6/22/94 #1 HATONN
I would join with you this morning as you observe the various things in flux about you in your physical world--from the faucet that baptizes you to the government going more deeply into hands of slave-masters. Does one have anything to do with the other? Yes indeed--all reflect the deterioration of attitudes and acceptance.
I feel the frustration of all of you who read and cannot seem to change much as the power pressures push harder and harder against you. Your thoughts turn to getting a bunch of hot-dogs (which they tell you give you cancer), get to the coast (which they tell you may drop into the ocean), wave your flags (which are actually being merged with the United Nations'), and go about celebrating "Independence" from England (which is a lie--you live by English RULE) and eat, drink and be merry one more time! One more time? The LAST time? What mean you? You can do all the things above AND be moving toward waking up America. NOTHING is different today from yesterday in most instances--only in the KNOWING. So, is it better NOT TO KNOW? How can it be? Look where you are because so many did not KNOW!
The pain this day is that you have an Executive Order signed, sealed and delivered which is a terrible thing [see p. 11 for the details on this shenanigan]. But is it greatly different from YESTERDAY? No, you already had the major restrictions IN PLACE. What has happened now is a TOTAL binding when the Government wishes to take total charge--which they will soon do--ANYWAY, with or without a NEW Executive Order. It is called a NEW WORLD ORDER, GOVERNMENT, CURRENCY, et al.
You in the United States are ALREADY functioning AS IF. Moreover, you are still under "Emergency Regulations" which allows for the restrictions AND THE ABILITY TO LIST THE NEW ORDER UNDER "NATIONAL SECURITY". What is the Emergency or War? Look around--anything from "War on Drugs", National Emergency over Guns, Conflict in ANY country in the world--still working in Somalia AND Iraq. You even have qualification because of the embargo against Haiti.
So why am I so upset over the new Execution Order? Because it seals your fate for a long time to come, citizens. It indicates that you have NO WORKING CONGRESS UNDER THE CONSTITUTION--AT ALL. This is an EXAMPLE of how enslaved you already have become. The administration can make an Executive Order that enslaves Americans, hide it and pass it in "recess" in the middle of the night, with only a few Khazarians (who wrote it)--AND IT IS LAW! This bypasses hearings, Congressional debate, any input from citizens and thus and so. It is PRIME example of how you got where you are today with NO RECOURSE against the crime syndicates who are your masters.
This Order simply presents convenience and a few more controls than already present from Washington. This one doesn't even now need a PRESIDENT. The facts are that when an "Emergency" is called--all the nice agencies and appointed foreigners within your administration TAKE OVER! Much is allotted to FEMA and lots is structured to fall under the Attorney General and the Secretary of Treasury. That means Bentsen and Reno. THEY ARE BOTH PAID FROM THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND WHICH MAKES THEM FOREIGN EMPLOYEES. I just want you to KNOW what you are about and what has happened. Can you change it? Not because of THIS paper--because it will be after the fact. If behind-the-scenes workers do not eat, sleep or breathe--perhaps some attention can be called "in time" to at least have some disgruntled Congressman fight hard enough to stall it off a bit. However, since most Congressmen are IN FAVOR of this Order (to continue to hide all involvement, bribes and payoffs for themselves) WHO IS GOING TO ARGUE ON YOUR BEHALF?
But don't you, as citizens under the Constitution, have a right to know, debate and demand Constitutional law? Yes, but you have gradually, as with this very Order, allowed your "power as citizens" to totally fade away and die. If no objection is heard from CONGRESS, this new SECRET Order will be effective on July 1--in time for Independence Day, so nobody notices! Then, the big boys will also have the power to National Emergency the exchange of currency, never even tell you about the gold supply, and if you object--so what??
My goodness, readers, LOOK AT THE DISTRACTIONS--from O.J. Simpson (who is likely innocent of the accused crime) to an international conflict. Poor Haiti has to bear the starvation to allow for an "Emergency" most of you don't even know about. Even "AIDS" of immunizations can be called an Emergency--as in "War on Childhood Disease"! Clever? Yes--and typical of the adversary.
What does this do to my own task? Nothing--for Man doesn't show much desire to awaken and take responsibility. My job is to tell you about it, not blast out the perpetrators. This is YOUR LIFE, good friends, I can and will NEGOTIATE and even DEMAND that which is already agreed upon as "game rules" at my level of interchange. YOU will have to attend your pathway--for I have no RIGHT to INTERFERE. If enough people work hard and diligently and ask GOD for interVENTION--perhaps a more active part can be played by "aliens" from the Host's carriers. But, chelas, it is going to be VERY difficult for the masses to even recognize which aliens are which.
