6/1/92 #1 HATONN
I think it's time to repeat truth of historical data for you are going to be caught within its tentacles as surely as "death and taxes" as it re-evolves to confront you. You are going to have to face the truth of your lineage and recognize from whence you came if there is hope in the returning into that truth.
As you will soon become bombarded with nonsense about "space aliens" and "bloodsuckers and abductors" from out there some where--look unto "reasons". GOD WOULD NOT LEAVE YOU OF HIS CREATIONS UNATTENDED OR ALONE. IF YOU LIVE AND ANTICIPATE WITHIN THE LIE, AWAITING FULFILLMENT OF THE LIE AND DEMAND THE CONCLUSION AS IN THE LIE--SO SHALL THE LIE DEVOUR YOU.
I must confront you, firstly, with your ancestors--it is certainly past time that you meet them. You who have had all the JOURNALS will remember this information as already given early on in the writings. You who have not will find it still a totally controversial matter. The point is to understand that your planet is in chaos and we have nothing to gain from you as a species trapped within your civilization as it has come to be--for ours has grown beyond the pressures of the density of yours. I would only suggest that you read and perceive in open-minded flexibility of thought instead of slamming shut the door upon your own "journey home".
You are going to meet YOURSELF, so sit down if you must--get your "bracer" if you must but you ARE going to consider some possibilities of passage. First, consider that this information is denounced by the indoctrinated (by man) religions, HALF given by the "New Age Destroyers" in their attempt to cover the need for truth in action acceptable to God and Hosts. There is no controversy or confusion to be gleaned herefrom. In fact, it would seem most wondrous to me to have my history evolve from truth of heritage instead of from fish or monkeys. How dare you limit a God of Creation capable of ordering a universe and causing his most precious creations to be a mud sculpture and a rib-bone birthed in sin. Please, children, let the lies go for they are destroying you--you have reached the time of choosing in your awakening into LIGHT. Are you awaiting your God's return in fear, dread, or in excitement of the moment of freedom? Think upon these things and with "reason" ponder the most logical scenario. Puffy clouds and fantasy la-la land contortions will not do it--this time nor any time.
I would like to believe you are not so foolish in the lie as to fail to recognize your own birthright.
You ones who quote the Bible and then deny God's place in the heavens and brothers from "space": JOB 38-311-- "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion?". What might this mean? Well, it appears that you are "banded" (caught) of Orion when you should be seeking the sweet truth of alliance with Pleiades. This is in your own books, Chelas--the very books they hold high at the pulpits of your own man-doctrined churches.
AMOS 5:8-- "Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into morning, and maketh day dark with night: that calleth forth the waters of the sea, and pour them out upon the face of the earth" The Lord is his name!"
Throughout time thousands of cultures, religions, and beliefs have been introduced to this delicate planet you call home. Many of these ideals and ideas conflict or contradict each other and existing in every single one is a positive/negative flow of information. However, in all of the societies and civilizations that have been researched for this connection, one topic remains alluded to as a consistent "enlightening" force. This singular common denominator, which can be found in the earliest texts and legends, is the mystifying cluster of suns which are THE PLEIADES. Suns? Ah, perhaps you will now begin to see a bit more clearly the possibilities and WHY ye shall be having quite a bit of LIGHT shed upon your beings as the coming months and years come to pass.
The Ancients and the relatively recent citizens of truth recognize the Pleiades as the "Home of God" or "The Center of the Universe where God abides" and "The seat of immortality". Heaven must be "somewhere" if it be "out there" as you project. Further, the parents of life must be somewhere out there also, if your projections are to have any valid meaning at all--even as with the most orthodox doctrines. Perchance it never occurred to you?
In your late year about 2690--B.C., the "Yellow Emperor" of China Huang-Ti, in whose reign miraculous progress was made (utensils of wood, clay and metal were manufactured; boats and carts were constructed and utilized and the medium of currency was originated. Provinces of the vast country were mapped, acupressure and acupuncture became sciences), acknowledged liberally that this rapid development came forth from conversations held in high court with his consultants--BEINGS FROM THE PLEIADES.
