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7/15/92  #2   HATONN

Let us now return to the original subject within "The Divine Plan" and at this time I am utilizing Sitchin's projections for they are valid indeed.  Please, readers, get his material for you need this kind of information as given in GENESIS REVISITED.  I have no input at this time on other of his works nor on ALL subject material in the book in point.


In addition to priorly mentioned findings of the Apollo Space Program is another which also stands in the way of accepting the coaccretion theory.  The Moon's surface as well as its mineral content suggest a "magma ocean" created by partial melting of the Moon's interior.  For that, a source of heat great enough to melt the magma is called for.  Such heat can result only from cataclysmic or catastrophic event; in the coaccretion scenario no such heat is produced.  How then can one explain the magma ocean and other evidence on the Moon of a cataclysmic heating?

[H: Now for you who proclaim loudly that "Hatonn only uses information already known!"  Indeed, for we write "journals"--then you can go get your confirmation.  I am sent to carry out a mission--not do all your homework when able men with integrity and purpose have done a superb job.  But how many of you would KNOW this wondrous information if I told you not?  I come in competition with no one for I have no interest in your material planet whatsoever, except as it regards my mission which is of spiritual involvement.  But you don't know your spiritual status now or ever--you have forgotten as a species and civilization what you were and ARE.  The material is being sent forth for God's people so that they might heed the trumpet call.  What the remainder of you entities do, who wish not my encroachment upon selves--thank you for not participating.]

The need for a birth of the Moon with the right amount of angular momentum and a cataclysmic, heat-producing event led to a post-Apollo program hypothesis that has been dubbed the Big Whack Theory.  It developed from the suggestion by William Hartmann, a geochemist at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona, and his colleague Donald R. Davis in 1975 that collisions and impacts played a role in the creation of the Moon ("Satellite-sized Planetesimals and Lunar Origin", Icaris, vol 24). According to their calculations, the rate at which planets were bombarded by small and large asteroids during the late stages of the planets' formation was much higher than at present; some of the asteroids were big enough to deliver a blow that could chip off parts of the planet they hit; in Earth's case, the blown-off chunk became the Moon.

Well, Hatonn simply requests that you get the book in point and read it for selves for I have no interest in collision theories, etc.  I am only interested in the Sumerian projection of truth in the matter and thus you have to go back to Sumerian cosmogony for the answer regarding that "old moon".

The first help it offers modern science is its assertion that the Moon originated not as a satellite of Earth but of the much larger Tiamat.  Then--millennia before Western civilization had discovered the swarms of moons encircling Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune--the Sumerians ascribed to Tiamat beyond Mars, which would qualify her as an outer planet; and the "celestial horde" was acquired by her no differently than by the other outer planets.

When the scientific theories are compared with Sumerian cosmogony, it is found that not only modern scientists have come around to accepting the same ideas found in the Sumerian body of knowledge but are even using terminology that mimics the Sumerian texts.

Just as the latest modern theories do, the Sumerian cosmogony also describes the scene as that of an early, unstable Solar System where planetesimals and emerging gravitational forces disturb the planetary balance and, sometimes, cause moons to grow disproportionately.

You have had a scientist, George Wetherill, who updated his calculations of multicollisions, in 1985.  The terms used by this scientist and those of the Sumerian texts are amazingly similar as presented in the Enuma elish.  He speaks of "lots of brothers and sisters" moving about, colliding with each other, affecting each other's orbits and very existence.  The ancient text speaks of "divine" brothers" who "disturbed", "troubled", "surged back and forth" in the heavens in the very zone where Tiamat was, near her "belly".  He uses the expression "battle royal" to describe the conflict between these "brothers and sisters".  The Sumerian narrative uses the very same word--"battle"--to describe what happened, and recorded for all time the events of Genesis as the Celestial Battle.

You can read in the ancient texts that as the celestial disturbances increased, Tiamat brought forth her own "host" with which "to do battle" with the celestial "brothers" who were encroaching on her:

She has set up an Assembly and is furious with rage....

Withal, eleven of this kind she brought forth....

They thronged and marched at the side of Tiamat;

Enraged, they plot ceaselessly day and night.

They are set for combat, fuming and raging;

They have assembled, prepared for conflict.

