Gyeoros Ceres Hatonn/Aton
Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
Stop this praying to "My Father which art in heaven”! Go within into the places where our Father dwells--within the temple of self--stop looking for HIM out there somewhere--in some “heaven”. Your Father would not leave of you to reside separate and apart from you--in some kind of heaven.
Remember that the Master Nazarene--the young teacher from Galilee was called the Master of Wisdom. He told you to go within into the temple wherein God can be found and seek truth. He said he was but the wayshower -- the bringer of truth of the WORD. How many times do you need hear this message before you follow the instructions? Or, do you just continue and continue to babble your prayers so that someone ELSE can do of your work in your stead--and stand responsible, beaten and slain to spill blood for your purification--WHAT ABOUT HIS PURIFICATION? IF HE HAD TAKEN YOUR RESPONSIBILITY FROM YOU HE WOULD HAVE BEEN IN DIRECT OPPOSITION UNTO GOD CREATOR WHO GIVES UNTO EACH OF CREATIONS THE CHOICE AND FREE-WILL TO ACT--RESPONSIBLY OR IRRESPONSIBILY! Do you still desire that the one you called Jesus, or whatever, move against his Father’s will and Laws to take up your cross FOR YOU? He came to tell you truth and HELP you find the way and will help you bear that which is given, but never to do FOR YOU.
What do you ones celebrate at Christmas-time? X-mas time? Santa? Buying and getting? Singing of mindless carols? Could you not give a bit of thought unto Christ--could you not, for a refreshing change, shorten the term given to Christ-X? What have you allowed to happen to your generations? And for you ones who believe not on the "Jesus Emmanuel as Messiah (teacher), to whom DO you have allegiance and faithfulness? Is it of the world, or is it of Divine God?
Where do you place The Creation in this time of mass-murder of your young, healthy trees of evergreen? You take their lives to bear ornaments of tinsel and gaudy strips of trash in order to "beautify" that which is beyond beauty in its perfection, and you call it "celebration". Celebration of what? For what do you slay all those millions of trees just reaching their prime--or for the snhow of shows--a giant statue of a hundred years to stand on a political pot on a politician's lawn--under guard lest you the people touch of it! To what do you bend in worship, my chelas? What do you sell and buy at Christmas"? Perfumes to seduce? Expensive gifts to seduce? Gifts which "purchase" something or another? WHAT, DEAR ONES, ARE YOU DOING? WHAT DO YOU TEACH OF YOUR CHILDREN? WHAT DO THE CHILDREN EXPECT AT CHRISTMAS? PERHAPS IT IS THEN THAT YOU SHOULD USE THE TERM X-MAS FOR 'TIS A PITY TO ATTACH THE NAME OF GOD UNTO THE HYPOCRISY AND CONTRADICTION OF TERMS AND ACTIONS.
Things given in love and remembrance of shared joy and appreciation are wondrous indeed and a special time triggers the thought--but you ones have turned it into scenes of greed and gluttony of senses. I believe it is fine to leave God out of it and call it that which it has become--Satan's greatest time of celebration! A card of touching and sharing a thought is wondrous, warm and caring--a magnificent temple dedicated to lies is of less than value of the item. If the heart and pocketbook can afford of both, then it is wondrous indeed when the heart and hands give forth and blessings are unlimited upon thine gifts. But what happened to the widow’s mite--the gift of that which she had, in secret, in love and in no expectations of return? Oh, how God longs of the widow’s mite--or less; the desire is magnificent without the mite. Blessed are ye who walk with me for I shall bow unto and serve you and give unto you all that God has given unto me and, dear ones, it is ALL--it is the Universe, the very light of soul and all the wondrous manifestations of Creation--won’t you come and walk with me? I am your brother-----I KNOW THE WAY! I can teach you to fly as the eagles and soar as the gull; I can show you the wondrous trappings of the Cosmos and bring you among the stars--but we must ever move in the Lighted places for only in so moving can we escape the bindings of your physical shackles whether it be within your bodies of physical format or without.
Phoenix Journal #30 Pleiades Connection – Return of the Phoenix, Vol I, Chapter 14, pp 121-122. http://www.fourwinds10.net/journals/pdf/J030.pdf