New Year Thoughts As Heat Turns Up
1/1/97 #1 HATONN
And Dharma sits in dread of the moving hand that writes and then moves on to other things of which she would "prefer" to not..."
I have set four books on her desk of which she always knew we would one day take up and ruin her month--but precious, today is not for those books IF we can get someone else to have interest enough in teaching you-the-people the lessons. Will that happen? Not likely. The titles read The Genetics of Bacteria and Their Viruses; Molecular Genetics; Sexuality and the Genetics of Bacteria, and General Virology. But HOW do you expect to obliterate that of which you cannot even identify and, much the less, understand its construction?
And WHY do I speak of this on this New Year's Day HOLIDAY? We too enjoy parades and games and being allowed the time to partake of something that at the least can give one a hangover or headache. Ah, but she will thank me by morning tomorrow!
Counteracting the viral assaults is easy if you know what is happening. YOU, for instance, can know right off the proverbial bat that a cold virus which is controlled by zinc lozenges has a simple explanation: The zinc in construction with "binders" has a higher frequency, or at the very least a toxic bullet, of and for the 'neck"-attaching molecule of zinc which holds the "cap" to the body of the crystalline virus. Burst the molecule and the virus bursts apart. Simple? Yes indeed.
And no, I am not going to speak about Zita I and Zita II, Reticulum. I am speaking of Rick Martin's mother, Zita, although I could lump them all into one and have some measure of accuracy about each.
Zita is healing and the doctors now treating her are fully respectful of "whatever" is happening. She is receiving IV injections of colloids and other supportive system enhancers.
With only a couple of days of 1M small injections prior to going to the clinic, she dropped her "cancer markers" abundantly. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve and honor those with the integrity and tenacity to simply TRY IT. We could even do better and have quicker response if we had personalized the counterattack team and, oh yes, we can do so.
Zita got to the end of her proverbial rope. Pain and deterioration of body functions along with inability to consume and digest food had brought her to the lowest level yet of her disease course. Sometimes the "miracle" has to be impressive to get attention. Not only is the treatment regimen working but the physicians have especially opened the clinic over the "holidays" to accommodate the program. They have asked Rick to stay on with Zita for an additional time period to finalize the formal program. HAPPY NEW YEAR, ZITA, and welcome, dear, back among the living in this dead world you have going on Shan. You are loved; you are NEEDED, and you are welcome. I know that when you volunteered for this particular job you had no idea it would be so difficult. We are greatly indebted to you and to the Brettons back at Day Star. We either help one another or we don't make it, purely simple.
Next, Rick needs to bring back some type of program regimen and we need to get whatever is applicable to Annie--IMMEDIATELY. In fact, please get the products on their way now and let a program begin for her A.S.A.P. I don't care if they have to find the Zulu or Tutu medicine man to get it into her blood stream. It will be South Africa which will benefit the MOST from this mode of attack against such as Ebola, et al., for that country is where the World Health Organization introduces its trial-run viruses. They are up to the titanium molecule connector at that neck so you need a consistently HIGHER frequency element to blow apart the viruses--hopefully prior to their mutating. All of you will find the cute little copper molecules we colloidalize will be best for knocking the arthritis factors to smithereens. Then we would like to get the Rife-type apparatus into a reliable form so we can utilize simple frequencies to accomplish bullet ammunition according to the bugger involved.
Can we do this in the U.S.? Probably not, so we will have to simply upgrade crop products to do the same job. And, we have to become a world community if we are to survive as a planetary population; so many things will have to be accomplished on site--elsewhere.
We now have people ready, willing, and able to handle these tasks in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Greece, Canada, and Mexico without even considering the shipping problems of products. All we need is funding to establish producing project facilities. And the lovely thing: the market is wide open in those places and the people are allowed to have and use the products in their most effective form of administration--whatever that might be.
I love the way you people allow the governments to give out "clean needles" for IV drug users--but nobody can give an IV injection of anything like a colloid or a Dria or medical HEALING products. You can only further destroy your bodies and minds--not heal them. SICK! REALLY SICK!! ...
