms.
It is so easy to be focused on 3D living with all the things you would like to have in your possession. Note that I said “things” for they are of no consequence to your future. Future? Yes! Your future in the Lighted Realms. I did not say that you should not spend your time and money. I said that you do not need to focus on the possession things but to focus on your soul growth. That is what is the most important thing for you at this time.
I remember that both Anne and I would say to each other that we do not have all we WANT, but we have all we NEED. Be thankful for what you have and focus more on feeding your soul with the proper food it needs to survive and grow in the materialistic world in which you live at this time.
Your life on Planet Earth is for your soul growth with lessons that you have set for yourself. You must be wise in the choices you make. Sananda said long ago “be wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove”.
You are a soul, an eternal spirit having a physical experience to learn soul growth. It is like being on a holodeck. You feel, see, hear, learn, and everything is very real to you. You make choices to learn soul growth. The problem arises when your focus is on getting things and not taking care of your soul within.
When your physical body dies, where do you want to be? Your soul is eternal and you judge yourself where you need to be to learn more lessons. If your soul has grown enough you graduate to the Higher Realms. If not, you determine what 3D life you have next to keep on learning your lessons, and aIways without memory of who you really are.
Are we of the Lighted Realms any different? NO! All of us have had thousands of 3D lifestreams to learn our lessons such as you.
My message to all Lightworkers is this: Stay focused and steady with your soul growth. Make wise decisions for yourself, even if they are contrary to what others want you to do. You are in charge of your life and what lessons you need to learn.
You have all the help that Heaven allows, and we will protect you from any harm if you but ask. We cannot do your lessons for you, but we can help if you but call upon us. You can do it! You can become a great and mighty warrior of Light if you want, for that is the prize you should seek which is far more valuable that all the gold in the world.
Remember, when you pass on out of this physical life you take NOTHING of physical life with you.,,,NOTHING! It is your soul that you take and you shall judge yourself how well you have lived to make your soul grow in might and honor to graduate.
Even then, soul growth continues, but it never as hard as the school room in which you live at this time. Lessons in the Lighted Realms are filled with glory and honor. Arch Angel Michael said that he, too, had spent thousands of lifestreams IN 3D to grow his soul growth to who he is today. You can do the same. AHO!
I go by that name, as it is familiar to you upon Earth, and to my loving wife, Anne. To my children I am “dad”. I do wish to explain further about the Lighted Realms. This may surprise many of you, but my children are all great Masters, and Arch Angels that volunteered to be my children when I reincarnated on Earth. Each of these great souls have a husband or wife and children in the Lighted Realms. Youk,also, have brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins! As for Anne, she not only was my Earth wife, but my Lighted Realms’ wife as well, and we have spent many, many lifestreams together with our children. Some lifestreams we were in different roles. We were the husband, the wife the children, but we are like a group of souls that have had many lifestreams together. There are other ones whom I will not name that have been great friends with us on Earth. These, too, are part of this soul group that have been together in other lifestreams.
I shall not reveal at this time the many lifestreams I have had on Earth, but I will reveal that Anne and I have five children in the Lighted Realms. I am a member of the Council of Light, as are two of my Lighted Realms children. I cannot reveal about my children about, who they are in the Lighted Realms, and how great they are. Many of you ones on Earth are the same with a wife or husband waiting for you, as do your children. I can tell you that many of you Lightworkers are very great old souls with many lifestreams behind you. You cannot remember all of who you were, but that will come when you graduate to the higher Realms.
When one reincarnates on Earth they alone must choose the lifestream and what lessons need to be learned. Many times one reincarnates to an Earth person that is the exact opposite of who you are in the Lighted Realms. You learn to walk in the “shoes” to learn lessons.
I will give an example. For instance there could be a returned Master that has a fear of heights. He shakes all over when looking down from a mountain top. Why? Perhaps in a former life he fell from a cliff and was greatly injured or was killed. You see, there are bits and pieces that repeat in your earth life from your lifestreams.
Also, a great note is this: You can call in the help of all the good things from your former life- streams to help you in any given situation. This is truth.
While on Earth, as a husband and father, I was told in my meditation some of my former lifestreams. I instantly new they were true as I had a connection with these ones. You see, we have been all, the good the bad and the ugly. We have been the victim and the victimizer.
In my last lifestreams I was against the killing by the military and the death of so many people. Why? I found out that in the Realms of Light I was totally different, but had to learn that earth lesson. I found out when I graduated that the first words I heard from Gabriel was “The great one has arrived!”
What? Did I hear right? I was called that, as I am the Commander of the Forces of Light. I thought back about my aversion to the military, but I did learn that many of the earth military are fine people with a mission of good. There are great leaders that have shown compassion, dedication and helpfulness.
I also found out that my heavenly name is not Patrick, but a different one. Many of you Lightworkers have a great heavenly name, as well. I will give you a clue about me. If you can figure this clue out, good luck! My heavenly name is ---e--a-c—t-.
Ho ho! I still have a sense of humor.
May all of you fulfill all your lessons, for Mother Earth is ready to graduate. I give no time nor date only that it is soon, according to Earth time. Only Mother Earth knows that date. The best thing you can do, you Lightworkers is to clear yourself often and pray for healing of Mother Earth and all the great Cosmos
PHB aka PATRICK H. BELLRINGER aka ---e--a-c—t-.
I write this piece to Sananda’s flock. Who are they?, you ask. Sananda’s flock are all those, who have found the Truth of The Laws of God and Creation from whatever source, and are living these Laws to the best of their ability. These dear people have learned to live the four great virtues in their lives: of wisdom, bravery, fortitude, and generosity, and are anticipating evacuation and graduation into fifth dimension, as the reward for work well done and the completion of their mission on Shan.
So, my sisters and brothers, with little fanfare or acknowledgement we have passed another very important Cosmic date. On August 17, 2012 we began the New Year of Year 26 in Cosmic time. The New Count began at the point of the Harmonic Convergence on August 17, 1987, the point at which both the Pleiadian Cycle and the Great Orbit returned to their zero point at the exact same time.
Our solar system orbits around Alcyone, the Central Sun of Pleiades, every 26,000 years, which orbit is called the Pleiadian Cycle. The Milky Way Galaxy, which is not a galaxy at all but the Seventh Super Universe of the Cosmos, orbits around The Greatest Central sun every 206 million years, which is called the Great Orbit.
At the time of the Harmonic Convergence of August 17, 1987 Hatonn made an agreement with the Lightworkers (Sananda’s flock) to hold the Light of Truth for a period of twenty-five years to allow time for Truth to go out one last time to the “four corners of Shan”, so many would awaken from their spiritual sleep, and for lessons to be learned in soul growth. The Lightworkers have stood faithful to their mission. Some have fallen, some have passed on to the Astral Plane, but others have arisen to take their place.
For these twenty-five years the Light of Truth has held the Darkside at bay. They have not won their New World Order of one religion, one military and one money system, as they had planned. The Darkness has not won on Shan! Having completed these twenty-five years, the Lightworkers now pass the “torch” back to Creator God Aton of Light (Hatonn). The “ball” is now in His court. Time has run out for this last third dimensional civilization on our planet. She is in her transition into the higher energies of fifth dimension at this time, and it is Hatonn’s call, when planetary evacuation shall occur.
In a communication last evening (August 22, 2012) Anne Bellringer received the following message from Hatonn.
Hatonn: I do have some news for you. The Lightworkers have kept their promise and have held the Light for the last 34 year period starting August 17, 1987. We of the Lighted Hosts are very pleased, especially since the Phoenix Journals have gone worldwide and many have come unto enlightenment through them. They are the Heavenly Books of the Lighted Realms. Anne and Patrick ,over the years that fourwinds has been on the interne,t have recieved hundreds of letters thanking them for putting the Journals on the Internet. Oh, the articles that Anne now posts are worthy, also, revealing the Darkside’s intent, and that nothing can be hid anymore.
We are at the stage of evacuation and Mother Earth has “had it”. We are at the end of this civilization. The whole world is crumbling under the weight of the evil minions left since Satan and his evil demons have been uncreated. They carry on as they have been tought to keep with wars, killing and not allow any change in the monetary system. The earthquakes are increasing, getting more violent and the rumblings of the volcanoes are continuing at an unabated pace.
Do I sound pessimistic? No, because the agreement of the Lightworkers was to hold the Light, and this they have done, especially you ones. There are still some souled beings, who are finding enlightenment, so we continue for a few more days.
It is up to Mother Earth when she will finally tip, but the movement back and forth on her axis gets greater each day, so the tipping will come very suddenly, without any warning. She is now at the very edge betore she tips. That is why we told you in Phoenix Journal #5 that we have 15 minutes to evacuate, starting with the children, and Sananda’s flock.
I am not pessimistic, only Truthful. I am not saddened by the evil, only waiting just like Mother Earth to rid these ones off this planet, so they can continue their lifestreams elsewhere, or, as I have said before, go POOF! Yes, POOF! You know what that means….clones.
See you aboard ship. Patrick is now aboard ship working with Me. Anne is carrying on with Fourwinds mission.
NOTE FROM ANNEl So, in spite of the ever increasing Darkness and chaos on our beloved planet, as Lightworkers, we ALL never quit! We never give up! We hold high the Light of Truth to the very last moment of time, knowing full well we have all the help of the Realms of Light to do so. Through our fortitude may many yet be guided to the Red Road of Truth! Aho!
PATRICK H. BELLRINGER: I AM Patrick H. Bellringer of the Lighted Realms.
I greet all of you Lightworkers and souled ones on Earth. I cannot tell you how excited I am to see my Earth family again. The year with the Lighted Realms has seemed like a short time, for I have been inundated with tasks at hand.
When I first arrived, I did have a respite of time when Sananda showed me all the planets and their people. Now, I cannot wait until the great banquet that is being prepared for the Lightworkers when they arrive board ship.
Most of all, I am so proud of my children and Anne, and can hardly wait to see them again.
At the present time and past several weeks I have, with the help of Michael and Hatonn, takeN care of those souls that were sent to the Light, and have roamed in cycles on Earth for millennia. There were untold thousands upon thousands of souls that had roamed Earth for centuries, many of who did not realize they were dead. Each one had to be placed at the proper level of soul growth or will have gained graduation.
There are still some souls and animals that need to betaken to the Light. That shall be the last mission.
There is always hope for more souls slumbering in the Lie of the Satanian Empire, even though that Empire has been uncreated. I almost cannot bear the agony of those souls realizing the Truth was all around them and given to them, and they ignored it. However, as Sananda said, they shall continue on their path to the Light and in some lifestream come to the Light. There is always hope. This time around though, the path will be longer, as that was the agreement before any soul returned by their own freewill to Earth this last 3D civilization.
The great banquet hall is open and those delegates that have come from far distant worlds and universes are arriving, so you know that the time for the return of the Lightworkers is at hand.
What a great LIFE awaits all of you Lightworkers. You shall greet your loved ones, then the banquet, and from there you shall have a rest before the real work begins.
What a great life is ahead of you! Lessons do continue in the Lighted Realms, but it is not influenced by the evil energies. It is a JOYOUS, MOST JOYOUS PATH!
PATRICK H. BELLRINGER: It has been one year ago that I left my physical body and graduated to the Lighted Realms. I has been a most momentous year that I can ever remember.
Little did I realize as a physical humans that I was the Commander of the entire Heavenly Forces of Light. It wasn’t until I passed on that I realized the experiences all of us have in the physical is exactly the opposite of who we really are in the Heavenly Realms. These are the lessons of walking in another’S boots, so to speak.
I can say that this year has been extremely busy, and I have had little rest. We of the Lighted Realms do not require a lot of sleep, but do take a little time to re-cooperate.
First of all, I wanted to tell my earth children how proud I am of all of you. You have been the focus of those aboard ship as every day they tune in like watching Days of Our Lives. They cheer at your soul accomplishments, and weep with you in your sadness. I tell all of you how much I love you.
As for Anne, I am very happy she has kept Fourwinds on the Internet with the help of Flint, for the continued presentation of the Journals is needed. I appreciate Anne for posting my articles and my message to the world, and pray that it may help even one person on their soul pathway.
My work here started with a bang. We of the Light fought battle after battle wit the demons that attacked us, and all the starships. It went on for weeks upon weeks. Some of you call it the Battle of Armageddon.
Then some of the Lightworkers made a great Petition of cleansing. You can read that today again in Sananda’s message. As you know, the Lighted Realms cannot clean up the Earth mess, as we operate under non-intervention. It was that some Lightworkers realized their great God Spirit within and realized they were the ones they were seeking to help.
I know each one of you dearly, but will not reveal any names at this time. The clean-up was done and is still being done with these Lightworkers, and the great help of Sananda and the Lighted Realms.
What does that have to do with me? It is Hatonn, Arch Angel Michael and I that have to deal with all the billions of souls locked on to Earth that have now been taken to the Light. Each one has to be helped to be placed at the level to either graduate or continue on with their soul growth. We are inundated, but we are taking care of each of these blessed souls, who have been tied to Earth and have repeated over and over a cycle of dread and anguish for an untold amount of time.
They are free.
How has this happened? The Lightworkers to whom I refer made a grand petition for Mother Earth. Because we operate under non intervention, we cannot clean up Earth, but can help. These Lightworkers realized they are the ones they seek. With that in mind, Sananda and the Lighted Realms have helped answer this great and wonderful petition.
The Lightworkers had to experience this clean up. Their victorious actions with Sananda’s help have resulted in billions of representatives to seek out where and who helped their planet get rid of the Satanian Empire.
It shall be a momentous time when Lift Off occurs for all Lightworkers, as there is a great an mighty banquet prepared where these delegates can meet the Lightworkers. When? The days and hours are numbered.
Stay focused, you Lightworkers, for lessons do continue until the very end.
My love to all, and especially to my family.
NOTE: All the articles I post from Patrick are by his suggestion. His goal is still to present Truth to the world from his writings. This timely message is no exception, for it has much meaning to those, who seek the Truth. .....Anne
One more time I write to present Truth to the world. I write not to the human clones, who have no soul. I write not to those, who have given their soul over to Satan, the King of Evil. I urgently write to those souled-beings, who are day-dreaming in their world of things, or who are spiritually asleep in their fake world of religion, or those floating in La-La Land with no direction or meaningful purpose in their 3D journey in these closing days of this planet’s third dimensional civilization.
Yes, I said “closing days”, and yes, I have a message for all those Earth Shan dwellers , who are in spiritual Zombie-land. You are going to miss your life boat! Time has run out! Creator God is closing the Book of Life for Shan’s people, and has ordered the starships to full alert for evacuation of “Sananda’s flock! Are you ready?” Is your name listed in the Book of Life? Have you truly lived to the best of your ability The Laws of God and Creation? Indeed, are you one of “Sananda’s Flock”?
No, you are not, because you have never been taught God’s Laws for Living. Your parents did not teach you because your grandparents did not teach your parents. The Laws were gradually forgotten and erased from memory, as man’s laws have replaced them. So, today you live in spiritual Zombie-land and are heading to the great Wheel of Reincarnation again, and to another 3D lifestream of pain and suffering to learn your lessons.
What lessons, you ask? Living The Laws of God and Creation are your lessons, my friend. You may disagree, but Creator God’s Laws are absolute, and you shall honor them and live them to graduate out of this third dimensional illusion. Yes, I said “illusion”, for we live in the physical holodeck of 3D to gain soul growth. The illusions of things, money, social status and power are just that, illusions. They vanish when you step out of the holodeck at death and into the real world of Spirit. Would you choose another 3D holodeck experience, again and again?
Wake up! Time has run out. Your God Spirit, your Soul, the real you, that spark of Light from Creator God Aton of Light, that part of Aton’s heart that is you, is crying to be free of this very evil world, forever. Will you listen to your God Spirit within, to your heart, to your “gut feelings” and discern Truth?
Will you leave the illusion of things, money, social status and power, yes, even that of sickness and poverty, and enter the real world of Spirit? The alarm clock is ringing, the one you set to wake you up. Do you remember? You have overslept!
The Starships are ready! Their Red Alert signs are flashing. The bells are ringing, and I am ringing my bell to wake you up! Can you hear? Will you awaken to Truth before it is too late?
Choose Light, my friend! Choose Love! Choose Life! Do it now! The evacuation Starships are waiting, but not for long!
By Patrick H. Bellringer
These Laws were given forth by Creator God Aton of Light, and The Creation, and are also called The Laws of Balance. --
[NOTE; This article is now a permanent article listed under "Phoenix Archives" in our main blue menu. Click on the last one listed.]
A. The highest command of The Law of Creation is:
Achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of the Creation.
B. The highest command of The Law of God is:
You shall Honor God as the Ruler of the human races and follow His Laws for HE is the "King of Wisdom".
We attain spiritual perfection by learning and wisely following the Laws given forth by God and Creation. We learn through the Spirit of God within us how to live in harmony and balance with all of Creation.
The Laws are as follows:
1. You shall have no other gods than the Creator God before you and abide with the Laws of the Creation which encompasses all. Also known as the "Law of One".
2. You shall not make for yourselves idols and false images to worship as gods for therein you give power into the hands of evil.
3. You shall love the Lord God with all your heart, soul and being (you must love yourself as God and God as yourself).
4. You shall not use the name of God irreverently, nor use it to swear to a falsehood.
5. Remember God's "day" and keep it holy. (Every day is God’s “day”.)
6. You shall honor your mother and father.
7. You shall not murder your fellow man. (Killing to preserve your life or of your family is not murder)
8. You must not commit adultery.
9. You must not steal (materially or emotionally).
10. You must not covet or envy that which belongs to your neighbor.
11. You must not impose nor force your free-will upon the free-will of another. Also known as "The Law of Non-interference."
12. You must not judge (condemn) others, but you must wisely judge all behavior and actions which are contrary to the Laws of God and The Creation.
13. As you sow, so shall you reap. Also called "The Law of Cause and Effect."
14. You must honor all commitments made in service to God, the Father, the One within.
15. You must obey the wisdom of God for the responsible and balanced procreation of
your species.
16. You must do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Also called "The Golden Rule".
17. Evil (adversaries of God) must always wear a sign of their evilness. (By their fruits you shall know them).
18. You must not commit the act of slavery (physical or emotional) upon any human being of Creator God.
With the communion of the Spirit of Life within us, we must first wisely understand and follow the Laws of Balance, and secondly, we must wisely know where our responsibility begins and ends within the Creation upon this wonderful Planet Earth.
The first question to ask is how can I maintain my life in "harmony and balance" with the rest of "creation"? The answer is, you begin with the pure desire to know Truth. We must recognize that we are limited in our perception of Truth, and that God knows the best pathway for us to travel in His service. So we must then surrender our "will" (ego) to that which is God's Will.
"In your daily prayer you must ask God for the loving Light of protection, guidance, power, wisdom, knowledge, truth, integrity and courage in order to best serve His Will and not your will (ego)".
Then in our quiet corner we must meditate. We must listen. We must wait upon our Father-God who is within us (our God-Spirit) to give us that which we need to sustain us in His service. Our will and His Will must become one again.
For a detailed discussion of these eighteen Laws of God and The Creation, please read Phoenix Journal number 27, entitled Phoenix Operator-Owner Manualfound at http://truthwinds.com/journals/pdf/J027.pdf
I write this to answer some basic questions that many people are asking today. A spiritual awakening is stirring in the hearts of many souled beings on our planet at this ending time for our present civilization. Thus, the questions: 1) Who is God?, 2) How do I talk to God?, 3) How do I find answers to my questions?, and 4) What is my purpose in life?
First, we are all extraterrestrials, that is, if we are souled beings! God created us in His spiritual image, which means He gave us a soul or God-Spirit. This God-Spirit is our God connection within our mind, for it is a part of God's Spirit. Our God-Spirit is that part of us which lives forever and which records all memory of all our past lifestreams. Our God Spirit is who we are! We put on a suit of clothes, our physical body, when we come into this life stream, and we take it off when we leave. Yes, we have had many past lifestreams and have come to our planet, Earth Shan, one last time to continue our third dimensional(3-D) schoolroom lessons of soul perfection. We have been on Earth Shan many times before this present lifestream and have returned by our free-will contract to continue with our soul growth lessons. We are, indeed, extraterrestrials! We are spiritual beings having a physical experience on Earth Shan.
