12/25/91 #1 SANANDA / HATONN
I am bombarded with inquiries as to the authenticity of the motion picture regarding the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Yes and no; it is authentic in perception and as to ones involved. Lyndon Johnson was greatly involved, as we outlined last year in a JOURNAL; however, he did not mastermind the activities in full and the real reason has only been projected by one or two writers who literally had to flee for their own lives.
The REASON for the killing was not the Bay of Pigs, etc., as projected--but rather, Kennedy was going to reclaim printing of the national currency through the government and stop utilizing the Federal Reserve. This, further, is why Bobby Kennedy was likewise killed--for he vowed to complete the job after his election--he could do nothing about it as Attorney General--he would only have enough power to make such a massive move as President.
Did these persons have such loose morals as projected? Yes, but not to the extent projected because the effort was always to discount the immense possibilities involved. I'm not going to go into details again herein because we have covered this subject in the past and the more important "signs" of your nearing impounding is much more urgent.
Please, you MUST note things such as that which is happening in Miami and Newark, New Jersey. In Newark there are now installed on the lamp posts, cameras, which film constantly EVERYTHING and everyone on the streets--both sides. They are spaced appropriately to cover ALL sectors and are constantly monitored by a battery of monitors and surveillance officers. This was long-ago installed in Miami but disabled by the underworld elements. The system is being refurbished with tamper-proof shielding, etc. This is also becoming prevalent all across the country but mostly no one is told what the new "things" are and it is assumed the camera containers (which look exactly like additional lighting fixtures) are simply additional lights.
By the way, did you know that in the major cities such as Los Angeles--the Soviets are training in the police academies? Just thought you might enjoy knowing that you are already integrated with your new bed-mates. You think you bought off good old Gorby with a couple of million dollars? No, that is only the beginning! What are the Russians saying these days, friends? "Down and out with Yeltsin and the Jews!" If this doesn't terrify you then you don't know enough to be panicked. The Russians are blaming the Zionists for everything and place the U.S.A. as a tool of Israel. Perhaps, as more and more ones are laid off from their jobs, there will be time for reading and attaining information--the JOURNALS are conveniently small enough to comfortably hold in an employment line--perhaps the unemployment offices are the places to put the Liberators!
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, December 13, 1991, Volume 17, Number 11, Page 13.
Oliver Stone
1/6/92 #1 HATONN
I am not gong to go into a lot of world "watching" today for I wish to get on with our writing of the CIA exposure for the heinous organization it represents. However, I wish to ask you readers to support Mr. Stone's efforts to bring you truth from all the lies in a way which allows you to SEE and perhaps better understand. He makes no claims to anything; he presents the FACTS as he finds them and only compiles testimony in such a manner as to be able to get pertinent information into his allotted time. You ones have been trained to not sit more than a couple of hours at a time for anything--fact or fiction. In fact, facts usually go begging and fiction in violence will hold your attention longer.
Please KNOW that this man is undergoing major "bashing" and yet, if you don't support his efforts to bring truth in the most effective manner possible, on the screen, you are going to be locked into the lie forever. You must demand that truth flow and, further, that it be put on the media screens wherein the adverse "training" has taken place. That means that you-the-people are going to have to demand and reclaim your media from the Zionist controllers. You have no idea how much trouble this group of movie makers had in getting JFK to the screen. The assumption was that the scenario presented could easily be discounted through ridicule by the head-newsmakers such as Evans, Novak, etc. No, it isn't working because if Man has Truth, he will eventually SEE IT for he is given faculties of REASON and LOGIC and Truth will always 'out' eventually. When one lie is uncovered, other connecting lies will also be revealed.
As you find the CIA involved "through proof" then you can more easily, for instance, look at that which we bring. I especially would wish you to remember that we wrote about Kennedy in truth in our first JOURNAL. I am not herein advertising but only pointing out TRUTH and CONFIRMATION so that you can feel a bit more comfort with our presentations for we have so little time to perfect our mission. We must all begin to pull on the oars together, in unison, if we are to set the boat to right. PLEASE, I IMPLORE YOU; GO WITH THE TRUTH AND NOT THE CONTROVERSIAL RESOURCE REPRESENTED HEREIN. THE LATTER WILL WORK ITSELF OUT AS YOU FIND NAUGHT SAVE TRUTH IN THAT WHICH WE OUTLAY. ALLOW YOUR CONFIRMATIONS IN OPEN-MINDS WITHOUT JUDGMENT UNTIL AFTER YOU GLEAN THE INFORMATION. IF WE ARE CORRECT IN MOST THINGS AS YOU UNFOLD THE WRITINGS, GIVE US "POSSIBILITY" OF RIGHTNESS IN OTHER AND ALL THINGS FOR IT IS THROUGH REASON AND THE GIFT OF GOD THAT WE WISH TO REACH YOU, NOT IN MAGIC, MYSTICISM AND HOCUS-POCUS. YOU ARE NOW MOVING FROM THE ILLUSION AND INTO THE REALITY OF EXPERIENCE; DON'T MISS THE BOAT OR YOU SHALL MISS THE ONE GREATEST EXPERIENCE OF YOUR LIFESTREAM.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, January 21, 1992, Volume 18, Number 1, Page 28.