Would, say, Billy Graham KNOW that he is participating in a farce when he connects with the four-corners of the Earth? No, the plan is to set things up so that it APPEARS the show-and-tell is resultant of the wide-scale "saving" of multitudes through his, and other's, revelations. I would warn you about something, however. Even Dr. Graham says he wants to do this before he makes his own transition. That means "soon" for he is now elderly. He also tells you that after this full telling to the world--"THE END WILL COME". How? Well, according to the REVELATION--very terribly!
The physical human powers-that-be have capability to show you--all at once--God's form to create a total ONE WORLD RELIGION. But, to finish the "scenario"--you MUST ALSO HAVE THE TRIBULATION AND THE FINAL APOCALYPSE. This indicates a newly formed version of Rapture, or whisking away of "believers" to ESCAPE that tribulation. I'm sorry, readers, it simply does NOT look too good if things progress along as going.
To accomplish this feat, you do need some more satellites in the space corridors near your planet. At this point the Cosmospheres controlled by the Russians can, and do, take them out. But you are working toward a more and more UNholy alliance with the enemy Russians. How long will it be before the goodly Russians capitulate because of need for their own survival? That will mean a standoff over the Cosmospheres who have no higher force than OURS! Further, when man of Earth shows no further interest in Godly paths and passages--he will be left to his own wishes. This will, however, not mean a removal of what is ahead in tribulation, upheavals and pure physical hell as the adversarial teams vie for position of ultimate power.
Sorry about that! What you WANT is a God who fixes everything for YOU--according to the way YOU want it--or think you want it. GOD IS JUST! GOD HAS GIVEN YOU RULES THROUGH WHICH AND BY WHICH YOU COULD BE PERFECTION IN YOUR PHYSICAL JOURNEY--YOU HAVE CAST THEM ASIDE! I am not come to appease you and your wishes--I AM SENT TO TELL YOU HOW IT IS. I can love you unconditionally while you stumble along twisting and turning in your DRUTHERS and chosen definitions of how it SHOULD be. But I cannot, nor will I, interfere in any physical manner whatsoever to FORCE you to do, believe, or anything else. I will effort to "reason", present facts and tell you how it is and what are the conditions of God's laws--it is ALL THAT I WILL DO--AND STAND AT "READY" FOR THE ULTIMATE CHANGES FOR THE ARRANGEMENTS NECESSARY FOR GOD'S PROPERTY--HOPEFULLY "YOU".
God does not battle according to the physical methods, my friends. God actually WANTS no-one or thing which want HIM not. HE is NOT some "convenience" for your "side" and He has no need of Earth for HE can CREATE another more perfect place for HIS people--AND HAS DONE SO. That which is birthed and established through God will sustain while the ILLUSION of that which is manufactured will play out its own destruction in one way or another. But ones trying to live on a DEAD planet will DIE eventually, if not all at once--to the physical expression--and there is nowhere to go for the soul energy is locked to the physical plane BY CHOICE.
In the new definition as being accepted throughout your world--ANYONE WHO IS NOT A JEW. By closer scrutiny it becomes anyone who is not a Zionist Jew, which, by FACT, is not a "Judaist" but a Talmudic Anti-Christ. There are only TWO factions, readers: he who believes in GOD of goodness or does not and recognizes the power and eliteness of the human physical expression--steeped in conditions and rules which do NOT match those of accepted moral tradition of "Christian" religions--of which are ALL OTHERS than the Talmudic Jewish-Noahedic (whatever that means) rules of behavior which are geared to the DESTRUCTION OF ALL OTHER PEOPLES! OR--THE ENSLAVEMENT OF THE CHOSEN SERVANTS NOT DESTROYED IN PHYSICAL DEPOPULATION. I don't "make-up" the definitions or the rules. I have a very healthy respect for the enemy but I don't need to JOIN HIM in his values. You can work within his powerful system, even, and survive--but at the end of physical journey--you will move on into the realms of growth in higher form. The forced laws of physical expression only touch the physical. However, after a generation or two of oncoming population--the soul KNOWING will be bred out and there will be no WAY to realize Truth. Direction has to be changed while there ARE ONES WHO KNOW TRUTH. THIS is THE war between, loosely expressed, good and evil. It is when MAN has lost all desire for goodness--that the separation is ultimate. In that separation and loss of GOD-recognition comes that establishment of that which is recognized as HELL. That is a state of being DEVOID OF GOD OF CREATOR/LIGHT. And, oh yes indeed, GOD WILL LEAVE YOU TO YOUR CHOICE OF THAT CIRCUMSTANCE!
