NOTE: the following is an Italian translation of the above titled article by Angelo of Itay. As a dedicated Lightworker, his mission is to proclaim Truth to his people.
His website is http://www.coachtoheaven.com
We honor him for his work. ---PHB
(NOTE: English version follows the Italian translation)
(Italian translation
Quando capirete i segnali? Siete pronti per ciò che sta per succedere?
07/03/1993 - Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
Voi vi chiedete costantemente se vi saranno dei cambiamenti e quando avverranno. Vi rispondo, ebbene si, ed essi stanno già avvenendo, che si tratti di sconvolgimenti terrestri o a livello politico. La maggior parte di questi cambiamenti, verrebbero giudicati alquanto drastici si fi fosse permesso di vedere quello che REALMENTE sta succedendo. Non dovete presupporre che questi “cambiamenti”, stiano accadendo allo scopo di punirvi in una maniera o in un’altra, in quanto, la maggior parte di questi drastici cambiamenti, sono causati dallo stesso genere umano attraverso la politica, l’uso della forza e il controllo.
I cambiamenti terrestri che stanno avvenendo, seguono l’ordine di quanto è stato previsto nel ciclo dei cambiamenti universali, ma anche l’uomo grazie alle scoperte tecnologiche, è attualmente in grado di interferire con l’ordine naturale di questi cambiamenti. Prima d’ora, abbiamo già affrontato in passato questo argomento molte volte, ma mentre voi discutete sulle diverse possibilità di come accadranno questi sconvolgimenti terrestri previsti dai vari esperti di geofisica, è difficile non focalizzare la vostra attenzione sulle diverse possibilità.
Si sta avvicinando il momento in cui sarete scossi e non saprete più che pesci prendere. Questa non è “una punizione”, ma da una parte, il bisogno delle E’lite dei Controllori di far vedere la loro forza e il loro potere, e dall’altra parte, la Terra che verrà sconvolta da delle forze violentissime che causeranno la morte di molti esseri umani.
Il processo che causerà questi violenti sconvolgimenti terrestri, è già ben avviato da diverso tempo. I cambiamenti che sono iniziati, continueranno fino alla fine prevista e le placche tettoniche della crosta terrestre, si stanno spostando con sempre maggiore frequenza e TUTTE quante vengono sollecitate facendo si che un movimento che accade in un punto, causi delle ripercussioni a catena in un altro punto delle placche.
La vera tragedia durante questo lasso di tempo, è che a tutti gli effetti, moltissimi perderanno la possibilità di crescere spiritualmente.
La Terra, sta subendo un vero bombardamento di forze che la costringeranno a cambiare la propria direzione in relazione alla propria posizione nell’universo. Dal momento che l’universo cresce, e le galassie crescono, e necessario che avvenga una suddivisione e un scissione tra le galassie. Questi cambiamenti, sono universali. Alcuni di questi eventi, ebbero inizio milioni di anni fa. Adesso questa crescita, sta coinvolgendo il vostro sistema solare, e i pianeti dovranno riposizionarsi in nuovi punti e spazi dell’universo. Durante questo riposizionamento, la Terra subirà dei capovolgimenti e verrà scossa e a causa di questo, succederanno molti eventi catastrofici. Vi dicemmo che vi trovate nel bel mezzo dei cambiamenti del “grande ciclo”, che semplicemente non influisce solo sulla “faccia” del vostro pianeta.
Mentre il pianeta ruota e cambia direzione, accadranno molti eventi naturali che saranno considerati come dei disastri. Le montagne si sposteranno, i mari e gli oceani, verranno rigirati sottosopra e nuove terre emergeranno dalle loro acque. Alcune delle terre che ora sono abitate, verranno sommerse e si adageranno sul fondo degli oceani per consentire di venire rigenerate. Questi disastri naturali, sono già iniziati, ma con il procedere del tempo, accadranno più frequentemente e con maggiore violenza.