I have already answered in general terms question four above. Our purpose in this life here and now is to learn our lessons for soul growth, to complete any mission we may have contracted with Creator God, and to help others when we can.
There are three basic types of physical human entities on Earth Shan today: 1) the souled-being who has control of his freewill, 2) the robotoid, a souled being who has given his free-will over to Satan and the Dark Brotherhood, and 3) the clone, a replica of a physical human but with no soul or God-connection. The off-spring of two clones is known as an android, also with no soul. More than two-thirds of the "human beings" on Earth Shan today are clones! Oh yes, cloning has been going on for thousands of years on our planet! Most of the remaining one-third, who are souled-beings, have given their free-will over to the darkside and are totally controlled by Satan. They are a part of the "army" Satan is massing to conquer Esu Immanuel Sananda (Jesus Christ) and His Lighted Followers. Remember that Satan is known as the "God of this world".
I have just painted a very dark picture of Earth Shan. To remove the darkness, we must now bring in the Light. Let us move to our question one above, Who is God?
God the Creator is known in all languages of our planet as Aton, the God of Light. God Aton is the Creator of the three basic human races of red, brown, and white. Today we have a variation of seven skin colors on Earth Shan coming from these three basic types. God Aton was challenged at one point by the free-willed archangel known as Lucifer. Lucifer and his followers left the Lighted Realms for breaking the Laws of God and Creation. Lucifer's earthly name became Satan. They chose Earth Shan as their jail planet. Is it any wonder that we have such a dark planet today?
God Jehovah Satan is known as the "great deceiver". He has used every means possible to trick the souled beings and to pull them into his dark brotherhood camp. The biblical term, Jehovah, meaning God, was used to trick people. Jehovah is another name for God Satan and not for the God of Light. The name Yahweh has also been associated with the God of the Bible. Yahweh is rather one of Satan's biggest jokes, tricks, or lies ever perpetrated upon the human race. It is a standard joke in the Zionist Jewish quarters, for "Yahweh" is nothing more than the sound of a donkey's bray! Find a donkey and listen to its bray and you will understand.
We have been deceived by God Jehovah/God Satan to believe that "God" is out there somewhere, maybe in heaven as a gray-haired old man sitting on a throne as a king or ruler of the universe. For some people God is a wrathful, angry "God" while for others he is nothing more than an oblong blur or a big happy marshmallow.
We have forgotten who "God" really is. Each time we return in a new lifestream our memory is erased so we can continue our soul lessons without the interference of past memory. Each time we must again go within and through our God Spirit "know" God Aton and communicate with Him. We are extraterrestrials (E.T.'s)! We have only lost our memory, and the evil controllers want to keep us that way. God is not "out there" somewhere. God's Spirit is within us and within all of His creation---always! We need only through our mind, our thoughts, communicate with Him. If by free-will we so desire, God Aton's thoughts become our thoughts and our thoughts become God Aton's thoughts. God Aton lives within us!
When we turn within, we plug in our connection to the Light Source, the God of Light. In so doing we turn on the "power". Remember, that God Aton is the Creator and when we turn on the "power", we also have the ability to create! We have the ability to create our pathway out of this 3-D schoolroom and back to the stars! The evil controllers of the masses do not want us to communicate with our own God Spirit within, plug into our outlet and learn and remember our power. That is why decoys are constantly thrown into our pathway.
Please understand that Earth Shan is our schoolroom and everyone has different lessons to learn. Should we fail to learn our lessons this lifestream, we will be back again and again until we learn them. We will repeat second grade until we pass our tests to move to third grade. When we finally graduate from 3-D school, we then move to fifth dimension (5-D) of the Lighted Realms to continue our growth to soul perfection back to Creator Source, the One Light.
Now, to the questions of how to talk to God and how to find answers to life's questions. Talking to God Aton is as easy as thinking. There are times that you have a "sixth sense" or a "gut feeling" about something and it is usually different than what your brain is telling you. That response is your intuition. We live in a 3-D world of illusion of the five senses. Your intuition goes beyond the five senses to your God Connection (sixth sense). Learning to follow your heart, your mind (not your brain), your intuition is a big step in soul growth.
People communicate with their God Spirit within in different ways, but always require the shutting out of the interference of the five senses. This means quiet and solitude. With practice one may be able to "go within" even while involved in a noisy busy world---let us say "daydreaming" or being "absent minded". Inner thoughts can be written down or not. Writing your question and then writing your thoughts (God's thoughts) provides a record for later use. You will be amazed at what you wrote, because recall is often inefficient.
Some people develop their intuition to a high degree and are able through their intuition to "see" their life's pathway most clearly. Others hear voices in their mind and are able to communicate with their God Spirit that way. Some people are inspired to write inspirational and/or prophetic writings, to compose beautiful music, or to paint beautiful works of art as a means of communication with their God Spirit.
Always, the place to begin to communicate with God Aton is within self in meditation. Get quiet. Get your world quiet, that is, shut out all interference. Get serious in your search for Truth. Ask Sananda to surround you completely and permanently with his golden Light of protection, to remove all dark energies from your presence, to dissolve them forever and to fill any space with Love and Light. Ask God Aton to surround you with His Radiant White Light of Truth. Call in the Light of Truth---God Aton to speak with you. Ask your question and listen to your thoughts (God Aton's thoughts) for your answer. Remember, talking to God Aton is as simple as thinking. It is a dialogue between you and your God Spirit. God Aton has said that "your call compels an answer". When you call in sincerity, the Lighted Realms are there. When you say, "Sananda help!", He immediately stands between you and your adversary! Through your free-will you chose, you decide to communicate with your God Spirit. When you do, you shall find the answers to your life's questions.
The use of a pendulum is another way to communicate with your God Spirit within for some kinds of "knowing". Some people find this means helpful, though it has the limitation of only yes and no questions. The following are the instructions for use of the pendulum. Be sure to clear out all negative energies by your request and with clockwise motion of the pendulum. The energy that swings the pendulum is generated from your body's aura or electro-magnetic system. The direction of the swing is controlled by your mind or thoughts. You program through your thoughts the pendulum's motion. That is, you give the pendulum instructions as to the meaning of its movement, so that when it moves you read its message accurately. Normally a clockwise swing is used to clear out negative energy and remove it from you. Then a counter-clockwise swing is used to bring in positive energy to replace the negative energy that has left. Never leave any spaces or the negative energy will return to fill it.
The use of the pendulum is one way many people "speak" to their God-Spirit within, sometimes called your higher self, your higher consciousness, or your inner soul. A "YES" answer is obtained by the pendulum swinging away from and toward you. A "NO" answer is then obtained by the pendulum swinging left to right to left. These are several steps to take before you ask your God-Spirit (higher consciousness) questions.
Remember, this is only one means of communicating. You must learn to listen to your inner self, your conscious mind, for you soul/God-Spirit has gathered all the knowledge and stored it in your subconscious mind, and you must learn to bring this knowledge to your conscious mind. GOD IS WITHIN YOU. YOUR THOUGHTS BECOME GOD'S THOUGHTS, AND GOD'S THOUGHTS BECOME YOUR THOUGHTS.
1. Stand or sit straight, but relaxed, with pendulum held by thumb and forefinger (either hand). Your upper arm should rest against your side for support. Concentrate on what you are asking or saying.
2. Ask your God-Spirit within to clear yourself of all negativity, negative thoughts, any DBB's (Dark Brotherhood Brothers) conscious control or power manipulation. You ask for these dark energies to cease to exist--in Esu Jesus Sananda's name.
You say: "Dear God: Please clear me of all negativity, negative thoughts, and Dark Brotherhood Brothers, conscious control and/or power manipulation I may have. I ask for all of these dark energies to cease to exist---in Esu Jesus Sananda's name." (The pendulum should swing clockwise. When you have been cleared, the pendulum will start swinging away from and toward you.)
3. Ask if your "spaces" are cleared of negativitly. If you are "cleared", the pendulum will swing away from and toward you for a "yes" answer. If the pendulum continues to circle clockwise, you must wait until you are cleared. You must get a "yes" answer before continuing.
You say: Dear God: Are my spaces cleared of what I have asked?" (You must wait for the "yes" answer.) If you get a "no" answer, ask again "are my spaces cleared of all negativity?"
4. After you are "cleared", ask for the Lighted Realms to come into your mind and heart to speak to you through and with your God-Spirit. Ask if they are there, and you should get a "yes" answer.
You say: Dear God: Thank you for clearing my spaces. I ask the Lighted Realms to come into my mind and speak to me through my God-Spirit.:
5. You then ask: "Dear God: are the Lighted Realms here within me?" (Wait for the "yes" answer).
6. Ask for a 100% accuracy rate. You should get a "yes" answer.
You ask: "Dear God: Is there a rate of 100% accuracy with my questions I will ask?" (Wait for the "yes" answer.)
7. Ask any question you have concerning yourself. If you have a question about someone else, you must ask permission to ask about them.
(Prayer example for someone else) "Dear God: I have a question about _______, May I ask a question about him/her?" (Wait for the "yes" answer.)
8. Check frequently if the information you are receiving is from the Lighted Realms. This is important, because the Dark Brotherhood(Satanic forces) are ready to step in and take control.
You ask: "Dear God: Is this coming from the Lighted Realms?" (You must get a "yes" answer.)
9. If you stop for a few minutes or a while and then resume your questions, you must clear yourself again.
You ask: "Am I cleared?" (You must have a "yes" answer to continue any questions.)
10. The pendulum is not used to ask about the "future". As Hatonn has said, "We of the Lighted Realms are not GURUS. We can tell you things based upon the freewill as of NOW, but to predict the future is not to be known, because freewill changes things."
You may ask: "Dear God: Is there a probability that (such and such) MAY happen?" (You must wait for the "yes" or "no" answer.)
* * * * * * * * * *
The pendulum must be of non-magnetic material and be perfectly balanced. Glass, plastic, copper, brass or lead can be used. The recommended material is a plastic ball or a glass crystal such as a jewelry or chandelier pendant. Because the pendulum is moved by energy coming through your own body frequencies, a lighter weight pendulum will be easier to use initially.
The pendulum should be suspended on a non-magnetic string or chain of 6 to 8 inches in length. The longer the string, the longer the swing and the more energy needed to make the pendulum move, and of course, the longer the response time. Do not use heavy weight string or plastic fishline as they restrict pendulum movement too much. Strong thread, fiber fishline, or silver jewelry chain work well.
A small button can be attached to the opposite end of the pendulum string, making it easier to hold between the thumb and forefinger when in use. Hold the pendulum in front of you while either sitting or standing, using only thumb and forefinger, elbow bent and held firmly against your side for best transfer of energy.
Your pendulum's response will increase over time with practice and as you raise your body frequencies. You can raise your frequencies by increasing your knowledge of Truth, (reading the Phoenix Journals and Contact Newspaper) by meditation, and by petitioning the Lighted Realms for such.
As a souled being learning your Earth Shan schoolroom soul growth lessons one last time on this dark orb, you are a "spiritual being having a physical experience". You are an E.T.! It is high time you phoned home and talked to your Manufacturer, your Creator, your Commander, your Mission Control and got the map to find your way out of this jungle and onto the pathway back to the stars! Indeed, it is time!
For further insight I refer you to:
Phoenix Journal #34, E.T., Phone Home: Reach Out and Touch Someone--Like God!
"People of the Lie: The Stage Play of Life", by Patrick H. Bellringer
Phoenix Journals #2, 3, 5, 7, 27, & 47
--The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive site is at— http://www.fourwinds10,com and
--The Bellringer Writings are at--
PATRICK H. BELLRIGER: I wrote these words several years ago, but the impact of communication with Creator God never changes. You have your Great God Spirit within just lijke a phone line . Use it!
I write to you this day with great hope in my heart for our world and her people. As you know I often communicate with God Aton of Light. He also refers to Himself as Creator God or Creator or the “Big Boss”. He has great compassion and Love for all of His creations, and wishes to talk to everyone. Creator is very personal and talks to me as a friend. He feels what we feel, and weeps when we weep. He laughs when we laugh, and sometimes He is really funny. He wants to be a friend to everyone, if we will let Him.
Many people have the wrong concept of Creator God. They think this He is far away in the “Heavens” somewhere or that He is so high in authority and so busy that He is not interested in the “little people”. Many fear Creator God because they believe they can never achieve the goals set by His “Rules of Perfection” and He will, therefore, judge them for their failures. This is simply not true.
Each of us has a “built-in” communication system directly from our God Spirit within to Creator God. The line is always open. All we need do is to pick up our “telephone” and without any answering service, Creator is there. Creator waits for everyone to “call” Him. He is limitless and can talk to everyone on our planet at the same time. If you have a problem with the words “prayer” and “petition” because you do not know what they mean, or you do not know how to pray, forget these words. Just talk to Creator God through your thoughts or out loud, as you would to a friend. Hear His response through your thoughts, your feelings or even audibly through your hearing. Creator God talks to us in many ways.
Creator God said to me last night, “Bellringer, tell the people to hold on tight and to continue with their prayer power. I am listening. I have not abandoned you. Things shall soon settle down into Paradise on your planet.”
We are to continue with our prayer power, for Creator is listening. You may think that your petitions and prayers are not heard. All sincere prayers and petitions are known by the Angels of Light. That positive energy is carried immediately to Heaven’s Gate and is heard and accepted by Creator. All prayers and petitions are put into Creator God’s filing system, which is kept in very good order, and recorded for all time. For those who think that their prayers are not meaningful and do not count, Creator says to stop and think of what I have written here, and to keep praying.
Any sincere prayer makes a difference. Creator God values every prayer ever uttered back to the beginning of time. All have been recorded and stored in the Great Hall of Prayers for all time. One day soon we shall be able to visit the Great Hall of Prayers, if we so choose.
There are many old stories about Creator God which have warped our thinking about who He is, what He does and how we relate to Him. For some people even His name has been a problem, so that He becomes God/Goddess to denote both male and female energies. As Creator of All that Is, Creator God inherently carries both female and male energies. It is silly to think otherwise. In the English language it is understood that at times words such as “man” (in mankind) and “he”, referring to Creator God, carry both the male and female energies.
Creator God has told me that we are to let go of the past and hear what He has to say to us now. He is here now. He is experiencing now in modern times. All has become new. Leave the old for what it is and focus on the now! We need to build on the new revelations and not the old misunderstandings. Creator says that He did not issue the word “channeler”, but that He helped to create the telephone! We can talk by telephone to a friend, to another human spirit to gain advice and wisdom. We have no need of a channeler, when we can talk to Creator God all by ourself. Creator God is for everyone. Like the times before dial and push-button telephones, we can turn the crank and say, “Hello, Central! Give me Heaven!”
We are in the changing of the times. All is not as it seems in our world, and especially in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Israel and in Palestine. Resignations indicate that the evil Zionist governments of Britain, Israel, and the United States are crumbling. Our world is teetering on the brink of financial collapse, propped up only by fatal credit buying and deficit spending. In the face of such doom and gloom and imminent world chaos, please know that Creator God has not abandoned us. He never abandons any thing or anyone. There are so many beautiful things that Creator God wants for everyone. We must be accepting of Creator God and communicate with Him as our best friend. By accepting Creator God we accept what He wants: peace and happiness, freedom and abundance for everyone.
Indeed, even the tiny prayer such as, “Sananda, help!” is registered with the same prayer power as is the largest prayer in the Great Hall of Prayers. That positive energy is added to the Pool of Cosmic Energy to make a difference for all Creation. Even the thoughts of good intent to offer help to someone, when we physically are unable to do so, carry great power for the Angels to act in our behalf.
So my friends, “hold on tight!” Talk to Creator and gain the strength to do so. The times are changing for good, and “things shall soon settle down into a fifth dimension Paradise on our planet!”
-- The Bellringer Writings and NESARA information is at -- http://www.fourwinds10.com
-- The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive site is at -- http://www.phoenixarchives.com and http://www.fourwinds10.com
NOTE: I was asked by Patrick to post this tmiely writing. He wrote it in 1996, but the Truth statements are timeless. May this article be helpful to many. ..... Anne
Does Truth reveal? Uncover? Bring into the Light?
Does Truth relentlessly fracture past relationships?
Does Truth upset ideas? Traditions? Customs?
Does Truth invade your hard-won privacy?
Does Truth uncover the lie? The evil secret?
Does Truth bring to light the hidden past?
Does Truth threaten your ego?
Your self-centeredness? Your pride?
Does Truth offend your "religious" teachings?
Does Truth run counter to your "holy book" notations?
Does Truth cause you agony and sleepless nights?
Does Truth bring you fear? Guilt? Remorse? Insight?
Does Truth invade to your very soul? And tear you apart?
Does Truth bring the spreading warmth of Light?
Does Truth bring forgiveness? Cleanness? Healing?
Does Truth bring new hope? Vision? Love?
Does Truth sweep away the cob-webs of the mind?
Does Truth give divine teachings of knowledge? Wisdom?
Does Truth give revelation of the God-Spirit within you?
Does Truth release the creative power of your soul?"
Does Truth bring peace in knowing that---ultimately,
Lie is swept away---and only Truth prevails?
Does Truth hurt?
To the point of the re-creation--of a new you?
by Patrick H. Bellringer - 1996
DECISION TIME by Patrick H. Bellringer
Today we stand at the threshold of a new world. The frequencies of our Mother Gaia Earth have been steadily rising and are now at nearly fifth dimension. The same is true for those who have awakened to Truth. This is decision time for all who live on planet Earth. This is the last call to those many who are yet asleep in the Lie of God Jehovah Satan. Read the signs of the times, my friends, and know in your heart that the coming of Esu Immanuel Sananda, the one who was called Jesus the Christ, is very near.
The signs are everywhere. The Darkside is in its death struggle, and is using every means possible to win against the Light. The third dimensional pathway is a spiral upon which one never stands still. To move at all is to go either upward toward the Light or downward into the increasing darkness. Life is dynamic. Life is constantly changing and pushing us to keep
The decisions we make move us upward or downward on the spiraled pathway. The challenges are ever greater, as the Darkside strengthens its death throes attack. Thus, those who withstand the Darkside attacks by calling in the Light of Creator God are becoming stronger and their Light shines with greater intensity as “rising stars”. Those who succumb to the evil, move ever downward into greater darkness on their spiraled pathway, and the light fades for these “falling stars”. Thus, we know with certainty, today, that all around us a great paradox is happening, where evil is becoming worse and goodness is becoming better. In fact, evil has become so bad on Earth Shan that it has exceeded any past time. Even Satan has said that evil has far surpassed his own powerful imagination.
We do not dwell on this negativity, as we see many signs of hope and renewal everywhere. Miracles are happening, frequencies are rising, people are awakening to Truth, and the mass consciousness of Earth Shan’s people demand peace, now!
For those, who have not yet chosen, this is decision time. This is the final time of sorting on Earth Shan. Do you want to leave this planet and go on to another third dimensional lifestream of challenges by the Darkside, or do you want to enter 5th Dimension along with our planet? This is now the final call to return to the Light of Creator God Aton of Light. I am totally serious when I say that this is the final decision time for all people on planet Earth. Esu Immanuel Sananda shall return at any moment to remove his flock to safety, as Earth Shan begins her serious self-cleansing. Your decision shall be rendered absolute, and it shall be granted, as you have chosen. You shall leave this planet and return to the great wheel of reincarnation, or you shall board evacuation ships and enter Heaven’s Gate of 5th Dimension. I have written this in the words and the energy of Creator God of Light. So be it!
The ominous question that is ever present is “Do you believe what I say is Truth?” Always the Darkside uses doubt to win the day. Freewill always allows you to choose Truth over Lie, but how do you know Truth from Lie? Go within and ask your God Spirit. Your God Spirit, the Spirit of Creator God within you does not lie! You must learn to listen to the voice within and not to the voices all around you. Do you believe this is possible? How can you hear Creator God speaking to you when you believe that this is not possible? How will you enter the Golden Age of Heaven, when you believe that Heaven is somewhere off in the pink clouds of 3D?
