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11/30/96 #1    HATONN / SOLTEC

We can turn to any topic upon which you might wish discourse--fine.  We can speak of that which is in cycles, climate, ozone layers, illusion, delusion, and allusion--and what have we?  We have a crossing of information, nothing more.  But from that information, if you be WHOLE in being, you will gain KNOWLEDGE and, recognizing Truth, you can begin to lift self out of the anticipated tragedy of ignorance.


Let us pause for a minute and see if you even understand, in your illusion of experience, if you know: what is climate?

If I tell you that the climate cycle is but a byproduct of the entire life system, all of which rests on the expenditure of atomic energy in the tectonic system, what would be your next inquiry?  It would probably be: "Let's go back and talk about soul!"  But, experiencing manifest bodies physical--you HAVE TO KNOW ABOUT CLIMATE AND CYCLES OR YOU CANNOT SURVIVE!  If, in addition, your SOUL is as sick as your climate, you are in mega trouble.

The tectonic system of your Earth constantly removes materials from the mantle of your globe, separates the compounds containing a balance of elements necessary to living organisms, and then moves them into the mountains or the atmosphere.  Those compounds containing elements not required for life processes in abundance, are consigned to the core or are recycled to build the basic ocean floor at the ridges.  This operation has gone on since God created the perfectly balanced thing you call "planet".

Ah, but is this important to those of us who just need to know if the Redskins beat the Cotton-Pickers?  Yes indeed.  For instance, if the ball game is being played in the Cotton Bowl and an axis tilt happens, it will be that the tectonic plates cause slippage and you could well rather be watching a swim-match than a ball game--from boats rather than bleachers.


Knowledge and education are two very, very different things--but you cannot gain knowledge without educating self.  Let us consider the question of realization as presented of the United States of America.  Pick any kid from East L.A. and ask him to name the 50 states of the U.S.  He is likely to respond: "Are their 50?"  Now try capitals in these states.  How about the capital of Nevada, the sin capital.  He will likely say Las Vegas or perhaps Reno.  If you tell him, "No, it is Carson City."  He will likely say "What is this Carson City crap?  Isn't that up by Bonanza?"  That is if he even remembers a program like Bonanza, which is no longer likely.  You have dumbed down and stupified your own offspring.  You have developed a generation or two of illiterates, generally speaking.

And what of teachers?  Can YOU teach--actually teach from knowledge, the FACTS about tectonic plates, their function, and their relationship to, say, CO2?  What would Dr. Soltec have to say about it?  Well, let's see, as I ask Antonious to offer a small session in this matter:


Good morning and thanks for attending this lesson, Fingers; it has been a long time in-between our sessions and I've missed the friendship interchange.

Cmdr. Hatonn has asked me to briefly speak on such as tectonic systems and their relationship to other things in your environment WITHOUT particularly referring to your Spiritual recognitions. Since Spirit, however, loses its housing if things get too far out of balance, I have difficulty in separating and parting from the WHOLE.  We will try, however, to speak a bit more directly to physical activities.

In view and recognition, without repeating the above information regarding the topic, I will speak of how the tectonic system supplies molten rock to perform some tasks.  Actually, we limit our focus to three separate jobs.  One is to build a new ocean floor at the ridges.  Two is to hydraulically support the crust, to mend rifts and breaks in the crust all over the world.  Three is to build mountains and plateaus; yes indeed, that is what I said, so the soil-enriching minerals can move to the lowlands by water and wind erosion.  The last job requires the maximum PRESSURE and is done above the continental "heater".  The distribution of rock between the other two jobs depends on the friction of flow to a particular point as compared with another point.  It also depends on changes in weight of crust.  Specifically, if glaciers melt from a section of landmass, the hydraulic balance is disturbed and the magma flows easily to that part of the landmass until it is raised to a state of hydraulic balance with the rest of the crust.  Conversely, if the land becomes glaciated, it drops to a state of balance and greatly increases the magma flow to the ridges.  Thus, changes in the climate are reflected in change in the direction of flow of the magma, a fact which has to do with changes in polarity axis orientation of the Earth's magnetic field.  Moreover, these things are in constant flux and shiftings.

The climate changes are recorded in the buttes formed at the ridges, but the REASON for the climate changes is basically the fluctuation of the level of CO2 in the atmosphere.  The amount of CO2determines whether the pattern of airflow around each hemisphere is a wave of low amplitude or high amplitude.  If the CO2 level is high, the amplitude is high and almost all of the moisture is carried to high latitudes where it produces glaciation.