Just as modern astronomers are troubled by the disproportionately large size of the Moon, so were the authors of the Enuma elish.  Putting words in the mouths of the other planets, they point to the expanding size and disturbing mass of "Kingu" as their chief complaint.

According to this ancient cosmogony, one of the eleven moons of Tiamat did grow to an unusual size because of the ongoing perturbations and chaotic conditions in the newly formed Solar System.  How the creation of this monstrous moon affected these conditions is regrettably not clear from the ancient text; the enigmatic verses, with some of the original words subject to different readings and translations, seem to say that making Kingu "exalted" resulted in "making the fire subside", or "quieting the fire-god" and humbling / vanquishing the "Power-weapon which is so potent in its sweep".  This would have something to do with the perceived "pull" of gravity.

It turned out, so the story goes, that it was the "sin" of Tiamat, her giving Kingu his own orbital "destiny", that enraged the other planets to the point of "calling in" Nibiru/Marduk to put an end to Tiamat and her out-of-line consort.  In the ensuing Celestial Battle, as described earlier, Tiamat was split in two: one half was shattered; the other half, accompanied by Kingu, was thrust into a new orbit to become the Earth and its Moon.

Well, good old Kingu was reduced to the status of a mere satellite, deprived of orbital momentum.  The Sumerian observation that Nibiru/Marduk made Kingu "shrink" refers to its reduction in "rank" and importance--not size.

The Sumerians asserted that Kingu was turned into a DUG.GA.E is intriguing.  It means "pot of lead".  Apollo discoveries suggest that the Sumerian term was not just figurative but was literally and scientifically correct.

Ah, but there remains much unanswered as to your "Moon" such as "why" its crust is so unusually rich in radioactive elements such as uranium.  There is also evidence of the existence of extinct radon.  These elements decay and become lead at either final or intermediary stages of the radioactive-decay process.  This product is also utilized in alchemy of "gold" by extraterrestrial travelers.  Gold is the metal of choice for circuitry.  It is now obvious that that "old Man in the Moon" was a witness to creation of your planet--to "Genesis".



Astronauts' Own Words


7/15/92 #2   HATONN

I would like to end this segment by reprinting a presentation called In the Astronauts' Own Words:

Feeling changes of "almost a spiritual nature" in their views of themselves, of other humans, and of the possibility of intelligent life existing beyond Earth have been reported by almost all the American astronauts.

Gordon Cooper, who piloted Mercury 9 in 1963 and copiloted Gemini 5 in 1965, returned with the belief that "intelligent, extraterrestrial life has visited Earth in ages past" and became interested in archaeology.  Edward G. Gibson, a scientist aboard Skylab 3 (1974), said that orbiting the Earth for days "makes you speculate a little more about life existing elsewhere in the universe."

Especially moved were the astronauts of the Apollo missions to the Moon.  "Something happens to you out there", stated Apollo 14 astronaut Ed Mitchell.  Jim Erwin (Apollo 15) was "deeply moved...and felt the presence of God."  His comrade on the mission, Al Worden, speaking on the twentieth anniversary of the first landing on the Moon on a TV program ("The Other Side of the Moon" produced by Michael G. Lemle) compared the lunar module that was used to land on and take off vertically from the moon to the spaceship described in Ezekiel's vision.

"In my mind", said Al Worden, "the universe has to be cyclic; in one galaxy there is a planet becoming unlivable and in another part of a different galaxy there is a planet that is perfect for habitation, and I see some intelligent being, like us, skipping around from planet to planet, as South Pacific Indians do on islands, to continue the species.  I think that's what the space program is all about.... I think we may be a combination of creatures that were living here on Earth some time in the past, and had a visitation by beings from somewhere else in the universe; and those two species getting together and having progeny.... In fact, a very small group of explorers could land on a planet and create successors to themselves who would eventually take up the pursuit of inhabiting the rest of the universe."

And Buzz Aldrin (Apollo 11) expressed the belief that "one of these days, through telescopes that may be in orbit, like the Hubble telescope, or other technical breakthroughs, we may learn that indeed we are not alone in this marvelous universe."

May I simply leave you now with these thoughts to ponder.

Thank you.


Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, July 21, 1992, Volume 20, Number 1.

THANK YOU Rocky Montana