Ascended Masters' Peace Plan
Katherine Kanius
God Flame expand and loosen Its greater Love, Light and the Power of
our Presence in, through and around us.
Mighty I Am Presence, Beloved I Am of all Humanity, we reach into the
Ascended Masters’ Octave and call forth to the Great Legions of
Angels; we call upon legions and legions and legions of Archangel
Michael’s Angels of the Cosmic Blue Flame, legions of the Angels of
the Violet Flame of the Mighty Saint Germain to sweep down into the
Middle East to stop all acts of war and terrorism.
Mighty I Am Presence of every individual in positions of power and
influence, speak to the constructive hearts and minds and compel the
will of those in positions of influence and power to move for peace,
to speak for peace and come forth as the All Christ Flame of
Intelligence that is a Guiding Presence in the minds of those in
government and authority, to find a whole new way of bringing forth a
peace plan to the Middle East, an Ascended Masters’ Peace Plan.
Great All Seeing Eye of God, reveal to the Angels, reveal to the
Ascended Masters those individuals of good heart and will. Reveal
those individuals who love God and the Light and reveal those who are
in positions of power and influence in the United Nations of the
world, to come together and be recipients of new ideas and new
directions, to bring about an Ascended Masters’ Peace Plan to the
Middle East and all that brings peace between the Arab nations and the
democracies of the world.
We call to those special Angels; the Angels of the Cosmic Christ Blue
Lightening of Indestructible Purity and Power to descend into those
nations which threaten world peace with nuclear power and stop all the
destructive actions of those who would sow the seeds of war, whether
there be any of those in the democracies of this world or individuals
in other nations. We understand there are individuals who sow the
seeds of war even in the free democracies of the world.
Great Host of Light, we call forth oceans and oceans and oceans of the
Great Central Sun’s Mightiest Violet Flame Miracles of Eternity to
descend into the mental and feeling bodies of all human kind that
purifies every human being of the desire for discord, of destructive
desires – the desire for war, and brings forth a greater desire for
peace, good will, respect and recognition upon all nations of this world.
Mighty Unfed Flame of God come forth as the Great Life Flame of every
human being; come forth Great Powers of Light and reveal to those in
positions of authority a whole new way, a whole new direction for
world peace and the great forces of the Sacred Fire that stops in its
tracks all the discordant plans.
Beloved I Am take up our call to the Ascended and Angelic Host and the
Great Beings of Light; communicate our call to the I Am Presence of
all Humanity. We accept no failure. We are truly grateful we can add
our voice, our will, our desire that peace shall reign on Earth, that
all shall live the upward and the conscious path of light, freedom for
every human being, for the Earth and all kingdoms of Earth.
We call together the Powers of Love, Mercy and Forgiveness into all
kingdoms of Earth, the Powers of Nature and the Forces of the Elements
that allows purity and rebalancing into the Powers of Nature in which
nature is no longer compelled to release the discord imposed upon it
back onto Humanity. May the oceans of the Violet Flame descend into
all weather conditions, may oceans of the Violet Flame be the greater
protection around those in fire, police and civic duty, for the
greater protection of the kingdoms of Earth and the people of Earth.
May oceans of the Violet Flame come into the water and food of the
lands, into the structure of the Earth and release the pressure of
discord imposed upon Her.
Together we call forth the Ascended Masters’ Violet Flame Heaven on
Earth as a blazing Presence through the Earth’s atmosphere, the
structure of Earth, the Powers of Nature, the Forces of the Elements,
the feeling and mental side of all human life on Earth.
We love and bless the greater activities of life and we call upon the
infinite I Am Presence of the Great Central Sun to bless and bless all
those in service to all life on Earth for the greater freedom of all
and we are eternally grateful.
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May the Love of Grace enfold you.