I am Aton, The One Light, come to instruct for these closing chapters of The Great Play now upon your world. Much is set to unfold in rapid sequence and many are those who will be shocked into a state of paralysis (because of their lack of awareness and preparation) by the turbulence of that which they shall witness and experience in this unfolding of events.
Be at peace, you who acknowledge and take within these messages of Higher Guidance, for you are being given that which you will need, in the way of instruction, to meet and surmount these challenges ahead. Many will be those who then ask YOU for guidance in the moments of desperation amidst the chaos.
You are not alone who feel restlessness, unease, and uncertainty in a confused world. Many are the ones who are about expressing their inner turmoil in ways destructive to the enhancement of en-Light-ened man of the next century. Therefore, many there will be who will thereby bring upon themselves the decay and degeneration and destruction of body, mind, and possibly even soul, out of self-created choosings amidst an existing technology base which indeed does allow for the dissolution of soul material itself.
How do you avoid or counteract the state of confusion? Be ever at peace with your inner core. In doing so, you can better hear and receive of Higher Guidance which shall personally be given from WITHIN.
This is essentially an effort to maintain a condition of Love, in harmony with oneself, though this usage of the word (love) is admittedly foreign to the general conceptual vocabulary of late-twentieth-century man on Earth. This state of attunement can be likened to having one foot planted solidly on hard ground, and the other anchored in etheric space, where physical matter ceases to exist. BALANCE between thethings of Earth-matter, and those of the Spirit non-matter, must be sought.
Ones continually get caught up in the temptations that lure ones from their chosen path. This is fine, until the Higher Self begins to enhance the sometimes painful lessons needed to overcome self-imposed spiritual stagnation. This state of spiritual stagnation pervades your planet (that is, the people on your planet) as a whole at this time, and thus the great currents of rebalancing swell up to manifest that which must play out. Otherwise, man becomes so lost in the material that forward soul movement is replaced with either stagnation or, worse yet, retrograde development.
Ones rarely access Me, within, to soothe their emotional and mental states, preferring to seek that which is exterior or outside of themselves for the balanced upliftment that can only be found within. Such is the plight of man and such is the free-will choosing that shall manifest much that shocks many into recognition of their errors. As your Earth saying puts it: There are no atheists crouched among the terrified behind a bunker or in a foxhole. Indeed! Yet such is the "pound of cure" that Earth-man often chooses over the "ounce of prevention" route.
I say to man of Earth: release of thy fears and insecurities. Seek to find Me, within the center of your being. I am ever with you, waiting for the moment you shall return to the sanctity of your Source.
Life physical MUST be counter-balanced with movement toward soul advancement. Otherwise, man will perish for lack of sustenance.
Many ones are now intuitively seeking wholeness in various departments of life. Health and fitness, meditation, and self-help seminars are just a few of these pursuits. However, soon the discovery of the Inner Connection shall be made. And once this comes about, a revolution in thinking will likewise also come about.
As ones get nearer and nearer to this unconscious goal that is within ALL, then an outer extension of this inner connection will manifest in the world. You may liken this to a condition of Radiant Peace--manifest and bathing all the Earth-life with a most electrically intense and tangibly physical impact. The dynamics and consequences of such a global condition the Elite of your planet fear greatly, as they cannot function (or control YOU in their Earth-bound, fear-predicted ways) when you are functioning under such a radiant intensity of Peace, manifest FROM WITHIN!
Such is what is SOON to take place. This will begin the turning around of your beloved planet. This is precisely the mechanism involved in the upliftment of a civilization undergoing a cyclic shift toward the higher-frequency ranges.
This, too, is what the Photon Belt denotes. That is a term for the steady but gradual intensifying of Light--My Light. At first this Light shall enter the periphery of your solar system. Then, later on, by 2010, such will begin to bathe and saturate all that is on and within your planet with high-frequency Light.
Under such a high-frequency condition, the materially-oriented (low-frequency) Elite of your world hope to somehow survive. This will not be the case!
Only ones who can match and mesh with the incoming elevated frequencies will survive into the next century. None can sustain who belong to the lowest frequency ranges that describe the evil (that which is not God) on your planet. Such was My promise to the people of Earth, stated many centuries ago! And so shall it become the dawning reality.
Many are the events that will take place leading up to the millennium and beyond. I come to caution ones of the final days, as prophesied, that you may prepare selves on the inner spiritual level in order to see you through the approaching tribulations.
Many are the ones who will seek falsely, outside of themselves, for that which only I can provide from within. Man of Earth has yet to reconnect with his Inner Divinity that will enable him to find the balance, harmony, and inner peace which he so passionately seeks. That is where these lessons fit into the play of unfolding events at this time.
Recognize the value of these lessons.
Discover your connection to Divine Source.
Seek within for answers.
Cultivate and maintain a strong connection with your Source as you enter the final days of chaos on your planet before the turnaround to Glory.
Seek and ye MUST find.
Know it!
I am the One who IS your Source.
Source: CONTACT - The Phoenix Project, July 8, 1997, Volume 17, Number 7.
THANK YOU Rocky Montana