12/11/91 #2 HATONN
America West is sending out a very large mailing to our brothers in the "healing" profession and I desire to focus the edition on the subject in point. I shall not write most of the material for you need to realize that the problem is under your noses and I need not come through with hocus pocus from any other resource. I can only give my observations regarding that which is available to you. I must note, however, that if you continue in the so-called direction of orthodox medicine--you will all end up dead far sooner than as if the profession never existed. Long ago the "healing science" ceased to be. You are now controlled to your very lives and wholeness of function by that Cartel made up mostly of Elite-connected moneychangers. Your illness makes them wealthy--surely you cannot expect good health from those who would commit suicide by offering you such.
How many of you listen now and watch people scampering to get "flu shots" for the children and elderly first, because you are "short" of vaccine? I have never witnessed a deeper pile of you know what. By their own admission, the medical profession tells you that the flu strains are not the same as is the vaccine strains. So what are you doing? They also tell you that you will probably have some side-effects--so be it. This is the same lies they give you in almost every intensive drive to fool you-the-people.
I believe that one of the most costly (to health) and obscene things perpetrated on your children are immunizations. Long since has the intent of immunizations ceased to be curative OR SAFE! But you are over a barrel, aren't you? The children are not wanted in the schools unless they are vaccinated and thus and so, and worse; sometimes things are deliberately introduced in epidemic form to insure that you dare not miss those "shots". I do not mean to infer in any way that it is easy to decide which path to take with your babies or selves.
I am going to start this subject off with a portion from Eustace Mullins--indirectly. It is from an article which is no longer available, having been published in August of 1977. I liked the heading of this publisher--"HE WHO KNOWS THE TRUTH AND DOES NOT SPEAK OUT, IS A MISERABLE CREATURE". Further, I ask that you hear me for I tell you Truth, does it make me LESS YOUR FRIEND? Ponder it.
I choose this writing to reprint herein because it is so applicable to today for it dealt with the GREAT SWINE FLU MASSACRE WITH SIXTEEN HUNDRED DEAD at the time of the writing prior to August of 1977.
Eustace titles his exceptional work, and the book on the subject: MURDER BY INJECTION. You can get the book from several sources as well as America West. I hope you will consider getting the book because you will certainly save me a lot of work and time. We do not need to reinvent "the wheel"; we need to fix the one we have.
Keeping the above in mind, let us just reprint:
A long line of tense and fearful people had formed outside a local "health clinic". The line slowly inched forward, into a small room where white-coated "technicians" injected each person's arm with a virulent chemical poison. As the chemical hit their bloodstream, some of the victims slumped over and died immediately. They were quickly dragged into another room, while the "technicians" assure the nervous crowd. There's nothing to worry about. They've only passed out." [H: I might [personalize this by stating that Dharma was working at Children's Hospital of Los Angeles in the organ transplant, dialysis and kidney transplant division. ALL employees of that hospital were forced to take the injections or be discharged. She, herself, along with many--became very sick indeed. The ones who reacted in sickness were simply told the "shot" was too late to "stop the flu".] This shocking scene is familiar enough. We have watched endless movies of these atrocities, produced by victorious Jews who claim that these acts were really carried out by Nazis in Germany. The above scene, however, is not Germany in 1944. It is the United States, anywhere in this century, during the Great Swine Flu Massacre of 1976. Only the warped mind of the Khazar Zionist could have conceived such a horror as celebrating the Bicentennial Year of the United States by carrying out a national campaign of genocide against its citizens, and by enlisting the President of the United States, Gerald Ford, to personally lead this campaign. [H: Mullins refers to these ones as "Jews" but I do not for the term, though absolutely correct, has long since become a "bad word" --so let us take away their ammunition to fire back at us! We shall call them Khazarian Zionists (KZ). In addition, I desire to make it plain that there are wondrous Judaists in the other healing arts, as well as medicine--who have no connection to this brood of false-Jews. Calling me an "anti-Semite won't cut it, brothers, for I am a Semite! If you like, I will even answer to the addressing to me as Ceresberg Haonnstein. A rose by any name is still a rose--remember it well. Also, lately, I