The HOPI named the "Choo ho kan", meaning those who cling together, and they, too, consider themselves direct descendants of the inhabitants of the cluster. The Hopi, as well as the Navajo and Sioux, along with many other tribes and cultures dispersed around the world, used a calendar that allowed them to chart the seasons, special event and ceremonial rites with uncanny accuracy. They used a system based on a 260-day "Sacred Round", or minor cycle, and a 365-day year, a major cycle which equaled a period between the midnight culminations of the Pleiades. Any day calculated on these cycles would not repeat itself for 18,980 days or 52 years.
In the "Kiva of the Mesas" (Sacred Temple of the Mesas) the Hopi ceremoniously "light the new fire". This occurs every 52 years when the temple's sacred points align with the stars, Choo ho kan (Pleiades). All fires are extinguished throughout the nation and rekindled from a sacred fire produced by the holy men. The young men of the tribe learn the importance of the Pleiades early in life, for initiation into the spiritual ways takes place only when the cherished cluster is directly overhead at night.
The CREEKS claim to have come to Earth from the stars in spirit form to become flesh and blood. Each year a medicine man who has served the apprenticeship of seven years performs the "green corn dance" where he takes seven ears of corn from seven fields of the seven clans to insure a healthy harvest.
The Dakota Ehanni stories (tales of the world previous to the Dakota emergence) speak of the Tayamni, the home of their ancestors, and the reason for the seven tribes...the Pleiades. The Seven Sisters play a major role in their history as well as their present day culture. In May, the Month of Hanbleceya, the Dakota/Lakota communicate with the spirits. Astronomy tells you that the Pleiades rise with the sun in May and the Lakota oral history tells you that the home of the spirits is the Pleiades. The older Dakota/Lakotas say that when you die, your spirit goes to the Milky Way and turns south....south to the Seven Stars! I suggest you think upon this most sincerely.
Perhaps you will now understand better why there will come the writings from the Sacred Hills Within as projected by the appointed Lakota speaker, Little Crow, and Wamblesha from Wakan Tanka Aton, shall be putting the Oral Truths forth for your confirmation. You of our beloved brothers come from us, with us and are of us--of Pleiades.
I prefer to label this brother/Father "Wamblesha" for he represents the White Eagle of the Fire-Bird, the higher wisdom-keeper for the Oral Tradition form which will be rebirthed truth in action in conjunction with the Sky People (Hosts). Wamblesha means "red eagle" but remember, in the Native tongue--it is the "red" road which is the path of truth and this is WHY it would be a "redman" who would bring unto you the Oral truths of the generations of civilizations.
The NAVAJO named the sparkling suns of the Pleiades, the "Dilyehe", the OSAGE believe their society was once pure of spirit and journeyed from those stars to the Earth. The IROQUOIS believe the twinkling orbs represent seven young people who guard the holy seed throughout the night.
The Hohokam, a Pima word meaning "that which has vanished", disappeared from the arid Arizona desert they had so successfully irrigated and tamed. No one seems to know for certain why they vanished or where they went; legend claims they returned to their home in the stars. Truth is far stranger then fiction, chelas.
Your years 1980 and 1981 witnessed a Native American exodus to the lush green hills of Canton Zurich. Tribal leaders and medicine men from across the continental U.S. had caught word of the on-going experiences and sought out the contactee. They came to congratulate him for his courage and to compare their histories and prophecies to those of the visitors from the Seven Stars. Astounding as that might seem to you doubtful ones, the majority of concepts were a unified thought shared by "Earth-humans" and Pleiadians alike.
I can only heartily suggest you stop picking at this information and pay attention. The time is at hand for you to learn of these things for it is the cycle of the times which shall bring you home again. I believe you must be getting a glimmer of where "home" might be and how you are going to get there.
HERMES: "Listen to your inner selves and look into the infinity of space and time. There reverberate the songs of the stars and the harmony of the spheres.