I find it interesting that you don't seem to understand that as far back as can be accounted, in history, Earth has always had essentially the same kinds of tyranny and wars. Anyone see a movie called Braveheart? That was supposedly in the end of the 13th century and the clans were at it then and are still at it TODAY--same clans AND against the same enemies. Not a hopeful legacy, is it?
In all "TIMES" however, there have always been the strong, the ones who build, invent, improve, and create. Even in the worst of times the good have also been able to create better ways of living while the evil pretenders to the thrones of the world have been able to usurp the good for the cause of evil. Perfection of goodness does not come in a world of freedom of choices for there will always be the ones who choose greed and power through force. This is the very foundation of the necessity of the classrooms called third-dimensional physical expression. And WE are no more welcome to interfere with this process than should YOU be in any manner other than building and creating better ways of living in Truth rather than further deteriorating the species and civilization. In most instances, readers, you can't digress much further down the ladder in insidious corruption than you have plunged.
Most of you are simply bored with the infernal and eternal reruns of the past year's experiences globally. Note that STILL there is a high level thrust regarding all news or non-news regarding Simpson's circumstance. Did nothing else happen in the past few years? Why do you think you are refocused onto chosen topics when you get too interested in "other things"? Of course, to distract you from what is REALLY taking place in your world. Your free world has fallen to the New World Order which you didn't care enough to notice. "Oh well," you will probably say. It isn't so bad. No, and you may never ever perceive it to be "so bad". The gradual heating of the water in the sauna is not particularly uncomfortable until it bakes you, broils you or fries you. It is like a gentle overcast on parade day when you get the first sprinkles of the storm and the temperature is warm--it doesn't matter much. When the winds are blowing at gale force and the temperatures are freezing or below--the nasty inconvenience becomes a real pain in the you-know-where. This is especially true if your annual income revolves around that parade and purchases of your products come only on parade day.
By the way, was the last outbreak of Ebola last year or the year before--or just when was that last big outbreak? Ah, but is it not a major topic these days of reruns? And how long can the Scotland (airline) crash be top news while the WRONG people are blamed for the incident? They have to keep these terrors alive, don't they? How else can you control? How else can the insipid insiders keep Quadafi isolated? How else can you keep the Arabs "down" while the "others" grow? Well, a day of reckoning is nigh at hand, pilgrims. Man will only live in his put-down condition so long without fighting back in the only way available, even if it be stones at his disposal for weapons. And aren't you just really proud of your species when you see one army in uniforms with machine guns and rockets, and the other a scattering of children with stones? Well, soon you will not even have use of stones for their assaults upon you will be ever so much more insidious and insane in methodology and technique. The United States of America will go down as having the SHORTEST period of a nation, on top, in HISTORY. The U.S. effectively fell to the Israelites in 1948 and you didn't even notice. It was subtle, wasn't it? You didn't realize that the world manipulators were of British Israel, et al. You didn't realize that the Communist Soviets were simply Zionists having changed their names to protect the guilty, did you? Well, you had best go back and consider most carefully the "Judean-Christian" Protocols of Zion and you will not they are identical, except in original language and script, to those of the Manifestos of the most heinous destroyers of Earth, right down to the line of this day. If to tell you this information makes me somehow "anti-Semitic" or anti-Jewish, then you had better look at the circumstance, VERY, VERY CAREFULLY! The wolf in the sheep's suit really has done a number on you more deeply damaging than fleecing you of possessions. He has made mutton-chops of you for the feasting tables while he calls it "sacrificing". But not to worry or concern about self because you can be "saved" and "raptured" to heavenly pastures by simply believing on MURDER some 2000 years ago, pretending like a child would at a tea party, on the blood and gore of the picture presented--and wow, off we go to milk and honey! IT WILL NOT BE THAT WAY!! You have been duped, lied to and enslaved to that lie. So be it for This is Your Life, Johnny Doe and May Dee.
To rise up as on wings of Eagles is going to some through TRUTH and not from such garbage tossed out of the mouths of liars and cheats. Most of mankind sits with the intelligence and logical reasoning of turnips ready for the frying pan.