Il nostro compito, è di mettervi in guardia su questi avvenimenti che vi metteranno a dura prova. E’ dovere personale di ognuno di voi, di rivolgervi a Dio che risiede nel vostro cuore e nella vostra mente, perché in questo modo, alcuni di voi, ritroveranno i valori spirituali e potranno sopravvivere a questi eventi catastrofici. SAPPIATE tuttavia, che non verrà usata nessuna coercizione e nessuna forzatura per spingervi a ritrovare questi valori. E’ solo in virtù della vostra personale decisione di intraprendere questo viaggio spirituale, che sarete personalmente condotti e guidati unitamente ad altri che avranno fatto la stessa scelta e saranno sopravvissuti.
Posso solo suggerire agli abitanti della Terra, di prestare molta attenzione a questi avvertimenti. State vivendo in tempi molto pericolosi, e sono tempi di suddivisione e di cernita tra coloro che seguono Dio, e quelli che sono stati preda delle trappole dell’Avversario. E’ da troppo tempo che state ignorando tutti i richiami a tornare al vostro obiettivo e scopo originario. La maggior parte di voi, ha del tutto dimenticato quale fosse questo scopo. Per troppo tempo non avete dato nessuna importanza all’aspetto spirituale, alla moralità delle Leggi di Dio, e all’equilibrio delle Leggi Universali della Creazione. Gli ultimi anni di questa fine millennio, riserveranno agli abitanti della Terra, molte sorprese e molti sconvolgimenti.
Come voi oppure IO, possiamo toccare un cuore diventato duro come la pietra? Come potete fare in modo che gli altri ascoltino i vostri avvertimenti? La risposta sembra elusiva, ma sappiate che le Guide dei Piani Elevati, appaiono nelle diverse nazioni della Terra attraverso apparizioni visive sotto forma di personaggi che riconoscete come maestri, cioè La Madonna, Esu Immamnel ovvero Il Cristo, e per le altre razze che hanno credenze diverse, attraverso leader spirituali le cui gesta vengono tramandate dagli insegnamenti degli anziani. Queste apparizioni, continueranno ad avvenire in posti diversi e con sempre maggiore frequenza. Esse hanno il solo scopo di mettervi in guardia sui tempi a venire, e per ricordarvi la moltitudine di esseri spirituali con i quali potete connettervi.
Nei prossimi anni, assisterete a numerosi eventi che sembrerà siano causati “dal destino” e che produrranno dei potenti fenomeni terrestri. Ci saranno dei fortissimi terremoti, e delle gigantesche eruzioni vulcaniche, dal momento che il primo evento, scatenerà a catena altri fenomeni. Ci saranno degli enormi cambiamenti climatici, e le tempeste aumenteranno sia dal punto di vista della loro potenza, che dal livello di distruzione che raggiungeranno, e dal momento che ci saranno questi cambiamenti, anche la Terra stessa subirà dei mutamenti, e nei mari e oceani, si svilupperanno delle onde di proporzioni gigantesche mai visate prima. Nei cieli, avverranno dei fenomeni molto strani, così come appariranno anche delle stelle molto strane. Il ghiaccio delle calotte polari, comincerà a fondersi, ed esse si spaccheranno.
Ogni catastrofe che succederà negli ultimi anni di questo millenio , vi metterà di fronte alla vostra impotenza nei suoi confronti. Ben presto, vi renderete conto che dovrete rivolgervi ad un Potere più Elevato al quale chiedere aiuto. E’ previsto che quando queste cose succederanno, andrete in confusione, e sarete “costretti” a rivolgervi ai vostri “maestri burattinai terreni” invece che ricorrere per la vostra sicurezza e salvaguardia, alle vostre effettive risorse, specialmente se avrete bisogno di abbandonare questo pianeta. Tuttavia, Dio lascerà libero ognuno di voi di fare questa scelta.