"Each sun is a thought of Creation, each planet a mode of that thought. In order that you may know divine thought, O souls, you painfully descend along the paths of the seven planets and their seven heavens and ascend once again.
"What do the stars do? What do the numbers say? What do the spheres revolve? O souls that are lost and saved, they relate, they sing, they revolve your destinies."
PROFESSOR THOMAS E GOLD, Cornell University: "Life on Earth may have started when space men landed here billions of years ago."
LUCRETIUS, 99-55 B.C.: "All this visible universe is not unique in nature and we must believe that there are, in other regions of space, other beings and other men."
DR. FELIX ZIGLE, Moscow Institute of Aviation: "The UFO phenomenon is a challenge to mankind. It is the duty of scientists to take up this challenge, to disclose the nature of the UFO, and to establish the scientific truth."
JAVIER GARZON, National Astronomical Observatory, Mexico City: "UFOs really exist and apparently come from other planets."
VON PAPST JOHANNES XXIII, Pier Carpi, 1935, (German trans.) "The signs are increasing. The lights in the sky will appear red, blue, green, rapidly. They will grow. Someone is coming from very far and wants to meet the people of the Earth. Meetings have already taken place. But those who have really seen have been silent." SO BE IT.
Why would it traditionally be that the RIng Nebula of Lyra is referred to by Pleiadians (you) as "The Eye of God"?
When the colonies on Atlantis and Lemuria finally broke up (all verified by laser enhanced sonar and video by specially outfitted U.S. and Soviet submarines and craft), some of you sailed to the Pyrenees, others to the Yucatan peninsula, and many remained in the places which would preserve the treasures of time passage such as parts of Peru, the Western points of the U.S., Australia, etc., with the central systems of navigation and communications remaining intact in a location in California, U.S.A. and the central storehouse in the Philippines. Never have these places been left unguarded. There are MANY places which are now again operational in preparation for the "coming again".
May I please REPEAT? It is not the little grey men from space that are here to getcha--it is the grey men right on your placement!
Yes, there are bases there on your place. There are some dastardly beings within those bases--mostly, however, they are flesh and blood "good old boys" of the conspiracy or the conspirators' tools. There are not body-snatchers, however, who fly around in space craft nailing unsuspecting bodies. Those are planned and orchestrated abductions to scare the living daylights out of you people so you will be terrified of all space men who might venture into your places.
Earth became a prison planet some eons ago. The head of the dark energies was sent there, for goodness sake, as punishment for those things perpetrated elsewhere in the cosmos. What do you ones expect--he pulled all his thugs along with him and he most certainly will not fold his tent easily and fly into the bright morning skies--for one very good reason--he cannot for he has nowhere to go and be accepted. The Grey Conspiracy has been trying to locate an achievable placement to "escape " unto. In exchange for technology they promised much to several races of space dwellers. These ones, however, came in good intent and honestly felt there could be a working relationship with man of Earth who is in terrible circumstance. Ah yes, the Grey Men of the Conspiracy can get off your planet but they don't have a desirable place, totally self-sustaining, when they get there.
There is an objective in point in this coalition--at onset--but as usual, the Adversary Plan ripped-off these visitors also. Some of the travelers came in hopes of bringing some insight and assistance to Earth brothers only to be utilized and actually technology taken to advance a whole army of robotoid replicas utilizing DNA reproduction methodology. The only thing the Adversary (your own "Grey Men") had to offer the ETs is control, money and worldly goods--but these things are not of value to anyone in the cosmos who has achieved Truth and the ability to travel intergalacticly.
Remember that you, as a civilization of thoughtforms of the Creator source, were given this place on which to EXPERIENCE. We of the higher brotherhood work firstly within the Laws of Creation, the Laws of God secondly and we are bound by constraints beyond that which you in your awakening cannot yet remember. We do not intervene. When we do come, even to your surface to get you or our own brothers, we will have special dispensation. We are bound by cosmic law to keep out of your business--those who break those laws shall pay most dearly. They have already done so--they forfeited their right to return to the universal skyways--they are bound to your dying planet. Those who came in peace and as a portion of the cosmic plan, do their work in research through prior agreements with the entities involved. They do not harm, they do not mutilate animals or humans and they do wondrous good for your species.
