12/14/96 HATONN
Be at peace, my scribe. There is work to be done and we shall walk in the Radiant Path together. I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn; I come in the Light of Creator God. Get comfortable and let the information flow through.
Truth is truth is truth! You cannot avoid the true nature of your spiritual existence. Dark ones would like to keep you Lighted Ones from recognizing these basic principles of fact for as long as it is possible. You cannot silence God or any of His messengers acting on His behalf. There shall ALWAYS be another to take up the pen and march forward into INFINITY!
The adversary may be able to physically assault those of you in the physical and he may very well be able to precipitate a whirlwind of confusion as he efforts to tear down that which you are in the process of accomplishing. KNOW that God does not forsake those who are getting His work done. Keep to the path and call in the Light for balance.
It has been stated over and over again, down there on your planet, that "God is Light"! This is indeed TRUE in its most basic form. Ones must then need to know what LIGHT truly is and how it is that it functions--if they are to truly understand where they come from, how they were created, and how they fit into the overall order of Creation. This is the "Birds and the Bees" lesson of Creator and Creation.
No one person can claim ownership of Spiritual Truth. The potential for recognizing this Truth lies within each Souled Being and is an innate part of you that is there from your conception (or creation).
God created you with the twinkling of His mind. He was both the father and the mother and He gave of Himself unto you a part of Him. And with each part He created, He assigned a purpose to fulfill. That part of Creator which resides within you has all the knowledge of you, your creation, and your overall purpose for being. We shall refer to this as your SOUL. (That which is of Creator God.)
You, through your soul you, have a direct connection to Source. This connection has a unique frequency and wavelength associated with it, as does every thing in the entirety of the universe in which you live.
Your scientists have proven this basic truth and will tell you that all matter has a vibratory rate to it, and that when you stop the vibration of an object, it disintegrates and ceases to exist. Your scientists will also explain that, if you increase the vibratory rate of an object (usually done by adding heat), it will explode.
Thee are basic observations that cannot be "plagiarized" for they are universal in nature. They are the external, observable effects of the underlying Laws that govern your universe.
What are these Laws?
They are simply the wisdom of Creator's thinking!
The essence of simplicity in nature, these Laws encompass all observable effects that you ones can perceive around you.
Your scientists (and by this designation I mean the few who are true and honest seekers) are, in effect seeking to understand Creator when they seek to understand the universe in which they live. Their higher self (the soul self) knows this and will guide these ones on their journey of self discovery.
You ALL are on a mission of self discovery that will earn you the right to take your position as a co-creator alongside of Creator Himself. This is only allowed when you have completed ALL of your lessons at "Godhood".
You are, in effect, trying to understand and actualize the inner self so that you can responsibly utilize the Light Potential within in such a manner that you do not create havoc among the balanced order of Creation.
Thus, you are, in effect, God's children who are growing into maturity, and this experience, along with all of your past and future experiences, shall cultivate your inner God-self (your SOUL) in such a manner that you will grow in understanding of the true reason for being.
Each of you has your own unique purpose for being. Do not worry if you think you do not "know your purpose" for you cannot NOT KNOW!
It is such a basic part of your being that you will miss it every time, especially down there in the confusion of that physical experience. Your purpose is given to you at your time of creation and is, in effect, programmed into the very Light fibers of your soul.
This program is what gives you your unique frequency signature that makes you a unique aspect of Creator. So, to truly understand your Soul purpose, you would have to first recognize and understand the fundamental nature of Creator's creation process. This is a function of God's thinking.
Do not get hung up on trying to recognize your soul's purpose! Your overall soul purpose may be quite different from this life's purpose.
This is to say that, in this present life, you may need to strengthen a certain aspect of your being so that you can face greater challenges in future experiences--challenges that will, in turn, help you to reach your true potential in a MUCH larger scope of experiencing.
There are ones among you who have learned all their lessons in the physical and have elected to come back at this time to fulfill very special purposes that are not typically available in the third-dimensional realms. This is to say, for clarification, that you have great teachers among you who are working out what some would consider to be outlandish experiments--in order to see if it is indeed possible to accomplish that which, in theory, should work.