and most of our readers have become card-carrying "Jews" demanding equal rights as (i)sraelites (God's chosen).] Ford's Folly, as it was later known, cost him re-election to the White House, as the suppressed information about the hundreds of victims slowly leaked out, but the true purpose of the campaign was a test run for a much more comprehensive national plan of "eliminating" "non-productive" citizens, which will be carried out at some later date. [H: Getting nervous? Well, relief must surely be spelled "vaccine" for AIDS!] The national program of swine flu injections was hardly under way before alarming "rumors" of sudden death and of terrible forms of paralysis began to alarm the American people. They were "rumors" of sudden death and of terrible side effects such as various forms of paralysis began to alarm the American people. They were "rumors" simply because they were suppressed by the nation's press, and they were publicly denounced as "lies" by every public health official in America. After some weeks, during which the officials desperately tried to complete their announced goal of inoculating every person in America with this poison, they finally admitted that "one or two" people had collapsed and died of acute heart failure after having been administered the poison. In the ensuing weeks, this figure continued to be revised upward until the officials admitted that just over two hundred persons had died after being injected with the vaccine. The actual figure, which has never been released from Washington, is sixteen hundred persons who died immediately after being injected. Despite these casualties the officials continued the program of injection until Dec. 16, 1976, when public outcry became so great that it was officially stopped.
In the crucial period when the officials refused to abandon their program of mass murder by injection, one public health official in Pennsylvania, a bearded hippie type with the accepted "Mad Commissar" appearance which is now derigueur for the members of our Marxist bureaucracy, made his contention on national television that the victims "would have died anyway". The cynicism of this statement would have done credit to the commandant of any Soviet so-called death camp in Siberia.
No Nuremberg Trials have been proposed for the officials who planned and executed the Great Swine Flu Massacre of 1976, nor the Washington Post's prize winning teams of "investigative reporters" shown any interest in the murders. The explanation probably is that they are still too busy writing further "revelations" about Watergate, which they still term "the crime of the century", and which lacked all of the conventional ingredients of sex, death or money, and which consisted solely of a few stooges being lured to break into a Washington office with the promise that convincing proof of the Democratic party's connection with Castro's Communist regime was to be found there. This "proof", which has never been made public, has now become stale news because of Jimmy Carter's desperate campaign to accord Cuba full diplomatic recognition, with the inevitable subsequent billions of dollars worth of aid to be lavished on its Communist thugs, to the soothing background of George McGovern's continuing eulogies to the purity and the beauty of Castro's great soul.
[H: Before we go further, I remind you that this was written in 1976--fifteen years past. If bits and pieces disagree with current writings as I present them--KNOW that there would be far more facts and tid-bits than was available to Eustace Mullins at the time of this writing. More remarkable is that in the sequence of writings--each one has become far more insightful--but the basic foundation of the "Order" and the people of the Elite are all the same in every area of writing from banking to religion. The ones who are the tools of the adversary are in every area of experience on your globe--working EXACTLY ACCORDING TO THE RULES LAID FORTH BY THE ZIONIST PROTOCOLS OF THE TALMUD.]
The American public has been led to believe that the swine flu massacre was a bipartisan political effort, as leaders of both the Democratic and the Republican parties joined in the campaign to herd the victims of the death offices of the "health" officials. Some supposed that it was merely another "big money" deal perpetrated by the Zionist biological parasites in their unceasing efforts to find new ways to milk their unprotesting host people. However, the entire swine flu program amounted to a mere $135,000,000, which is hardly peanuts to the rampaging KZs who regularly mount billion dollar raids on the United States Treasury. This sum represents only one tenth of the sum contributed by the American taxpayers to the State of Israel EACH YEAR! The ramifications of the swine flu massacre cannot be truly measured by the $135,000,000 windfall for the drug company executives who had picked up Gerald Ford's bills for twenty-five years in Washington, nor by the misleading figure of sixteen hundred dead Americans.
