2/1/92 #1 HATONN
It is in this light that you are dutybound to regard the emergence of a "new" One World Religion, which seeks to destroy the Constitution and then Christianity itself.
Today, a strenuous and deliberate war is being waged against Christianity and that means against the foundations on which the institution of the Republic of the United States of America rests.
The forces supporting a One World Government seek to replace Christianity with "isms" of all kinds, including Deism, which they want to establish as a world religion.
The facts remain that it is not "religion" which is at point herein, it is Christianity at stake. History reveals that when Christianity begins to wane, civilization goes into a steep decline. True CHRISTianity extends well beyond the portals of any Church. If you simply "allow and watch" your own destruction in the name of "non-bigot", "non anti-Semite" and "vote anything in as OK" then you are simply NOT CHRIST-ian--you cannot have both--CHRISTianity and that which you tout are mutually exclusive terms and opposites in definition.
The "anti-Christian" crusade will pick up speed as the big lie that Communism is on the wane spreads throughout the world. With it will come a renewed cry for "equality, liberty and fraternity" and brotherhood. To achieve this goal you will be told it is necessary for you to give up "old ideas"--to establish a "fellowship of faiths"--and you will have to give up Christianity.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, February 11, 1992, Volume 18, Number 4, Page 3.
Document transcribed into HTML format by Rocky Montana