3/14/96 #1 HATONN
Within the great adventure en route to understanding God and Universe we find such magnificent unanswered questions being from prior unanswered puzzles. Some people have a driving need to find each detailed answer to tuck away in his own treasure-house of information boxes. Well, you can't tuck everything away neatly into a box and put it under the bed somewhere to silently become a part of your understanding and KNOWING. You must become part of the living experience of coming into Knowing.
There are several rather defined levels of becoming worthy of moving out of the physical into the higher levels of that which is beyond what is perceived as "mortal".
In the period of "becoming" what is recognized as a viable baby from the womb, there is a wondrous and angelic quality of presentation unmet ever again in the journey through the state of mortal presentation. There is great "knowing" but inability to communicate except through the basic attitudes which go beyond speech and language. There is helplessness and, therefore, unquestioned trust and love. There is only what IS in inability of the infant to fathom more than what is immediately presented. He is focused on nothing in particular but when he hungers, he notifies his caretaker and when he is wet he likewise notifies his caretaker. He must depend on "others" to do that which he is incapable of doing on his own account.
Even in infancy, however, the enforced silence of non-communication ability already stunts the entity's ability to grow as would that same "knowing" be available to an adult with his studies behind him. It would never again, however, be in "innocence". Perhaps as the cycle of life brings the infant around into the elderly being, might there be the innocence of being. This later happening is rare indeed for the innocence is warped through the experience and all that came upon the being in any travels expressed in mortal or immortal journeys.
The only time in mortal form, however, that the soul AND the body are so massively responsive to the innocence of life is when GOD touches the being and pulls that being into SERVICE. There may be no memory of the clock's reading or the calendar's layout but the MOMENT of creation is burned into the being with the energy of God and can NEVER again be erased. A person knows, from that moment forward, that his alliance and ego is backed away into the corners of experiencing so that the service is unhampered by that double-edged sword.
The infant, whether in good conditions or bad conditions, accepts with total approbation his circumstance. But, however he is treated in those early moments will forever bend the way he responds, reacts and functions emotionally in all the remainder of his mortal experience.
As the growth takes place, so too does "awareness" come into the picture. This is called "consciousness". Up to this point there is only acceptance but now there comes into the being the awareness which is beginning to be attached to push-and-shove associations, even if not through "thinking" processes. The Oneness of Self-Soul and Universal Self-Soul is not yet expressed. What IS is all there IS. There is nothing yet available to allow the newly functioning mind to think in terms other than Truth. Truth is all there is in the tiny world of limitation--even if the object is to deliberately produce the lie upon the child. There is nothing against which to measure anything. There is no accountability in the tiny being. The body itself is at that time working "on automatic".
Never is the being more preciously pure and open but is totally insulated from his Source because he is now experiencing the sensation of his electric body. All those senses are beginning to function, poke and prod, and electrically condition function. What might be called the objective mind simply IS as these electrical conditioning pulses and waves are coming into active sensations. There is no "thinking" as such although the mind is quite busy. The mind is preparing for the massive learning processes to yet come into recognition. This is when "memories" as relating to automatic function are established and hence can grow with each newly learned expression.
So, as an infant, and in fact, throughout his life, Man's living body is but an electrically motivated machine which simulates life through motion extended to it from its centering Self and the Soul of Self. Through this programmed subconscious, the instructions which "will" the body to function are honed and placed into a state of "automatic piloting". This is projected through the brain into physical expression. If the brain is damaged the connections are unable to complete their circuitry and therefore the body will cease to respond properly.
The electrically oscillating nerve-wires which operate the bodily mechanism act almost entirely through automatic reflexes and instinctive control, and to a very little extent through mental decisions. Each cell and organ of the body has an electrical awareness of its purpose and each fulfills that purpose without any mental focus or action whatsoever upon the part of the Intelligence which occupies that body. Consider the beating heart, as an example, for it is purely "automatic", just as breathing is an automatic triggering for oxygenation. When there is injury or infection the white blood cells called corpuscles rush to repair damages as surely and effectively as if you turned on a switch attached to a light globe and the light comes on.