I would like to share with you some comments on the subject of "Christian" as presented by Pat Buchanan and shared by Victor Marchetti of New American View, for it is representative of the gradual reversal of acceptance of religion, status of being individual, etc.:
(Editor's [Marchetti] note: The following are excerpts from a recent column by Pat Buchanan.)
Are you now--or have you ever been--a Christian? The way things are going, congressional committees are likely to be asking that question in a few years.
For the grandchildren of the men and women who came here to make America "God's country" now hear their Christian faith equated with bigotry, and themselves declared unfit for participation in political life by virtue of their religious beliefs.
What's the Christian-bashing all about? Simple. A struggle for the soul of America is under way, a struggle to determine whose views, values, beliefs and standards will serve as the basis of law. Who will determine what is right and wrong in America. And the intensifying assault on the "Christian Right" should be taken as a sign these folks are gaining ground and winning hearts. [H: You must understand something, readers, MOST OF YOU are NOT "christians" as described by your adversary. You may well be "Christ-oriented" as to belief in NOT christian as such. If you base all your belief on "Jesus" then you are a Jesuit. You can even say that Jesus was "Christ"--that is incorrect--HE WAS CHRISTNESS OR CHRIST-LIKE FOR "CHRIST" IS A STATE OF EMOTIONAL BEING--NOT A NAME. The Talmudists know better than YOU what to label you and ALL who are NOT Talmudists are considered "christians" or GOYIM. So what do you call yourself in the event of that question? I don't really know what the going acceptable answer might be. I suggested a long time ago that you confuse the issue a bit more by calling yourselves "Jews" for most of you come from the tribe of Shem--which makes YOU the TRUE Semite! Emotional BEING is NOT "religion" of some kind--it is a state of energy soul BELIEF and INTENT. I am amused at that which I witness with the "homosexual of preference"--they can call themselves by other gender names--but it doesn't change anything--do you understand? If you are a male--calling yourself female--DOES NOT CHANGE THE FACT--ONLY THE ACCEPTANCE OF OTHERS--EQUALLY HUMAN. The label certainly does NOT change the FACT with God--although it may well cause consideration of INTENT of the individual in rebellion over his circumstance.]
In a recent fundraising appeal the American Jewish Congress describes the rise of the Christian "Right" in scare terms once used to alert us to the presence of Communists: "In my neighborhood and yours--the Christian Coalition is hard at work building a machine to 'Christianize' America...if we permit them to set the political agenda...you and I could be in for some nasty surprises."
To protect us from secret Christians running for school boards, the AJ (American Jewish) Congress "has developed and distributed nationwide a questionnaire for school board candidates which will uncover the 'stealth' candidates of the religious right or other extremist groups."
A friend who received the letter writes: "If a Christian group were to send out an equivalent letter designed to arouse and rally Christians to combat the sinister program of Jewish Political activists, it would be loudly denounced as shameful 'hate literature'. Apologies would be demanded and heads would roll."
Yes, there is a double standard; and, yes, the Christian-bashing appears orchestrated. For the AJ Congress mailing comes at the same time as release by B'nai B'rith's Anti-Defamation League of 193-page booklet, "The Religious Right: The Assault on Tolerance & Pluralism in America". Declares ADL's Abraham Foxman, "The religious right brings to the debate over moral and social issues a rhetoric of fear, suspicion and even hatred that strains the democratic process."
While the attacks have stunned Christian conservatives, it is not a bad thing to have one's enemies flushed out into the open, to see who they are, and to appreciate the level of rhetorical violence to which they are willing to resort.
Indeed, the Christian-bashers have made a major blunder. By laying down their artillery barrage five months before the off-year elections, they have exposed their position, revealed their tactics, and given Republicans the time needed to demonstrate the truth: that Christian conservatives are not liars and haters; rather, they are the victims of lies and the targets of hatred.
If one would sit with these folks and ask what they want for America, one would find that the answer is that they simply want America to become again the good country she once was.
Onward Christian Soldiers! Or is that phrase now also suspect?