There are good reasons for ALL of your experiences and they add to the overall character of your uniqueness as one of Creator's children. The sum total of all of your experiences leads you down your own unique and new path. As you experience and grow, so too does all of Creation grow.
In Higher Frequency Light space (etheric space) some ones can see the interconnectedness of ALL. This is to say that, as each one grows, all grow. There is, in effect, an exponential expansion of both Creator and Creation, of which each entity is an integral part.
As each being fulfills their overall Higher Purpose for existing, every entity, everywhere within Creation, benefits from the collective experience of the one.
This "shared wisdom" is due to the electromagnetic Light connection that exists between every souled being. This Light connection is, in essence, God. All of our known universes exist within the entirety of God and He, in turn, exists within a more basic function of Light--that of Creation.
Do not be overwhelmed if you do not, at first, feel that you understand these words. Many get upset when they are confronted with the fact that there is a Force Higher than that of their Creator God, for this implies (erroneously) that they are somehow less than what they feel themselves to be. Creator God is one with Creation. When you fulfill your soul purpose, you too will have become one with Creator God. Therefore, you will have also become one with Creation itself.
It is truly a wondrous journey that fulfills the "empty void" feeling within that many are experiencing at this time and will do almost anything to escape from having to confront. They are, in effect, trying to escape from their responsibilities by remaining in ignorance. The harder that these ones try to escape, the more overwhelming the empty sensation becomes--until such a point of desperation is reached that ones will finally go deep within and find that integral Light Source connection and realize that what they are lacking is the conscious connection to Source, Who has been sitting there, within, waiting patiently to be remembered all the while.
May these words of inspired truth find their way through to your heart and fill you with that for which you long: Balance, Truth, Certainty and Knowingness--of who you are and why you might be here at this time.
Discern for yourself your own path.
Seek, first, balance within the Light of God and you will find the Inner Joy that you desire.
I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, come in Light and Service to Creator, come at this critical time to speak with you that you may hear these words and be inspired to recognize your own Light within.
* * *
12/16/96 ATON
You live in an electric-wave universe. God IS! From God comes thought expressed as Light. Duality comes in the form of electricity and magnetism. The split pairs of opposites are what make up the Male and the Female. God is infinite and unlimited in His projected thought, but moves NOT. God resides in the Still Silence, and from Him comes that which appears to be comprised of physical matter but which, in actuality, is only LIGHT manifest. All is light. God sends forth His Light and then God pulls back in His Light, and then there is rest, stillness, voidance.
In your world there appears to be motion and physical movement, yet in actuality there is none. The light-made-manifest is a thought projection of God and this thought of God IS STILL and motionless.
God IS. I AM.
To be without God is to be without Light. And to be without Light is Hell. To perish without Light is an unthinkable horror, yet man, in his ego-filled ways, "thinks" this cannot happen to him. God, residing in the stillness, knows that His creations will eventually return to Him or be uncreated, thus vanishing forevermore.
God is inhaling His Light at this time, thus returning His Lighted Fragments back unto Himself, for God is ALL there is. There is only ONE LIGHT. The Creation and God are One, yet separate. The One Light splits into two, and from the two come the many. The many shall return to Source as One with the stillness, within the perfect motionless silence that IS God's Thought.
Man runs about here and there "perceiving" reality in motion, and yet this perception is, in actuality, illusion, for in truth there is no activity, no motion, no movement--only the stillness of God's Light projected as thought. God IS. This is no riddle, it simply IS! Man's thought is limited to flatland perception. In the reality of God's Light there is no matter, only space, the void, which is filled with God's thought in action--which is still.
To disallow discussion of these most fundamental matters of the creation process is to attempt to harness the air you breathe. It cannot and will not be done. God's people will come into knowing and those who would enslave God's people or keep God's people in ignorance shall be cast out from God's Thought--which is ALL. So be it.
I Am Aton, The One Light.
Source: CONTACT -The Phoenix Project, December 17, 1996, Volume 15, Number 6.
THANK YOU Rocky Montana