As child moves on into a thinking entity he will consider very little of this automatic processing--unless something goes wrong with the system.
I don't want to get into a quarrel over the labeling of the subjective or subconscious mind. I do, however, want you to realize that housed in that subconscious mind is more than the "motor" functions as referred to above as "automatic".
Each cell and organ of the body has an electrical awareness of its purpose and each fulfills that purpose without any mental action on the part of the "Intelligence" which occupies that body, and that, of course, is orchestrated through that subconscious mind which controls the ever changing actions and reactions of the body.
In this body with its electric recording brain, man "thinks" that he "thinks" and lives, loves, expresses and dies. He thinks himself conscious while awake and unconscious when sleeping, unaware that in all Nature there is not such condition as unconscious even when sensation ceases during states of sleep. You can no more be "unconscious" in a state of sleep than a "deadened" nerve at the dentist causes a tooth to be unconscious.
As the child progresses normally through the stages of development, he begins to respond to his thought patterns and is beyond "curious" for he begins to stretch out and see what reactions he receives from others when he commits his actions. Some actions receive far more response than do others and he thrives on the excitement as he "pushes the buttons" which trigger the reactions in his environment and caretakers.
The child ages a bit in his sequence of learning and into a very selfish little mechanism. He must test everything which comes into his CONSCIOUSNESS. Yes indeed, he comes to consciously be aware of himself and his needs and desires. As this phase of development comes about in its proper cycle, it is the most important of "times" for teaching and learning, giving and receiving. The EGO looms its ugly head over the stage play going on and becomes the central focus and, even if not consciously aware of same, the subconscious becomes the slave of the ego. This is the major error of Man's perception. MAN SHOULD CONTROL HIS SUBCONSCIOUS AND NOT ALLOW THAT UNLIMITED SERVANT TO CONTROL HIM.
Since this is not a topic based on rearing children, we will overlook the various levels of learning and hold to our topic of levels of understanding while seeking to again become in the ONENESS of God Creator.
That old ego can be the destroyer of all mankind. It is necessary in the mortal man for Man must become aware of his own realization of the fact that he, himself, is a thinking being and become aware of this unique Godlike quality and capability of THOUGHT processing. He must become aware that he is aware! You can't very well become aware that you are asleep--but you must awaken and become aware of your state of awareness. If you do not nurture this "awareness", you will stagnate into ignorance which will hold you to the wheel of limitation. That wheel may well continue to turn but, chelas, how much of a wheel is attached to the ground at any given time?
A wheel is quite a complicated thing sometimes, in its more sophisticated arrangement, say, of a bicycle in today's observation. It will have a hub, spokes and then comes a rim and tire filled with air. Only a little part of the wheel touches the ground, feels it a moment, then leaves it, to disappear from reach of the sensations which connect all, rim, spokes and ground. But as with the cycles of expression, the wheel area first noted for ground contact will reappear. Will the sensations be the SAME? No, because possibly there will now be a pebble in the roadway.
How wondrous that Man is not alone in his perceived universe. He has the whole of the wheel from which to learn and shortcut the processing. Unfortunately, the EGO causes a Man to become so centered and focused on HIS SPOT on the wheel as to become all but unaware of the whole of the wheel.
These places along the edge of the wheel can be labeled anything you choose but represent the experiences of a living journey. In the mortal format that becomes birth, childhood, young adult, adult, middle age, mature age, elderly and then, death (of that body but not that mind eternal). Let us call the wheel touching the ground, birth, and then as it rolls around to that spot again, we can again call it birth--not death. Why? Because of the SPIRAL which is never ending but only continuing. You are always BIRTHED into another experience--for only the body recycles as the soul moves ever onward.