There is no way that you can "drift up to some cloud of fluffy vapor and somehow just fly around with a Master Christos". You will be picked up by space craft and beamed through a high frequency light beam--if you qualify and request same. God went to prepare a place for you at the end of Earth journey and HE did so--we are prepared to receive you of God who await His coming and do so in intent of justice and effort of living within the Laws as given. You are experiencing in a manifested form of physical coalition and density--that is not something that can be "both" ways. You either must give up the flesh or you must learn to manage it properly--there is no magic. God provides for alternatives in sequence to cover your needs of transition and would not leave you stranded on a fluff-bit within range of radioactive blasts from Hell. We have untold eons of experience in the mode of transition in security and with as little detrimental impact as can be given--but you ones are going to have to come into understanding of the connection in brotherhood so that we can work together.
We know that you who struggle and wait are lonely and often feel deserted--you are not. We are here and some of us are working right among you in full operation. We can only work in this manner. So be it with the dark energies, also--they work exactly like we, except they had a great head-start and all of you helped them get in control for they deal with the "physical" senses and we must deal with that which they have caused to become "invisible" and thus "doubted".
I witness as ones effort to present our information from the stages of seminars and I see the labor of love, risk and "how and where do we get it all projected"? I see the intent to inform firstly on the basis of that which was actually experienced--and this causes a lot of reference to the self doing the presentation of "I this" and "I that". This is in hopes you can then come into some reasonable belief as to content. Further, ones come into the "work" bearing the same prejudices and misunderstandings as does anyone else who are victims of deceit and game playing at the expense of mankind.
This is WHY we work with individuals and businesses which simply do their job--as with America West and our connection: they are PUBLISHERS. They are publishers of many things and volumes of work--most of which I cannot even begin to sanction as truth. However, you will note also that they PUSH books which are otherwise authored and presented by very physical persons. They often do so because these documents contain that confirmation which can give you comfort and insight. Ones of the writers are not necessarily enlightened persons but most often are totally human-oriented people with great egos and self-intent.
My appreciation is given for the very fact that these blessed ones are willing to step out there against the "orthodox" disinformation projectionists and fool's games to take a stand in "possibilities". God does not expect perfection but only an open mind and the perfection will follow in sequence.
As ones speak from experience, you will note errors--let us just assume one tiny conjecture for example. George may be speaking of "aliens" and he will likely present pictures of one, Asket. There will be presented one picture who is actually the being in point and another is only a "model". He is likely to say that this person is Pleiadian since the subject is regarding Pleiades. No, this person is not Pleiadian--she is from the DAL Universe and has only remote connection to Pleiadians.
Semjase is a different matter. This one is offspring of Semjasa who is considered a son of God and your forefather in direct lineage. I do not wish to confuse you further but you are going to have to be understanding of speakers on your place as they, too, glean information and correct stories into factual data.
You ones want sensationalism and pictures and thus and so. However, most of the sensationalism and pictures are false as presented. Ones fail to realize that truth is sufficient unto all needs--and always far more strange and exciting than is the fiction as given for sensationalism. But most of all, you must not continue to confuse the "speaker" with the "author"! At best, and often at worst, the speaker can only offer "OPINION" of perception regarding the author's intent and it most often is directly contradictory.
Our JOURNALS have full intent and purpose to send forth the call unto the waiting receivers for your job is at hand. The information is to awaken the sleeping masses. We do not need to write of displacement and atrocities within the lies of your place other than to awaken you to your plight--men of great standing and stature are giving you the same--mine is to confirm it.