Do you have trouble with the above? Well, maybe if you look at the amount of MONEY spent to BUY Congressmen, etc., you can have better insight. Those funds are called PACs and the Jewish Lobby has millions and millions of dollars (which you provided in the first place, Taxpayers--and, they are tax-free to the Jews to boot).
[More QUOTING from New America View.]
A total of $188 million in political action committee (PAC) money was contributed to incumbents and other candidates for Congress in the last election cycle, 1991-1992, according to a study by the Washington Post. [H: Now realize that this paper is owned and operated by the very "Lobby" who did the study so it will NOT be accurate nor truthful--the amounts are into the billions of dollars and you need to know it.] House Democrats received the bulk--$88 million--of the contributions, and Senate Democrats had the highest average contribution.
Senators get more PAC contributions above $5,000 than House members, and Democrats receive more than Republicans. For both houses of Congress and both political parties, most PAC money came in contributions of $5,000 or less.
The study lists the leading PAC donors by category for the current cycle, January 1993 to March 1994. Ranking one, two and three are the labor PACs--$15.6 million, the finance/insurance/real estate PACs--$7 million. Number nine in the ranking are the ideological/single-issue PACs--$43 MILLION. ALMOST ALL OF THESE ARE JEWISH PRO-ISRAELI PACs.
In addition, the 20 largest PAC contributors are listed from the current election cycle, the largest being the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, which has donated more than $1.1 million to congressional incumbents and challengers. Other large givers are the United Parcel Service, the Association of Trial Lawyers, labor unions, bankers associations and other business groups.
But because the almost $4 million already contributed to congressional candidates in this election cycle are divided among 60 to 80 active Jewish, single-issue, pro-Israeli PACs, no one Jewish PAC is listed in the top 20. This plus the Post's fear of identifying the Jewish PACs as a group (as is done with labor, lawyers and other groups) give the false impression that Jewish pro-Israeli PACs are non-existent--which of course is exactly the impression the Jewish lobby wishes to project to the public.
A few years ago, a Post reporter did list the Jewish PACs as a group in a similar study. Readers were amazed to learn just how much money the Jewish pro-Israeli lobby was throwing around on Capitol Hill, and the Jewish crowd was furious. Both the reporter and the newspaper were the recipients of a good deal of Jewish whining. Since then, the Washington Post has been careful not to offend the Jewish lobby or its gaggle of PACs.
For you who don't seem to understand the need for Christian-bashing, etc., let us consider something as remote (seemingly) as the Simpson murder. Already the flack is flying over the interracial marriage, the fact that the murder victims are from the typical Hollywood "Jewish" community and thus and so. When those kinds of RUMORS begin to be planted--look for major racial conflict arising pretty quickly now as that "rumor" is charged with electricity and turned into racial hatred confrontation. That is WHY it was perpetrated and that will be its major focus after a while. The Constitutional right of fair trial is now GONE and the prosecution attorneys have blathered everything to bring terror and fear--WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE--NOT EVEN A WEAPON! As a matter of fact, Gerry Spence has said it all very well: "the man is in a masterpiece of trial by media stupidity and is "probably innocent" of any wrong doing; certainly he HAS THE RIGHT TO BE PRESUMED INNOCENT!"
Can you not see that THIS becomes the PERFECT DISTRACTION? Go read your Talmuds, Americans--the Jews HATE THE BLACKS WITH A HATRED FAR SURPASSING THEIR HATRED OF THE WHITE GOYIM. In Jewish Talmudism--the BLACKS ARE MEANT TO BE SLAVES!
Sorry, friends, that is not as easy an option as it was last year when "anyone saying he is a Jew" was criteria for being. It now requires "halachic" (legal under "Jewish law").
So, what have we here? I would say you are deep into the Wars of God(s) and men. The self-proclaimed Elite leaders (gods) use YOU (men) to further their take-over of the global assets--from enslaving to ownership of physical manifestations. THERE IS NO WAR BETWEEN GOD CREATOR AND THE GODS OF EVIL--FOR IT IS ALREADY FINISHED--AND GOD WON! DOESN'T ANYONE UNDERSTAND THIS STATEMENT? GOD WON! LUCIFER WAS CAST OUT OF GOD'S REALM. GUESS WHERE HE WENT?? AH SO....! HAVE A NICE DAY.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, June 28, 1994, Volume 6, Number 1, Pages 16-18.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.