The real story behind the swine flu murders is one of genocide and of a slow-acting poison which may take years after the injection to bring on death by cancer or heart failure. The story begins in the ironically named Federal Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia (yes, the same city which produced our present leader [Carter]). First, the federal scientists in this rat's nest invented a new disease, which they named the "swine flu". To this day, there has never been a single case of "swine flu" positively identified in any person in the United States! [H: You had better be thankful, for had the inoculations gone as hoped and planned--your nation would be dead and gone NOW from that sneaky little hand-made, Elite weapon, the HIV virus. Someone should take a very close and careful look at that "swine" vaccine. You may find a bit of sheep visna virus and bovine leukemia sprinkled among the injectables.] To trigger their demand for a national campaign of inoculating their new poison, the scientists claimed that a young soldier at Ft. Dix, New Jersey had died of the "Swine Flu". Now the disease was ready to ravage the entire population of the United States, with a projected death toll of from sixty to one hundred million victims! The scientists claimed that this disaster could only be avoided by the inoculation of everyone in the United States. The fact was that there was not then and has never been the slightest possibility of any such epidemic. The young soldier at Ft. Dix had been suffering from exhaustion after a forced march. He was given some sort of injection, probably the swine flu vaccine, and then died. This death was then claimed as the "first victim" of swine flu. For many years, some of our young soldiers, as well as many political prisoners in our prisons, have been subjected to "medical experiments" by mad scientists of the type which the KZs claim were carried out by the Nazis. Although thousands of pages of testimony were taken down at the Nuremberg Trials from Jews who claimed to have been the subjects of the Nazi experiments, their sole purpose in testifying to these "atrocities" was to lay claim to lifelong payments of benefits, which they have subsequently collected from the captive German people. In the United States, thousands of victims of these medical experiments have never been able to collect anything, including the family of the young soldier at Ft. Dix. Nevertheless, his death set off an overwhelming national "demand" for an immediate swine flu vaccine program. The press, as usual, was only too glad to cooperate in this atrocity. Every public health official in the United States leaped into the campaign with their knee jerk conditioned reflex as soon as they received their orders from Moscow-on-the-Potomac. The campaign was given its final blessing by the less than regal figure of the then President of the United States, Gerald Ford. The fact that he was condemning hundreds of American citizens to death bothered him not for a moment, but retribution came in the public fear and dismay created by the revelations of the many deaths of the swine flu campaign. This fear provided the last straw which sent the delicate balance of an undecided electorate tipping over to Jimmy Carter. One of his principal aides, who later disappeared amidst revelations of bad checks and fraudulent deals, publicly said, "We would never have made it without the swine flu victims."
In retrospect, is this so strange, when we recall that the entire plan for the massacre originated in Atlanta, Georgia, as the base of Carter's entire Presidential effort? And does this explain the desire of the Jewish television industry to pay off Gerald Ford with millions of dollars for the story of his life as a "public servant", which of course will exclude all mention of the swine flu massacre, the years in which he lived in luxury in Washington on five dollars a week, or his malfunctioning nervous system which causes him to fall on his face when he has nothing to hold onto?
To this day, no one has commented on the fact that all of the victims of the swine flu massacre were elderly white Americans. Apparently the Negroes received some warning against taking the injections, because the technicians reported that in Negro neighborhoods, they found practically no one willing to take the shots. (A more likely explanation is that the health officials were afraid to get out of their vans.) It is now obvious that the swine flu massacre was a dress rehearsal for a mass "elimination" program of "non-productive" citizens, those elderly white people who might now expect some leisure in their Golden Years. A crucial aspect of this extermination campaign is the frantic national press demand for the Right to Die and for death with dignity. This campaign is intended for the thousands of elderly white people in hospitals and nursing homes staffed by KZ doctors and Negro nurses. Forms have been prepared which state that these people have refused any further care and that they "wish to die". Whether they sign or not, we may be certain that after their elimination, there will be produced for each victim a properly signed and witnessed form attesting to their willingness to die, another factor in the nightmare world of Jewish Khazarian Marxism in 1984.