Verificate interiormente dentro di voi. Cos’è che non capite? Di che cosa avete paura? Quali sono i vostri bisogni? Quali sono i vostri obiettivi? Come desiderereste essere? Come vorreste che gli altri vi trattassero? Siete felici? Siete in buona salute? State vivendo nell’armonia? Tutti questi bisogni e desideri che si trovano nel vostro cuore e nella vostra mente, devono essere sottoposti a Dio. La gente dice : “Cerco solo la Verità su Dio”, e “ Sto solo cercando la Verità, solo la Verità”. Ma poi RIFIUTANO LA VERITA’ CHE SI TROVA DAVANTI AI PROIPRI OCCHI! Se vi RIFIUTATE DI VEDERE, come potete poi essere aiutati, se vi rivolgete agli “uomini” per avere una guida – se dipendete da loro e divenite uno “strumento” dell’avversario di Dio che vuole farvi rimanere intrappolati nella vita fisica?
Servitevi della Sorgente Superiore per tutto ciò su cui si focalizza la vostra attenzione. Se può esservi utile servirvi di un ciondolo, fatelo, ma non riponete in esso il potere o la possibilità di salvezza, in quanto questo si manifesta in tutto il suo splendore nello “spirito” che risiede nella “mente”. Assumete qualunque “posizione” o parole o luogo per esprimere la vostra preghiera. La questione non è tanto dove pregare, se in una chiesa, con quali parole, o con in mano un rosario. La cosa della massima importanza, la SOLA cosa importante, è la vostra capacità di comunicare con DIO. NON avete bisogno di nessun intermediario, non servono gli Angeli, nessun extra terrestre e nessun simbolo – ANDATE DRTTTO DA DIO! PER DIO, NON C’E’ NESSUNO CHE SIA PIU’ IMPORTANTE DI VOI. TUTTAVIA, CERCATE DI MANTENERE APERTE LE LINEE DI COMUNICAZIONE DAL MOMENTO CHE IL TEMPO PER SCEGLIERE STA PER SCADERE.
Non credete di fare i vostri giochetti e di prendere in giro Dio! Nelle preghiere, la cosa che è assolutamente fondamentale, è la sincerità. Dio conosce i vostri desideri più profondi, i vostri segreti più nascosti, e conosce ogni pensiero che attraversa la vostra mente. Nulla può essere nascosto a Dio miei cari, quindi smettete di continuare questa messinscena. Dio sa riconoscere quando chiedete a Lui con sincerità. L’essere che VOI siete e che è il riflesso del vostro Essere Superiore, CONOSCE tutto di voi, quindi chiedete con sincerità e senza l’interferire del vostro ego. Chiedete a Dio dell’Universo di aiutarvi a stabilire delle linee di comunicazione con Lui. Il vostro desiderio sincero di essere vicini a Dio, vi consentirà di ricevere la Sua guida. Le strade di Dio, sono infinite, ed Egli si avvale di diverse situazioni e condizioni per mettersi in contatto con voi e creare le condizioni perché voi troviate “la vostra strada”.
Perché indugiate nei vostri preparativi? Perché non migliorate costantemente le cose che vi serviranno per la vostra sopravvivenza durante il disastro? Oramai perfino da parte dei vostri scienziati ciarlatani e buffoni, ogni giorno vengono proclamati degli avvertimenti. Domani, 8 marzo, 1993, sarà il giorno in cui ci sarà la Luna piena che si troverà nel punto più vicino alla Terra. Sulle vostre coste, si stanno già verificando delle grandi maree, e le previsioni dicono che siete entrati “nella finestra di tempo” in cui avverranno dei grandi cataclismi. In quanti semplicemente ascoltano e si chiedono “se tutto questo succederà”.
Originale in inglese : The Phoenix Liberator–Volume 22 – Nr 7– When Do You Recognize Changes? – Are You Ready For What’s Next? – Pages 1 and 50
Angelo Mazzocchi - http://www.coachtoheaven.com
Creator God Aton/Hatonn:
3/7/93 #1 HATONN
You ask constantly if there will be changes and when. Yes indeed and they are already underway in everything from earth upheavals to political structures. Most all of these changes would be deemed quite drastic if you were allowed to see what is REALLY happening.