The microorganisms can increase in quantity or die out in remarkably short periods of time.  Their food supply contains two variables: carbon and minerals.  They, in turn, are the source of the protoplasm compounds of all other life.  If either the carbon or the minerals or both are depleted in the land and/or in the sea, the life system collapses.

Glaciation starts because the minerals are used up in the land and the sea.  That ends a glacial cycle of some, give or take, 20,000 to 25,000 years, depending on when the last glacial advance is assumed to have started.  Subsequent cycles are shorter.  The integral cycles are shorter.  The interglacial cycle is recognized as probably the longest cycle because the soil and plant life have a great ability to recycle the minerals, whereas the ocean life uses both the carbon and minerals in the chain of life and dumps them on the ocean floor where there is very little recycling.

However, THIS is why we offer to you the colloidalized and natural-presenting Poslin and Minerals of the "Rare" Earth varieties.  One comes from the volcanic froth bearing incredible arrays of minerals; the other comes from the ancient sea deposits and has even MORE of the minerals and isotopes formed throughout eons of sea deposits.  If you partake of these balanced and mandatory minerals, along with that which is offered in Dria lifeform and fuel (food) intake--your system will be strong and able to ward off any invader within the system.  And yes, I AM THE ONE who sends these gatherers hither and yon to locations for the gleaning of these wondrous deposits.  We are integrated as a team, just as must you be.

Once begun, the glaciation cannot be stopped because the ice load reverses the flow of magma, from the direction of going from the inner core into the gunk under the crust, to flow out the gunk into the inner core.  Gunk may well be a non-technical term but I think you get my point.  This increases the feed rate into the heaters, which results in a greater release of CO2, into the atmosphere and this is very important.  What are "heaters"?  Go look it up, I am speaking about other important factors but, do you see, if you don't know SOMETHING, you can't even realize of what I speak.

The increase in CO2 requires a greater equilibrium pressure differential between the CO2 in the atmosphere and that in the ocean in order to increase the rate of absorption of CO2 in the water. The sea life can expand to use up the CO2 directly flowing into the water, and thus increase the rate of CO2 absorption in the air into the ocean.  Because of the requirement of a greater amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, in order to increase the rate of water absorption (as opposed to direct consumption of CO2 by plant life on the land), the CO2 never drops to interglacial levels. Therefore the temperature constantly gets colder.  The sea life is responsible for the CO2 fluctuations which result in glacial advance and limited retreat.

Now go ask the ordinary run-of-the-street rapper, "What is CO2?"  He will probably tell you it is a Colored Operation #2.  "You know, bro, like the NAACP--you know."

Well, it just happens that this is THE one element that can KILL YOU OFF as a species!

From what we are now seeing of the relation between CO2 and the establishment of the glaciation now in progress, it now seems doubtful if the CO2 in the air ever rises as high as twice the interglacial level.  It could happen if circumstances are not redirected.  But it won't, readers, for there is always the living and the dying processing in ever-recurring cycles.  The "dead" have little use for energy and they are poor producers of fossil fuels upon which you base your world economy--without reason, I hasten to add.

There is no doubt that there is a point of no return at which no matter what is done, the increase of CO2 from the tectonic system exceeds the capacity of the remaining forests and sea life to remove the CO2.  At that point a remineralization program becomes useless.  Given the time such a program would take, you might already have passed that point of no return.

The limit of glaciation is reached when it has built up so far south that the annual melting equals the annual ice buildup.  At that point, volcanism moves quickly to a lower level because magma is no longer forced to flow out from under the glaciated area into the core.  The ocean floor slows its feeding of fuel to the heaters and the output of molten rock and the CO2 dissolved in it is reduced to interglacial levels.  As the rains come back to the middle latitudes, the life on the land flourishes in the newly remineralized soils.  As the glaciers melt back, the magma once again flows under the depressed areas.  In the next, say, 10,000 years the minerals on the land and in the oceans will support sufficient life to keep the CO2 at the interglacial level.  But when the minerals are too few to support enough life to hold down the CO2 level, it begins to rise and the death of the temperate and tropical zone forests swiftly initiates the airflow pattern which brings glaciation to polar latitudes and extreme, killing heat and drought in between.

The whole world takes part in the making of climate.  Every factor is complex and has its own time lags built-in.  The only sharply identifiable time in the whole climate cycle is the time at which the temperate zone climate is destroyed and you stop eating.  You can look at satellite pictures, see a cloud amassing and moving toward you, and figure you might soon get rain.  It is doubtful if you will ever go very much further in forecasting because too much of weather matters and activities are controlled by man without consideration of natural cycles conducive to LIFE.