[H: I'm sure you can add and subtract, so considering the overall happenings, this above projection was right on schedule as to genocide. It is intended that AIDS gets rid of the blacks and homosexuals; abortion eliminates the babies and so on it goes...]
We have stated that every public health official in the United States ritually declared himself in favor of the great swine flu massacre, as though the order had come down from the Great Satan himself. However, in this sorry melange of bloodthirsty Marxist maniacs who have devoted their lives to the massacre of their fellow citizens, one white patriot emerged. He was the famed microbiologist J. Anthony Morris, the leading expert on viral diseases at the National Institute of Health in Washington (Parade, 3-11-77). Despite his eminence in his field, Morris remained on a modest salary because he had never made proper overtures to the big drug dealers, nor did he wish to. For more than twenty years, he had been attempting to warn the American people about the dangers of the vaccines endorsed by the public health officials. He had discovered, after years of patient research, that there is NO WAY to measure or control the potency of any batch of vaccine. Any given batch might be a hundred times more potent than the next batch, with possibly fatal results to the person to whom it would be administered. To this day, the federal government has methodically suppressed this information. One of the purposes of the swine flu campaign was to provide computer input data on variations in the potency of the vaccine, and to project probable fatalities in future use of swine flu campaigns. The insurance industry had paid some officials for information on the swine flu vaccine, and with this factual material on its dangers, they refused to provide any insurance coverage on its use!
It is difficult for the layman to realize that the insurance industry, which is in the business of taking risks, would decide that any substance was so dangerous that it would offer no coverage on its use, or that federal officials, after seeing the insurance industry refuse to provide any coverage, would still insist on its being administered to the entire population of the United States!
Not only did the federal officials suppress the result of Morris; researches on the uncontrollable potency of the swine flu vaccine, they also suppressed proof in his later researches that the vaccine did not, as the mad scientists had claimed, produce antibodies in the human system which would prevent the flu. Morris proved that the vaccine produced NO antibodies in the system and therefore it was worthless as a vaccine. In fact, it was biologically impossible to produce a vaccine composed of dead "swine flu virus" when no such virus existed! Continuing his research on the vaccine, J. Anthony Morris found that the vaccine actually increased one's susceptibility to side effects of flu. The victims who had been extorted by the federal officials to take the vaccine actually were exposing themselves to even worse effects of the flu.
By this time, his fellow officials were doing everything possible to suppress the results of Morris' work. He later said, "There is a close tie between government scientists and manufacturing scientists. And I was hurting the market for flu vaccine." The federal government maintains strict regulations for handling such poisons as strychnine and cyanide, but these same officials concealed the fact that the swine flu vaccine and other federally recommended medicine are well known poisons. Morris was now relieved of his official title as influenza control officer. His research material was hauled away and disposed of and thousands of test animals on which he had proven his results were destroyed. [H: Animal humane groups: where were you when you were really needed?] However, Morris still continued his desperate struggle to save the American people from this disaster. He warned that public use of the swine flu vaccine would result in serious neurological damage. [H: Have you looked at an "Alzheimer's" victim lately???] Since then, hundreds of people who took the injection have been afflicted with a form of paralysis called the "Guillian-Barre syndrome", a rare disease which had been almost unknown in the United States. Federal officials then released "studies" of the victims claiming that most of them had not taken the swine flu vaccine! Subsequent lawsuits by some of the victims revealed that these "studies" were entirely fictitious. They had been invented by the federal officials. However, Morris' final warning was the most shocking of all. His researches proved that the swine flu vaccine was carcinogenic! It had caused cancer in his test animals. This meant that every person who took this vaccine faced the strong probability that at some later stage, he would develop a malignant cancer somewhere in his system! The people who had the injections and who were now congratulating themselves that they had not had a heart attack or that they had not been paralyzed by the Guillian-Barre syndrome now faced the danger of a future death by cancer. At this revelation, the National Institute of Health fired Morris for "insubordination". They had ordered him not to release the results of his tests. The subsequent history on this patriot is a sad commentary on the plight of a public-spirited man. Penniless and unemployed, he has found it almost impossible to sue the entrenched Marxist bureaucrats. The millions of Americans whom he fought to save have not one dollar to contribute to him in his plight, as all their savings will go to doctors to fight the paralysis and cancer induced by the vaccine which he fought to ban.
