1/10/96 #1 HATONN
Readers, the greatest traitor is that one who is traitor unto self. When mankind betrays itself in search of acquisition of that which is mere manifest "things", he is but trapped in a transient moment of what he believes to be "time" but is actually only a passage through a schoolroom.
When ones betray themselves in past times in perception, they shall pay dearly the consequences of such actions and shall, themselves, be persecuted in like manner.
For this, the so-called suffering will be even greater for the Laws of God are just and quite precise. If the cycles continue unbroken, the persecutors of today will but be the persecuted of tomorrow and nothing changes except the players. Balance cannot come forth when there are but warriors coming and going. It has now come "the time" when some measure of balance MUST COME FORTH or the very Earth shall shift from the unbalance. Before another generation has been brought into full maturity, readers, this age shall bring about some measure of this balance for the crops are yielding such terror and pain in loss upon the manifest places that the very form cannot endure.
Man has learned to manipulate and control his little tiny world to the extent that he can totally destroy--but he has no method for producing other than MECHANICAL life-forms. Break down the mechanisms and there is no way to SURVIVE for there is nothing left to survive.
The totality of balancing that which is God's is not for any MAN to realize as to where, how and when these things shall come about. You can see them all about you but the very mystery of God's perfection denies you to realize all--even if you KNOW all.
It is now come upon us, the "time" of great cleansing and darkness shall be lighted in truth. We of greater wisdom and insight shall be allowed the privilege of being positioned to oversee these conditions of so-called time and space. It is with the greatest wisdom and knowledge of the law of LIFE, and its fullness everlasting, eternal, that we are prepared to do that which is given unto us to accomplish in each and every situation which entails that of cosmic proportions. Do not consider your "space" nonsense as COSMIC interactions for it is NOT.
Most will simply turn a deaf ear to us and shall turn from visual interactions with us. So be it for it is of their own choosing in all circumstances. The fool listens unto himself in his ignorance and in his own pride, and spouts off about those things of which he knows nothing in reality. Man, even unto himself, gives credit for great wisdom while he goes headlong into destruction of himself and others who listen and accept his foolishness.
Each individual, in goodness or evil presentation, shall bear his own part, be it large or small, a day or aeon, for none shall escape the law. Many now come forth who KNOW truth and are given to bear the lamps of that truth and others who shall "show the way". You of these ones shall be prepared, for great changes shall come about upon the Earth Shan as always come to pass in the manifested places of Creator.
I would caution about "Fear", readers, for there is a difference in actual "fear" and that of reasonable fright and even moreso between that of fear and terror. When we speak of "having no fear" it is because we know that those who are unlearned shall be filled with fear, and panic shall be their part. We, the Hosts of Light, would prevent that if we could do so, through the word of truth as is being unfolded. However, we force no man to do or be anything other than his free-will decisions shall set for him. We, you must realize, work under even more stringent Universal LAWS than does man of Earth-bound nature. We are the representatives and forerunners of FREEDOM for ALL--as man reaches without his boundaries and is allowed his place within the COSMOS.
The information of LIFE and TRUTH is now being placed before mankind that he might learn--for his period of expression is growing short indeed--on your place of experience. There are multitudes which are now blinking awake and beginning to stir. These shall be served, for the time for the sleepers is past. Any one found sleeping when the great sound is sent forth at the final call shall be as the traitor unto himself. He shall be as the one who has thrown overboard his lifebelt when his boat is capsized. I suggest that this word be as a warning unto you who have open eyes and open ears to see and hear.
It is our intention and mission that all be allowed reference and presentation of truth in order to have ability, if choosing to do so, to see and hear. There is no place for slothfulness within the place prepared to receive the ones who come forth from their stupor and come forth as in knowing, clear and awake. Rescue or saving is a matter of integrated understanding and choice.
No word of mouth, nor pen, can express the glorious magnitude of our preparation for this great migration (exodus if you prefer). From the great and far reaches of the Cosmos have come those who lend of themselves that the plan of migration be brought to its perfection. There is no fear that it fail, for we are as one mind and purpose--WITHIN CREATOR / CREATION.
There are multitudes now asking for light, and who are reaching out for information such as we have prepared for and to give freely. We have sent forth scribes and speakers who can translate and pen the instructions for this journey into LIFE. They are not SPECIAL--they are in KNOWING.
There is no way in which we, of the heavenly Hosts can portray unto Earth-man the perfection of our work of the Divine Plan. The magnitude of it cannot be pictured within mortal mind except in his subconscious reality. If that were a possibility then there would be no unbalance requiring attention. We can only act as a lamp and, failing to lead the feet into the path of progress, perhaps we can hold some candle unto the awakening souls.
It must be attended that the downfall of truth as presented through the pulpits and doctrines of man-conceived churches, synagogues and temples, must be considered. The dogmas of man-priests and the ones who set themselves up as wise and learned are but the self-deluded, without wisdom or understanding of the LAWS of which I speak. It is now come when we have been sent by The Creator to bring these to the memory of the Earth-man.