My friends, it is all about belief, faith and knowing Truth. Would you choose to return to another 3D lifestream? Quite sad! Is that what you truly want? Would you not rather have paradise of the highest order than another 3D trip of pain and suffering, disease, evil, violence, chaos, lies, hatred, tiredness, discouragement and death? I repeat, this is decision time. This is the time of choosing your next pathway that you shall surely walk. Joshua of old stood before the people and urged them to choose wisely whom they would serve. He said, “Choose you this day whom you will serve, but for me and my family, we shall serve Creator God”. It is all about choosing, and your choices rest upon your belief system.
Do you even believe there is a Creator God? Do you believe that there is no one Creator God, because we are all gods? If this be so, what nonsense you have allowed into your belief system!
For an answer to your dilemma I quote from Phoenix Journal number 27, Phoenix Operator-Owner Manuel, page 19.
I. The highest command of the Law of the Creation is: Achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of the Creation.
II. The highest command of the Law of God is: You shall honor God as the Ruler of the human races and follow His Laws for He is the ‘King of Wisdom’.
1. You shall have no other gods than God Creator before you. Abide with the Laws of the Creation which encompasses all. Also known as ‘THE LAW OF ONE’.
There is only one Creator Source of all that is, who resides in the Isle of Light or Paradise, the hub of the “Cosmic Wheel” of the seven Super Universes. Creator God Aton of Light is the Creator of our Nebadon Universe. We are to honor Creator Source, and Aton, our Creator and Creator of our Nebadon Universe. He is the Ruler of the human races and we are to follow His Laws, for He is the “King of Wisdom”. He desires to speak to all of His created beings, and when He speaks to you, you had better listen. What you believe to be true about Creator God Aton determines your choices each day of your life. All of your choices and all that happens to you rests upon your belief system. It is through belief/faith that you create your way.
Let me give you a personal example. In the mid 1990’s over a period of several months my wife and I and our children one by one were called to a small town in South Dakota. By faith we severed ties with employees, friends and family and made the move to a vacant house of a relative. There we determined what our work was to be and where we were to do it. We had no doubt about the “knowing” that we were to be in Rapid City, South Dakota, but we knew virtually nothing about the city and the conditions there
One day in late winter we decided that it was urgent that we make the move. So we packed our old van and our car with as much as was possible, and leaving our grown children behind, my wife and I set off into the darkness for our destination three hundred and fifty miles away. We had no place waiting for us and knew no one in Rapid City. We went in faith, knowing that we would find what was needed for our family and our work. We told our children that we would return for them and the rest of our possessions within two days. An hour into our trip we were engulfed in a sudden snowstorm that left eight inches of snow in the Black Hills. Doubt crossed our minds, as we questioned the wisdom of continuing our journey, but we continued on. Arriving in Rapid City in early morning after a long and difficult journey, we went from tourist information to realtor to realtor looking for a “four-bedroom house to rent on 40 acres of land with beautiful trees and a stream running through it.” People told us that we were insane, that we could not even find a two-bedroom house in winter in town in the middle of the month to rent, let alone a four bedroom house in the country. We found a realtor, who that very morning decided to rent his daughter’s vacant house, because three months previously they had moved to Japan for a five-year tour of military duty. For three months the Angels had been keeping that house for us! By the way, that house was a spacious nearly new four bedroom house on 120 acres of alfalfa land with a windbreak, a beautiful view of the Black Hills, and painted a beautiful yellow color, Sananda’s color. Within two hours of arrival at Rapid City, we had rented the house, and we returned that same day to our children. I assure you, my friends, that it is through belief in the impossible that we create our way.
This is decision time, not tonight or tomorrow or next week. Now! At any moment Creator God shall give the order and Esu Immanuel Sananda shall return for his flock, and all shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye. There shall be such fun, such happiness and such peace for those, who are ready. My friends, be ready! Put your belief systems in order. Follow your heart and choose wisely. Be ready for the greatest moment ever to occur on our beautiful planet. Cross your name off the “stay” list and write it on the “lift-off” list, and do it now! It is all in knowing Truth that you believe and decide wisely. It is truly a matter of the heart!
NOTE FROM PATRICK H. BELLRINGER: How timely is this article! The Darkside does not care about the controlled clones or the people who are on their side. They care about the mind and soul of the ones who are enlightened. This is why you need to clear yourself often to thwart the attacks upon you.
When the first human being was given a freewill by Creator Source, the battle for the human mind began. Freewill allowed humans to learn to live in Creation by choosing between good and evil. To live in harmony and balance with all things they had to choose to follow the Laws of God and Creation. To choose otherwise would lead to imbalance and disharmony.
Over the past 206 million years that we humans have lived on our planet Earth Shan, we have had many lifestreams and many choices. Myriads of things and innumerable people have influenced our thinking. By freewill we have chosen to walk the dark path to explore all aspects of the Darkside. We have also chosen to walk the pathway of Light to discover the many facets and colors of the Light side. In so doing we have gained great wisdom. We have all been the victim and the victimizer, the hero and the villain. We have been and done everything to learn our lessons in soul growth in order to learn to follow correctly the Laws of God and Creation. The battle for our mind has raged on over eons of time, and has reached its greatest intensity in our present day. The Darkside is determined to win!
It is inconceivable that so many means could be deployed against us today in the battle for our mind. The age-old use of nutrition for mind control has been expanded to its maximum today. Historically the fall of the Babylonian civilization is attributed to poor nutrition. The Babylonian Royalty used slaves to provide for their domestic needs. The slaves who prepared the food for the Royal Palace used knowledge and wisdom to defeat their captors. They ground the wheat into flour separating the starch from the hull and wheat germ. The starch they made into bread, as is done today, and given to the Royalty, while the hull and wheat germ containing vitamins and minerals the slaves kept for their own food. Over time the Royal Family suffered dementia and finally insanity from lack of Vitamin B complex, and the kingdom fell. The same is being done to our food today with Alzheimer’s disease as one of the consequences.
There are more than ten thousand chemicals being used as food additives in our processed foods today. Added to that are the herbicides, insecticides and farm fertilizers used in the growing of our foods, and the hormones, anti-biotics and other chemicals that enter the food chain during the production of our dairy, egg, and meat products. Many of these chemicals have adverse effects on our brain functioning. The caffeine and sugar in our coffee, tea and carbonated drinks alter how we think. The same holds true for the chlorination and fluoridation of our drinking water. Even the air we breathe is polluted with chemicals that affect our thinking processes.
Many pharmaceutical drugs used so widely today affect the way we think. The use of stimulants, depressants and sleeping pills are at an all-time high, because people crave them to control their thinking. There seems to be no end to the new types of social drugs formulated to enhance the fun and excitement of our social life today. The age-old standby, of course, is alcohol, where 90% of the people of the good old U.S. of A. are users, even though it has been proven for decades that alcohol alters immediate brain functioning and ultimately causes permanent serious loss of mental ability. Other social drugs such as cocaine, tobacco, marijuana and methamphetamine also alter the functioning of the human brain. By freewill we choose to use them to alter our freewill!
I have indicated some of those things that basically enter the human body through the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems to distort our brain functioning. Let us now consider mind control techniques that generally use the senses of hearing, seeing and feeling or a combination of all of our five senses to control our minds.
The oldest form of mind control on our planet is religion. Religion has tricked mankind into believing many false gods, morals and values. How many of you have made the pilgrimage to Mecca on the promise of eternal life? How many of you have made animal sacrifices to the gods on the promise of sins forgiven? How many of you have worshipped idols, sung chants, fingered beads or smoked incense in the hope of finding true peace within? How many of you have knelt at an altar for someone to forgive your sins and call you “saved”? How many of you have performed baptism by proxy to “save” someone else? How many of you have poured out your soul to a priest and paid money for him to forgive your sins? How many of you know that religion is a powerful form of mind control used widely by the Darkside because it is so effective?
Most people do not know who they are or their purpose for being here, much less Creator God and the power within that He has given them---all because of the mind controlling lies of religion. Is planet Earth the center of Creation? Are we the only humans in the universe? Does Creator God judge the world and strike dead those He so chooses? I think not!
Today, mass media is being used extensively as a means of mind control of the people. A socially acceptable technique is advertising. Advertising on T.V., for example, is done to influence how you think to get you to respond in a certain way. You are mind controlled to buy a certain product, accept a certain service or react in a certain way. Advertising sells! Through the controlling of our thinking, advertising sells junk food, junk clothes, junk drugs, junk sex, junk sports and junk anything to make the rich, richer and poor, poorer. Amid the flurry of advertising is often the coded subliminal message that programs the subconscious mind. This is a common practice during T.V. and radio advertising as well as regular programming.
The controlled news media is another means to influence thinking and cause the necessary reactions acceptable to the Darkside’s plans. Disinformation and outright lies are commonly used today to hide Truth and to confuse the people. This is true in the United States more so than in any other country of the world. The people are being told only what the government wants them to know, and when people are told the same lies long enough, they believe them as Truth. There is little “live” news anymore but news “stories” or programmed news censored by the government and presented as “news programs” to program the people into the desired way of thinking and reacting.
Various types of music are being widely used today to control the thinking people. Young people are the target area for pop music. The rhythm, lyric and frequency range are combined to generate a desired effect in the brain. Thus, music can and does control the way people think and act.
The deliberate propagation of sports, and especially of professional sports, is another tool for mind controlling millions of people, who either attend the “live” events or participate by watching the events on T.V. Through sports people are programmed to be competitive and violent. The evil world controllers joke about professional sports being the “little people’s wars”, which prepare them for the “big people’s real wars”.
Movies, videos, and especially video games for children shape and program the thinking to desired values, morals, and outcomes such as acceptance of violence, killing and lurid sex as norms. The military builds on this mind programming to make great killers and sex fanatics out of their soldiers. It is well known that anything goes in war.
A subtle yet very effective means of mind control is done through education. Often students are taught to think a certain way to be accepted by their teachers and peers, and to “pass” the course. It is rare today when students are actually taught and allowed to think for themselves. We are producing many robotic students, who only answer to commands. They make good industrial slaves and good soldiers and good “Enron, yes, people” but very poor teachers, administrators, statesmen and parents.
For many years more sophisticated techniques of mind control have been developed and used deliberately by the Darkside to control the people. The GWEN and the HAARP are two such systems that have been used to mind control large sections of the population by electronic means. The low frequency (LF waves), the very low frequency (VLF) and the extremely low frequency (ELF) waves are used to match and/or distort the human brain waves. In the 1970’s the U.S. Military developed a mind control program called MK-Ultra using a combination of chemical and electrical means. One off-shoot of MK-Ultra was Project Monarch Butterfly, which produced female sex slaves, drug mules, and presidential prostitutes for the U.S. Government. The human brain can be conditioned and programmed, and then later activated by trigger words, or it can be controlled by electronic means by using the same frequencies as the human brain waves. Thoughts and images can be put into the human brain to produce pre-determined responses.
Cloning also uses mind control to produce the desired responses from the clone. The clone’s brain is down-loaded with the necessary information to provide the memory needed for the clone to act in an acceptable manner. Please understand that human cloning is very real and has been widely used since the 1970’s by the Darkside to replace thousands of government leaders and people worldwide for their purposes. The brains of these “human robots” are easily controlled by electronic means.
A mind control project developed many years ago to control the thinking of the people of our entire planet is called Project Blue Beam. Using a network of some thirty satellites around our planet, holographic images would be portrayed in the clouds. At the same time messages would be projected electronically to the brains of the people to correspond to the holograms they were seeing in the sky. This plan was developed by the U.S. Government in cooperation with Billy Graham and other world religious leaders. Project Blue Beam would “create” a fake second coming of “Jesus Christ”. Christians would see and hear “Jesus” returning in the clouds. Muslims would see and hear Allah. Buddhists would see and hear Buddha, etc.
The purpose of Project Blue Beam was to cause many people through mind control to board government space craft for “heaven”, and then be carried off and dumped into never-never land. Each time that Project Blue Beam has been attempted the satellites have been mysteriously turned off course by Hatonn, Commander of the Phoenix Star Fleet. The result has been images of Satan and other fearful beings appearing in the sky, and strange messages heard by some of the people.
The ultimate technology for mind control of the people of Earth Shan is now being tested. The extremely new system of ultimate mind control (UMC) is not yet operating in perfection. This system is invisible to the naked eye. It operates separately from chem trails technology. It is beyond GWEN and HAARP and all other mind controlling technology ever used on Earth Shan. UMC is beyond the technology of our earth’s magnetic grid system, but uses “energy” to alter human freewill. UMC has been established throughout our entire planet and is now being tested by the Darkside. Their plan is to control the whole planet. This is their last effort to install complete world take-over. My friends, I have good news for you and bad news for them. It won’t work, because we have the creative thought power to stop it! Our prayer power can vaporize all of the Darkside’s evil technology in an instant!
There are many signs today of the testing of Project UMC, if we but notice them. Families are fighting among themselves, when they have never done so before this time. Later they are ashamed and ask themselves “What were we thinking?” Other people do very strange things, and appear to be really “messed up”. There are many more accidents of all kinds. There are many more unruly children. There are many more “crazy” drivers, and much more “road rage” is occurring. As Project UMC is tested, people in various parts of our world show wild reactions and do strange and even harmful things, as their freewill is being altered. This is the ultimate attempt by the Darkside to win the battle for our minds.
Considering all the forces being used against us today in the battle for our mind, it is a marvel that any of us have any freewill left. It is true that most of us have been dumbed down to a two strand DNA system since the time of Atlantis, and with all that has been put upon us by the Darkside our two strand system is now in jeopardy. Yet, the Light prevails!
Truthbringers have kept Truth alive, and writings have been provided to us by the Realms of Light for our discernment. We now know, that through the power of our God Spirit within, we have the power to overcome all the forms of mind control being put against us. Even though peoples are experiencing mind control on a grand scale today and there is great confusion, we now know how to stop it and determine our future for ourselves. The answer lies in the power of thought, aka the power of prayer.
How many of you have not given a thought to pray for your freewill to be untouched by anyone? Many think they have freewill but do not realize they have given themselves over to mind control. The robotic, unhealthy and often immoral lives they live is evidence that this is so. Even the “religious” people are so lax in demanding peace. So many have been unable to break their religious programming. They pray only for their small group and not for the good of the whole world.
Because so many people today are discouraged and do not know that their prayers are important, I shall again speak of prayer and how to use it to make a difference in your life and in the lives of others. Prayer power releases the hold the Darkside has over our thought processes. Prayer power can correct our nutritional imbalance, our chemical imbalance, our energy imbalance and make us whole. All we need to do is ask through our thoughts for such to happen, believe that it is possible, and it will be so. Such is the power of Creation.
Everyone must be awakened to the fact that they may have wrong thinking, that their thought processes may be controlled. They must ask Creator God/Aton to clear their thoughts of any manipulation by the Darkside, and take back their power to control their lives. I offer here a simple prayer for that purpose.
Dear Creator God. I ask that all mind control and all power manipulation over my freewill by the Darkside be immediately stopped, and be removed from me totally and permanently. I ask for clear thinking, and for discernment to understand all Truth. I take back my thought power, and I ask you for guidance to use my thought power to direct my life for good. Thank you. It is done.
All sincere prayers are important to Creator God. Many people do not believe that their prayers are important or that they are even heard by the Angels or Creator God. They are so wrong! The energy of your prayer carries your thoughts immediately to Heaven’s Gate. The Angels of Light instantly present your prayer to Creator God, who is constantly and lovingly watching over all of Creation. He sees, hears and knows all. The energy of your prayer is multiplied and instantly added to the great sea of prayer energy to accomplish your request. Your prayer is answered in Creator God’s wisdom and timing for your best good and the good of all.
Please understand that Creator God is not up in the sky somewhere. He is everywhere. He is within you and only a thought away. He reminds us that there is nothing without a belief system of right and good. We must all pray for the betterment of mankind, for this stimulates the energy in others to awaken to right and goodness.
It is most important at this time that we pray for peace for our whole world, and for the betterment of all mankind. Too often we pray only for ourselves and our little circle of family and friends, and neglect to include everyone. I offer here a simple prayer for peace.
Dear Creator God, through my God Spirit within and my Mighty I AM Presence I ask for peace to be brought immediately to our entire planet, Earth Shan, and to all her people. I ask that all war on our planet be now permanently stopped, that all violence and destruction cease, and that compassion and love reign supreme in the hearts of all the people on Earth Shan. I give permission for the Angels of Light to assist to make this so. So be it!
For those who truly desire to pray for themselves or for others, but do not know how to do so or what to say to Creator God, I suggest a simple solution. All living beings in all dimensions of Creation are at various levels of soul growth. All need to pray, and all need to pray for each other. We in third dimension pray for ourselves, and also ask others in 3D to pray for us. Why do we not also ask the Angels of Light and the Ascended Masters to pray to Creator God for us? Esu Immanuel told his disciples that he would pray to Creator God for them to have the Spirit of Truth. Is it not possible that Archangel Gabriel might have better understanding of my situation than I do at the moment, and know better how to pray to Creator God for me, and have greater prayer power to get the “Big Boss’s” attention? Do not many people ask Mother Mary and others of higher dimensions to pray for them? This is not to suggest that I set aside my responsibility to pray, but to ask others of other dimensions to assist. Team work always creates greater results.
Let us take this concept of prayer one step further. You may have asked the Angels of Light and the Ascended Masters to pray for you, but have you ever asked Creator God to pray for you or for your planet? You are probably thinking that Bellringer is now under mind control and needs help. I ask you, “What is prayer?? I asked Creator God, “What is prayer?” His answer was, “Prayer is a petition (request), and a thought process to make it so.”
Here is a second question. “What is the meaning of “a thought process to make it so?”
a. believing that your request is possible.
b. believing that your request will be answered.
c. using your thought power to create the answer to your request.
d. none of the above.
e. a, b, and c.
The answer, my friends, is “e”, a, b, and c. To ask Creator God to pray for you and for your request is most wise. It is all quite simple. We ask Creator God to pray for peace for our world. Creator God states our request for peace and then uses His “thought process to make it so”. That is the power of Creation. In the beginning Creator Source thought, and Creation began. Our thoughts also hqve the power of Creation. Together we can create miraculous changes for good, but Creator does not ever usurp our freewill. He does not act in our behalf on our freewill planet without our request to do so.
I remind you that the simplest prayer is only two words, “God, help!” Our call to the Lighted Realms always compels an answer. Instantly the Angels respond. Instantly our situation is known, our needs are assessed and help is given as needed. I am reminded of the lady driving along a country road in Missouri one beautiful day. As she approached the crest of a hill, a farmer with a tractor and wagon loaded with hay suddenly drove onto the road ahead of her. She could not avoid hitting the wagon. She hit the brakes and cried, “God, help!” The next thing she knew was that she was still driving along the road. When she looked into her rear view mirror, the tractor and wagonload of hay were behind her. The Angels had instantly raised her frequencies to a higher dimension, and her car had passed right through the load of hay and tractor, leaving her completely unharmed.
To recap what I have just discussed, there are three levels of prayer power. In general we operate on level one when we pray through our prayer power to Creator God for peace for our world. We move to level two when we request the Angels of Light and the Ascended Masters and other higher Light Beings to prayer to Creator God for peace for our world. The third level of prayer power is activated when we request Creator God to pray for peace for our world.
Have you ever thought of prayer for Creator God? You say that sounds silly. No, it is not. Think about this. In each higher dimension there is greater perfection until we reach the Isle of Paradise and Creator Source, where all is in perfection. Creator God Aton of Light is not perfection, but He is far more perfect than Sananda, and Sananda is far more perfect than are we. God Aton has created our Nebadon Universe and we are connected to Him through our God Spirit within. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows our thoughts and feelings. He feels our joy and our pain. He laughs when we laugh, and weeps when we weep. He feels loneliness when we do not talk to Him. As a parent watches a child grow and learn, Creator God watches our progress in our development and our achievement in our lessons in soul growth. The prime goal of all Creation is for all Creation to return back to Source, to Creator Source in perfection according to the Laws of God and Creation. Then Creation will have complete harmony and balance. This is the meaning of the Law of Oneness. To pray “for” Creator God Aton is to understand that we are all connected, that we are all participating in the journey back to wholeness, that we are all One!