Like the swine flu, the famous "Legionnaires disease" also was the product of Carter's henchmen at the Disease Control office in Atlanta. A group of elderly white American ex-soldiers had gathered for a reunion at the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia. Some KZs needed the famous old hotel to put together a "package" for a new real estate development. What better way then to drive it into bankruptcy by a fatal disease among its patrons? A Negro employee of the hotel, a charter member of the Communist Party in Pennsylvania, agreed to test a new "crowd control" weapon developed by the mad scientists in Atlanta. A batch was sent to the Aberdeen Proving Grounds nearby, where it was picked up by the Negro. It was decided to test the weapon on the Legionaries for a reason which many will find incredible, and which dates back some thirty years. In the late 1940's, a few World War One veterans attempted to turn their local American Legion chapters into active anti-Communist organizations. The Communist Hollywood Ten, a group of KZs who had publicly flaunted their allegiance to Moscow, quickly churned out a number of movies in which the American Legion members were caricatured as fat, drunken boobs, a slander which remains a cliché of the KZ controlled movies and television. The prompt reaction by the Communists was due to their terrible fear of any native, uniformed group which might oppose them. When one such group appeared in the South a few years ago, the Columbians, the FBI spent five million dollars to infiltrate and destroy it, and sent its leader to prison on perjured testimony. The Communists remembered the veterans in Russia who fought the Bolshevik regime, and the loyal German veterans who the National Socialist Party to defeat the Communists in Germany. Every weapon of hate had to be turned against any uniformed American group which opposed Communism, and for a few brief months in the late 1940's, the American Legion seemed to be such a group. It was quickly infiltrated, and its anti-Communist stance became a fading memory, but the Communist hatred for the Legionnaires remained as intense as ever. For this reason, it was decided to test the new murder weapon on the Legionnaires. The idea behind the new weapon was prompted by the development of urban warfare techniques, to gain control of a large building held by opposing forces, without destroying the building. The mad scientist came up with a derivative of nickel carbonyl which could be fed into a building's cooling or heating system, and which would kill everyone in the building. They would collapse with irreversible damage to their hearts and respiratory systems. The Negro fed a fairly weak concentration of nickel carbonyl into the air conditioning system of the Bellevue Stratford Hotel during the meeting of the American Legionnaires. Because it was a test, the scientists had made a weak concentration. They did not wish to kill everyone in the building, but to discover if it would, as promised on test animals, have a potentially fatal effect. A number of the Legionnaires sickened and died. The health officials then released the story that they had died of a form of respiratory infection. [H: I will discuss this at the end of the quoting because you will be left with the incorrect conclusion from this immediate writing--the lethal cause of most of the sickness WAS VERY DEFINITELY A VIRUS.]
However, to this day the officials claim they have no idea what caused the "Legionnaires disease". The fact is that, as the patriot J. Anthony Morris tried to warn us, the federal government is dangerous to your health. Every citizen must become aware that the federal public health officials, stoned to the ears, with their long Trotsky type hairdos flying in the breeze, have successfully carried out one massacre after another in the United States. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Let me inject (no pun intended) herein that the book MURDER BY INJECTION by Eustace Mullins is "The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America" and was published in 1988 so you will find it much more "timely". You can also find much information in the JOURNAL: AIDS, THE LAST GREAT PLAGUE.
