Be The Dream Newsletter
We are offering some insights and seemingly obvious directions for our collective global village as our world is struggling through its own metamorphosis right now. Some are leading with ingnorance of consequence and some are leading with diligence, perserverance and persistence in cooperation with natural order. All things have rhythms, cycles, timing, and frequency in time and space. Is it time we danced to the heartbeat of a different drummer?
In this issue
The Collective Messiah
Bridging Worlds
Empowering Teams
Harmonics Converging
Spirit of Truth (revisited)
The Collective Messiah
Sure it sounds like some religious zealot banging the gong once again. Let's look at it with just a slightly different twist shall we? Although the heading does bring about a certain religiosity, it certainly promotes a much different picture of solidarity in numbers. Whatever term we use, it is important to realize that there are many who have solutions to our imminent economic, environmental and social concerns.
Is it too pompous to think of oneself as a god or goddess in embryo? Recognizing that it does not preclude the obvious chasm between human and Creator-level ability, the understanding of being an integral part of Creation is not hard to swallow. After all, we have been told for centuries that we are sons and daughters of God. What does that really mean? What are we when we grow up?
An objective view of the current world situation might indicate that we have the responsibility to organize and harmonize our interactions with each other, from individual to international levels. Indeed, it is a most difficult process that requires much study and wisdom applied in the most delicate ways.
The ultimate result is a compatible living environment, for both person and planet, that applies our most recent discoveries while honoring the process of harvesting our history and healing cultural wounds of the past. An environment that demonstrates this philosophy is being developed, no doubt by many around the world now. We propose that these concepts and ideas need to work as one to lessen, if not eliminate, the traditional competition for attention. It is time we worked as ONE, the Collective Messiah, to initiate a process designed to harmonize and not 'simonize' our collective efforts.
Bridging Worlds
Appropriate use of economics speaks just as strongly as our messages of light and love. Challenges at the beginning of this new millennium test the mettle of even the most valiant Servants of Truth. Truth is not yours or mine; it is universal in its Natural Order and display through human consciousness. Acknowledging the Ego yet focusing It into a process of WEgo is the challenge we face in building collaborative alliances for sustainable growth of our shift in planetary administration.
The Reverend Jesse Jackson, in the October 26th rally for peace, announced that we (U.S.) need a regime change. The Reverend Zendor, in an afternoon gathering the same day, announced that we (World Citizens) need a planetary regime change. This is not done through violence and war. It is done through the conscientious application of socially and environmentally responsible programs that each individual can identify with and support in daily living. In this sense we begin to bridge the many worlds using methods and programs that make sense in the midst of chaos, facilitating a new world order of harmony among people and planet. This is done from inner commitment and outer action.
Too often we have confused pride and profit, ego and earnings, survival and sustenance. In the age of information (some even call it the age of enlightenment) we have the opportunity to bridge worlds that were once thought to be separate. For instance, with the power of the internet we now are able to create multiple income streams that allow the wealth normally garnered by only a few to be shared among many through affiliate programs. These programs can create win/win situations for companies and affiliates that are developing environmentally and socially responsible business practices and products or services. In growing beyond massive consumerism, it is a beginning to put the power into the hands of the people.
Purists may feel that commerce conflicts with spirituality, and for some that entertain exclusive belief systems, this may be true. Jesus did not argue with the need for commerce. His argument was with the synagogue being used for commercial purposes. Many a good man has given fortunes to charitable organizations. In this new millennium we must consider how we support humanitarian and utilitarian business practices as well. When the people lead, the leaders will follow.
Empowering Teams
Many consider the idea that Beings from other dimensions, outer space, inner space, or whatever, can actually communicate with human beings. Well, it does seem quite proposterous in many instances and in most cases the media makes absolute fools out of those who claim contact. I've been a 'contactee' since very young and even I have difficulty explaining the process and reality, especially my kinship to Ashtar and Athena. Can you imagine what it is like to discuss these things, even with the professional background I have, with people who have just begun to remove the blinders as they reach their mid-40s or so. I'm talking about those who realize that something major needs to be done to turn our planetary environment into a more conducive living atmosphere. They are awakening, searching for meaning, yet are still putting round pegs in square holes.
The purest forms of truth, from any source, always indicate that it is not just our words that matter. We have to follow-up on doing something that makes a difference. Jesus even said that it will be by the fruits of our labors from which we will be known. Actions are the demonstrations of truth that no one can deny and everyone can see. In researching all the information that has been shared by Ashtar/Athena (they are an equal partnership), I find that every piece is asking, even nearly begging, our cooperation and collaboration to create a new paradigm of living awareness together. Why has there been such a resistance to it? Even in the Command, there is still much strife among its so- called members. Why are we unable to get along? What can we do to change?
Consider the implications of amassing a unified front that can activate professionals and laypersons alike into a massive information dissemination network. What if this network suddenly had a variety of potential activities that everyone was able to participate in some way? What if, through this network, those who have natural leadership ability and others with corresponding skill sets were able to begin to work together to make some real changes in our outer world? Is it possible that a few people could change the world, or at least prepare it for the next evo-leap into a harmonic convergence of Divine Will and Human Form?