How can I example this simplistically? Let us look at an apple. You have a nice fruit filled with little dark seeds. That apple had to have come from a parent tree. But now that tree has grown and produces many apples and you now hold one in perfection in your hand in preparation for eating it. Let us suppose that even before you can eat it, along comes a bulldozer and slays the tree. The tree parts are left to decay or be burned for wood, whatever the choices for use. But is the tree dead? NOT AS LONG AS THERE IS A SINGLE SEED. EVEN THE MATTER CALLED TREE IS ONLY CHANGED IN ENERGY FORM OR MATTER FORM. THOSE COMPONENT ELEMENTS WILL BE UTILIZED AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN IN THE PERFECTING OF OTHER APPLE TREES--NEVER AN ORANGE OR APRICOT.
You can plant those seeds and if they not be tampered by hybridizing, you will have the start of another orchard with as many trees as you have seeds. You can count the seeds in an apple--you cannot count the apples in a seed! But now consider: with hybridization you sacrifice the ability to reproduce most things as in the natural state of NATURE. ARE YOU NOT ACTUALLY DOING THIS SELF-SAME THING WITH YOUR CIVILIZATION? CAN YOU SURVIVE IF YOU HAVE NOTHING SAVE THAT WHICH IS OFFERED YOU FOR CONSUMPTION AND LIVING IN YOUR MODERN WORLD OF "HAVING IT ALL"?
How will you grow an apple if the seed is sterile? Even tiny apples are wondrous if you are starving, so hybridization to produce quantity and large size may well be nice in a time of abundance, but in a time of need and hunger--anything will be wonderful.
Remember this when you put away your "emergency" supplies. You will need natural seeds for culturing and growing lest your line of product be very limited. The nice thing about Spelta grain is that it does not hybridize or compromise the value of its fruit. Further, it can be handled as a dry crop without irrigation if you add some simple pumice and other water-saving things. YOU ARE GOING TO LOSE YOUR WATER CONDUITS IN MANY GROWING AREAS, READERS, AS THE EARTH CHANGES COME ABOUT.
I would also remind you that as the EGO of a man hits its peak of control, those are the very people who will control your lives by their narrow perceptions. Ego will work to allow a man to be the center of his world, have the biggest, the richest, the greatest, and ultimately he is focused on his TOYS, be they money or other things. He is not particularly interested in whether or not society can survive--he is totally focused on himself and his position in the power wheel.
Man will dwell and blow like the winds as he tries to garner everything he can gather for himself and that EGO.
Then, he will look around as he finds no peace, no fulfillment in his THINGS. He then will take a look, possibly, at himself and do some SOUL searching.
As the restlessness and lack of fulfillment hits the being, that old EGO will usually take a real bashing. This happens because one cannot STAY ON TOP OF THE HEAP FOREVER. Things of life will happen while he is planning more successes and finally he will have to stop, look and ponder his position. Some will NEVER SEE the pathway mandated for a full and expensive life for they cannot grow beyond that ego state of being controlled by that ego, or another's demands to satisfy "their" ego. This latter will present in the values and constraints of significant others and attachments. Unfortunately it must be noted that when a relationship is based on THINGS, the two entities of husband and wife, along with the offspring, will NOT reach the seeking and finding stage of experience at the same time. Now you have really created a monster for the soul and mind. This is when ruptures hit the wheel and blow apart the tire if not the whole of the wheel mechanism. Sometimes this is the ONLY thing, however, that offers freedom for you are going to serve SOUL a heck of a lot longer than you are going to have those other entities on your back.
There does come a time in almost every life cycle where the entity truly does have to stop and take that look and make some massively important decisions about himself. He will try to accomplish his searching while still remaining in the "have it all" half of the path and hanging slightly over into the "gaining soul" section of the road.
This is fine--UNLESS YOU DIE IN THE PROCESS OF BEING ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD. We will speak of that later but until you find some Spiritual direction and latch self tightly to it AS TRUTH, you will be in a bit of trouble at transition time.