It is high time that we unite our power of prayer to change our world for good. Let us make a most powerful prayer for peace now on our planet, Earth Shan.
Through our God Spirit within and our Mighty I AM Presence, we petition Creator God for peace at this time on Earth Shan. We request an immediate end to all war, violence, destruction and death forever on our planet. We request that all darkness be removed now,
We request all of the “Hosts of Heaven” to pray with us to Creator God for peace now on our planet, Earth Shan. We also request of Creator God that He would pray for peace now on our planet. We ask that all our prayer power be now combined to restore balance to our planet for her transition to the fifth dimension. We give permission to the “Hosts of Heaven” and to Creator God to assist us to make this so. So be it! It is done!
What is happening on our planet is a once in a life-time; no, once in an earth-time; no, once in a universe experience to bring paradise to a planet. The One World Order is pulling out all the “stops” to win, therefore, we must counter their attack with the greatest power we have---the prayers of Creator God. Many people do not know that there are Masters who have the power to even move Creation around. Let us ask them and all the Realms of Light for their help.
Having won the “Battle for your Mind”, may you ever walk humbly, yet proudly in the power of your own God Spirit, the path of Truth, wisdom and peace. Let us have peace, now!. AHO!
-- The Bellringer Writings are at -- http://www.fourwinds10.com
-- The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper/Spectrum Newspaper Archive site is at -- http://www.phoenixarchives.com and http://www.fourwinds10.com
Patrick H. Bellringer
by Patrick H. Bellringer
1. O God/Aton, we see your stars above us,
We also see, your starships flashing bright.
Our friends are here, from far away Pleiades,
And they have come, to help us make things right.
We sing this song, of joy O God, for you,
You bring us hope, you bring us sight.
We sing this song, for all our cosmic friends,
You bring us help, you bring us Light.
2. We walk the path, of Truth of kind Sananda
Our way is hard, our burden is not light.
The road seems long, the darkness ever pressing
Now you have come, to help us restore Light.
3. The heavens show, the Truth to all the nations,
The starships flash, their colors in the night.
The Lie goes on, with evil mind deception,
But Truth wins out, when darkness meets the Light.
4. We give our thanks, to God and the Creation,
We give our thanks, to all our Cosmic friends.
We wait in hope, to see our friend, Sananda,
And board the ships, when third dimension ends.
(Tune: How Great Thou Art)
NOTE; PATRICK H. BELLRINGER. The King's Highway was alsways one of my favorites, as Anne and I sang this together many times . It is true today, for all Lightworkers are on this Highway. it is the journey which all who seek to be again with the Lighted Realms. There are but few upon this pathway, but it is hoped that those, who have chosen a different path will find "home" again.
Fifty two years ago while doing seminary studies I discovered a poem written in 1922 by Evelyn Atwater Cummins. The poem had no title but was identified only by its first line, “I know not where the road will lead”. Very early the poem had been set to music. Much later a new tune had been composed for it, and the last lines of the poem were used as a title, I Walk the King’s Highway.
I have loved this song since the first time I heard it sung, accompanied by guitar. The words have become most meaningful to me and my family, as together over the years, we have traveled the highway of life. Here are the words and music.
In these final days of the “Dark Ages” on Earth Shan, those who walk The King’s Highway are under heavy attack from the Darkside. In a final attempt to conquer the Light the workers of darkness have unleashed a “reign of terror” upon the enlightened ones.
To counter this assault great positive energies are coming to Mother Earth and to her enlightened people from her sun’s Sun and the Realms of Light. In turn the enlightened ones are projecting this positive energy of Love and Light into the darkness everywhere. The rising frequencies of Mother Earth and her enlightened ones are clashing with ever greater intensity with the lower frequencies of the negative darkness.
Light always overcomes darkness. Positive energy always negates negative energy. Therefore, high frequencies always clash with lower frequencies and cause the person with lower frequencies to experience tension and stress. The lower the frequencies, the greater the tension and stress created. This tension and stress is felt throughout the whole body and creates pain. The result is mental, emotional, spiritual and physical pain.
Over time the ever increasing tension and stress causes the human electromagnetic systems to become overwhelmed. The result is a deterioration of one’s emotional, mental, spiritual and physical health. During this process of deterioration, the tension, may cause the dark ones to lash out in anger against the Light and those of the Light.
Mental deterioration may cause domestic violence or conflicts in school or in the work place. The “pain of darkness” often results in depression, which may lead to suicide, or it may result in various unexplained and unexpected serious physical health problems.
The constant association with the high frequency aura of Mother Earth can not be avoided by anyone on our planet at this time. Also, those of darkness can not escape the positive auras and positive energy being projected to them from those of the Light. Thus, the Darkside is under full frontal attack and bombardment by the Light, and they are panicked because they know their end is near.
For those who travel the high road, it is never a super highway that stretches to the horizon as far as the eye can see. It has rough spots and then smooth. It has curves and switch-backs and goes uphill or down. In fact, the Lighted Masters describe our 3D journey as that of being on a giant spiral. To move at all, to take even one footstep is to move either upward or downward on that giant spiral. To move upward we are moving into the Light, and to move downward we are moving into the darkness. We never stand still.
Life is dynamic. Life is change. To stop all movement is death itself. So it is, that as long as our heart beats and we are alive, we are constantly moving either upward or downward into the darkness or into the Light on the giant spiral of life. So it is that we are either traveling further into the darkness or into the Light of The King’s Highway.
In 3D experience everyone has the choice at any time to move either upward or downward on this great Spiral of Life. Should those of dark auras choose to turn to the Light, they may also walk The King’s Highway. Should they choose not to raise their frequencies by returning to the Love, Compassion, Truth and Light of The King’s Highway, their deterioration from the “pain of darkness” will become so great as to cause them to choose to leave Earth Shan.
This is now happening to many, who walk in darkness, and they are leaving Earth Shan in ever increasing numbers. These are the “end times” and this is the time of choosing. With joy we see millions awakening and becoming enlightened. They are finding Truth, Love and Light, and are learning to walk The King’s Highway.
Though we travel the Lighted path, there will be times of lessons and then testing of those lessons. When those times come, remember that we always have the help of our Guardian Angels and the Hosts of Heaven. We need only to ask. So many today of the enlightened ones are losing their homes, their jobs, property, family and friends. The Darkside is frantically trying to pull them off their lighted pathway.
Others are having their faith, their hope shaken by the increasing number of “doom and gloom” sayers. They hear tales of Armageddon, of Planet X and pending massive earth changes. They are told that the Lightworkers are really liars and the Golden Age is a very long way off.
These are times of testing. Go within and ask your God Spirit for wisdom and fortitude. Ask for Light and strength. Then believe that you have it and you do. Send Love and Light to the dark ones. Such positive energy diffuses and transmutes the negative energies the Darkside depends upon to carry out their evil work.
Know that the Darkside is losing badly, and that their end is very near. The Great Light of Creator God is shining in the darkness of Earth Shan, and the darkness cannot overcome it. The enlightened ones are helping to make the difference.
Walk the pathway of Light, my friends, and detach yourself from the negative darkness around you. As you see the evil getting worse and the good getting better, know that the end of our “Dark Ages” is very near. Through our great power within we are creating the end to our darkness.
Through light and dark the road leads on
Till dawns the endless day,
When I shall know why in this life
I walk the King’s Highway
Yes, we walk the King’s highway, the highway to our Golden Age, the highway to the stars!
….the countless hosts lead on before…
…I must not fear nor stray…
…their faith and hope still guiding me…
…I walk the King’s highway…
Yes, I walk the King’s Highway!
-- The Bellringer Writings are at -- http://www.fourwinds10.com
-- The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper and The Spectrum Archive site is at -- http://www.phoenixarchives.com and http://www.fourwinds10
PATRICK H. BELLRINGER: I AM PATRICK H. BELLRINGER OF THE LIGHTED REALMS. I greet all Lightworkers and souled ones on this most beautiful Earth Day in many millennia.
I have not given you a message for some time, but Anne asked me to say a few words to all of you. The title of this message relates to the original article I wrote, which I encourage you to read again. The link is: http://fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/bellringers_corner/people_of_the_lie/news.php?q=61718d0444c36a5ef0610ca9ef5c1b6b
Today’s message is an addendum to that one, as we are definitely at the very end of this civilization.
When I first boarded the Star of Bethlehem at my physical death and then transferred to the Phoenix Star Ship, I was again remembering how fantastic are the Lighted Realms and all those wonderful ones I met again, as my full memory was restored. I was surrounded with LOVE from all around me, including all of the environment.
When Sananda took me on that journey through the Cosmos to see Mother Earth from a distance, I saw her as you have all seen those photos taken by NASA. She was blue and beautiful. When Sananda adjusted the lens which showed what the Lighted Realms see, I was
horrified. Remember? Earth was total BLACK and the frequency and smell was like a burning dump ground of total sewer refuse.
I am delighted, totally delighted that there were Lightworkers, who finally realized the greatness of their God Spirit within. Sananda helped them to clean up Mother Earth. Satan and his minions were removed, along with other detrimental technologies employed by the Dark Side to harm, survey, cause war and destruction to finally destroy Mother Earth, as they have done to many planets in the past. I shall not go into detail other than to say that Mother Earth is overjoyed at what has been done to clean her body, and prepare for her graduation.
The residue that was left are those minions, who learned well from the Dark Side and are still continuing their downward pathway.
Since this great cleansing, further healing has proceeded for all of Earth and her people. The analogy of the situation was explained by Sananda to help the Lightworkers understand how great healing must occur.
He explained it this way. Consider Earth as a pond of water filled with refuse and black sewer. A large rock was thrown in the pond and some of the refuse was washed to the shore where it could be disposed. This process continued and each time more refuse was washed to the shore. After a time of doing this the pond could became clean.
This parable is related to Mother Earth, as many of you are praying for her healing, and all that lives upon her, including all that fly in the air, those that live in the waters, and all that live upon her surface. That includes all human life, and all that Creation has made.
Earth has come home. She is light, so grateful and cannot wait to graduate. She is tipped at the furthest point she can before turning on her axis. At this present time many souls are leaving Earth, many of whom are in fear of what is to happen to Earth in a very short time.
The Lightworkers are remaining steadfast and have no fear of what is to happen, as they shall be beamed to safety.
That offer to be beamed to safety is given to all Earth souled ones. It is their choice to do so. You were told by Hatonn what happened to the clones, who have no God Spirit within. With no God Spirit, but just a physical body, all of them shall go POOF!
Even one blade of grass has a spark of Creation, which us superior to those replicas the Dark Side has created. These clones have been created to help control the souled ones. However, as Sananda has said, they are here, also, for great lessons in your soul growth.
To the Lightworkers, you are to keep on that path of the Light. Lessons never end until you board ship. According to that, the days are numbered. As for Anne, Fourwinds shall be on the Internet until the very end.
My love to all.
Today we stand at the threshold of a new world. The frequencies of our Mother Gaia Earth have been steadily rising and are now at nearly fifth dimension. The same is true for those who have awakened to Truth. This is decision time for all who live on planet Earth. This is the last call to those many who are yet asleep in the Lie of God Jehovah Satan. Read the signs of the times, my friends, and know in your heart that the coming of Esu Immanuel Sananda, the one who was called Jesus the Christ, is very near.
The signs are everywhere. The Darkside is in its death struggle, and is using every means possible to win against the Light. The third dimensional pathway is a spiral upon which one never stands still. To move at all is to go either upward toward the Light or downward into the increasing darkness. Life is dynamic. Life is constantly changing and pushing us to keep moving
The decisions we make move us upward or downward on the spiraled pathway. The challenges are ever greater, as the Darkside strengthens its death throes attack. Thus, those who withstand the Darkside attacks by calling in the Light of Creator God are becoming stronger and their Light shines with greater intensity as “rising stars”. Those who succumb to the evil, move ever downward into greater darkness on their spiraled pathway, and the light fades for these “falling stars”. Thus, we know with certainty, today, that all around us a great paradox is happening, where evil is becoming worse and goodness is becoming better. In fact, evil has become so bad on Earth Shan that it has exceeded any past time. Even Satan has said that evil has far surpassed his own powerful imagination.
We do not dwell on this negativity, as we see many signs of hope and renewal everywhere. Miracles are happening, frequencies are rising, people are awakening to Truth, and the mass consciousness of Earth Shan’s people demand peace, now!
For those, who have not yet chosen, this is decision time. This is the final time of sorting on Earth Shan. Do you want to leave this planet and go on to another third dimensional lifestream of challenges by the Darkside, or do you want to enter 5th Dimension along with our planet? This is now the final call to return to the Light of Creator God Aton of Light. I am totally serious when I say that this is the final decision time for all people on planet Earth. Esu Immanuel Sananda shall return at any moment to remove his flock to safety, as Earth Shan begins her serious self-cleansing. Your decision shall be rendered absolute, and it shall be granted, as you have chosen. You shall leave this planet and return to the great wheel of reincarnation, or you shall board evacuation ships and enter Heaven’s Gate of 5th Dimension. I have written this in the words and the energy of Creator God of Light. So be it!
The ominous question that is ever present is “Do you believe what I say is Truth?” Always the Darkside uses doubt to win the day. Freewill always allows you to choose Truth over Lie, but how do you know Truth from Lie? Go within and ask your God Spirit. Your God Spirit, the Spirit of Creator God within you does not lie! You must learn to listen to the voice within and not to the voices all around you. Do you believe this is possible? How can you hear Creator God speaking to you when you believe that this is not possible? How will you enter the Golden Age of Heaven, when you believe that Heaven is somewhere off in the pink clouds of 3D?
My friends, it is all about belief, faith and knowing Truth. Would you choose to return to another 3D lifestream? Quite sad! Is that what you truly want? Would you not rather have paradise of the highest order than another 3D trip of pain and suffering, disease, evil, violence, chaos, lies, hatred, tiredness, discouragement and death? I repeat, this is decision time. This is the time of choosing your next pathway that you shall surely walk. Joshua of old stood before the people and urged them to choose wisely whom they would serve. He said, “Choose you this day whom you will serve, but for me and my family, we shall serve Creator God”. It is all about choosing, and your choices rest upon your belief system.
Do you even believe there is a Creator God? Do you believe that there is no one Creator God, because we are all gods? If this be so, what nonsense you have allowed into your belief system!
For an answer to your dilemma I quote from Phoenix Journal number 27, Phoenix Operator-Owner Manuel, page 19.
I. The highest command of the Law of the Creation is: Achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of the Creation.
II. The highest command of the Law of God is: You shall honor God as the Ruler of the human races and follow His Laws for He is the ‘King of Wisdom’.
1. You shall have no other gods than God Creator before you. Abide with the Laws of the Creation which encompasses all. Also known as ‘THE LAW OF ONE’.
There is only one Creator Source of all that is, who resides in the Isle of Light or Paradise, the hub of the “Cosmic Wheel” of the seven Super Universes. Creator God Aton of Light is the Creator of our Nebadon Universe. We are to honor Creator Source, and Aton, our Creator and Creator of our Nebadon Universe. He is the Ruler of the human races and we are to follow His Laws, for He is the “King of Wisdom”. He desires to speak to all of His created beings, and when He speaks to you, you had better listen. What you believe to be true about Creator God Aton determines your choices each day of your life. All of your choices and all that happens to you rests upon your belief system. It is through belief/faith that you create your way.
Let me give you a personal example. In the mid 1990’s over a period of several months my wife and I and our children one by one were called to a small town in South Dakota. By faith we severed ties with employees, friends and family and made the move to a vacant house of a relative. There we determined what our work was to be and where we were to do it. We had no doubt about the “knowing” that we were to be in Rapid City, South Dakota, but we knew virtually nothing about the city and the conditions there
One day in late winter we decided that it was urgent that we make the move. So we packed our old van and our car with as much as was possible, and leaving our grown children behind, my wife and I set off into the darkness for our destination three hundred and fifty miles away. We had no place waiting for us and knew no one in Rapid City. We went in faith, knowing that we would find what was needed for our family and our work. We told our children that we would return for them and the rest of our possessions within two days. An hour into our trip we were engulfed in a sudden snowstorm that left eight inches of snow in the Black Hills. Doubt crossed our minds, as we questioned the wisdom of continuing our journey, but we continued on. Arriving in Rapid Cityin early morning after a long and difficult journey, we went from tourist information to realtor to realtor looking for a “four-bedroom house to rent on 40 acres of land with beautiful trees and a stream running through it.” People told us that we were insane, that we could not even find a two-bedroom house in winter in town in the middle of the month to rent, let alone a four bedroom house in the country. We found a realtor, who that very morning decided to rent his daughter’s vacant house, because three months previously they had moved to Japanfor a five-year tour of military duty. For three months the Angels had been keeping that house for us! By the way, that house was a spacious nearly new four bedroom house on 120 acres of alfalfa land with a windbreak, a beautiful view of the Black Hills, and painted a beautiful yellow color, Sananda’s color. Within two hours of arrival at Rapid City, we had rented the house, and we returned that same day to our children. I assure you, my friends, that it is through belief in the impossible that we create our way.
This is decision time, not tonight or tomorrow or next week. Now! At any moment Creator God shall give the order and Esu Immanuel Sananda shall return for his flock, and all shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye. There shall be such fun, such happiness and such peace for those, who are ready. My friends, be ready! Put your belief systems in order. Follow your heart and choose wisely. Be ready for the greatest moment ever to occur on our beautiful planet. Cross your name off the “stay” list and write it on the “lift-off” list, and do it now! It is all in knowing Truth that you believe and decide wisely. It is truly a matter of the heart!
PEOPLE OF THE LIE: “Let There Be Light”
We on planet Earth Shan are presently living in a time of great change. Space and time are being compressed as our Mother Earth increases her speed through the Photon Belt. Our 24 hour day of 1962 has shrunk to less than a 15 hour day in 2002. The higher frequencies of the Photon Belt helped to raise the frequencies of Earth Shan to fourth dimension by year 2000. The higher frequencies of Shan are causing much stress and physical illness for many people as these frequencies interact with the lower frequencies of anger, hate and violence or in the changing into “light” bodies for others.
For too long evil has had its way on Shan. For too long the KZB (Khazarian Zionist Bolsheviks) have played their games of control and deceit on the masses. The door to the Light of Truth has been kept sealed and held tightly shut by the darkside to keep the power of knowledge from the people. Through ignorance, poverty and fear they have controlled to the point of the destruction of Shan and everyone on her. Finally, Creator God Aton of Light has said, “Enough!”
And God said, “Let there be Light;” and there was Light. And God saw that the Light was good; and God separated the Light from the darkness. (Genesis 1:3-4)
The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. The true Light that enlightens every man (is) coming into the world. (John 1:5, 9)
You are the Light of the world. Let your Light shine before men, that they may see… (Matthew 5:14, 15)
As in the beginning, the Light comes in every time of darkness. The Light of Truth comes to remove ignorance and poverty and fear. Now, that the cries from Earth Shan and her people have been heard, again in our time Creator God has said, “Let there be Light!” And there is Light! And the darkness can not overcome it.
Today, the Light of Truth is being revealed all over our planet. People are waking up and are joining the ever increasing ranks of truthseekers. The Light of Truth is shining and the lies of darkness cannot overcome it. Some of those who carry the Torch of Truth are those who are bringing NESARA to our world. As part of Creator God’s Plan to usher in the Age of Enlightenment, NESARA sets the stage for abundance and a stable economy, for integrity in government, and for world peace. No longer will we have war. No longer will we have bankers cheating the people out of their wealth. No longer will we have corrupt politicians who lie to the people and make laws of oppression to gain control.