You cannot assume the "changes" are something to punish you in some manner for most of the drastic human experience changes are manifest by mankind itself in political form, force and control. Earth changes are going to take their cyclic alterations in the order of universal change, but also now, technology of "man" allows for interference with the natural order of that change.
We have gone over this so many times prior to this but as you ponder the speculations of massive upheaval as predicted by various geophysical resources, it is hard not to turn your attention to possibilities.
The time is drawing near when you will be shaken and scared out of your wits. This is not as "punishment", but a need on the one hand for the Elite Controllers to show their power in force. Also, the Earth will shake and will be moved by violent forces which will cause many to lose their physical lives. The process which will cause these earth-changing events has already gotten under-way. The changes have begun and will continue until completion for, as the very "plates" of the Earth crust are increasing in their level of motion, the "gears" of ALL become engaged so that movement in one area will cause movement in others according to the chain of events.
The real tragedy during this time is that many will actually lose their spiritual growth.
The planet Earth is under bombardment with forces which will actually cause it to change its direction in relationship to the universe. As the universe grows and as the galaxies grow, there is a dividing and splitting of galaxies. These changes are universal. Some of these events began millions of Earth years ago. Now, the growth affects your solar system, and the planets will realign to new places and points. During this realignment the Earth will be turned and shaken, and you will have many catastrophic events. We have told you that you are in a "great" cycle change that does not simply affect the "face" of your planet.
As the planet turns and changes direction, many natural occurrences will be recognized as disasters. Mountains will move; seas will be upturned; new lands will come out of the oceans, some of the land which is now inhabited will be inundated and returned to the ocean floor to be allowed to renew. These natural disasters have already begun, but in the sequences to follow they will occur more rapidly and with increasing violence.
Ours is to warn you of these coming trying times. It behooves you each to turn to God within your hearts and minds, for in this way some of you will survive these catastrophic events by renewing your spiritual values. However, KNOW that no coercion or force shall be utilized to cause you to do so. Only through self-intent to make this journey as such, with the remnant, will you be individually led and guided.
I can only suggest that you residents of Earth heed warnings most carefully. You are living in perilous times for now is the time of sorting those who are intentioned toward God from those locked into the Adversary's vice-grip of human physical entrapment. Far too long have you totally ignored all calls to return to your original goal and purpose. Most have totally forgotten what that goal would be. Far too long have you turned your backs on the spiritual element and into the morality of God's Laws and the balance of The Creation's Universal Laws. The last few years of this century will bring many surprises and much upheaval to those on Earth.
How do you or I reach through to the hearts turned to stone? How can you cause ones to listen to the warnings? The answer seems elusive but know that the higher guides are appearing to you ones throughout the nations, in the form of apparitions in the visual recognition of ones accepted as guides, i.e., Mother Mary, Esu Emmanuel the Christ and, to the other races and creeds, as the spiritual leader recognized through the teachings of the ancients. These will continue to appear in many diverse places and with much greater frequency. These apparitions will be for the sole purpose of warning you of the times ahead and as reminders to the multitudes of your spiritual connections.
Within the very next few years you will see massive acts which will seem from the "hand of fate" dealing out some mighty blows to Earth. There will be massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions for when one begins the other must, by its interaction, follow. There will be massively changing weather patterns; storms will be increased in levels of power and destruction and, as the changes happen and the Earth changes herself, there will also follow massive tidal waves of unheard-of proportions. Look for strange happenings in the sky along with strange appearances of stars. The polar ice caps will begin to melt and to break apart.
Each incident which will be happening during the last times of this millennium will serve to remind you of your impotence. You will soon realize that you must look to a Higher Power to help you. It is planned that, as these things happen, you will be "forced" to look to the human puppet-masters in your confusion instead of to your actual resource for security and safety, especially if it needs to be "off" the planet. God shall leave those choices, however, to EACH.