The facts are even more noxious than the above dissertation on "Swine" flu. In the case of Legionnaires disease it will be found, and we attested to it prior to this--that the infecting organism was man-created and was "blown" across the street where there was a Parade in front of the hotel in point. The "bad" air was to take the blame for the deaths which ensued. The organism in point was an edition of that which the Russians were working on in 1978 for biological warfare. This was also under development in the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia (oops). It is a brother to the disease known now as Lassa fever, which will kill 35 out of every 100 people it strikes, Ebola fever, which kills 70 out of every 100, and the deadly Marburg fever (Green Monkey Disease).
Dharma, you are weary from such a long day so let us have respite. We will take up the structure of the hierarchy of the "Drug Trust" tomorrow for you need refreshing as to just WHO controls and owns those pharmaceutical monopolies--and you may as well prepare selves--it comes back to the doorstep of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. So be it and may you live to see the truth of it.
Hatonn to clear.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, January 14, 1992, Volume 17, Number 13, Pages 1-5.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.
R. Montana / Updated August 4, 2015
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." --George Santayana
In my opinion: The word "program" in the above article appears interchangeable with the word "pogrom" (pogrom: an organized, often officially encouraged massacre of a targeted group of people, not only Judaists (Jews) but Christians and freedom-loving Americans.
Does the pogrom of 1976, the so-called "swine flu epidemic", detailed above, not sound eerily similar to the attempted worldwide genocide of 2009-2010, the so-called "swine flu pandemic" orchestrated by the U.N., W.H.O. and the U.S. and other major governments? Regarding this latest pogrom, no adult living today is too young to remember this horrific event, although I am certain that many Americans still cannot fathom the level of deceit and evil that has been foisted upon them by our so-called "public health" officials and government, or the consequences that were involved. In their ignorance, many people the world over were fooled and victimized by this false pandemic scare, and fell victim to the vaccination mandated by public officials. And vaccinated people were, again, sickened and died from those inoculations. The evil pogrom was stopped, however, in large part due to the united efforts of we-the-people from several countries around the world, who, in essence, said in One Voice: ENOUGH, YOU SHALL GO NO FURTHER! It is interesting to note that after the government was forced to abandon its pogrom, the big bad flu pandemic turned out to be nothing more than a mild flu that certainly did not originate from pigs in Mexico as reported and, of course, never did much harm to the human population.
Beware, the same entities are at it again; this time with their Ebola and Meningitis viral scare tactics, and just before Halloween 2014. They may well have effortws to spread viruses and infect people, and then to use that as an excuse to force inoculate the population. You who watch the TV non-news can attest to the fact that the media is in an Ebola and Meningitis frenzy. This is a major sign that the Elite are in the midst of hatching their evil plans of deceit, yet again. The so-called measels outbreak in Spring of 2015, infecting a minute portion of the population (155 people in 17 states), said to have orignated in Disneyland in S. California, may have been another false-flag in order to herd the sheeple of California into approving the State Senate bill SB 277, which makes the vaccinations of all California children mandatory. It was signed into law June 30, 2015 by radical-socialist Governor, Jerry Brown. My advice is to not volunteer to be a victim. If the above article has shown you anything, it is that you cannot trust the your government.
At the risk of stating the obvious, YOU, and not your doctor, are the best defense against viral and bacterial infection. Most doctors neither don't know how to kill viruses in your body nor are not financially motivated to do so. You doctor is financially motivated to maintain your disease for as long as possible, nothing else. You readers who have been following the information of this website's, should know how to remove viruses from yout body, safely and naturally, so use that information and don't fall for the vaccination hype. Keep blocking any and all viruses and harmful bacteria from gaining a foothold in your body by adding proportional quantities of Colloidal Silver and/or diluted, food-grade, Hydrogen Peroxide to everything you drink. Remember the age-old adage: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Be eternally vigilant in speaking out against medical myths and dogma whenever and wherever you find it. Help safeguard against any attempt by your government to mass-innoculate the people of America and the world through injection by sharing these articles within your circle of influence. Keep your Light-shields up at all times and remember, you can always call upon Creator God for assistance against evil, if or whenever you feel overwhelmed.