You will move into the astral world of Spirit at the same level of development reached in your mortal journey and will still have the limitations in that other dimensional state of being. This is a good rule of thumb for consideration for there are, obviously, many reasons a soul may be making a trek back through mortal expression and therefore there are no absolutes except between soul and God (Self-Soul and Universal Self-Soul.) Even there you will find no absolutes EXCEPT IN ABSOLUTE LOVE AS EXPRESSED IN AND BY GOD. GOD NEVER PUTS "CONDITIONS" ON HIS LOVE, READERS, BUT YOU HAVE LONG AGO FORGOTTEN WHAT IS "LOVE". GOD PUTS ALMOST UNLIMITED "CONDITIONS" ON BEHAVIOR AND ACTIONS. YOU WILL MEET THOSE CONDITIONS OR YOU WILL NOT MOVE DIRECTLY INTO ANY KINGDOM WHEREIN PERFECTION IS THE MODE OF BEING. GOD CALLS THOSE CONDITIONS "COMMANDMENTS", IN ENGLISH.
Right in our dooryard we find examples of ones who have already done dastardly deeds unto our team now come forth to blast our people for "doing unto them". There will be objections in that "those people out there, along with Hatonn, don't live by the Golden Rule". (?????) This, when the people already damaged cease to "take" it any longer". First the errors and actions are committed and then, when the confrontation comes from those actions in secret conspiracies, the complaints and stones begin to flow back. No, it is not right. Turn the face once to be sure the rock slinger is really there--and then turn about and face the wrong-doer. Age hath no quarter for committing wrong actions. Ignorance is an excellent excuse with God but not with LAW OF THE LAND.
What is really being said is, it is alright if "I" do wrong but you are ungodly if you counter my actions with TRUTH and demand rightness under the Law. Again, which comes first, the apple of that tree? If YOU first take the life from the tree, or attempt to do so, do you think it not wise for the apple eaters to try to preserve whatever is left of the tree? WHY SHOULD IT BE RIGHT FOR MANY TO STARVE AND BE DEPRIVED TO SUIT YOUR EMOTIONAL NEEDS TO DESTROY THE TREE JUST BECAUSE IT SUITS YOUR EGO-NEEDS TO DO SO? YOUR EGO-NEEDS FALL SHORT OF CARING OF THOSE WHOSE VERY LIFE SUBSTANCE IS BEING ATTACKED BY "YOUR" PERSONAL EGO DESIRES.
Note the language of people and you will see clearly their intent. When the words and reflections are so self-centered that even the weather somehow is their PERSONAL enemy, you know you have someone only interested in self and all others can roll over and die if necessary to gain their perceived needs.
I am amused at the flak being blown about over the taking of the corporation books recently by recent members of our "perceived" friends. ALL THAT HAS TO BE DONE TO RECTIFY EVERYTHING IS TO BRING BACK THE BOOKS TO THEIR RIGHTFUL PLACE AT THE AGENT'S OFFICE. Why does this not happen as ones claim innocence and put-upon hurt feelings? It doesn't happen because YOU KNOW in that circle that the books and stocks have been tampered with to gain a solid place for Green, Horton and Abbott in the courts. YOU CAN'T SIMPLY RETURN THEM PROPERLY, CAN YOU?
The true offenders continue to BUY TIME until they can figure how to work their magic over all of you. Do YOU really think you people are going to GAIN anything? WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY GAIN? The way it is structured, YOU WILL LOSE AND CAUSE OTHERS TO LOSE AS WELL. Those lawyers and Green continue the stream of LIES directly to the court Judge.
Just yesterday Horton LIED to the Judge on George's behalf by stating the "they had filed" a business plan and reports, etc. Funny thing is that before and after court--NO RECORDS HAVE BEEN FILED IN THE MATTER. So, where did Horton FILE those documents? If he didn't, he continues to perjure himself in an effort to BUY TIME. FOR WHAT? Oh, money, status--whatever. The hopes are to destroy you before they destroy themselves! The Universal Law of Justice says, however, that the wrongful deeds will eventually roll around on that wheel until they are again exposed.
Why can't these lesser-involved persons SEE this? Because dark vision sees only the narrow self-centered world. There is only a CLAIM of desiring justice or rightness when the last thing wanted is justice or rightness. The EGO is still in control and FEAR looms ever more majestically as further errors are committed!
