1/31/92 #1 HATONN
In the beauty of the morning comes the illusion of proper sequence and seasons and I am in such longing to simply speak of wonders and wondrous things which can be yours for the accepting. However, our journey through the veil is not yet complete. Even Dharma petitions me to "...please, not more, oh God, please, no more. Can I not be allowed to dream of sugar-plums and fairy-godmothers and a world in order, as they tell us it will be? Can't we rest a bit for the mind is in overload and the sadness great." I watch and my own longing for your peace and contentment overwhelms my own senses for I feel your anger, resentment, frustrations and hopelessness. But I come to wipe away the hopelessness for in Truth and understanding there is naught save HOPE. No, I cannot allow even one day of lingering for what if this be the day of your transition? What if any one of you makes transition this day from this physical plane? Your work, if not finished, goes unfinished into the space of infinity.
Sandy asks as she reads early writings of this week and is stunned by the use of "hate and despise" and "I shall strike them with an iron rod and shatter them as potter's pots..." and she cries out: "Does God of Total Love have such feelings?" Indeed! Perhaps the terms be ill-advised for your balanced understanding that God is only a positive, passionless and passive entity of some sort is to only blind selves further. You have no language terms to describe the perception and/or Love of God. Let us, however, speak in parable:
If you have a child of God, say Dharma, and she has followed faithfully and trustingly within our circle of care and she serves to the best of her ability--along with being one to bring forth the WORD as given and she is stricken by the evil brought against her--what think ye?
Let us further note that the evil ones have come and lied as to the intent of God and in her innocence she believes them and the lies presented. Say she has pain and stiffness in her joints to the extent of being unable to write, which is coming to be in fact. Now, ones come whom she trusts and says to her: "God told me that if you allow us to have a scorpion sting you, the venom will act as an antidote and you will be healed"--and she accepts that. Now, the liars bring forth a thousand scorpions and set them upon her--WHAT THINK YE GOD OF LIGHT WOULD DO? Let me tell you--he would hate and despise the actions and callous emotions which precipitate those actions and he would strike them as a crystal goblet 'neath the hammer. When God has taken leave of a being and they serve only evil--they will be left to the fate of the evil planners and they will be stricken as surely as night follows day in your perception. Evil is the total opposite of Love and if you are unwilling to stand against (yea, even hate them) then you are not in total service unto God. IT IS THAT WHICH YOU DO WITH THOSE EMOTIONS WHICH IS THE TEST OF A BEING AND STRENGTH OF A MAN. You ones perceive only one avenue of action in the "sense" of, say, hate: REVENGE. God allows; revenge is not present. Further, He respects His own enemy and KNOWS HIS ENEMY--but nonetheless--the enemy is real in opposition to the Godliness which must be attained in order to turn about the steady march to doom of a planet and civilization.
What you ones desire is the father who allows you to GET AWAY WITH ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU DO--EVEN IF IN DIRECT OPPOSITION TO THE LAWS OF GOD. NO--YE ACT, WHICH IS "CAUSE" AND THE EFFECT OF THAT ACTION WILL COME AGAIN UNTO YOU AS SURELY AS YOU EXPERIENCE--IN KIND. Remember, chelas, as the sequence comes to pass and the migrations are complete--God shall move on with His people in check and security and the place of experience shall be left to those choosing of the evil ways to live out their experience. You have been given the lies to keep you imprisoned by those projections of "MAN" which confuse, confound and mislead to keep you helpless as the lambs to slaughter. You further forget--the very adversary is God's rod of iron! YOU JUST DON'T YET RECOGNIZE THE INFINITE GOD!!
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, February 4, 1992, Volume 18, Number 3, Pages 20-21.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.