Is God compassionate? God is EVERYTHING and God is JUST. You determine your circumstance which God allows you the experience. We tell you how it IS and you deny us? Fine, if you deny me before my Father, then I shall deny you before that same Father. It simply IS the way it IS and it shall continue to be EXACTLY AS IT WILL BE. All your "opinions" will not alter, one iota, the TRUTH.
Will we find anyone who will serve with us in this outrageous Truth? Of course. Some people do not like to be stupid and ridiculous in magical imaginings.
The new "up in arms" topic is that some cities are banning businesses of psychics, astrologers, palm readers, card readers and such, and the next question is always: "Hatonn, what do you think about this?" Bully for intelligence. For every insightful person there are zillions of nitty nit-wits preying on your childish desires for magic fortunes. But what do I think about it? I don't!
The one I really like, though, is: "What will that do to your writing and Dharma's work?" Say what? Nobody here even suggests such a thing as psychic phenomenon or fortune telling. And, further, Doris doesn't even know the signs of the Zodiac, so is not likely to "read the stars" for you. And remember something important: the placement of the stars from my vantage is a mirror image of your own. And no, I am not saying that it is unworthy of attention. I believe, like everything in life, that it CAN be a wonderfully useful TOOL. And yes indeed, there are people come into realization of their gift--they stop giving personal readings and take up a healthy respect for the whole picture and usage of their wonderful gift for humanity's journey. So, what about prophets? So, what about them? If they are 100% correct in all things projected and prophesied--then they are valid. If not, they are mystics, no more and no less. To call self a prophet does not MAKE self a prophet. You don't need prophets to see that you are in trouble as a species and as a civilization. You do NOT need a prophet to suggest that you know right from wrong and are mostly choosing "wrong" as your modus operandi. All you need to be a perfect prophet for the future is to KNOW WHAT WAS IN THE PAST! And does it really matter whether or not Madonna wears pink or blue? And here I speak of "your" Madonna, not mine. Furthermore, "Will Tom Cruse stay married?" WHO CARES? Why? If you cannot reach beyond such trivial garbage and vicarious experiencing of life flow--you are in worse trouble than you can possibly realize and are already controlled by the mind-control experts who present the "prophets" in the first place, to fool you. You are continually fooled by your WORST ENEMIES and don't even seem to notice same. Well, my job is not to snatch you from the path of the bearing-down truck or train--only to tell you "it's coming". You move out of the way or stay and get hit--it is your choice. By the way, do not expect me to bury your cute little bodies, either. You can perhaps make the newscast for one hearing locally and be forevermore forgotten as the dead continue to note the dead--if the death be tragic or bloody enough. A truck or a train against a body might well be gory enough to feed the momentary notice of the violent society, but I doubt it.
I suggest that, as you ponder upon the new year ahead, you also consider the changes planned and made known to you by your great leaders and insider misfits because it is going to be a big takeover to end them all--and again, some of you will not even notice the change. What ARE you going to do in the midst of collapsed welfare and social security systems? This is just for STARTERS! And people, when corporations fail--so too do their pension plans! And where will be the jobs? Mexico? What an interesting concept that you won't be able to get into Mexico from the U.S. to take their jobs. Sucking sounds? Indeed--of your blood being sucked out of you. And, then, can't you see that this will not "look" good? You will have to be annihilated through other higher forms of killing, such as disease, etc. This will make it appear to be all God's fault and none of your own.
A "happy" New Year? No, I don't think so. May the disease you get be swift and gentle and, especially, quickly finished. Designer illnesses such as AIDS are not pleasant, are lingering, and painful--and yet, so too is the flesh-eating variety of bug which simply devours you alive. Go ahead, public citizens, and allow them to ban your colloids, your supplements, and your very chance at survival for if you allow it, your SOUL will be the cherry in the pie for them to pluck from your very being. Thirty-six months is all you have to stop the locomotive bearing down on you--just thirty-six months.
Nasty old "Doom and Gloom" himself? Whatever you wish. After the train has slain you and scattered your parts about the landscape is TOO LATE TO CHANGE YOUR MIND. Change of mind is like insurance--you have to get it before you need it.
Again, may the life you save be your own. Good morning.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, January 7, 1997, Volume 15, Number 9, Pages 5-7.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.