Why is it that explanations and Truth represent vilification to those who indulge in unwise and unlawful actions? Why is there protest even if names are not presented? Because the inner self KNOWS that, at the least, SOME ACTIONS were not correct and had ill-intent as the basis for them. If TRUTH "vilifies" then I suggest the perpetrator look within and see what might have been amiss. If your actions require another to re-act THEN PERHAPS YOUR ORIGINAL ACTIONS AND UNDERSTANDINGS WERE NOT WELL-BALANCED WITH TRUTH. ANY ACT TO WORK WITH OTHERS IN SECRET DEALINGS IS A "CONSPIRACY". THIS CAN BE GOOD OR BAD IN PERCEPTION. IT USUALLY IS COVERING SOMETHING FROM ANOTHER'S RIGHT TO KNOW!
There are legal, lawful and rightful ways to handle EVERY circumstance and when the choice becomes one of secret manipulations and conspiracies in order to damage another--it is unacceptable no matter what EXCUSES are later offered. If things are done correctly and honorably in the first place--there is no cause to claim "put-upon". I note that it will always be the clan who perpetrates wrong in one way or another who joins in the circles of the Major wrongdoer as if, somehow, all the wrongs can make you appear to have acted in rightness. NO! I do not care how many wrongs are covered and presented--they do not make a thing RIGHT! When the intent is to hide and cover in secret operations that which is against moral, ethical and legal regulations--IT IS WRONG. It is quite possible that one of the grouping may well be acting in right intent--BUT IF THE EVENTUALITY IS TO USE THE ACTION BY OTHERS IN WRONG-INTENT--THE INTENT OF SELF BECOMES SUSPECT, ESPECIALLY IF OTHER ACTIONS ARE LIKEWISE WRONG.
All the whining and shouting otherwise, will not change an iota of it. And if you think that I SHALL MAINTAIN SILENCE OF YOUR WRONGDOING WHEN IT BRINGS LOSS AND PAIN TO OTHERS, INCLUDING MY OWN CREDIBILITY--PERISH THE THOUGHT, FOR I SHALL PUBLISH IT UNTIL THE ACTIONS BECOME CORRECTED. In the case of the "missing corporations", the return of and correction of the course would be an excellent beginning. I do not absolve you, somehow, of your wrongdoings; I leave that to the unrighteous priests and judges. I don't have right nor inclination to judge any person--but I can surely judge actions thrust, especially personally, against me. Will I lose friends? No, because those who would use WRONG against me--WERE NOT, ARE NOT, AND SHALL NOT LIKELY EVER BE, MY FRIENDS. Touting pious goodness does not good make!
Does this mean that Good will win? Eventually! Why? Evil devours itself in its own lies and actions. Worse, it will take down with it--ALL WHO SIDE WITH IT.
In this seeking processing, consciousness eventually strikes the being. Man is forever seeking the Light to guide him on that long tortuous road which leads from this body's jungle to the mountain top of his awakening soul. He will pause along the way and even FIND what he seeks. But he will turn away for it does not SEEM to fit his teachings and other impacting input. He will move on and after "finding" and then thrusting against that very truth he FOUND. He goes "downhill" from there on if he fails to recognize his errors. The fact is that Man is forever finding that Light he seeks, and as he finds it he is being transformed. However, the more impact there is from the "things" which controlled the living up to this point, he may well never recognize the finding--but the SOUL KNOWS. If allowance is made in open acceptance of the possibilities of having found that Light Source, he can then awaken to the wondrous transformation.
There are those who seek the Light who are discouraged because they seemingly cannot find it, wholly knowing ones expect to find it all at once in some blinding flash of all-power, all-knowledge and all-presence but NEVER clashing with their preconceived, self-centered purposes, wishes or understandings, even if they be faulty. Friends, it does not come that way until one is nearing his mountain top. Man cannot bear much of the Light at a time while his body is still so new and too near its own jungle. All who are well out of the jungle have already found enough of the Light to illume their way out of its dark depths. But there has to be opportunity for that enlightenment. There can be no insight unless time and energy are focused AWAY FROM SELF long enough to see and hear Truth. GOLD (RICHES) IS THE MOST BLINDFOLDING COMMODITY IN THE MORTAL WORLD! Ah, but now that the child is tucked away and the EGO is beginning to come under reign and control, then the being can look, therefore, forever upward into the High-heavens of inspiration, where glory awaits the fearless, all-knowing seekers of beauty in the purity of the universal Light. To him whose eyes are in the Heavens high, the Light will forever come forth, and he WILL be forever transformed as he finds it.