The Door of Truth is being pushed open and the Light of Truth is now streaming into our darkness. I rejoice with my brothers and sisters who are awakening to Truth, who are discovering that they are but actors on a holodeck, and that their home is in the stars. I thrill with them at their discovery of their Galactic friends who have come to assist with Earth Shan’s transition. Yet, I feel pain for those who try to push the Door of Truth shut. The Light is too blinding and their fear is too great.
They say, “NESARA, yes!” They open the door a little bit and let some Light in. They say, “Give me my prosperity money and leave me alone.” They do not want to be responsible for their brother but only to eat, drink and be merry, be comfortable and enjoy life. These shall have no part in the Age of Enlightenment and Peace, for they do not understand the purpose of NESARA and of the funds they demand to receive.
Some are saying, “Talk to me about NESARA but do not tell me about any alien Forces of Light.” These are often “Christian Cult” people who believe that our Earth and her people are the only ones there are. “We are alone! Jesus Christ is our savior, who will forgive our sins and who will rapture us off to our heaven in the clouds where we shall live happily ever after.” Not so! One may deny Truth, put blinders on or hide under a bushel basket so as not to see Truth, but that does not change Truth. These shall not participate in the New Age of Enlightenment/the Kingdom of God on Earth, unless they discover the Lie and the whole Truth and agree to live accordingly.
If you are fearful of the Forces of Light and their starships, what will be your reaction when Creator God Aton of Light aka Father/Mother God aka Source aka Father Alcyone/Mother Sekhmet confront you with the violet colored transmuting ray of unconditional Love? Will you rise to the occasion with corresponding 100th dimension frequencies of Love and pass your lessons, or will your lower frequencies of doubt and fear cause you to self-destruct into an uncreated pile of goo and return to Mother’s womb? Everyone must choose between Truth and lie. The time for decision-making has arrived.
When God said “Let there be Light,” He did not say, “Let there be a little Light.” No! The full Light of Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth is bursting upon us. The darkness of lies and liars are being swept from our planet at this very moment by Father Alcyone, Mother Sekhmet, the King of Swords and the Forces of Light. Last week much darkness was removed from the Vatican, yesterday the U. S. Military Joint Chiefs of Staff fell from power, and tomorrow, house cleaning is planned for the Queen’s Buckingham Palace and The House of Windsor.
Earth Shan is moving rapidly into the Light of the Christ consciousness of the Photon Belt. No Earth human can stop it. Creator God’s Plan 2000 for the Age of Enlightenment is unfolding before our eyes and the darkside are in total panic. Their Plan 2000 for a One World Order is being completely destroyed and they are helpless to stop it. The ranks of the KZB are being thinned swiftly as they are confronted with Mother’s violet transmuting ray of unconditional Love.
The authority of the government of the United States of America and of the other countries of Earth Shan has been transferred to the Galactic Solar Tribunal. The Solar Tribunal is directed by none other than Lord Alcyone and his twin flame Mother Sekhmet, and Lord Admiral Sananda Kumara and his twin flame Lady Master Nada. Never again shall the people of Earth Shan be governed by any darkside evil controllers.
The new government of the United States of America shall be a spiritual government based upon the Laws of God and of Creation. It shall be a government of integrity that serves the people, and once again it shall be a prototype for the countries of our world. Our new government shall be a government dedicated to peace, to freedom and justice for all people, to equality, to prosperity, and to enlightenment. No one with evil intent will be allowed to serve in our new government, for they shall be “screened” by Mother Sekhmet.
Readers, push open the doorway to the Light—to Truth. Stand tall, spread your arms, open your hearts and welcome this new day. No longer can you hide in the darkness of ignorance and fear. No longer can you live in denial of that which is happening around you. Day and night the starships can be seen in the sky. Soon they shall land. Soon you shall see your alien friends, brothers and sisters from the stars. You shall see the Lighted Masters on your T.V. screens. You shall walk aboard their starships and examine their technology. You shall see Lighted Beings who do not look like you, but who love you and who have come to help with our planet’s transition into fifth dimension. The image of God’s people may vary from your accepted image of “human.” Some may appear as a tiger or cat, a walrus, a preying mantis or a bird, but you shall laugh and talk with them---and take their pictures! You shall ride in their starships if you so choose. They, as we, are all part of Creation as a product of Creator’s thought. We are all one! We are all fellow travelers on the Road of Truth, learning our lessons in soul growth.
Some of you may say, “Bellringer’s crazy! He writes science-fiction!” That is exactly what the darkside would want you to believe. You have been lied to about aliens and starships and space travel and life on other planets. I tell you Truth. Some have asked that we at “fourwinds” tone down our message because we are scaring people away. We are asked to “water down” or dilute the Truth to make it more palatable. We are asked to not show pictures of Mother Sekhmet and especially adjacent to the Dove Reports. We are asked not to talk about aliens, about Father Alcyone, Mother Sekhmet and the King of Swords, and especially about what they are doing to clean up our planet at this time. We are to talk about things that are real, that matter, like NESARA.
My friends, how can we talk about NESARA and not talk about the White Knights, aliens and the Forces of Light who are here from the Lighted Realms? If it were not for the protection of the Forces of Light, no Truthbringers or NESARA would be in existence on Shan at this time. If it were not for the protection of the Pleiadean Star Fleet commanded by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, and the Ashtar Command computer system, neither my family nor I would be here at this time! If it were not for Father Alcyone and Mother Sekhmet, Admiral Sananda and Lady Nada, St. Germain and all the Masters, the KZB evil controllers would have won long ago, and we would now be living under Satan’s Plan 2000 as slaves to the One World Order or already deaded!
“Fourwinds” must present the whole Truth as best we know it. The time for half-truths and lies is past. Earth Shan is moving into the Light of the Christ consciousness and we can not stop it. Either we wake up and go with the program or we get off the planet. Even though what I present is threatening or unbelievable to some people, I shall not censor Truth. In the past I have stood before kings and popes and the Emperor of Rome under orders to publicly retract my statements of Truth, and I shall repeat here what I said then, “I shall not recant, so help me God!” Truth is! Truth can not be refuted! Truth may be threatening to our belief system and cause fear, but the whole Truth must be told---now! It is far past time to wake up. It is now a matter of Life or “death”! So be it!
NESARA shall be announced to the world very soon and then you shall see the “changing of the guard” at the U.S. White House. Once again our “White House” shall be truly white and filled with Light. Our present Congress shall be no more. The Federal Reserve bank and the Internal Revenue Service with their unlawful interest, fiat money, loans and taxes shall be no more.
The Light of Truth now shines in the darkness, and the darkness shall not overcome it. Have you let in the Light of Truth? Have you done your homework and found that Truth is, indeed, stranger than fiction, or will you be one of those lying flat on their back on the ground in total shock when our cosmic friends land in their starships? Maybe you will be picked up and greeted by a friendly “walking-stick” alien!
My friends, it is time to wake up! You shall not get “your money” and live happily ever after. If that is your intent, you will probably not get any money at all. Your intent is screened in the ethers and the Forces of Light know your heart. Those of good intent shall receive unimaginable abundance along with great responsibility. This is the meaning of the parable: To those who have, more shall be given and to those who have not, even that which they have shall be taken away.
Now is the time of choosing that which you shall receive. Will you ridicule the Truthbringers and laugh your way into another third dimensional lifestream on another dark planet to learn the lessons you failed to learn here? Will you go to Herculobus and live with the dinosaurs or will you melt into a pile of goo? Pleiadean Star Fleet Commander Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn has said, “He who dies in the Lie is destined to repeat it.” Will you turn to the Light of the Rising Sun of a New Day on Shan, and with a joyous heart welcome both Truth and Truthbringer alike? Will you take your place and carry the torch and fulfill Admiral Sananda’s challenge, “You are the Light of the world. Let your Light shine before men, that they may see . . .”? Do you have the vision in your heart that NESARA brings—of peace and freedom and abundance? Do you truly want to experience the joy of helping to usher in the Age of Enlightenment on Planet Earth? Will your intent be that of Joshua when he stood before the people and said, “Choose you this day whom you shall serve, but as for me and my family, we shall serve the Light.” Now is the time on Earth Shan for choosing. There are no exceptions. Choose, you must!
And God said, “Let there be Light.” And there was Light one more time on Planet Earth, and it was called the Age of Enlightenment. Aho!
--The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive site is at--
--The Bellringer Writings and NESARA information is at--
NOTE: Patrick has advised me to repost this article. It was written in 2005; however, the questions that JC has asked are timeless. The answers given by Patrick follow what is said in the Phoenix Journals, and are timeless, worth reading again and again. May we all continue in our mission we have set for ourselves, and live the Laws of God and Creation to the best of our ability. I did not say we are to be perfect, but only to live the Laws of God and Creation the best we can. Thank you Patrick for reminding us again of the pathway to the Light. ---Anne
Patrick has explained the Laws of God and Creation that have been posted on Fourwinds everyday. Here is the link: http://fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/bellringers_corner/meditation/poetry/news.php?q=1492195299
July 14 , 2005 By Patrick H. Bellringer
PDF version bellringer@fourwinds10.com
For those of you who may read this, I was inspired to write this in response to the questions asked of my by a fellow traveler and Truthseeker on the Red Road of Truth, one JC. To help you follow my thoughts, I shall first present the letter from JC.
* * * * *
----- Original Message -----
From: JC
To: fourwinds@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 8:11 AM
Subject: Questions
Dear Patrick Bellringer:
Hello, my name is JC, I am Mexican and I have been reading fourwinds for some months. At first time I believed it was a big lie, but as time continued, and I keep reading some of the messages, I started to believe that these messages might be true, because many things become to make sense to me. Besides I am convinced that this world needs an urgent change, and our actual model of life eventually is going to end with us.
Nonetheless I have to confess that I still I keep my doubts, not only because the unfulfilled dates that have been given to us, but also because the information contained in fourwinds changes many of the knowledge and beliefs that I have been taught (I am a catholic person).
But the main reason that I am writing to you is because I have a lot of doubts in many concepts that I read, so it would be very helpful to me if you can answer the following questions:
At what point in time are we going to retrieve our past memories? Once we remember that, how is that going to impact our life? Will I be the same person?
When you exist in 5d you still have a physical body?
Who is going to decide if we remain in earth in 5d or we go to another 3d planet? When is that decision going to be made?
In 5d still exists death?
What are the main differences between 5d and 3d?
Are we going to pass through 4d in our ascension to 5d? What is the object of 4d?
If we are beings from outer space and not from earth, why are we going to still live in earth and not in our original planets?
Once we are in 5d, will I have the opportunity to see my relatives and pets that pass away (I recently lost my beloved dog)? Is that the reason why you call it heaven?
Once you said that many of the people living in earth are clones. How can I know if I am a clone or a human? What happens to clones? Are they going to survive the whole ascension process?
These are only one of the few questions that are rounding my mind right now, so I would be really pleased if you can help to understand that.
In love and light
* * * * *
Dear JC:
Your questions are those of the many today who are choosing to travel the Red Road of Truth. I honor you in your search for Truth, and I shall try to give clarity in my answers.
If you were a clone, you would not even be writing to me and asking these questions, because clones have no soul or God Spirit within, and, therefore, have no interest in spiritual matters. Humans today have the ability to make a physical body from DNA but not to give it a God-connection or God Spirit within. Creator God can give a clone a soul and make it a complete human being. That has been done, and if that “clone” by his freewill chooses goodness, it fools the Darkside who cloned him.
According to what Hatonn said as recorded in Phoenix Journal #21, those who are attuned to higher frequencies, meaning they are enlightened because they know Truth, will receive spiritual consciousness at the point in time of The Second Coming of Esu Immanuel Sananda. I take that to mean we who are “ready” will have full consciousness or full memory of our past at The Second Coming event.
When that happens you will be the same physical person but your perspective and understanding of everything will be changed forever. You will know your purpose and mission on Earth Shan and understand where you “fit” in the Cosmos. You will have the ability to tap into the Cosmic stream of all knowledge, in a sense the very mind of Creator God. Will that change you? I would think so!
Our planet is in a unique situation at this time. It is my understanding that this is the first time ever in the history of the Nebadon Universe that a planet along with her people is being allowed to move into 5D (fifth dimension) without any physical death for those who choose to go to 5D. Once you are in 5D you will have the opportunity to see and be with your friends and relatives who have experienced physical death in 3D and have spiritually “graduated” to 5D. Many of them may still be learning their soul growth lessons in 3D (third dimension). Those you will not see in 5D, and yes, your pets will join you in heaven (5D). Heaven is the term used for the dimensions where no evil is allowed. No evil is allowed in 5D or any dimension that is higher in vibrations than 5D.
Fourth dimension (4D) is also known as the Astral Plane. It is a transition dimension between the physical realm of 3D and the spiritual realm of 5D and higher. When you die a physical death in 3D, your physical body normally remains in 3D, but your soul, your spiritual body, the real you goes to the Astral Plane.
There you stand before Creator God and give an account of your progress in your lessons in soul growth. Creator God does not judge you. You judge yourself according to the Laws of God and Creation. Then you decide where you will go to continue your lessons, and an agreement is made with Creator God for you to do this.
If you are not ready to graduate to 5D, you will return to another 3D lifestream on the great wheel of reincarnation, and continue on lifestream after lifestream for as long as necessary to complete your soul growth. Each time between lifestreams you check into the Astral Plane for your evaluation.
It is important to understand that we are in that unique situation on Earth Shan where no one, who is presently living, need ever have to experience physical death again. We decide when we want to die and go to the Astral Plane to start over. In our present situation we decide if we want to continue on in 3D or go into 5D with our planet, Earth Shan. People are making that decision everyday, and you decide for yourself when you will make that decision and what your decision will be. Many, who will be reading this and understanding this process for the first time, will be deciding their journey at that time. It is a very simple decision to go or to stay, to go to another 3D lifestream or to graduate with our planet and other enlightened people into 5D.
We do not know at this time the exact moment when “graduation” happens, but Creator God Christ Michael/Hatonn has promised that it will happen when we are ready, and that will be sometime before December 21, 2012. The time between now and graduation will be needed to prepare us and our planet for that event. Graduation cannot occur until we have restored balance and harmony to Earth Shan and her people. If we cooperate with each other and our Star Friends, and work hard, balance and harmony could be restored to our planet quickly.
NESARA must happen to bring peace to our planet. NESARA must happen to remove the last stronghold of evil government on Earth Shan, the Government of the United States of America. Then justice and freedom can roll out across our planet to all countries and peoples. NESARA must happen to remove the evil banking system of the Federal Reserve, which has stolen the world’s wealth. Poverty must be removed and abundance restored to the people of Earth Shan to bring balance.
First Contact must happen to awaken our people from slumber and to bring the help and technology we need to clean up our planet and restore her to health. The physical and spiritual health of our people must be restored to bring balance and harmony. There is so much that must be done in education for all of us to prepare us for graduation. During this time until graduation to 5D, we who choose to graduate (ascend) will be very busy making all the necessary preparations.
Isn’t this exciting? Our future of the Golden Age is upon us! The Second Coming of Immanuel Sananda, the one who is in charge of our planetary transition of creating Heaven on our Earth, is very near. It is only weeks or even days away. Then He and Creator God Christ Michael/Hatonn/Aton and the Ascended Masters and our Star Friends will appear on our television screens and walk among us and help us in our preparations for graduation.
With Ascension our planet will be changed in many ways. Presently we have the 3D limitations of time and space and matter. In 5D those limitations will not exist. We will have the ability to use thought to its fullest extent. We will travel by thought, move objects by thought, create and un-create them by thought, and communicate with anyone anywhere by thought, for in 5D there is no time or space or matter. We will have Light Bodies and live in a world of Light.
We who now live on Earth Shan are all returned Masters and have come into this lifestream by agreement with Creator God to help with this great transition of Earth Shan. We have come originally from various Star Systems and planets. When the call for help went out, we left our homes, our friends and even our families to enter into 3D without memory and assist with this transition of Earth Shan. This once emerald water planet had lost her beauty to evil aliens and had become a dark “smudge pot” in the Cosmos.
We agreed to come and help restore Earth Shan to her natural beauty. Many of us will stay for as long as it takes to complete the mission before we return home. Some of us will decide to stay and make this beautiful planet our home, while others will choose to return soon to their homes in the Stars. We are all on a most glorious journey back to perfection and Creator Source and Oneness again. However we travel and whatever detours we may take, at some point we shall all meet again.
Thank you, JC. May your journey be most joyous! AHO!
-- The Bellringer Writings and NESARA information is at -- http://www.fourwinds10.com
-- The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive site is at -- http://www.phoenixarchives.com
NOTE: I was asked by Patrick to post this tmiely writing. He wrote it in 1996, but the Truth statements are timeless. May this article be helpful to many. ..... Anne
Does Truth reveal? Uncover? Bring into the Light?
Does Truth relentlessly fracture past relationships?
Does Truth upset ideas? Traditions? Customs?
Does Truth invade your hard-won privacy?
Does Truth uncover the lie? The evil secret?
Does Truth bring to light the hidden past?
Does Truth threaten your ego?
Your self-centeredness? Your pride?
Does Truth offend your "religious" teachings?
Does Truth run counter to your "holy book" notations?
Does Truth cause you agony and sleepless nights?
Does Truth bring you fear? Guilt? Remorse? Insight?
Does Truth invade to your very soul? And tear you apart?
Does Truth bring the spreading warmth of Light?
Does Truth bring forgiveness? Cleanness? Healing?
Does Truth bring new hope? Vision? Love?
Does Truth sweep away the cob-webs of the mind?
Does Truth give divine teachings of knowledge? Wisdom?
Does Truth give revelation of the God-Spirit within you?
Does Truth release the creative power of your soul?"
Does Truth bring peace in knowing that---ultimately,
Lie is swept away---and only Truth prevails?
Does Truth hurt?
To the point of the re-creation--of a new you?
by Patrick H. Bellringer - 1996
Many of Fourwinds readers are asking various questions about "Lift-off", should an evacuation of our planet become necessary in the near future. Herein I shall attempt to provide some answers.
1. How does one get on the "Light List"?
I assume by "Light List" you are asking to be included among those people whose names are recorded in the Ashtar computer for automatic pick-up during the first fifteen minutes of the Lift-off process. These include all children up to the age of "accountability" or knowing right from wrong, and Truthbringers and any enlightened ones, who have made such a request.
It is a matter of desire and intent of the heart. Simply ask Creator God Aton, Esu Immanuel Sananda, any of the Ascended Masters or your Guardian Angels to place your name on the "automatic pick-up list", and believe that it is so. Should the need arise, you will be instantly beamed aboard a starship to safety without having to step into the blue-white tractor beam/levitation beam.
2. How will we know that we are being transported to a friendly Starship and not to a Darkside imposter Starship?
Starships from more than two hundred Star Nations are here at this time. They have brought the "Hosts of Heaven", our Star Friends, who have come from the fifth and higher dimensions, where no evil is allowed. None of these Starships are imposters. The only evil to be found in our solar system at this time is on Earth Shan. More than a year ago all Darkside aliens and their ships were removed permanently from our solar system, and all 3D Starships of the governments of Earth Shan being used for evil intent were permanently dismantled. Had evacuation of our planet occurred in the early 1990's due to a world-wide nuclear war, imposter ships would have been a problem. That is no longer the case.
3. If we have mass evacuation of our planet soon, what happens to First Contact and the Second Coming of Esu Immanuel Sananda---and the "rapture"?
These events are all combined into one great exciting event in the evacuation process. You will meet our Star Friends, the Ascended Masters, Sananda and Hatonn/Aton and other great Beings of Light aboard the Starships. This will be First Contact and the Second Coming all in one.
The "rapture" will not have the outcome that the Christian cult has taught for many years. It is true that you will be picked up by Starship, if you so choose, and be taken off Earth Shan. Your destination will be fifth dimension or Heaven, only if you have graduated to that level in your soul growth. You will go to the dimension that matches your frequencies. The same is true for those, who choose not to go aboard and perish in the massive earth changes on Earth Shan. Their soul will go to the dimension that matches their frequencies.