It is, however, easy to chart the CO2 content of the atmosphere and know whether or not you have enough minerals in the soil and water.  Of course, now, it seems that CO2 and other things about water supplies are contingent on the living organisms and microbes/parasites which now infect your systems.  One thing of which you can be pretty accurate, with all things considered, is that very clearly that glaciation, the time of no temperate zone, is almost upon you.

So what can you do? The solution to the crisis in this circumstance can be drawn, as usual, from the "cause".

You must remineralize the world's soils and put carbon dioxide into the earth as fast as you can in order to reverse this curve and bring it back to a safe and stable level.

Since this problem is international in extent, it must be met in international focus.  You need to look at possibilities and consider the stopping of use of fossil fuels, have mature tree plantations to take the place thereof and these tree plantations must grow on mineralized soils.  All foods must be grown on remineralized soils as well.  Ground gravel dust should be incorporated into all sewage waters to make sure there are enough excess minerals in the discharge to remineralize the rivers and estuaries.  Remineralize all other coastal waters where shellfish growth is possible--and get rid of the life-ending microbial lifeforms while stopping the tampering and integration of such as bacteria with viral mutations and manufactured structures.

You must also remineralize the forests and jungles sufficiently to stop the dying and increase the rate of growth.  You also have to stop cutting down the forests.  This means you must turn to alternative products for those uses.

And, you must, above all, go back to the original idea of remineralizing all croplands to increase food QUALITY as well as yield to compensate for the increasing loss of crops to drought and cold growing seasons.  You must, by now, note the changing in the Season cycles.

Resignation to malnutrition and starvation seem to be your direction of activity flow and that is your choice as a species--but it seems most drastically foolish to NOT attend this most critical circle of peril.  You must remember that these things do not recognize NATIONAL boundaries.  If you pollute to destruction any part of your habitat--the disease will spread to ALL parts before the cycle ends.  And, brothers, you are THERE--now.  You needed to have these things underway over a decade ago, for now, you work on the side of "no ability to return" in most instances.

We can help you to accomplish restructuring in small pockets of focused activities, but that doesn't seem to be coming together either as the ones with funds hold those funds as if they can eat money.  So be it, for we can only offer.

Thank you for the brief opportunity to speak of these things with you and I trust that you will consider the seriousness of your circumstances.  There will, of natural order, be a shifting of massive nature because some of these THINGS have already come to pass in sequence of that which comes with certain environments.  You will, of simple evolvement, experience a great shifting of global magnitude.  Water will seek, as in Universal Law, its lowest possible point of flow.  This means that weight and other characteristics as they unfold will simply, through "physics" in motion, change the topography of the entire mass.  I hope when those remineralized land masses arrive at the surface, there is someone left around to utilize the gifts.  This bunch of crew, however, are tired of the load in order to save your assets when you show no interest in anything--and especially the growing of worthy fuel for your bellies.  You even have to have grain to make beer, good Buddies.  And a lot of your potato chips still come from potatoes.  Filling the belly to bursting point will NOT solve the problem of MALNUTRITION.

Ah, but you can't help; you are too busy, too poor, too sick, too tired.  Well, so too are these people and, more specifically, Dharma, TOO weary to much longer carry the load and she doesn't need the knowledge or the intrigue.

Even in the local arena, how many of you rush out to help put minerals on the fields?  Oh, you don't know about those things--that's Charles' problem?  Is it?  How much do you leave to us and our teams here and there?  Why do you not do these things for, say, Ekkers?  Why do you expect them to do it for you?  Well, I was not asked to go into such things but, if we don't get to the fundamentals of what's wrong--you are going to perish one way or another and it is not particularly nice to perish in starvation, sickness, or crippled and blind.  All of these things are in the full-planning by your MASTERS so that depopulation occurs while they can still hold the physical assets.

I hope your favorite team wins the ball game because the major TEAM that is winning, thus far, your life plan as Earth humans is your LIFE adversary.  It is not the falling off the cliff that hurts--it's the landing at the bottom.

I cannot have the privilege of spending time flowering your facts of geophysical nature and evolvement.  I am bound by honor to tell you how it IS and here is how it IS.  This is only a tiny, tiny tip of what you need to learn and know.  May you be given to an inquiring mind.  Good morning.



Source:  CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, December 3, 1996, Volume 15, Number 4, Pages 54-55.

Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.