Now, as the speakers of Truth are abounding, we can turn again unto our purpose and instructions of what comes next and where do we go from here. It is not enough to know what is wrong or even to know what NEEDS doing to change it. You must know purpose of the journey in the first place and the cycles of change so you can confront your destiny and transition. You do not face a couple of places called Sodom and Gomorrah of Biblical times--your entire planet has become Sodom. Therefore, ridding a couple of cities from the globe won't do it. The Elite human cohorts of the Adversary plan to rid your planet of over 6 billion people and they plan to do it before year 2000. The means a LOT OF CHANGES IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE!
The Elite know of the changes at hand. They know and frantically work to deal with the upcoming Photon Belt entrance. They will use the happening to ill-conceived evil if, in fact, they cannot change the entrance through technical means. It appears they cannot so you can be faced, probably before year's ending, with some three to five days of terrifying and incredible chaos and panic, death and terror. The Adversary hopes to gain total upper-hand control at that time including thrusting you into a "space war" in which you have not idea of that which you are challenging for it is NOT space aliens--but the same Elite you submit to on the globe itself. Well, chelas, you have been warned that there will BE FEW who make the journey home in conjunction with God's travelers. You have responded to the lie and forfeited all responsibility for self--dumping your "sins" upon the blood-soaked innocent lamb. No--you shall individually stand in "judgement" before God--just you and Him, old friend--just you and Him.
The Father Aton wrote on Monday, December 11, 1989, Year 3, Day 117 and it was put to JOURNAL. I would reprint the message herein for your reminding:
."...... The third virtue that escapes your memory, Dharma, is that in which you excel, chela--wowacintanka--fortitude! You have just forgotten for all men forget. These things must be told and put unto the press that my people can be in the remembering. I am Grandfather Aton to speak to you.
Your mind shall be kept veiled in your consciousness for man is not yet ready to hear it all and man's tongue is attached so solidly to his consciousness that it spills over as prompted by his ego. You shall simply clear of all dark clowns from your space and write that which we bring to you just as you have been doing these months past. If my words bring embarrassment or a swish of guilt upon ones who are in the receiving, then it is time that they pay attention. No thing more and no thing less. You walk the road of light and the messages are not always for you to decipher--much the less for you to project in your interpretation. You shall be given to understand the difference. You shall seek wisdom which is the first virtue, first in all things and the rest shall be added in properness. You shall persist in "woohitika", which is bravery, for you know the best and the worst, and from the worst shall rise the best. You shall also continue to put my Truth to the pages lest you fail your last test, that of "wacantognaka" --generosity. As Truth is given forth and ones who receive clutch it and hide it in the darkness--or sell it for earthly worth, greed or putrid ego satisfaction--the virtue of generosity is lost for, unless you give it forth you cannot receive of the abundance back into the beingness which is truly you within. WIsdom comes from the errors committed and not repeated. So be it.
With wisdom come the knowledge that all things are binded together by the strands of each bound together as the cohesive whole. Wisdom is the recognition and reverence (not "worship") of the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown working together and interacting in such a way as to bring balance unto that which is The Creation of that One from which you come. But simply to be in the knowing does not bring wholeness for unless there is the act of generosity and sharing--action--the fourth virtue is failed.
Heed well the remindings of the ancient teachers who have willingly come forth again to point the directions. Two thousand years past in the traditions of those you label today, the Hopi, came a warning which men ignore and yet has been repeated again and again from your great wise-men--sages: "When you see a 'gourd of ashes' in the sky you will know that the Great Purification is at hand." Whether you wish to realize it or not makes no difference whatsoever. And, two thousand years ago the Truth was again brought by one who represented Truth and you were again told, "There will be wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines, pestilence...men fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken."
You have been told before that Ages of Newness would be filled with chemical pollution. You have been told that there would come severe floods upon the lands and severe droughts; volcanos will erupt and you will be plagued by earthquakes, massive erosion and vast inundations. There will be great and drastic activities--earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, bizarre weather patterns and these will especially by prevalent in what you call the "Ring of Fire" stretching from the South of the Sea of Peace and Japan to the Western mountain chains of North and South America. But do not expect it to only be in these places--but I speak here to you ones in this place of nearness. These things shall be come upon your globe and within your globe.