Some of those, who go through Lift-off will die, because their physical body frequencies are so much lower than the frequencies of the beam of Light. Their soul (the real you) will be given another body and that person will be taken to his proper frequency placement to continue on with soul growth lessons. That placement has already been agreed upon at a soul level by that one and Creator God. This is also true for every souled being presently on Earth Shan.
4. What if some of those, who remain behind at evacuation time, survive the earth changes? What will be their roles when everyone returns to Earth Shan?
One must understand that Earth Shan is entering the fifth dimension and no one of lower frequencies will be allowed to enter the "New Earth". Those who return will be of 5D and higher. Only those of low frequencies would refuse Lift-off. Should they survive the earth changes, they would die a physical death prior to the end of the 3000 year period of rejuvenation required to return Earth Shan to her original pristine condition.
It is possible for some people, who are highly enlightened to have a soul contract with Creator God Aton to remain on Earth Shan during her transition into 5D. They would be protected and assisted by the Angels to do such a mission. Of course, there will be many living inside our planet during this transition, who will be totally safe.
5. One half of our planet will be in darkness during evacuation. Can the Star People awaken everyone and get the job done in fifteen minutes?
The millions of Starships that are here will turn the night into day with their higher frequencies and their levitation beams. Everyone will instantly "know" through telepathy what to do.
6. Do we take time to dress, take pictures, money, insurance policies, house deeds, clothes, jewelry, etc. with us to the Starships?
The answer is a big "No!" You will need none of your 3D junk! All that you need shall be provided for you. If you are in the shower, you will not arrive aboard ship naked. You will be fully clothed, instantly. Creator God Created you. Do you not think He can get you off this planet in good shape?
7. Might a levitation beam appear inside a person's home or work location, so that it will not be necessary for one to run outside?
Yes, of course! The blue-white beam of Light will appear very near, if you are not on automatic Lift-off. It shall move over you, if you are unable to move, such as an invalid. Then you will be told to decide to go or stay. It is all very simple. It is important to remain calm, because fear or anxiety will lower your frequencies. Happiness and joy will raise your frequencies to more closely match the frequencies of the levitation beam and reduce the possibility of physical damage.
8. Once we board the Starships, what will happen after that? Where will we end up?
Medical teams will be standing by to assist anyone, who may have suffered physical problems from moving through the beam of Light with low frequencies. You will be re-united with your children, other family members and friends, who were picked up by other Starships. Those, who you requested Creator God Aton to have picked up without their knowledge, will decide to either stay aboard ship or be put back on the surface of Planet Earth. Yes, you can request Creator God to have your family members and friends picked up without their knowledge. They can then decide aboard ship what they will do.
Everyone will need to choose to go on to a Mother Ship or go to the Inner Earth of Earth Shan. At some point everyone will proceed on to the frequency and dimension level that matches their vibrations to continue with their lessons in soul growth. Those, who go to 5D, will have the opportunity to return to Earth Shan, when she has been restored to her original pristine condition.
The period of restoration will be three thousand years long in 3D years. There is no time in 5D, so one day can be a thousand years of 3D time or vice versa. You may spend three days meeting family and friends, taking a trip through the Cosmos and having a bit of rest and relaxation with a glass of Liquid Light, when an Angel will tap you on your shoulder and ask, if you are ready to return to a pristine Mother Earth. In 5D it can be that fast!
There must be a minimum of 144,000 Lighted Beings of at least 5D level and higher, who return to Earth Shan as the "seed people" to start a new civilization again. They will have full memory and be able to create by thought. They will create crystal cities and homes and gardens in complete balance and harmony with Mother Earth, and they will fully obey the Laws of God and Creation in the new "Heaven on Earth".
9. Will there be any interference of Lift-off by the Darkside with their laser and particle beam technology or missiles or nuclear weapons or troops on the ground?
No interference will be allowed and all weapons will be instantly and permanently neutralized by the Forces of Light. The Warrior Angels lead by Archangel Michael with their Starships will be standing by on full alert to prevent any interruption whatsoever by the Darkside. The Starships will not be close to the Earth's surface to avoid harm from volcanic and tsunami activity. They may be as far away as Mars and still beam people aboard.
10. What happens to our pets? Should I have my kitty in a pet carrier?
Your pets along with all animals and all plants will be removed from our planet when the physical polar shift occurs. They will be transported to other planets for safe-keeping until such time that they are returned to Earth Shan. You pets will be instantly removed along with the children, and they will be re-united with you aboard the Ships, as the children are re-united with their families. Be not concerned for your children or your pets. They are on automatic Lift-off and the Star People are well trained in the procedure, for they have done it many times. You have, too, in past lifestreams, but you do not remember.
11. What about those, who are sleeping and will be confused by the sudden event, or those, who are in doubt and will need more than fifteen minutes to decide what to do?
Everyone has already decided at a soul level whether they will stay or go at evacuation time. The Forces of Light will awaken them and everyone will instantly know what they have decided to do, and will instantly respond without any hesitation. There may be some anxiety or even fear, but that is to be expected. Just know that you are going on a very enjoyable trip to safety to a very pleasant place. Remain calm and at peace, knowing all is well.
Again Creator God Aton has told us that Mother Earth is at her birthing time. When she rolls over, instant evacuation will be necessary for our safety. Our task is to be ready, to be calm and to be at peace. "Beam me up, Scotty"! Aho!
I write this to answer some basic questions that many people are asking today. A spiritual awakening is stirring in the hearts of many souled beings on our planet at this ending time for our present civilization. Thus, the questions: 1) Who is God?, 2) How do I talk to God?, 3) How do I find answers to my questions?, and 4) What is my purpose in life?
First, we are all extraterrestrials, that is, if we are souled beings! God created us in His spiritual image, which means He gave us a soul or God-Spirit. This God-Spirit is our God connection within our mind, for it is a part of God's Spirit. Our God-Spirit is that part of us which lives forever and which records all memory of all our past lifestreams. Our God Spirit is who we are! We put on a suit of clothes, our physical body, when we come into this life stream, and we take it off when we leave. Yes, we have had many past lifestreams and have come to our planet, Earth Shan, one last time to continue our third dimensional(3-D) schoolroom lessons of soul perfection. We have been on Earth Shan many times before this present lifestream and have returned by our free-will contract to continue with our soul growth lessons. We are, indeed, extraterrestrials! We are spiritual beings having a physical experience on Earth Shan.
I have already answered in general terms question four above. Our purpose in this life here and now is to learn our lessons for soul growth, to complete any mission we may have contracted with Creator God, and to help others when we can.
There are three basic types of physical human entities on Earth Shan today: 1) the souled-being who has control of his freewill, 2) the robotoid, a souled being who has given his free-will over to Satan and the Dark Brotherhood, and 3) the clone, a replica of a physical human but with no soul or God-connection. The off-spring of two clones is known as an android, also with no soul. More than two-thirds of the "human beings" on Earth Shan today are clones! Oh yes, cloning has been going on for thousands of years on our planet! Most of the remaining one-third, who are souled-beings, have given their free-will over to the darkside and are totally controlled by Satan. They are a part of the "army" Satan is massing to conquer Esu Immanuel Sananda (Jesus Christ) and His Lighted Followers. Remember that Satan is known as the "God of this world".
I have just painted a very dark picture of Earth Shan. To remove the darkness, we must now bring in the Light. Let us move to our question one above, Who is God?
God the Creator is known in all languages of our planet as Aton, the God of Light. God Aton is the Creator of the three basic human races of red, brown, and white. Today we have a variation of seven skin colors on Earth Shan coming from these three basic types. God Aton was challenged at one point by the free-willed archangel known as Lucifer. Lucifer and his followers left the Lighted Realms for breaking the Laws of God and Creation. Lucifer's earthly name became Satan. They chose Earth Shan as their jail planet. Is it any wonder that we have such a dark planet today?
God Jehovah Satan is known as the "great deceiver". He has used every means possible to trick the souled beings and to pull them into his dark brotherhood camp. The biblical term, Jehovah, meaning God, was used to trick people. Jehovah is another name for God Satan and not for the God of Light. The name Yahweh has also been associated with the God of the Bible. Yahweh is rather one of Satan's biggest jokes, tricks, or lies ever perpetrated upon the human race. It is a standard joke in the Zionist Jewish quarters, for "Yahweh" is nothing more than the sound of a donkey's bray! Find a donkey and listen to its bray and you will understand.
We have been deceived by God Jehovah/God Satan to believe that "God" is out there somewhere, maybe in heaven as a gray-haired old man sitting on a throne as a king or ruler of the universe. For some people God is a wrathful, angry "God" while for others he is nothing more than an oblong blur or a big happy marshmallow.
We have forgotten who "God" really is. Each time we return in a new lifestream our memory is erased so we can continue our soul lessons without the interference of past memory. Each time we must again go within and through our God Spirit "know" God Aton and communicate with Him. We are extraterrestrials (E.T.'s)! We have only lost our memory, and the evil controllers want to keep us that way. God is not "out there" somewhere. God's Spirit is within us and within all of His creation---always! We need only through our mind, our thoughts, communicate with Him. If by free-will we so desire, God Aton's thoughts become our thoughts and our thoughts become God Aton's thoughts. God Aton lives within us!
When we turn within, we plug in our connection to the Light Source, the God of Light. In so doing we turn on the "power". Remember, that God Aton is the Creator and when we turn on the "power", we also have the ability to create! We have the ability to create our pathway out of this 3-D schoolroom and back to the stars! The evil controllers of the masses do not want us to communicate with our own God Spirit within, plug into our outlet and learn and remember our power. That is why decoys are constantly thrown into our pathway.
Please understand that Earth Shan is our schoolroom and everyone has different lessons to learn. Should we fail to learn our lessons this lifestream, we will be back again and again until we learn them. We will repeat second grade until we pass our tests to move to third grade. When we finally graduate from 3-D school, we then move to fifth dimension (5-D) of the Lighted Realms to continue our growth to soul perfection back to Creator Source, the One Light.
Now, to the questions of how to talk to God and how to find answers to life's questions. Talking to God Aton is as easy as thinking. There are times that you have a "sixth sense" or a "gut feeling" about something and it is usually different than what your brain is telling you. That response is your intuition. We live in a 3-D world of illusion of the five senses. Your intuition goes beyond the five senses to your God Connection (sixth sense). Learning to follow your heart, your mind (not your brain), your intuition is a big step in soul growth.
People communicate with their God Spirit within in different ways, but always require the shutting out of the interference of the five senses. This means quiet and solitude. With practice one may be able to "go within" even while involved in a noisy busy world---let us say "daydreaming" or being "absent minded". Inner thoughts can be written down or not. Writing your question and then writing your thoughts (God's thoughts) provides a record for later use. You will be amazed at what you wrote, because recall is often inefficient.
Some people develop their intuition to a high degree and are able through their intuition to "see" their life's pathway most clearly. Others hear voices in their mind and are able to communicate with their God Spirit that way. Some people are inspired to write inspirational and/or prophetic writings, to compose beautiful music, or to paint beautiful works of art as a means of communication with their God Spirit.
Always, the place to begin to communicate with God Aton is within self in meditation. Get quiet. Get your world quiet, that is, shut out all interference. Get serious in your search for Truth. Ask Sananda to surround you completely and permanently with his golden Light of protection, to remove all dark energies from your presence, to dissolve them forever and to fill any space with Love and Light. Ask God Aton to surround you with His Radiant White Light of Truth. Call in the Light of Truth---God Aton to speak with you. Ask your question and listen to your thoughts (God Aton's thoughts) for your answer. Remember, talking to God Aton is as simple as thinking. It is a dialogue between you and your God Spirit. God Aton has said that "your call compels an answer". When you call in sincerity, the Lighted Realms are there. When you say, "Sananda help!", He immediately stands between you and your adversary! Through your free-will you chose, you decide to communicate with your God Spirit. When you do, you shall find the answers to your life's questions.
The use of a pendulum is another way to communicate with your God Spirit within for some kinds of "knowing". Some people find this means helpful, though it has the limitation of only yes and no questions. The following are the instructions for use of the pendulum. Be sure to clear out all negative energies by your request and with clockwise motion of the pendulum. The energy that swings the pendulum is generated from your body's aura or electro-magnetic system. The direction of the swing is controlled by your mind or thoughts. You program through your thoughts the pendulum's motion. That is, you give the pendulum instructions as to the meaning of its movement, so that when it moves you read its message accurately. Normally a clockwise swing is used to clear out negative energy and remove it from you. Then a counter-clockwise swing is used to bring in positive energy to replace the negative energy that has left. Never leave any spaces or the negative energy will return to fill it.
The use of the pendulum is one way many people "speak" to their God-Spirit within, sometimes called your higher self, your higher consciousness, or your inner soul. A "YES" answer is obtained by the pendulum swinging away from and toward you. A "NO" answer is then obtained by the pendulum swinging left to right to left. These are several steps to take before you ask your God-Spirit (higher consciousness) questions.
Remember, this is only one means of communicating. You must learn to listen to your inner self, your conscious mind, for you soul/God-Spirit has gathered all the knowledge and stored it in your subconscious mind, and you must learn to bring this knowledge to your conscious mind. GOD IS WITHIN YOU. YOUR THOUGHTS BECOME GOD'S THOUGHTS, AND GOD'S THOUGHTS BECOME YOUR THOUGHTS.
1. Stand or sit straight, but relaxed, with pendulum held by thumb and forefinger (either hand). Your upper arm should rest against your side for support. Concentrate on what you are asking or saying.
2. Ask your God-Spirit within to clear yourself of all negativity, negative thoughts, any DBB's (Dark Brotherhood Brothers) conscious control or power manipulation. You ask for these dark energies to cease to exist--in Esu Jesus Sananda's name.
You say: "Dear God: Please clear me of all negativity, negative thoughts, and Dark Brotherhood Brothers, conscious control and/or power manipulation I may have. I ask for all of these dark energies to cease to exist---in Esu Jesus Sananda's name." (The pendulum should swing clockwise. When you have been cleared, the pendulum will start swinging away from and toward you.)
3. Ask if your "spaces" are cleared of negativitly. If you are "cleared", the pendulum will swing away from and toward you for a "yes" answer. If the pendulum continues to circle clockwise, you must wait until you are cleared. You must get a "yes" answer before continuing.
You say: Dear God: Are my spaces cleared of what I have asked?" (You must wait for the "yes" answer.) If you get a "no" answer, ask again "are my spaces cleared of all negativity?"
4. After you are "cleared", ask for the Lighted Realms to come into your mind and heart to speak to you through and with your God-Spirit. Ask if they are there, and you should get a "yes" answer.
You say: Dear God: Thank you for clearing my spaces. I ask the Lighted Realms to come into my mind and speak to me through my God-Spirit.:
5. You then ask: "Dear God: are the Lighted Realms here within me?" (Wait for the "yes" answer).
6. Ask for a 100% accuracy rate. You should get a "yes" answer.
You ask: "Dear God: Is there a rate of 100% accuracy with my questions I will ask?" (Wait for the "yes" answer.)
7. Ask any question you have concerning yourself. If you have a question about someone else, you must ask permission to ask about them.
(Prayer example for someone else) "Dear God: I have a question about _______, May I ask a question about him/her?" (Wait for the "yes" answer.)
8. Check frequently if the information you are receiving is from the Lighted Realms. This is important, because the Dark Brotherhood(Satanic forces) are ready to step in and take control.
You ask: "Dear God: Is this coming from the Lighted Realms?" (You must get a "yes" answer.)
9. If you stop for a few minutes or a while and then resume your questions, you must clear yourself again.
You ask: "Am I cleared?" (You must have a "yes" answer to continue any questions.)
10. The pendulum is not used to ask about the "future". As Hatonn has said, "We of the Lighted Realms are not GURUS. We can tell you things based upon the freewill as of NOW, but to predict the future is not to be known, because freewill changes things."
You may ask: "Dear God: Is there a probability that (such and such) MAY happen?" (You must wait for the "yes" or "no" answer.)
* * * * * * * * * *
The pendulum must be of non-magnetic material and be perfectly balanced. Glass, plastic, copper, brass or lead can be used. The recommended material is a plastic ball or a glass crystal such as a jewelry or chandelier pendant. Because the pendulum is moved by energy coming through your own body frequencies, a lighter weight pendulum will be easier to use initially.
The pendulum should be suspended on a non-magnetic string or chain of 6 to 8 inches in length. The longer the string, the longer the swing and the more energy needed to make the pendulum move, and of course, the longer the response time. Do not use heavy weight string or plastic fishline as they restrict pendulum movement too much. Strong thread, fiber fishline, or silver jewelry chain work well.
A small button can be attached to the opposite end of the pendulum string, making it easier to hold between the thumb and forefinger when in use. Hold the pendulum in front of you while either sitting or standing, using only thumb and forefinger, elbow bent and held firmly against your side for best transfer of energy.
Your pendulum's response will increase over time with practice and as you raise your body frequencies. You can raise your frequencies by increasing your knowledge of Truth, (reading the Phoenix Journals and Contact Newspaper) by meditation, and by petitioning the Lighted Realms for such.
As a souled being learning your Earth Shan schoolroom soul growth lessons one last time on this dark orb, you are a "spiritual being having a physical experience". You are an E.T.! It is high time you phoned home and talked to your Manufacturer, your Creator, your Commander, your Mission Control and got the map to find your way out of this jungle and onto the pathway back to the stars! Indeed, it is time!
For further insight I refer you to:
Phoenix Journal #34, E.T., Phone Home: Reach Out and Touch Someone--Like God!
"People of the Lie: The Stage Play of Life", by Patrick H. Bellringer
Phoenix Journals #2, 3, 5, 7, 27, & 47
--The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive site is at— http://www.fourwinds10,com and
--The Bellringer Writings are at--
TO: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
DATE: 7-20-19
Salu Patrick and Anne, hope all is well with the two of you.
I have been doing a great deal of thinking upon earth changes, as Mother Earth steps up her cleanings.
A couple of months ago, I had three consecutive dreams, all very much the same showing me a massive tsunami that buried cities and land masses. In my third dream I was the observer of the tsunami –floating above it, so as I would not be harmed.
A short while ago, Patrick made a comment that the masses are not physically or spiritually prepared for what is coming. I whole heartedly agree.
While I know that Mother Earth has cleaned many-many times and have been evacuated, I like many have no memory of such an event. I find myself at times becoming somewhat nervous wondering if I am spiritually ready. I certainly have been working hard at attending to various lessons that are presented in the Phoenix Journals, especially transmuting fear. I am well aware of the fears that I brought with me into my present life stream and I am determined to leave this one, having transmuted specific fears.
My question for you is, how does one know if you are spiritually ready for what is about to come? Many times I think I am spiritually ready, but then again I have no memory of such an experience to measure it against to know if I really am ready.
I would appreciate any feedback please. I know that you experienced the flood when you helped build Noah’s Ark, do you remember what it was like?
Love and Light-Thank you Kindly
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
TO: J.
DATE: 7-21-19
Dear J:
Thank you for your letter. We are fine!
Please understand that we do not need to carry any past Karma in our present lifestream. Sincerely ask Creator God Aton to remove it, and it shall be blotted out forever.
How do we know if we are spiritually ready to board the ships at lift-off? We are to live the Laws of God and Creation in our present lifestream as best we can. We are not perfect until we have passed through soul growth in many dimensions and return to Creator Source.
Therefore, we still stumble and make mistakes, but we learn from them. We forgive ourselves, ask Aton to forgive us, and keep going, knowing in our heart that we are trying our best to keep on the Red Road of Truth.
You will know in your inner Spirit that you are spiritually ready. Yes, you will have peace! You will have joy. Nothing will "rock your boat" to create doubt or fear. The anticipation of what awaits the faithful traveler shall help you to create your way.
Be in peace and hope, my friend! The journey is not long!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
For centuries the prophetic messengers on Earth Shan have spoken of the ultimate climatic battle between good and evil. The prophetic writer, John, in Satan’s War Book, also known as the “Holy Bible”, writes in his Book of Revelation of the final battle at the end of the age, when the forces of good and evil clash. John calls this The Battle of Armageddon (Rev. 16:16).