Check within: What is it that you do not understand? What is it you dread? What is it you need? What are your goals? How do you wish to be? How do you wish to be treated by others? Are you happy? Are you healthy? Are you living harmoniously? All these needs and desires are to be brought to God in your heart and in your mind.
Ones say: "I only seek the Truth of God" and "I come seeking Truth, only Truth" and then DENY THE VERY TRUTH LAID BARE BEFORE THEM. If you REFUSE TO SEE then how can you be helped? If you turn to "man" for your guidance--depend on it being from a "tool" of God's adversary set to snare you in a human physical trap.
Use whatever focuses your attention on the HIGHER SOURCE. If a trinket helps you focus--use it--but do not place power or salvation in the trinket for only in the "mind" is "spirit" manifest in fullness. Use whatever "position", words, or place that enable you to pray. Places, words, beads, and churches are not the issue in point. Your ability to commune with the ONE GOD is the utmost importance--the ONLY importance. You do NOT need a go-between, you need no angels, no ET's, no symbols--GO STRAIGHT TO GOD! THERE IS NONE MORE IMPORTANT TO GOD THAN YOU! GET THOSE LINES OF COMMUNICATION OPEN, FOR YOU ARE RUNNING OUT OF CHOOSING TIME.
Don't think you can hoky-poky and fool God. Sincerity is absolutely vital to prayer. God knows you deepest longings, your best kept secrets. He knows every thought which enters your mind. There is nothing hidden from God, chelas, so stop the game playing on that pretense. HE knows with what sincerity you seek HIM. The YOU reflection of your greater being ALSO KNOWS, so sincerely ask, without human ego presence, ask the One God of the Universe to help you establish lines of communication with HIM. Your sincere desire to be near God will enable you to receive His guidance. God's ways are many and He uses many different situations and conditions to reach out to you and give you cause to find "the way".
Why do you tarry in your preparations? Why are you not in constant upgrading of those things for your survival in disasters? You are getting daily warnings now, from even your scientific buffoons and prattlers. Is it not time to heed those warnings? You are, tomorrow, March 8, 1993 going to pass through time when the moon is closest to your planet and "full". The tides are already up on your coastal shores and the predictors tell you that you are in a "window" for great cataclysmic happenings. How many simply listen and wonder if "this too shall pass". Well, could it not "pass" as easily with you prepared in case it doesn't "just pass"?
Cold war gone? Nuclear wars out of the question? What makes you think so? Oh, the government told you so? Well, why don't we just look at an article sent yesterday to this place. It appeared in a Denver, Colorado paper on 2/23/93. It was sent because it hit home to two "readers" who had, before their retirement, worked in the very facility about which the article is written. They noted bullet proof doors and glass, pass through windows; walls and vault doors. They thought those years, 1982-83, were of great concern to them for they thought "President Reagan was the same man that used to give 'freedom' speeches on the radio sponsored by H.L. Hunt". Well, that was a decade ago and things have only worsened and the puppet-masters have become less careful in hiding their total deceit.
Denver Federal Center unit has special trucks but says work slanted to natural disasters. Rocky Mountain News, 2/23/93.
Lakewood--The Denver Federal Center has 59 trucks ready to provide mobile communication during a nuclear war.
But the drivers spend most of their time practicing for--or helping victims of--natural disasters, the chief of the detail says.
The 50 employees of Mobile Emergency Response Support haven't practiced a nuclear war scenario in about three years, says unit chief Jim Tobin. In that time crew members have responded to Hurricane Andrew, Hurricane Iniki and the 1989 San Francisco Earthquake.
A report Sunday by the Cox News Service said Federal Emergency Management Agency, the umbrella agency for MERS, spends $12 on a secret mobile program to protect the government from nuclear attack for every $1 it spends on natural disasters.
Denver is one of five sites that has a 59-truck mobile unit.
Employees are experienced technicians in radio, generators and computers, earning from $25,000 to $35,000 a year, he said. Each also has a license to drive a truck.
