1/29/92 #1 HATONN
In the midst of that which seems the total darkness is the most brilliant of insight for in the darkness, the distractions are few if there also be silence. Hatonn present to share in Light and Loving care.
The Truths are hard to accept, as the training is long and well-prepared in the darkening of your world. It does not mean that potential for vision is gone, only that the picture is not clear.
As with all things--two sides in minimum counting--exist and even in your dimension of locking into time and space restraints--you will find three.
You cannot listen to a thing, say, Yeltsin saying that all is well and no longer will missiles be pointed at U.S. targets. It means NOTHING--for there is no longer need of the missiles in any type of war. You are locked into a new grid system with different types of weaponry.
How can it be, then, that Hatonn can say Russia is your enemy and turn about and say that from Russia will come your help? Because evil is the enemy of goodness and, therefore, one facet of the Russia of which we example will be that which works with your portion of Godly people--but the U.S. Government may well be the deadly Russian enemy--that means that in taking down your government the perception and actually action will probably be to take out major portions of the nation. God's enemy has taken possession of the nations of the world. Who, for instance is your (God's child in Truth) deadly enemy? Your government which has fallen to the Elite evil and the intention is to enslave you ones of "the people".
The worst news that you can get and yet, the most obvious show and tell, is Yeltsin coming to spend time with Bush at Camp David--that should send chills into thine very life center. However, it means that Yeltsin has no control over the events of most importance in his own nations.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, February 11, 1992, Volume 18, Number 4, Pages 20-21.