Biblical writers reveal both mystery and lie concerning The Battle of Armageddon. Some claim this great battle to be a physical battle with thousands upon thousands of horses and men in hand to hand combat. The destruction is to be so great that the blood will run in the streets as deep as the horse’s bridle reins. The location of this battle is to be the Plain of Megiddo in the Esdraelon/Jezreel Valley in Canaan. Megiddo is a city (ancient fortress) located on a hill in the southern part of the Esdraelon Valley, and once guarded the travel routes through Canaan (Palestine). Today, Megiddo is located ten miles south of the city of Nazareth in Israel and twenty-five miles southwest of the Sea of Galilee.
The combatants in this Battle of Armageddon are to be God Jehovah and his forces and his “chosen people” the Jews. They are to fight against the unbelievers and forces of darkness. These are the infidels or gentiles, commonly called “goyium”, by the Jews, meaning “cattle.” Evil, of course, is to be defeated and destroyed and God Jehovah is to triumph. God’s “chosen people” are to then lay claim to and occupy their “promised land”, the biblical land known as Palestine. From the “New Jerusalem” God Jehovah is to rule the world in peace—the kingdom of God on Earth.
Other prophetic writers claim The Battle of Armageddon to be of spiritual nature rather than physical. The Angels of Light and the Angels of Darkness are to do battle, and in the end, good triumphs over evil. Lucifer/Satan is defeated, he and his “troops” are thrown into the “Lake of Fire”, and good reigns henceforth forever.
The Truth is that there is to be an end of the age confrontation between good and evil upon Earth Shan. At this present time Shan is making a great transition from third dimension through fourth and into fifth dimension at her request. Creator God Aton of Light has granted this request. Because no evil is allowed in fifth dimension, all evil must be removed from Earth Shan prior to this transition. Total harmony and balance must be restored to Shan. This is now happening.
The “Battle of Armageddon” is both a physical and a spiritual battle and has been occurring on Shan for some years now. It is nearly over. The spiritual forces of darkness have suffered great losses, and during the month of May, 2002 the Draconian/Serpent controllers have permanently left Earth Shan. The Forces of Light have placed a protective energy field bubble around Shan to prevent these evil entities from ever returning. On the physical front hundreds of thousands of evil leaders in positions of authority such as administration, supervisors, attorneys, bankers, judges, military commanders, doctors, teachers and clergymen have chosen to leave Earth Shan. Look around you and discover for yourself who is “missing”. Thousands of evil people have chosen to stand against God’s Plan 2000 and are losing their battle. Thousands of people in various positions of authority have chosen to hinder or try to stop the NESARA Law bringing sweeping changes for good. They have failed and many have been removed to other planets to do environmental improvement work for the remainder of their present lifestream. Others are in the containment areas originally constructed by them in all fifty states of the U.S. and in other countries to hold those of us who refused to cooperate with the New World Order. Readers, the evil New World Order has fallen! Believe it, for it is true! The Khazarian Zionist Bolsheviks (KZB) and their Satan’s Plan 2000” have been defeated. I suspect that the “People of the Lie” do not yet believe this to be true.
Who are the “People of the Lie”? Some are the adherents to the religion of Christianity and the believers in the infallibility of their “holy” book the Bible. They believe the biblical tenents of God Jehovah being Creator God and a just and loving entity. They believe that God Jehovah had a “chosen people” the Jews, and that he gave these “chosen people” a “promised land” where they would live in peace and happiness. From their “promised land” of Palestine and their “new Jerusalem” with their God Jehovah, they would rule the world.
Christians the world over for centuries have believed this nonsense recorded in their Holy Bible by the KZB, without realizing that they (the Christians) are People of the Lie. They are victims of the KZB joke. Those who wake up to the joke realize that their ‘Holy Bible” is not so holy and that God Jehovah is not Creator God after all.
Only those who created the Lie, fully understand the Lie, namely the KZB (Jews). Do not forget that for over two thousand years the Christians and Arabs have been their enemies. One of the most shocking revelations of the Jewish Lie was made in an interview in 1976 by writer and editor Walter White. For 17 years Walter White, Jr. was the Director and Editor of the monthly conservative publication Western Front. Mr. White interviewed a Jew, Mr. Harold Wallace Rosenthal, age 29, who was the administrative assistant to a powerful ranking U.S. Senator, Jacob K. Javits of New York. In the interview Rosenthal, a boastful, arrogant, evil-tongued man gloated over the apparent success of a Jewish World Conspiracy (Note: this entire interview, Parts I and II can be found on the internet at website: http://www.churchoftrueisrael.com). I begin quoting well into the interview (Part II) as follows:
“W: (White) Surely you must know somewhere in your schooling, or you have some kind of personal feeling or understanding as to when and why the story began that the Jews are Gods’ Chosen People.
R: (Rosenthal) We are God’s chosen people.
W: Do you really believe that, Mr. Rosenthal?
R: Maybe I can explain or perhaps Jake could give you a better answer….
W: Who is Jake?
R: Jake Javits—you know, my associate. He’s the man that I work for and he’s a pretty smart guy. Plenty smart. His answer might serve your purpose for the story better.
W: I want your answer!
R: …you and we actually have a different God.
W: Is that the answer to the Jews being God’s chosen people?
R: To our god we are chosen ones. We are taught that from our childhood.
. . .you and we are so apart. You’re another breed. You’re not our kind. It’s not secret that we do not respect you, and of your kind.
W: Are you referring to just our kind of “Christians”?
R: No, you gentiles (non-Jews)—all of you are our enemies. . . .I was taught that we Jews must become lawyers so we could control and strangle the courts, and even the judges, unless they were Jews. We should become doctors and teachers and leaders in all the churches—and this goal has almost been fully accomplished.
I said it before and I’ll say it now—that we will have complete, I say complete control, throughout the entire world, possibly before I die. We are very successful in keeping you gentiles confused. We create confusion. You’re not stupid, White. You know that the Jews are successful because of our unity. We die for one another if necessary. We generously finance our own, so it is understandable how we govern not only in this country. We direct American foreign affairs. We are the super government of the world. . . We are the most powerful international body of people in the world! . . . We can destroy any country’s economy without their ever being aware of it—if we want to. . .
W: And when this whole sordid story becomes known, the result will be an aroused citizenry—an angry citizenry who will want to destroy you.
R: How? I ask you how? You can’t reach the people. We have it all under such control that no one—no one or no-body can reach the people unless it is done through our media control. We have it sewed up! We have infected your churches completely and we now control the school system in the United States. It is a reality that we have complete control of organized Christianity. Almost anywhere—completely. . .
W: According to the latest scholarly research, your ancestors are not Israelites but Mongolians and Asiatics from Eastern Europe, and Western Asia, so your ancestors were thousands of miles from the Holy Land. They never, ever saw the Holy Land—proving that your people were not the chosen people of God.
R: So what? What difference does it make?
W: We have been taught the big lie for many years that Jews are God’s Chosen people, so it does make a difference. A very grave difference.
R: What grave difference?
W: Does it not prove that the great majority of Jews today are Khazar in origin. Your ancestors never trod the lands where Christ walked. They never knew Jerusalem and Palestine. . . There is so much of what you have said, that as an individual, people may not believe you—they may not believe this interview. . .(Mr. R. interrupts)
R: That is why we have the control today. One of the reasons. Your people did not believe that it was possible for any people or race to accomplish what we have within a couple of hundred years. The gentile is stupid. We are intelligent. . . I’m young and have had the guts to tell you more than any other Jew would ever dare to tell you---at least publicly. I’ve stuck my neck out, White. Some of what I have told you is part of the inner, invisible world of Jewry.”
After Mr. White’s long interview was concluded, Mr. Rosenthal made this final statement. (quoting):
“R: We are god’s chosen people. . . Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer—so I wasn’t lying—and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.”
During the above interview Rosenthal stated that the Jews control the world’s money system and own the Federal Reserve Bank. By controlling the money supply, they have complete control of all corporate capital, and therefore all industry. Through this process they have gained total monopoly of the movie, radio, and television industries, the printing industry and the control of all newspapers, periodicals, and technical journals. The Jews control the publication of all school materials and textbooks and all religious materials. They control all governments and all laws and the courts and agencies that interpret and enforce the laws. The Jews have created all wars to their advantage. Their strongest supporters of Judaism are the ignorant Christians who believe the Jewish lies set forth in their “Holy Bible.” It is of interest to note that on August 12, 1976 Harold Wallace Rosenthal was deliberately shot and killed in an alleged sky-jacking attempt on an Israeli airliner in Istanbul, Turkey. He was probably murdered by his own people for foolishly revealing Truth to the goyium.
Believe me when I say that the “promised land” of Palestine was not planned for the “Christian”, much less the Children of Light. Palestine was planned for Lucifer’s chosen people, the Khazarian Zionist Bolshevik Jews, as a world control center. With such a plan of evil intent and physical control it is no small wonder that the great Battle of Armageddon was thought by the Jews and the deceived Christian community to be a great physical battle for control of the “holy land”—the land promised to God’s chosen people.
The people of Earth Shan are most certainly “People of the Lie”. The Middle East today is an ongoing example of the Jews in action. Their permanent goal is to steal the land of Palestine from their arch enemies the Arabs and the Christians, and annihilate all their enemies.
Such is not to be the case. Creator God Aton of Light also has a Plan 2000 to counter god Jehovah Lucifer/Satan’s Plan 2000. The great physical battle of death and destruction (of Armageddon) is not to be. The Forces of Light have cancelled any more war on Earth Shan. The frequencies of Shan have moved beyond war into peace and harmony. By order of God Aton all nuclear power of evil intent has been neutralized on Shan, forever! The Battle of Armageddon is both a physical and a spiritual battle. It began on August 17, 1987 and the confrontation between the forces of evil with the Forces of Light has gone mostly unnoticed by the people of Shan. Those awakened and enlightened Children of Light have known and have played vital roles in shaping the physical and spiritual destiny of Earth Shan and her people. They have provided the “fuel” for the Lighted Realms to act to remove the darkness.
The prophetic message of destruction and chaos on Shan does not have to occur. A horrible physical Battle of Armageddon does not have to happen. In fact, my friends, the battle between the forces of good and evil, of darkness and Light is nearly over! There need be no period of great chaos and death and destruction on Shan. There need be no great earth changes and upheaval from a polar shift on Shan. The ride can be as smooth as we want it to be. Balance and harmony must be/will be/shall be restored to Earth Shan before she makes her transition into fifth dimension. Preparation for such a transition can be done the hard way or the easy way. Prophecy need not be fulfilled, because all that happens in third dimension is based upon man’s choices, man’s freewill.
We can change our future. We can create a new ending to the play---and guess what? We have done just that! With the assistance of the Lighted Realms, the Children of Light are winning the third dimensional play on Earth Shan. God Aton’s Plan 2000 is marching steadily forward and shall not be stopped. Evil is being defeated on all fronts. I repeat again, because of the power of the Light frequencies against them, the darkside multidimensional draconian/serpent controller people have chosen to leave Shan during the month of May, 2002. Thanks to the work of the Lighted Realms’ Multidimensionals, these evil Serpent People are now all gone from Shan.
The United States of America is being restored and will once again become the lighthouse for the world. NESARA (The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act) is moving rapidly to fruition, and again, nothing can stop its announcement to the world and its implementation. Why? Because it is a major part of God Aton’s Plan 2000! The removal of our evil government leaders, attorneys, judges, bankers, doctors, teachers and media controllers, etc. is necessary to the restoration of our United States Constitution and the bringing of balance and harmony to our people. The redistribution of wealth is a necessary part of God Aton’s Plan 2000.
Many times the work of Light against darkness goes forward where we least suspect. It may take serious discernment to recognize where God Aton’s people are at work. God Aton of Light always offers opportunities and choices to participate, and choices always bring consequences. NESARA is one such example. Those who choose not to support NESARA will suffer the consequences. There is never a gray area. As God has said, either you are for me or you are against me. I remind you that a neutral stand of non-commitment registers as a “no” vote.
This is a time of great sorting between darkness and Light. Frequencies are steadily rising on Earth Shan. People with low frequencies are becoming ill and many are “checking out.” Those with high frequencies are feeling great and are making great advancement in their lessons in soul growth. Should you awaken to the point of discerning that you are in error, swallow your ego/pride, ask for forgiveness and join the band of the Children of Light. If you were in the “Band” but turned down a side street, you would do well to return most quickly to the “parade route”.
We are entering the Age of Miracles. The Battle of Armageddon is nearly over, and as correctly prophesied, the Age of Light is upon us! Never before has this ever occurred on Earth Shan and never again will evil play any part in the life of Shan. Will you move with Shan and the Children of Light into higher dimensions or return to a third dimensional planet for a continuation of your lessons in soul growth? That choice is totally up to you.
--The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive site is at--
--The Bellringer Writings are at--
DATE: 12-10-19
Hello Patrick and Anne, I hope all is well with the two of you-please know I pray daily for your healing Patrick.
An old girl friend of mine C. recently contacted me after some years of separation. My friend told me that her daughter committed suicide by jumping off the 17 floor of her balcony apartment; alcohol and drugs were involved.
C. nonetheless is in a deep state of grief and shock over the extraordinary means of how her young daughter chose to end her life; she leaves behind two very young daughters.
While C. is struggling to make sense of her daughter’s suicide, I have been helping C. in answering some of her inquiries about reincarnation, and the Laws of God and Creation which naturally come directly from the Phoenix Journals.
One of the topics we spoke about was what happens to a soul once the person leaves earth plane. I talked with C. about her daughter going to the Astral Plane where no time exists, whereby she would stand before God and judges self against the Laws of God and Creation, and reviewing her lessons in soul growth.
My friend was quite concerned whether her daughter was suffering while being on the Astral plane. I suspect depending on the level of the Astral plane one is on, the lower the vibration the more one would suffer. I am ultimately not entirely confident if my deduction is accurate.
What degree does a soul suffer while being on the Astral plane Patrick? I’m not even sure if the term “Suffer” is the correct term to use.
Lastly because no time exists in the Astral plane, is it possible for a soul to complete one’s life review on the Astral plane, then assist with earths transition aboard space ship before moving on to their next physical experience? I suspect a very enlightened soul could assist aboard ship once completing their life review on the Astral plane. I do know that there are ones leaving earth through the death experience at this time, because they are to be more useful on the other side of the veil in assisting with earths transition.
As an example, could my friend C. see her daughter aboard ship when the planet is evacuated? C. found such a possibility to be very comforting but ultimately I told her my answer would only be my opinion. After all with God/Anything is possible!
In closing I have put my friend onto Phoenix Journal #5, which I have read many-many times but do find parts of it still difficult to understand, particularly the “Acquisition of the Soul”.
Thank you kindly for any feedback you can offer.
Love and Light
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
TO: A.
DATE: 12-12-19
Dear A.
Yes, it stands to reason that one would suffer on the Astral Plane. You review your entire life and consider all the good and bad (wrong) things you have done against the Laws of God and Creation. One would have regrets and remorse at a soul level. I know my mother did.
My mother was a devout Christian and would not listen to the Truth. She called me the "son of Satan". When she died my wife and I were told by Sananda that she wept in agony when she realized her error.
When one commits suicide, they have opted out of their lessons in soul growth and guarantee their return to 3D to continue where they left off in the learning.
The degree that one suffers on the Astral is in relation to how much one has not lived the Laws of God and Creation to the best of their ability to do so. "The lower the vibration, the more one would suffer". And, yes, a very enlightened soul, who graduated into 5D could certainly help with earth's transition before going to the next assignment. One still has freewill!
Merry Christmas!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
Colloidal silver (CS) is a natural antibiotic which has been used throughout the world for centuries as a means to destroy microbes of all kinds and to correct many health problems. It was removed from public use in the United States in the 1920's and 1930's by the medical profession in their move to purge natural health remedies from the marketplace. As late as August, 1998 the FDA ordered all colloidal silver removed from all U.S. Health Stores, but due to public outcry, that order has been temporarily relaxed. Today, the use of colloidal silver is spreading rapidly throughout the medical community in the healing of burn victims. Medical doctors have never denied the merits of silver in the form of silver nitrate as a bactericide. Silver nitrate is routinely used in drops put into a baby's eyes at birth to prevent blindness from venereal disease.
Silver acts as a second immune system for humans by destroying bacteria and viruses of all kinds. It is toxic to bacteria, viruses, yeasts, fungi (molds), protozoa, and parasites in the egg stage. Therefore, CS will destroy staph and strep bacteria which are so common in today's health problems. In the silver literature there are listings of over 650 diseases and health problems that silver in colloidal form will effect in very positive ways. The frequency of silver is higher than almost all of the known harmful crystal-headed viruses such as that of AIDS, Ebola, West Nile, and SARS, ZIKA, MERS, MARBURG, SWINE & AVIAN FLU, and thus will destroy them. Usually these viruses are no problem to a person with a strong immune system and good nutrition. Those dying from these diseases today usually have neither of these.
A colloid is a substance of ultramicroscopic particles. Colloidal silver is nothing more than very tiny particles of pure silver suspended in distilled water through the process of electrolysis. The smaller the particles in CS the better the body can assimilate them. Colloidal silver is odorless, tasteless and has no known negative reaction to any medication, health problem, diet, or artificial alteration to the human body. It is considered, along with gold and titanium, to be Creator God's natural antibiotic provided for the good health of the people of planet Earth. Gold has a higher frequency then silver, while the frequency of titanium is higher than gold. Nothing on planet Earth in microbe form can survive the frequencies of colloidal titanium and colloidal gold, while colloidal silver will destroy nearly all of them.
Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark has done extensive research and application in the field of holistic health. She has published her works in various books and newsletters. For further information on colloidal silver, I am drawing from an edited copy of one of Dr. Clark's Newsletters on the subject.
"What Do We Know About Colloidal Silver?" Edited By: Christine Doyle
From Dr. Clark Newsletter: http://www.silverpuppy.com/drclarknews.html
This article was taken, shortened and altered, from the Dr. Clark Newsletter for practitioners, 'Finding the Way', by courtesy of the editor, Clinical Nutritionist and practitioner, Christine Doyle, PO Box 33, Carmarthen SA33 6YE, UK, Tel/Fax +44-1994-484 682.
The 1994 issue of "Newsweek" featured a six page article, "Antibiotics, The End of Miracle Drugs?" as the cover story. "The rise of drug-resistant germs is unparalleled in recorded history", according to the article. "Penicillin and tetracycline lost their power over staph back in the 1950's and 60's. Another antibiotic, methicillin, provided a backup for a while, but methicillin-resistant staph is now common in hospitals and nursing homes worldwide. Trying to cripple bacteria's defenses will not do much more than buy us five to ten years. A better strategy might be to abandon antibiotics altogether in favor of different kinds of drugs." Not a very pretty picture: bacteria have a tremendous ability to adapt to substances. They can and do mutate to overcome antibiotics. When the antibiotics destroy the bacteria which are susceptible to them, they can clear the way for resistant bacteria to move in uninhibited.
Still another problem that has plagued the medical profession from the beginning with modern antibiotics has been that beneficial bacteria and organisms play various important, natural functions in the body. Antibiotics often play havoc with some of the friendly organisms, producing long lasting side effects that may be difficult to correct.
One reason that the antibiotics have been so popular in the medical field is due to the fact that they can be patented. Therefore, the pharmaceutical companies find it financially worthwhile to keep the doctors educated in their medicines, while other products go unnoticed. Silver, on the other hand, is not patentable and there are no huge profits in it, so it is not worth heavy promotion. The high-priced products run over the low cost products, simply because of profitability. All of this is happening at the same time that disease bacteria are developing immunity to antibiotics all over the world. The medical profession is alarmed.
Science Digest suggested an answer to all of these catastrophic problems back in March of 1978 in an article titled "Our Mightiest Germ Fighter". This article by Jim Powell stated: "Thanks to eye-opening research, silver is emerging as a wonder of modern medicine. An antibiotic kills perhaps a half-dozen different disease organisms, but silver kills some 650. Resistant strains fail to develop. Moreover, silver is virtually non-toxic."
