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One GOD -- Many Names, Many Descriptions

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Explore some of the names and thought-forms the people of Earth have given to God down through the ages.

(listed in alphabetical order)


Almighty Creator;

ATON (the One Light) -- the name God calls Himself;

Bright Light;

Celestial One;

Cosmic Controller;


Creator God;

Creator of All Things;

Creator of the Universe;

Divine One;



Father/Mother Source;

Formless One;


God of Light;

God--the One Light;

Great Central Sun;

Great Lord;

Great Spirit Father/Grandfather;

Heavenly Father;

Holy Father;

Holy God;

Holy God of Light;

Holy Spirit;


I AM Presence;


Infallible Teacher and Knower;

King of Kings;


Lighted Source of Truth;


Lord of Lords;


Master of the Universe;


Our Father who art in Heaven;

Primordial Lord;

SANANDA (One With God);

Source of All Knowlege and Wisdom;

Source of Life;

Spiritual Father;

Supreme Being;

Supreme Lord;

Supreme Soul;

Supreme Cosmic Spirit;

The Absolute Truth;

The All Knowing;

The All Hearing;

The All Seeing;

The Alpha and the Omega;

The Beginning and the Ending;

The Divine;

The Ever Enduring and Immutable;

The Ever Providing;

The Ever Lasting;

The Ever Living;

The Giver of Life;

The Greatest Soul;

The Greatest Light;

The Great Spirit;

The Great Truth;

The Guide;

The Highest One;

The Light, the Truth and the Way;

The Most Holy;

The One;

The One Light;

The One Source;

The One Source of All That Is;

The Owner of All Sovereignty;

The Radiant One;

The Ruler of the Human Races;

The Source;

The Truth;

The Word;

Timeless Being;

Timeless One;

Total Love and Light;

Total Illumination;

Total Perfection;


Universal Source;

Universal Mind;

Waken Tanka;


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Names for GOD In Different Cultures And Religions 

(listed in alphabetical order)

Christian religion (from the New Testament (Greek) Scriptures):

Almighty (from the word "pantokrator")

Despotes ("Lord");

Hupsistos ("Highest")

I AM (from the Hebrew OT verb "to be" signifying a Living, Intelligent, Personal Being);

Kurios ("Lord");

Logos ("The Word of God");

Sophia ("The Wisdom of God");

Theos ("God" (equivalent to the Hebrew Elohim));

Theotes ("Godhead");

Word (from the word "Logos").

Other Names for God:







Spirit of Christ (not the same as the spirit of Christ);

Seven-Fold Spirit (Rev.);

Spirit of Truth;

Spirit of Grace;

Spirit of Mercy;

Spirit of God;

Spirit of Holiness;

Spirit of Life: Symbolized in OT and NT by (l) breath or wind; (2) fire; (3) water; (4) oil; (5) light; (6) a dove.

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Hindu religion:

Adi Purush ("Timeless Being");

Bhagahan Bhagwaan ("God");

Ishvara ("Cosmic Controller" or "Lord");

Para Brahman ("The Absolute Truth");

Paramatma ("Supreme Soul");

Parameshvar ("Supreme Lord");

Vishnu (is seen as Para Brahman)

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Hopi culture:

Tawa (The Sun Spirit, the Creator, and the One who formed the First World out of Tokpella, or Endless Space, as well as its original inhabitants.)

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Islam religion:

Allah ("The God");

Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahmeen ("Most Merciful" or "Most Compassionate" or "Most Benificient").

Note: There are reportedly 99 other Names of God according to the tradition of Islam.

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Judaist religion (from the Old Testament (The Hebrew Scriptures, or Tanach)): 

(Note: Many of the Judaist names for God were borrowed from the Sumarian texts.)

Adonai ("Lord");

El (God "mighty, strong, prominent");

El-Berith ("God of the Covenent");

El Elyon ("Most High");

El-Gighor (Mighty God);

El-Olam ("Everlasting God");

El Shaddai (God Almighty or "God All Sufficient");

Elohim (God (a plural noun, more than two, used with singular verbs));


Immanuel ("God with us");

Medekh ("King");

Jehovah (Lord);

Jehovah Elohim ("LORD God");


Kadosh ("Holy One");

Shaphat (:Judge");



Tsur ("God our Rock");

Yahweh or YHWH (The name of God).

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Lakota Sioux culture:

Tunkanshila  (meaning "Grandfather".  Also recognized by other Native American cultures);

Wakan Tanka  (meaning "the sacred" or "the divine" usually interpreted as "The Great Spirit" or "The Great Mystery".  Also interpreted as "Grandfather");

Wakan Tanka  (spelled "Wakanda" by the Omaha-Ponca tribes of Nebraska and Oklahoma; spelled "Watatakeh" by the Quapaw tribe of Oklahoma; spelled "Mahanah" by the Ho-Chunk tribe of Wisconsin, and spelled "Mahanah" by the Mandan tribes of North and South Dakota);

Wakan (This term describes every creature as wakhan, or "holy".);

Wakinyan ((Teton Sioux) "Thunder Spirit", "Thunder Beings" or "Thunder Birds").

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Sikh religion:

Akal Purakh (timeless One);

Ek Onkar ("One" emphasizing the singularity of God);

Nirankar (formless One);

Waheguru (Wonderful Teacher bringing light to remote darkness).

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Zoroaster religion:

Ahura Mazda (highest diety);





Rocky Montana

 / 3/22/2011

Resources:  THE PHOENIX JOURNALS,  Wikipedia.