3/31/91 HATONN
I am the Life, I am the Word, I am Truth--thus sayeth the Lord. "Lord" is a word of many meanings but the one you must hold foremost in your thoughts: "keeper", "learned" "master of wisdom" and "bread keeper". As in "Lord" as a title, I would caution you to know that which you are saying. Are you giving worship to a Man or do you speak with honor to a "teacher"? "THE LORD" needs bear with it reverence and respect--not WORSHIP. If you honor Esu Jesus, Michael, Aton, Hatonn, etc. do not do so in "insult". Yes, I said "insult" for what we bring for your sharing is not given in order to have worship but, rather, to share "knowledge and wisdom". We come to reveal Truth and bring into the openness of light that which is done in the dark corridors of conspiracy against the children of God. On this Easter Day, do you honor the wisdom and truth of immortality or do you "worship" a risen "Man"? It is most important indeed--which! From your TV espousements of this morning, according to CNN--you certainly do neither as I would share from "Headline News" and "Prime News".
There were shown some Passover celebrations, then some Easter egg scrambling, then a parade (of sorts) with hats and fine clothes, then the Pope in Rome was giving blessings and asking that the poor be remembered (he also said he was against war). Then there was mention of "services" being held at Sunrise here and there in the "Christian" "faith" and then to Baghdad where a few were gathered "...for Christian services as usual" and then to somewhere within the military of the U.S. where they said (and keep in mind that you still have, reported, over 400 thousand troops) "...about 150 soldiers joined in Christian Easter services in the Middle-East.
The BIG news? An effort to force the allowance of TV cameras into the execution chambers at the execution of criminals from death row. Have you not reached the time of concern in your experience when you celebrate the death in any heinous manner possible and speak not of immortality? ...
Source: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, April 1991, Volume 11, Number 1, Page 1, Excerpt from article, 'Easter'.
Phoenix Journal #28 "Operation Shanstorm", Chapter 1 -- http://www.fourwinds10.net/journals/pdf/J028.pdf
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.