Whether it be a 'Call to Arms' (hugging ones are the best) or a 'Galactic Reunion,' we are all feeling the urge to merge our inner and outer realities. This movement is being activated from the deepest depths of our inner being and the highest heights of our outer experience, from our collective Soul to our ET ancestry. It was shared with me some years ago that the 3 Suns at the core of our Central Universe are our forefathers, spiritual and physical, from human form to solar system. Imagine gaining a much deeper understanding of the interdependence of our lives. Would it not make sense that we are beginning to find the secrets of our ubiquitous connectedness NOW? How will we perform with this understanding? What will the evidence be that will 'qualify' the reality of our truth? Would it make sense that our 'multidimensionality' is all part of the ONE multiverse? Would it also make sense that all these communication mediums (please don't strike them- it makes them very unhappy) are meant to guide us toward sharing in the ONEness?
Harmonics Converging
We all know that the time is approaching where our core beliefs and value structures will be tested beyond any events to date. It is important that we have a well- rounded understanding of the dynamics of human consciousness and the affects of our planetary movement through space. Science and spirituality must join as ONE for Truth to emerge, which empowers us all to move forward with greater unified fields of energy.
Understanding harmonics of mind and heart is the foundation for advancing consciousness in ourselves and in the masses. Many are caught in the struggles of survival and the chaos of a world being turned upside down in nearly every aspect, as exampled by the corporate financial disasters and the current political pontificators of prejudice and profiling. Acknowledging the obvious is one thing; giving it our attention is quite another. It is common knowledge that we need to find a better way. There is a rising momentum of Divine Influence throughout mankind, by many names, that is focusing on Unity of People with Purpose. We have solid information, spiritually and scientifically based, that will facilitate this process.
The important thing to remember is to be vigilant in heart and mind, remaining in LOVE and the sense of limitless oscillating vibrational energy. Many things will attempt to distract your thoughts from what needs to be done. That is how the mind naturally teaches you to master it. Do not follow them. The best tool that manipulators have is to distract you from your intended goals and objectives. These manipulators are quite devious. They may even take the form of your best friend, or best-sounding project, or revealed rumored organization, in order to disuade.
Be careful with people and programs that promise power or ability, they are of questionable intent no matter how they are packaged. Be careful of those who offer information that cannot be substantiated or who become the focus of attention as a 'source' of some off-planet or other dimensional know-it-all. Of course it all sounds great... only to distract and keep you complacent. What better way to continue the charade of the power hungry humans that care not about the people or the world they inhabit. Be willing to test yourself with the same furvor as you would another.
Spirit of Truth (revisited)
According to Webster's New World Dictionary, TRUTH is defined as: being true; sincerity; honest; conformity with fact; reality; actual existence; correctness; accuracy. So what would the Spirit of Truth reveal? Would it bring forth all the virtuous qualities that reside within the human BEING? If so, what would that look like in a day-to-day living reality... actual existence? Would you begin to communicate with others in the way they can hear, or see, or taste, or touch, or smell, or sense? Beyond all the concocted notions of religion and science, we are compelled to move with a certain exactness of form, fit, and function consistent with the pure sharable energy of our Nature... ONE with ALL. Within the ALL are the individuals of unique existence with perfect fit into the Great Plan.
Confusion reigns in the hearts and minds of the majority of people on our beloved planet currently, especially with the possibility, or moreover probability, of an impending military action being promoted by those few who wish to continue their grip on economic systems. It is most difficult to remain free of the affects of this mass confusion when it is so prevelant in our outer lives. It is a test of our centeredness for sure. Many are looking for something or someone to lead us out of this mess, believing that it isn't as bad as it seems. Truthfully, from their perspective, it is as bad as it seems. We have known that there would be a time when we would be faced with such a situation. We were also given the tools to prepare for it and to lead the world into a new era of harmony among people and planet. Unfortunately, the unpreparedness supports the efforts of these few due to the continued complacency of humans. Individuals feel powerless in the face of such a monstrous machine... the military industrial complex.
The Spirit of Truth is not complacent. The Spirit of Truth activates one from within, to hold on nowhere and TRUST in the infinite wisdom and PLAN of our Creators. Most of those like us, who can rise above the confusion, still realize that this is part of the process. Many still look here and there, hoping for some solution, yet have not looked within to purify their own hearts and rid themselves of any discordant feelings or thoughts. This is where the discipline of vigilance and imperturbability becomes most important. There are many who are working collaboratively within the grids of consciousness to ease the pain of our Mother and prepare the next level of consiousness for humans to ascend. There are many postulates about the process, distracting our brothers and sisters from the need to focus in the precious present and hold on nowhere, thereby facilitating the release of the Spirit of Truth through their BEING. We cannot change the present outer situation by addressing it from an outer perspective. The Kingdom of Heaven is Within... and from their we can wage war in righteousness, exposing the nefarious acts of those who truly have no concern for preparing our planet to ascend into our rightful position in Universe affairs. A righteous planetary administration evolves from managing chaos and the mistakes of its predecessors. We need not judge the activity or the current results as they are necessary to awaken the Spirit of Truth within humanity as a whole. The Faithful and True know this too [confusion], shall pass.
There has never been a more important time to LOVE. Act LOVE. Be LOVE. Create LOVE. Do LOVE. Enjoy LOVE. Imagine LOVE. Share LOVE. If the people lead, the leaders will follow. It will take time and hard work. Where will you start?