The dark road from his jungle to his mountain top of glory becomes ever more illumined during the ascent from body to Spirit. It is a hard, but glorious road to climb. All must make the climb. The ascent of Man from the darkness to the Light is the forever-repetitive play of Man on the planets of suns. When all of mankind has found the Light, the play will be finished as orchestrated for this dimensional experience. Likewise will your planet be finished as an abode for Man. Therefore, it behooves you to look again at your "clues". It is quite probable that Man will not ALL see Truth and therefore it follows that either this planet of yours will need reclamation or replacement or, Man will need relocation. What we are faced with in this puzzle is "which" will be the requirement. It certainly is obvious that ALL of Man has most certainly NOT found the Light, but there is strong indication that this scenario could well end in annihilation of the planet in some manner. However, it follows in "reason" that it probably will not be that way--BECAUSE ALL MEN HAVE NOT FOUND TRUTH IN LIGHT.
It is thus that you actors in the play must, therefore, be content with the lines of the play as revealed to EACH of you in LIGHT. You must also respond in joyousness at your continuous transformation as it comes. If you are to continue in the role of the play, you must learn your lines, and act your lines and role, if you are to be worthy of a graduation reward/award.
Now comes the bug-a-boo! Confrontation with Self. What are your lines and what exactly is YOUR part? Stop asking Me, is a first rule of thumb, about YOUR part. Ask GOD to help you realize your part and recognize it within HIS WILL. When you can confront self while putting ASIDE self, you will get your answer, and if you accept that which happens as being part of HIS WILL in translation, you will come to speak the language of HIS offering into the translation which is recognized by your own mortal and SOUL being. When you give up and LET GOD, you will find that the "fight" is not over to win the battle, but all the resources of God are at your disposal. KNOW that each experience is a part of HIS journey and within that recognition it becomes a journey from darkness into the Light--every time. All experiences are but steps in that wondrous journey to HIS mountain top of glory, in glory. All experiences, therefore, are good experiences. If they are perceived as negative, check to see WHY you consider them negative.
If you have relentless pain which seems part of some recognized diagnosis, say cancer, look at it for what it represents; do not hate it for it is telling you that you must do something different and THEN, after recognizing the need for further actions toward alleviating the "cause", get rid of the pain which will continue to cause you to focus on the possibilities. FEAR in itself creates pain, so be careful to not allow pain to rule your existence for you make foolish choices to evade the discomfort.
There is nothing except good, in actuality, for each negative action is but experience in converting it into good. Evil is but a perception of negative expression. Evil does, however, exist in portent and intent although it has no actual basis in FACT. Evil, like darkness or ignorance, is something ONLY to be moved beyond.
The most magnificent truth is that THERE IS NOTHING EXCEPT LIFE. THERE IS NO DEATH! When there is a knowing soul present--there CANNOT be death, and when the body wearies and becomes unavailable to serve needs of soul, the transition is but one of moving forward into a life expression wherein new life is presented.
As we move on to the fulfillment of the next step into SPIRIT, it merits its own discussions beyond this overextended writing. I will, in closing, do some reminding about my prior offerings to you and they are indeed as personal as the breath and heartbeat within self. For each, including me, holds that presence which is lightly called I AM as existing within the Oneness of Our Source in Light.
This very term, "I AM", expresses the realization in tone and expression, the Oneness, as "within Creator". This is that totally meaningful expression which is most difficult to comprehend, but lack of comprehension does not make the negative aspect of meaning--without meaning.
I have expressed these words of God prior to now and I shall continue to express them again and again until Man has understanding through KNOWING.