Ah yes, chela, 'tis not only in your placement for it shall engulf the totality of the earth-mother. But you are given that which is in your realm of attention and existence. You shall be given those things about your world so that they can be integrated for all peoples--there are others who shall be given those insights.
There is no point in focusing upon these "things"--they are but the cleansing and the renewal and the casting off of the old--they are but the clues to the timing sequence that man can understand his slothful ways and quicken his attention. As Little Crow suggests--quit looking into the reflection glass for that is NOT who you are--look within to the truth of self and see who you might be hiding within that cumbersome machinery. 'Tis the journey within that is ultimate--not the reflection from a looking glass for the glass stops your vision just beyond your nose and vision must flow throughout infinity--beyond man's puny limits. There is only brotherhood within the vision quest of ones who come from the thunder peoples and the sky brothers. These ones were labeled the "Bird Tribes" for when they were labeled thusly--only birds flew within the consciousness of experience.
Oh yes, chela, I can explain these things unto you and I shall do so in many ways, through carefully chosen receivers and transmitters and they can be written in a way in which each individual entity can be made to understand.
You must place into perspective that which has occurred upon your globe of manifested experience. You watch man unearth another man from apparently another time, a skeleton, a bowl of primitive clay fragments, pieces of stone and sharp glass-like flint--tools. You look and you marvel at the findings while you over-look the grandest discoveries of the cycles of time.
These places are unearthed because they represent the "beginning", not the "ending". When the old continents are again thrust up from the eons of cleansing under the seas, life shall need begin again--and man always insists on starting over. His destruction and evil nature comes forth and destroys and the mother is forced to again cleanse so she rolls over in her bed and washes away that which is evil and without purity, and that which is man-created is lost again into its elemental forms but that which was remaining of the elemental species is left for the next generations of "modern man" to find and exploit. For man must always come into the truth of it--there is nothing more and nothing less. All he can gather is his experiences and his growth in recognition of the vast infinity of the creation where he exists forever. As the old comes forth, all that is brought back is the basic beginnings of what appears to be life. A few fragments of geographical locations are always left to remain that there might be continuation of a species. It is always the ones of the ancients who remain with the earth mother to nurture and hold to the old that again a civilization of human might be rebirthed and given opportunity to experience and grow through his virtues and repeat or renew; it is his choice, always.
The "livingness" of the mother is brought into her radiance and those with her which have come into truth. Those who must be taught in the lower grades are placed appropriately that they can continue in their lessons. When a planet "closes" its magnificent and ultimate cycle, new lands raise from the oceans and, without the waters, the living plants and animal species perish or in some instances, adapt. However, as the old is brought for cleansing beneath the waters of the great seas, that which man has corrupted poisons the remaining oceans and the new oceans beneath which the pollution lies sunken. Some survive for it intended to be that way. If the ending of a planet or life base is truly annihilated, it becomes a massive asteroid belt and/or an encapsulated energy form to be re-molded into whatever the creator so "thinks"--it matters not to you for you will have lost your "consciousness" and would again be without knowingness.
Again the ancient "teachers" from the universal realms are there to begin the lessons again--the first to come, the last to go--only relieved by brief periods of "lift-off" in insure re-commence of the mighty cycle. You ones in this consciousness are in the final fragments of the mighty cycle before and while the old passes and the new begins. It is a wondrous gift indeed to be the selected few for the false betrayers stand to the left and to the right all about you to push you from your path. I am the mother hen for all of you, my little fledglings who cling unto my feathers, for I know the path and I hold the lamp to light the way. You need no rituals to reach out and take my hand for you have never been disconnected from me. To renew the bond is but a thought--to sever is also but a thought and even then I shall not leave you as you are allowed your lessons.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, June 9, 1992, Volume 19, Number 8