One of the trucks is a 12-man mobile radio van with UHF antennas and a clamshell that can receive satellite signals.
Others carry generators, microwave radio towers, support supplies and fuel tankers capable of pumping diesel fuel out of service station tanks.
The white trucks--mostly 10-wheelers, a few 18-wheelers--rest in a parking lot at the Federal Center or are housed in garages in the FEMA building.
Tobin says his crew spends about 20% of its training time on nuclear war scenarios.
"We spend most of our time on natural disasters", Tobin said.
The training scenarios would be valuable whether the real disaster turns out to be a nuclear war or a hurricane, said Joe Platko, head of security for MERS. "The actions you take for a nuclear disaster are going to be virtually the same."
MERS technicians travel to the site of a disaster and set up phone lines and radio contact, Tobin said. Microwave towers can connect the disaster area to phone systems up to 56 miles away.
In Washington, D.C., Monday, FEMA spokesman Dave Martin said FEMA has spent $11.9 billion since 1982--$6.3 billion for relief for victims of natural disasters and $4.3 billion for response and recovery, and $1.3 billion for government preparedness.
Part of that $1.3 billion is spent on secret security work.
I could go through the Doomsday program for you again but we did that earlier in our beginning JOURNAL writings. Little has changed other than continual upgrading and perfecting. Old security "bomb shelter facilities" are now obsolete and are actually being "sold". That means that the new, deeper and better facilities are operational.
They say that some 15 more bases will close. I find it interesting to note that we received listings over two weeks ago and yet, it just this week-end gets on your "news". What can this tell you? It should tell you that there will be 15 MORE bases for incarceration of the populace! You are moving into the final six years of perfecting the Global Plan 2000. It is NOT going to be an easy six years and it will be often-times very, very hard to isolate your friend from your enemy. Just as mind control and "physical 'drives'" can be programmed and changed, i.e., causing homosexual drives from typical heterosexual (with the actual cause of cessation of hormonal function for either sex) so too can personalities be changed by the blink of a pulse-wave-probe.
I can only warn you ones who serve in God's battalions that if you don't stay securely in the shelter of the Lighted protection shield--YOU WILL BE ATTACKED AND STRUCK DOWN INSTANTLY BY THE ADVERSARY. WATCH ONES AT WORK RIGHT NOW--WHO THOUGHT THEY COULD GET BY WITHOUT THOSE SHIELDS. WHEN I, FOR INSTANCE, AM SHOVED OUT AND ANOTHER ENERGY ACCEPTED AS MYSELF, THE ASSAULT IS ON AND THE ATTACKED HELPLESS--AS IS GEORGE GREEN AT THIS VERY MOMENT. There are others I could name, involved in the same scenario--but it need not take up further space herein. Actions become totally irrational with inability to see that they set up their own downfall--it is as a programmed robot heading for the cliff with all controls nonfunctional. Does this mean that "these ones" ARE robotoids? Might as well be for the programming is as tight in either instance.
CNN let is slip--how many caught the announcement? The Iranian Government said loudly and without hesitation that eventually the Trade Center bombings will be laid at Iran's doorstep. The response, however, was spoken loud and clear and slipped through ONCE! It was said that the U.S. set up and orchestrated the whole thing and that the CIA was working in conjunction with Mossad agents to set-up the persons now blamed for the action. This announcement was IMMEDIATELY removed from the airwaves. However, once stated, it can never be totally erased--just as several years ago when Reagan petitioned Russia to "join forces against the aliens coming from space".