"I Am the One Whole, the All. Glorify Me, the one Whom I AM, for I am All, and no other IS. I, the sexless ONE, am total Unity. What I am you are, for you are ME; you are the Whole--with Me. So, glorify your Self, for in so doing you are glorifying Me. I did not say to glorify EGO for EGO is not of GOD SPIRITUAL but only of mortal Man. Do NOT debase self for in debasing self you debase Me--only Self. Because we are One, however, you drag Me into the places of your hidden pretenses.
"I, the One Whole, am KNOWING Mind. I exist to think. All thinking is Light of My Knowing but My thinking IS NOT ME. I AM CREATOR, CREATING WITH MY THINKING.
"Out of My Light of Knowing are My two lights of thinking birthed as sexed pairs of opposites for repetition as sexed pairs of opposites and this is WHY wholeness cannot be brought forth from two "likes". There must be the pairing of the opposites. We will try to clarify this in future lessons.
"To THINK is to CREATE. I create with LIGHT. Nothing IS which is not Light. I think IDEA. Light registers MY IDEA in the two sexed lights of My thinking, and form is born in the image of My thinking. YOU, ME, ALL THINGS ARE BUT THE MANIFEST THOUGHT OF GOD'S MIND IN THINKING.
"Form has no existence, nor have My imaginings. These exist NOT, for they are not Me, they are only OF ME. I alone exist; I, the All--I AM!
"I create my imaged body with the in-breathing of My pulsing universe of Me. My universe is MY image; but MY image is NOT Me but only OF ME. All things are My image, but they are not Me either, even though I am in them and they in Me. They are OF ME. So be it and Selah."
Readers continue to request that I give you great "secrets" and I have done so--the mystery is REVEALED. It is not revelation which washes over you as a tidal wave. It is the actual realization of meaning in the Light of presentation of the TRUTH in the revealing of the mysteries. We have written at great length in our early writings about the Electric/Magnetic Universe. We wrote of Tesla and his wondrous sharings, we spoke of Newton and others as ideas in expression have changed from fantasy into reality. We gave you exact pictures and formulae but in the ending you want them for the WRONG reasons for Self, out of sequence of properness unveiling. You must ask of Self, "Why would God give unto ME these great solvings of the mysteries of Life?" Ask: "What will I do with these great findings and realizations if I am given them?" Will it be EGO which presents in honor of SELF? It is most important to know the answer to that question. If you desire that the WILL OF GOD be served, how can your EGO fit into this circumstance? If your intent be incorrect, your own God-ness will prevent your receiving the keys of the solutions to that which you perceive as the problems.
Here I must pause and speak of unpleasant facts:
Do not concern over WHICH or WHAT addiction, be it alcohol, drugs, food, etc. You become addicted to avoid confronting that which is to be confronted. No matter how long you remain in the addiction and refuse to confront the issue in point, you will not solve a thing but rather worsen the original lack of understanding. All addictions are escapes or punishment of self. If you refuse to accept the burden of another's addiction of addictive behavior then the other can begin to grow for there is no real point in the addiction. In other words, a child having a tantrum will cease to tantrum if there is no one present to accept the bombardment. You see, destruction of Self is not the point at the foundation of the matter, it is to injure another in order to injure Self. If it is truly Self that Self wishes to MURDER, Self will murder (suicide) Self. Addictions bring gross pain to another or many others in addition to that Self and hence the reason to continue in the addiction. YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM SELF, YOU CAN ONLY LIE TO SELF. YOU CANNOT RUN AWAY FROM SELF, FOR YOU SIMPLY TAKE ALONG SELF.
You are trapped, brothers, and to get freedom you will come into KNOWING the LIGHT, simply and succinctly put. Furthermore, you will remain on the wheel until such time as you do come into understanding. I have no care as to how long that might take or what roles you may wish to play while on the journey. God has eternity and so, too, do you in one form or another. I know that I AM infinite and eternal and you are going to join me sooner or later or we will continue to "practice" a bit longer in the rehearsals.
Do "I" think myself "big enough" to pull this off? Of course! I NOT ONLY "THINK IT", I MOST CERTAINLY AND INFINITELY KNOW IT.
Thank you for a long reading, friends. Good morning.
[To be continued...]