Silver has been known to be a bactericide for at least 1200 years. Even in ancient times, it was known to prevent disease, and it was said that disease could not be transmitted in drinking from a silver cup. Silver coins were commonly dropped into a jar to prevent the spoilage of milk and other drink, and silver containers were used to prolong the freshness of foods in general. Wealthy people used to feed their babies with a silver spoon, which was considered to be a cause of strong healthy growth. Even today, some commonly call all tableware "silverware" although it is more commonly stainless steel. In the 1920's, 30's and 40's, silver was ground very fine like flour, suspended in water and was used orally for many infections and disease conditions, topically on burns, and for fungal infections. Until almost 1970 it was common for scientists to put a silver dime in a Petri dish to sterilize the dish. Silver was long used for plates for the surgical repair of bones. After the development of the patented antibiotics, silver was forgotten in the United States and most other places, although the antibiotics are only effective against bacteria, not viruses, yeast, or fungi. Now, with the greatly improved modern colloids, the tables are turning and silver may be the most effective treatment of all.
What exactly is Colloidal Silver (CS)?
Simply put, colloids are extremely minute silver particles suspended in water, with a positive electrical charge. The smaller the silver particles, the more effective CS has proven to be. The best Colloidal Silver is produced at the molecular level. A small DC current is passed through an electrolyte (distilled water) with silver electrodes. Minute, molecular sized particles are drawn off the positive electrode, having a positive electrical charge. This electrical charge is of primary importance to healing and antibacterial qualities. The charge slowly dissipates, especially when exposed to light, and therefore, the freshness of the colloid is important.
In "Colloidal Silver", a booklet produced by the Association for Colloidal Research, it is reported that: "Medical Journal Reports and documented studies spanning 100 years indicate no known side effects from oral or IV administration of properly manufactured Colloidal Silver in animal or human testing. There has never been a reported reaction with Colloidal Silver to any prescription medication."
The evidence appears to support the theory that Colloidal Silver is highly effective against all strains of pathogenic bacteria, while any one antibiotic is only effective against a few certain bacterial strains. Furthermore, antibiotics have never been effective against viruses, yeast or fungi. Yet, researchers are telling us that Colloidal Silver has produced phenomenal results in tissue healing and reconstruction, as well as reducing scar tissue in clinical tests. Severe cuts and wounds have healed in much less time. Laboratory tests have shown CS to kill over 650 destructive bacteria, viruses and fungi within minutes of contact.
UCLA ran some tests on Colloidal Silver and their report states: "The silver solutions were antibacterial for Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Neisseria gonorrhea, Gardnerella Vaginalis, Salmonella Typhi, and other enteric pathogens, fungicidal for Candida albicans, Candida globata, and M. furfur, and it killed every virus that was tested in the lab".
Other voices:
Dr. Hirschberg, John Hopkins: "...remarkable for their beneficial action in infective states". Dr. Henry Cooks: "I know of no microbe that is not killed in laboratory tests within six minutes". Dr. Gary Smith: "When silver was present the cancer cell was de-differentiated and the body was restored".
Certain bacteria are essential to healthy body function. Several researchers claim Colloidal Silver only attacks the unfriendly pathogens and will not harm the friendly ones, but one must wonder how it can possibly differentiate. The explanation is that the friendly bacteria are aerobic, while unfriendly bacteria are anaerobic. (Editor's note: There are helpful and harmful bacteria that live in anerobic and aerobic conditions.) Silver does not attack bacteria directly, but rather decomposes certain enzymes the anaerobic bacteria, viruses, yeast, and molds require. The silver acts as a catalyst and is not consumed in the process. It is probable that this indirect action is also the reason bacteria cannot develop a resistance to silver, as they do to antibiotics.
Some researchers do tell us, however, that in prolonged, very heavy doses, some silver compounds will leave gray deposits in the heavier skin folds such as the knuckles. This condition is known as "Argyria". The only problem to these deposits is said to be the cosmetic appearance and the condition is said to be rare. Some experts say this condition has never been known to occur from silver in the colloidal state. Other experts do, however, warn that this might be a problem with extremely high, prolonged dosages (such as drinking many quarts of CS per day over months of time). The very small particle size in the Colloidal Silver would seem to make this possibility remote. Argyria is correctable with laser treatment, like a tattoo. (It should be noted that there has been only one case of Argyria reported in the world in the last 100 years.)
Medical Uses
In the 1970's Dr. Carl Moyer, Chairman of Washington University's Department of Surgery, received a grant to develop better treatments for burn victims. Dr. Harry Margraf worked with Dr. Moyer and other surgeons, a chief biochemist on this project. They tested 22 antiseptic compounds and rejected all of them. The problem was that infections in burns often failed to respond to antibiotics. Most antiseptics actually destroy the delicate healing tissues in severe burns and were very painful. The greatest problem was the bacterium Pseudomonas acruginose, which is particularly infectious to burns and fails to respond to all common antibiotics.
In his research into medical history, Dr. Margraf found numerous references to silver as an antimicrobial agent. Dr. Margraf therefore tried silver nitrate, the same solution used in newborn babies' eyes at birth to prevent blindness from venereal disease. It worked! However, he found it disturbed the balance of body salts, stained everything it touched, and in high concentrations was corrosive and painful. After further study he found that all of these problems were solved by Colloidal Silver. With Colloidal Silver as the base, he then developed a salve that has been extremely effective in treating the infections and healing in serious burns. Colloidal Silver is now routinely used for severe burn victims, resulting in a large reduction of scarring and a heavy reduction of deaths for extensive severe burns.
The article in Science Digest, March, 1978, relates: "A speeding car overturned and burst into flames. The 18-year-old driver suffered burns all over his face, neck, arms, hands, back, stomach, and legs. Burns covered more than 80 percent of his body. Until recently, this would have been a death sentence. Doctors knew how to restore vital body fluids and salts, but had no way to fight infection, the primary cause of death in burn cases. Fortunately, for this youth, a new silver compound killed deadly bacteria and enabled him to heal. He was out of the hospital within four months."
Another line of research that has led to this change of thinking is described in the best seller: "The Body Electric", in which Robert O. Becker, leading research scientist in the field of bone regeneration, states: "The germ killing action of silver has been known for some time. The Soviets use silver ions to sterilize recycled water aboard their space stations. It kills even antibiotic-resistant strains, and also works on fungus infections." He goes on to say: "It stimulates bone-forming cells, cures the most common stubborn infections of all kinds of bacteria, and stimulates healing in the skin and other soft tissues."
Certainly that is a broad statement, but Dr. Becker further relates a fascinating story which would seem to substantiate his belief. A man's broken right tibia and fibula refused to bond and the skin refused to heal over a large area of the leg for a year and a half. The leg was infected with five kinds of bacteria, all of which refused to respond to antibiotics. As a last resort before amputation, Dr. Becker treated the condition with silver charged with a very minute electrical current. This produced silver ions in the bone area and at the surface area. "I debrided (cleaned) the wound, removing the dead tissue and all grossly infected or dead bone. There wasn't much left afterward. It was an enormous excavation running almost from his knee to his ankle. In the operating room, we soaked a big piece of silver nylon in saline solution and laid it over the wound. We packed the fabric in place with saline-soaked gauze, wrapped the leg, and connected the battery unit."
"About two weeks later", Dr. Becker tells us, "all of our bacterial cultures were sterile -- all five kinds had been killed. The soft healing tissue, called granulation tissue, was spreading out and covering the bone. In two weeks the whole base of the wound, which had been over eight square inches of raw bone, was covered with this friendly pink carpet. The skin was beginning to grow in, too, so we could forget about the grafts we thought we'd need to do. I decided to take an X-ray to see how much bone he'd lost." He was expecting the bone to start withdrawing before the knitting process began. "I could hardly believe the picture. There was clearly some bone growth! I removed the cast, felt the leg, and found that the pieces were all stuck together. John watched, and when I was done, he lifted his leg into the air triumphantly."
After extensive experiments along these lines, Dr. Becker concluded: "Cells exposed to positive silver ions profoundly stimulate healing in a way unlike any known natural process. Whatever its precise mode of action may be, the electrically generated silver ion can produce enough cells for blastomas; it has restored my belief that full regeneration of limbs and other body parts can be accomplished in humans."
Dr. Becker's experiments seem to show that Colloidal Silver not only kills the pathogens, but also produces dramatic healing of tissue such as his statement of the skin growth on the leg quoted above. The silver ion produces some cells with no differentiation. These cells can turn into any cell that is needed. Only these de-differentiated cells can be used to create the cells necessary to replace destroyed cells such as in a wound or rebuild missing tissue. It seems to be for this reasoning that Colloidal Silver heals injuries without scarring, or at last greatly reduces scarring, while greatly accelerating the reconstruction or general healing of wounds. Scar tissue develops when de-differentiated cells are in short supply. Therefore it would seem, from the evidence at hand, that CS could reduce or prevent internal scarring and promote internal healing after surgery.
Other medical uses:
In "Report: Colloidal Silver, Health Consciousness, Vol. 15, No. 4", it is stated "Silver aids the developing fetus in growth, health, and eases the delivery and recovery." Hospitals routinely use it in new-born infants' eyes to prevent 'infection caused' blindness. Silver seems to be even more promising against AIDS, and there seems to be no doubt that silver supports the T-cells in their fight against foreign organisms in the blood. It virtually forms a second immune system, actually protecting and defending T-cells. It is strongly suggested by research scientists such as Dr. Gary Smith and others that silver ions are essential to the immune system. Marvin Robey, has personally used a strong dose of Colloidal Silver (4 oz. of 500 parts per million) for a 'cold' in its early stages. It provided relief in two hours and cured the cold completely in about 24 hours. Others say that it quickly cures their colds in more advanced stages.
Physiological information about CS
The body's ability to process the tiny atoms of Colloidal Silver makes silver build-up in the body impossible. The Environmental Protection Agency's Poison Control Center reports a 'no toxicity' listing for CS. If particles are small enough you can even drink arsenic! Examining a bottle of colloidal minerals from a local health store you may notice nickel, arsenic and lead among the trace minerals on the ingredients list.
CS is the only form of silver that can be used safely as a supplement. It is absorbed into the tissues at a slow enough rate that is not irritating to tissues, unlike silver nitrate which reacts violently with tissues because of its caustic action.
The body has a vital need for silver to produce new healthy cells. Since our blood is also a colloid, the harmonious way the colloids enter the body may well make Colloidal Silver the safest medicine on earth
Dr. Robert O. Becker, MD, says that a deficiency of silver in the diet contributes to disease. In fact he found that those with low levels of silver in their body had frequent colds, flu, and sicknesses. He feels that a silver deficiency can be the cause of improper functioning of the immune system.
"Used in the space shuttle"
When will we see silver in our everyday life for non-medical use? It seems it is already more prominent in our lives than most people realize. In Health Consciousness, Vol. 15, No. 4, Pg. 5 we read: "In the former Soviet Union, silver is used to sterilize recycled water aboard space shuttles. NASA has also selected a silver/water system for its space shuttle. Internationally, many airlines use silver water filters to guarantee passenger safety against water-borne diseases such as dysentery. The Swiss government has approved use of such silver water filters in homes and offices. In the U.S some city municipalities use silver in the treatment of sewage. Silver works so well in purifying water that it is sometimes used to purify swimming pool water. It does not sting the eyes as chlorine does, and it does kill mosquito larva. An experiment conducted in Nebraska demonstrates its effectiveness. Fifty gallons of raw sewage were pumped into a pool without any disinfectant. A standard measure of contamination is the count of E. coli, a bacteria organism found in the intestinal tract. The count soared to 7000 E. coli cells per milliliter of water. When the water was exposed to silver electrodes, within three hours it was completely free of E. coli."
How you can use Colloidal Silver
Add CS to drinking water when on holiday or camping. Sterilize anything from tooth brushes to surgical instruments, spray on garbage to prevent decay odors, disinfect dish cloths, cutting boards; add when canning, preserving or bottling fruits and vegetables; spray in shoes and between toes to kill fungus; disinfect bath water, use as gargle, douche, colon irrigation, nasal spray; drop onto bandages and plasters to hasten healing time; soak dentures; spray refrigerator, freezer, food storage containers to stop mildew, mold, wood rot, fungi. Use to spray pet's bedding; use in cleaning and mopping solutions. Spray on the top of open jam jars and food lids before closing to prevent mold. Spray air ducts; use in the final washing machine rinse cycle, and dishwashers. Spray around plant roots to stop rot; spray foliage to remove aphids and mold; use inside gloves and under fingernails, rinse fruit and vegetables, use in shampoos and rinsing water; spray pets and use in pet drinking water; spray carpets, wipe telephone mouthpieces, headphones, hearing aids; spray mattresses and allow to dry to kill dust mites; clean combs and glasses. Apply to baby for diaper rash and spray inside of diapers. Clean bathrooms, kitchens, floors, underwear, pillowcases, etc., etc.
Swishing the solution briefly under the tongue before swallowing ensures faster absorption and destroys mouth bacteria. In several days CS will have accumulated in the tissues sufficiently for benefits to begin. It is eliminated via the kidneys, lymph and bowel within three weeks.
CS is painless on cuts and abrasions, in open wounds, in the nostrils for sinus stuffy nose and even in babies eyes, because unlike antiseptics it does not destroy tissue cells. Inside the body silver forms no toxic features. It cannot react or interfere with any other medication being taken.
Dr. Hulda Clark feels that sufficient CS is ingested from cleaning the teeth. Perhaps more is needed in certain conditions. Other doctors suggest one or two teaspoons daily. There is no limit for external use. In general, modern Colloidal Silver is of much better quality than it was in the 1930's and 40's due to modern knowledge of how to produce it. Still better news is that you can produce the Colloidal Silver of the finest quality yourself for pennies a bottle. This way, you know it is fresh and you have a better idea of the concentration and quality.
When uniform current is applied to silver in solution the particles that break off will always be the same size: 1.26 angstroms (.000126 microns). This nano size is so small that its nearest rival is an atom. Very simple, inexpensive, easily used and maintainable equipment is now available by several manufacturers to make your own Colloidal Silver of the finest quality, absolutely fresh. To purchase ready made CS is highly expensive. To make it for yourself via a little machine costs only cents. Important: Dr. Clark's comments regarding CS: "The purity of the silver is an important issue. The manufacturer of the silver should divulge this. Use only 99.99% pure silver.
[End of Quoting]
I include here a listing of medical applications for Colloidal Silver which has been complied from several medical sources.
Medical applications of Colloidal Silver
Lyme Disease
Septic conditions (of eyes, ears, mouth & throat)
Skin cancer
Skin rashes
Athlete's Foot
Ear infections
Sore Throat
Bacteria, all forms
Parasitic infections
Staph infections
Bladder infection
Pavo virus
Stomach flu
Bleeding gums
Plant viruses & fungi
Stomach ulcer
Strep infection
Blood Parasites
Pneumonia (viral, fungal & bacterial)
Blood poisoning
Thrush (yeast infection)
Bubonic Plague
Purulent Ophthalmia
Tooth decay (neutralize)
Candida, (yeast infection)
Hay Fever
Canine parovirus
Trench foot
Canker Sore
Ulcerated Stomach (ulcers)
Venereal diseases
Chronic fatigue
Virus, all forms
Scarlet Fever
West Nile Virus
Whooping Cough
Yeast infection
You can make your own colloidal silver (CS) with a CS generator far more cheaply than purchasing the CS from a health store.
Many of you bought the Robey Silver Generator, Delux Model over the years at our recommendation. The company went out of business recently, and you have nowhere to get a silver electrode replaced.
I had one made by a silversmith here in Rapid City for myself last week. He did a beautiful job. He is willing to make silver electrodes for you at a reasonable cost, based on today’s silver price.
Contact Charles R. Goldsmith:
Website: https://jewelryrepairguy.com
Email: chuck@jewelryrepairguy.com
Phone: 1-605-718-7859
One word of caution is that colloidal solutions using electrolysis must be made with only distilled water. Any other water contains minerals which will render the passing of an electric current through it ineffective for making a colloidal solution.
We suggest you use a properly manufactured CS generator, as opposed to a battery operated home-made one . When the batteries discharge the current is reduced, causing the electrolysis process to produce larger silver particles. These larger particles cannot pass through the cell wall membrane and are rendered useless to the body. Over time they may deposit in the skin giving a bluish color, a harmless condition known as Argyria. Nano sized particles of silver made with a properly calibrated generator will travel throughout the body uninhibited, and give the best results.
The human body utilizes colloidal silver at the rate of three to five ppm. Higher concentrations of silver are not harmful in any way but they do not kill internal microbes more effectively. For a topical application of CS a silver concentration of 60 ppm or higher is needed. At this level CS is effective as an after-shave, deodorant, mouth wash, for gargling and for burns, cuts, insect bites and other skin irritations.
On a side note the early pioneers of the U.S. "Old West" would put a silver dollar into a bucket of fresh milk and keep it from spoiling without refrigeration for two to three days. They also used true silverware and silver dishes which aided their health. Also, for many centuries the Royal Families of the world have been called "Blue Bloods" because of the high silver content in their blood. They stored their food in silver dishes, ate from silver plates and cups, and used true silverware. They had no modern medicine and medical doctors but remained healthy. The "commoners" could not afford silver utensils and were usually sick.
For many years my family and I have used colloidal silver with great success. We recommend one-fourth to one-half cup of colloidal silver a day as a maintenance program, if you are able to make your own CS. CS can be put into your drinking water and used throughout the day or taken at meal times to keep your body constantly supplied. Over time light will reduce the positive charge on the silver ion, causing it to precipitate from suspension. The silver will then adhere to the walls of the container and render it unusable. This problem is corrected by storing CS in amber colored glass bottles. This gives it an indefinite shelf life.
Colloidal gold (CG) is nearly unavailable in U.S. health stores today, as are CG generators on the internet. The price of gold makes buying CG very expensive. The U.S. Government has effectively prohibited the manufacturing of CG generators, but one source is found at http://www.biophysica.com. Colloidal titanium and colloidal titanium generators are nearly impossible to find in the marketplace.
The big lie is that all healing can only happen through the medicines, drugs, medical techniques and expertise of the medical community. Medical doctors are honored as the God's of Healing and are paid accordingly. Behind the scenes the pharmaceutical companies control all. They fund the medical research grants at the universities to control the results, and they bribe the medical doctors to utilize their drugs and techniques by allowing the doctors to become stockholders in their pharmaceutical companies. This is all done at the expense of those who suffer from illness, and many, who are ill, have become so from the medications and techniques of the medical community.
Colloidal silver is kept secret by the pharmaceutical industry for two very important reasons. The first reason, of course, is that the effectiveness and availability of CS would severely cut into the profits the drug companies make today on all the various antibiotics, flue, and cold remedies. The second reason is that CS can not be patented. The Food and Drug Administration has classified CS as a pre 1938 drug, which makes it exempt from current patent laws. If a product cannot be patented and a monopoly held on it in the marketplace, it cannot demand a high price. Therefore, CS is worthless to the pharmaceutical profiteers. In fact they are fearful that colloidal silver may return to public use and have worked hard to keep it hidden.
Is it any wonder that colloidal silver which can stop viruses such as West Nile, AIDS, Ebola, Bubonic plague, SARS, ZIKA, MERS ,MARBURG, SWINE & AVIAN FLU is kept hidden from public use? Something so inexpensive, so easy to make, and so accessible to the public as colloidal silver would cause so much good health as to wipe out whole sections of the pharmaceuticals in thousands of hospitals and drug stores. Such is the trillion dollar drug lie. Can you imagine a world without harmful molds and bacteria? Can you imagine a world without the common cold, without AIDS, without the "flu", without venereal disease, without AIDS? That is the world of colloidal silver. We certainly are People of the Lie!
-- The Bellringer Writings are at -- http://www.fourwinds10.com
-- The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive site is at -- http://www.phoenixarchives.com and at www.fourwinds10.com