For this knowledge has man labored in darkness, known not that he is bound. He has bound himself, for he has been as a rebel against goodness. He has gone the long hard way around that he be not found out and brought forth for accounting. He has created that which has been his own shackles and prison cells--and corrupted his mind to only recognize limitation and physical realization.
We can offer the way of "Christ" REALIZATION as to those things which present and hold honor and integrity, truth and righteousness, freedom and peace--but we will move no further into your realm of density and illusion.
We are NOT impostors; we're in no need of self-glory, nor big fanfare. It is for the love which, within, we come forth and share for mankind who has lost his way. We are sent as PROMISED. We are not little aliens, or big aliens from a secret cosmic myth, to further your ignorance. Man places the shackles of narrow recognition according to his plan for further enslavement of his species.
We have our guidelines for, just as what affects one part or planet, affects the whole. There is no division; all is bound together as one whole within the Father's over-all plan. Everything that is acted out in your manifest world is sent into the farthest reaches of the Universe, which is infinite.
When we speak of TRUTH, we realize that there are as many "truths" as there are individuals so we must not look at each "truth" as THE TRUTH of the WHOLE. There in ONLY ONE "TRUTH" but there are a zillion billion ways to get there and sometimes the lessons are long and hard. THE TRUTH IS THAT OF BEING "ONE" WITHIN THE "WHOLE". When this reality is recognized and understood by mankind, each shall love one another as self (and yes, you will have to love self and not by that emotion offered unto "self" now.) We of the Hosts are able to see that which has gone before as we can also see that which you call "the present". The past, too, we see as the now, for we stand at the crossroads of so-called "time", and thus we can see as you cannot.
You are now in the space of choosing pathways, for the cycles, as you perceive them to be, are changing, closing, recycling--ending. You have moved into the time of great and sudden changes as you are experiencing in each day of your experience. You have benefactors represented in US but you must recognize that we have no cause to bring evil into any place without your narrow halls of allowance. You, further, are going to have to represent self and have intent of your own value and desire for greater and higher expression. Your neighbor can't do it for you and yet you have great need to act on instructions and "other's" opinions and dogmas.
From all parts of the Cosmos do we come so don't try to stick us on Orion or Pleiades or some other constellation to suit your individual druthers. We come from all over the places of the Universe wherein ability to reach your primitive place is available. We of the Host have come from many galaxies to add our part unto that of our Christed teachers who are to fulfill the formulated structure of the greatest and most marvelous Divine Plan which is now being completed. Just as "darkness" is to be "without Light", so too is evil and Hell that of placement WITHOUT GOD OF LIGHT. Are YOU prepared to enter into the perfection of the halls of the elder brothers who act ONLY in the cause of LIGHTED TRUTH WITH THE LAWS OF UNIVERSAL TRUTH? If not, then you had best get with the program, students, because the train is about to leave without you.
It is time to consider whether or not you are simply existing in Flatland's Dead-Zone. We only bring LIFE into our places--without evil intent within the beings of those living entities called "man".
The sorting goes on, even more quickly NOW. Those who practice actions only for gain and physical aspirations shall be weeded out of our tribes. They will not be cast out--they will bring or take themselves out from our circles on intent for survival and living. More and more quickly these sorted of their own accord into the separation shall find loss in all areas of expression as they grasp and tear down and lie, cheat and steal from others. They will begin to topple and have losses of all manner of possessions as they practice and make efforts to destroy those who act in fair and just manner of living expression. No matter how tiny might be the greed, it will show and tell, and loss will be the consequence. Join with the ones who seek great wealth at all costs, power at all price, and you shall be classified as being among them and not be acceptable back within the sorted grain but cast out with the chaff from the gleaning floor. And, with the grain sorted into the cup of God, there shall be JUSTICE and consequences of actions brought into light and truth of those who worked to destroy the truth and righteousness of GOD.
Lips lie--actions speak volumes without sound. You who choose company with the liars shall be left with them and shall fall with them as truth is brought forth into the Light of public display. You shall reap the harvest of your PLANTINGS. You who think it GODLY to simply allow all evil to be unaccounted and love to be so unconditional as to allow for evil to work its fear-mongering and growth in darkness, are WRONG IN PERCEPTION. YOU WHO DO NOT STAND FOR GOD--STAND AGAINST HIM! Evil flourishes WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTHING. Remember too that a flimsy tree will grow bent in every direction the wind blows. Ah, but the whirlwind is the most deadly of all for it will uproot the tree which is bent far more easily than that one standing anchored soundly and standing straight as the arrow which sheds the wind. Being "flexible" is NOT the same thing as bending with every wind hither and yon. Negotiate that which is unimportant and never COMPROMISE that which is truth and goodness. Upon these things shall you be able to sustain and grow. Always grow to the light as a plant grows to the Sun and you SHALL KNOW GOD FOR GOD IS LIGHT. If you will not always move, grow and reach for the LIGHT, you will perish in the darkness. Walk in the crooked pathway long enough and you shall become as crooked as is the path upon which you tread.
I shall leave this now for over-indulgence often only presents indigestion. Salu.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, January 16, 1996, Volume 11, Number 12, Pages 17-18.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.