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Oct. 20, 2015

10/19/91 #1    HATONN

As the days pass into the "death" and dormant cycle and the harvest time moves again into memory--hold unto the Light for there is great mischief afoot in the days of troubled emotions and games of terror, sacrifice and killing--rituals of salute to evil.  The point is to keep you blinded to that which is BEYOND the "good" and "evil" of the physical placement so that you do not see until it is too late. 

Hatonn present in the Light of God--come with the Hosts that vision might be given into the very heart of darkness.

How many of God's own will salute evil in the days of "Halloween", as a for instance?  Is a party and masquerade "bad"?  Of course not--it is fun and gleeful.  However, it is as with the insipid evolvement of Satan Clause, the tricks are the fact and later you are devoured by the monsters you "pretend" to imitate--or, become a monster yourself.  Do you realize that you no longer have Holidays in honor of Holy God? Not even one is now devoted unto God of Light. So be it. "But all the kids are doing it!", you will be petitioned and "I love to put up the dressings of the Holidays" -- but, can a child discern the difference in mature costume dressing for the playing and the capturing of the desires of the greed of that which lies beneath the trappings?  The responsibility lies in the hands of the parents.  What is there of Halloween, for instance, that bespeaks goodness?  It is built around blackmail (treat or trick) and acts which are totally against "goodness".  This is HOW you become "children of the lie".  But, is it better to have the parties at home than allow the children out on the streets?  Indeed, but do not blame "other" for your failure to bring your children into truth.  I know, it appears God's people have no "fun"!  Well, if tricks, lying, Satan worship and ritual, deceit and thus and so is your idea of "fun", then I have no response to the inquiry.


Source:  THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, October 1991, Volume 17, Number 2, Page 8.





10/30/93 #1   HATONN

FRI.,OCTOBER 30, 1993

In whatever radiance can be seen in the midst of a Halloween celebration of evil portent and prophecy, I give caution to you as the celebration anniversaries come more and more often--because more and more celebration days are set awash upon you.  I think, however, that in many ways I honor the celebration of "All Satan's Days" more than that which has become of your "Christmas" celebration.  Christ has been effectively REMOVED from your Christ-mass.  Trinkets, bills, depression and tinsel replace the humble thoughts of celebration of "life birthings"--at least at the Satanic Days there is honesty in the corruption of things wondrous and beautiful.

Each year, as with the "Holocaust", the myths and tales get more and more outrageous.  Did these things happen?  Yes, but they were disdained in older times--except at times of great civilization collapses--and certainly NOT told in such a way as to take 2/3rds of news bulletins.

The theme this very day is one of: "....and they used to dig up bodies and mutilate them in an effort to destroy spirits...." IS THIS WHAT YOU REALLY WANT YOUR CHILDREN TO LEARN?  The horror and terror is incredible to the small mind just starting to unfurl his wings and fly into a great and frightening world.  It is the time of banning some "bad" costumes from the schools, etc., because they are too "evil".  BUT, look what happens in the media--the more horrible ones are shown--as example!  Where is the most deadly influence?  Ah so, little Jimmy in a vampire costume is not nearly so terrifying as is the real life examples they show on TV which is his teacher and programmer.

Is it better to have "Tinker Bell" and "Fairy Godmother"?  Why?--they teach something for nothing.  So--is it terrible to allow the little ones to dress up in silly costumes and PRETEND?  No, it is FUN if that is what is enjoyable--BUT IT IS DANGEROUS AND GIVES DISINFORMATION WHICH IS ACCEPTED BY THE CHILD AS TOTALLY CONFUSING.  FIRST YOU TELL YOUR CHILD TO ACCEPT NOTHING FROM STRANGERS AND THEN YOU TEACH HIM TO DRESS UP SO NOBODY KNOWS WHO HE IS AND GO TAKE, UNDER THREAT, ANYTHING, ESPECIALLY CANDY, FROM STRANGERS!  YOU DEFEAT YOUR OWN LESSONS.

But, you say, it is only once a year!  No, it is almost every hour of every day!  Think about it.  What has "Christmas" become for your youngsters?  I thought so--"What do you want?"  "I want.....", "I don't like THIS one."  "Susie got one more package than I did."  "Gimmy another one...."  Does this mean that you should not celebrate the days of holiday and giving, receiving and gathering?  No--it means that you must be prepared to undo the damage such things do--it means PARENTS must take responsibility for the games they play for the child will only play the games the parents and society teach him.  How many of you dress your children up as angels and take them to the same houses you visited at Halloween, at Christmas--to GIVE and TREAT (the reverse of "trick")???  How about on Halloween? ...


Source:  CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, November 2, 1993, Volume 3, Number 6, Pages 22-23.