Always be alert to these things, sort TRUTH, and keep to God in allegiance--not speakers who seem to know all the inside secrets. If they KNOW the inside "secrets" then they have been, or are, working on the inside--most probably FOR the "inside". You can utilize this to great advantage, keep secure in your beings by never bending to the "groupie" scene or lawlessness urge. If you think you can hide weapons and survive--then stay away from any of "my" people because people who think they can live by the gun shall perish by the gun--look to the groups caught in the traps right now, i.e., Texas, Idaho, etc. Dead "martyrs" are not--they are stupid fools. Ones who tell you they are gathering arsenals for "defense" of selves--lie. Look at what happens and, again, you look right to Texas and Idaho for examples. If you want a hunting gun and live where you might actually be able to survive by finding food (which almost NONE of you do), fine, but even there, you are apt to be "misunderstood" in intent and get yourself SHOT. Remember--"any excuse"! Better plan to "survive" on stored grain (spelta) or something less aggressive then wild animals. There will, however, probably come a time when you will have to defend selves against roving bands of domestic animals gone wild--as people can no longer attend dogs, etc., they will need food and you may represent that food resource to them. Further, as cities are devastated the larger cats and animals of the zoos will probably be let loose. But if you think you can set up a defensive "army" of some kind with rifles and automatic weapons--you are going to be dead before you can WIN with them.
This one keeps popping up continually as you people get informed but haven't gotten information from the prior JOURNALS or elsewhere regarding the Federal Reserve. [See the JOURNALS recommended at the end of the "Nevada Corporations" article on page 49 for the best background reading on the Federal Reserve and related shocking matters.] This is a total viper in the bosom of your Constitution and you can go right to that source as to "who" is bankrupting your beloved America. Let us look at it briefly here, again, and then we'll see who the Federal Reserve Big Boys are.
In a tragic betrayal of the public trust, the Congress of 1913 created a private, for-profit corporation which has never been taxed or audited. Its creation was a gigantic fraud, probably bigger than all of the other historic swindles put together.
In November of 1910, powerful men in the world of finance met at Jekyl Island in Georgia. Among them, Paul Moritz Warburg, partner in Kuhn Loeb Co., of Hamburg who represented the Rothschilds, planned American's economic future--and the world's, for that matter. This was a totally orchestrated plan to gain billions of dollars in profit personally for themselves.
In December (22-23), 1913, the Jekyl Island plan was approved and America gave up the control of her destiny! The House vote, 298 to 60. The Senate vote, 43-45. Woodrow Wilson signed the Bill into law and the Federal Reserve System was born. It was indeed a very sad day for America. Paul Warburg, the Rothschild's representative became the first "head" of the "Fed".
An alien, who barely spoke English, took control of America's money supply! Even Woodrow Wilson would regret his actions and before his death, stated: "I am a most unhappy man--unwittingly I have ruined my country." Perhaps too late smart? Congressman Charles Lindberg, Sr. said, "This act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth... When the president signs this Act the invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust investigation, will be legalized...The new law will create inflation whenever the Trusts want inflation...From now on depression will be scientifically created."
The LIBERATOR has just recently [2/2/93 issue] re-run the entire, rousing speech by Lewis T. McFadden and I would urge you to dig it out and re-read it carefully. As McFadden referred to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, he said: "They are not government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers...this nation is run by the international bankers."
Well, we can list off the top eight for you:
1. Rothschilds of London and Berlin
2. Lazard Brothers of Paris
3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy
4. Kuhn, Loeb & Company of Germany and New York
5. Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany
6. Lehman Brothers of New York
7. Goldman, Sachs of New York
8. Rockefeller Brothers of New York
All of the above listed men, with the sole exception of the Rockefeller Brothers of New York, are Khazarian Zionist "Jews". Note that ALL are also "foreign" with established headquarters in Europe, even the ones in New York are only "branches" of European establishments.
There are an additional three hundred people, approximately, mostly relatives, who hold stock or shares, and they comprise the ownership of this enormous monster, the massive wealth of which is beyond man's comprehension.
This is by far the most gigantic counterfeiting ring in the world. The world has been "stolen" with worthless paper. As we have time we shall integrate this subject within our next episode from McAlvany on a cashless society and the destruction of privacy as well as cash.
I hope I have given you some facts worthy of your notice. I do not tell you what you should think or believe--but I surely do hope you draw some of the same conclusions as I.
Thank you.
Salu, Hatonn.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, March 9, 1993, Volume 22, Number 7.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.
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