Emergency Call To The Keepers Of Mother Earth
From: Heleen Oomen, Vlaardingen,The Netherlands
But the whole of our Earth is suffering. There are Droughts in Canada , Europe and China and Africa. Floods in Asia, Thunderstorms, Hurricanes and Droughts in the Us. This list is endless.
We all know that the Illuminati will do anything to put this world into suffering. We all know they can influence the weather. They will do anything to delay Nesara. At this very moment the decision about Nesara lies in Europe. With The United Nations and The World Court. This drought is making us feel powerless. I have the very strong feeling this is all Illuminati -doing. Like the 911 attacks they will do anything to keep us away from Nesara.
I am a channel myself but being so touched by this I wanted a more objective view, so I asked my friend Lauri to ask St Germain about this and this is what she channeled:
"Beloved, there is not much 'natural' in your weather conditions anymore. This is going on for years, but it is being enlarged in a very heavy way in an attempt (by the Illuminati) to make earth life a hell. It is being done very precisely to make you people numb. It is creating a unusual stress level in yourselves and in community. As if destiny awaits you. You feel powerless to change anything about the situation. It is meant this way (by the Illuminati) to make you feel this way".
At that particular moment she could not move and felt totally lethargic. She felt this was the effect that the heat had on us.
How can we support Nesara if we feel so powerless. Well we refuse to become powerless. We acknowledge our power and use it. Like we do every time we are being under attack. We learn, we become strong and wise. We unite and become the masters that we are.
We have a collective strength that we can use. I feel very strongly that our oneness is growing, I feel the enormous strength of the Nesara energy field and I am calling out to all of you who are joining this energy field. That is all of you for help.
I call out for the White Knights, The Ascended Masters, The Lightships, The Divine Forces, The Galactic federation of light to use their knowledge, their technical skills, their great mental powers their love for this earth. To end this drought in a gentle way. To create rains. No storms. Please prevent the starting of fires for whatever reason. I also call out upon them to use all these powers and skills to help balancing the weather in all the world. To calm the hurricanes, soften the rains before floods can evolve. Soften the extremes in temperatures.
But most of all I call You. ---You Nesara Force People ---- That is Us.
All of us to Meditate, Pray, Envision, Create an end to this drought. And also end to all weather manipulation everywhere on earth.
We are so powerful we have no idea. We are the keepers of this Earth. Let’s start keeping her. We can sure use help from ‘above’. But we are here with our feet on our very own BELOVED MOTHER.
I call out for you.
Envision clouds. Envision gentle but sufficient rains. Envision winds that move these clouds to areas where there is the greatest need of rain. Envision a lowering of the temperature to normal. Without storm. Just a gentle lowering of temperature to normal.
Envision Thunderstorms and Hurricanes to rest. Envision all weather extremes in all countries to normalise and supportive of environment. Envision floods to minimize and disappear. Earthquakes to minimize. Envision places where Earth can release her stress in a healing way without any damage.
Envision this beautiful Earth in your arms. Hold her against your heart. Feel the oneness with her. Use your own wisdom and skills to support her. See the beautiful gem that she is surrounded by a supported atmosphere and supportive climates world round.
Every time there was an attack from the Illuminati we have become stronger. Lets show our strength to stop these weather manipulations and envision an balanced weather worldwide.
Ask for support by the Galactic and Heavenly powers. Ask for their technical help and their knowledge. Envision what needs to be done. They need our free will to get to it. Meditate, pray, envision, channel, send out your love and light.
Every time there is extreme weather in a part (yours?) of the planet call upon our collective powers. It will work.
Together we will get the job done.
I love you all.
Heleen Oomen,
The Netherlands