Connecting To The Divine
By Suzan Caroll
Many specialists believe they are there only to listen. Many fail to realize that as social beings we learn and gather information from the art of conversing. Art? You question the use of the word? Conversing is an art. It requires precise use of language, a clear and concise deliverance of words as well as active listening.
What do you think an alignment does? It offers you the opportunity of talking and listening to Father/Mother.
When you align through the grids you ask for assistance from the Trinitized energies of Michael, Melchizedek and Metatron, within and through the Office Of the Christ, so that your connection and your receptivity are enhanced. You ask for help in getting the self- serving Ego-Id out of the way, so you can plainly hear what God has to say. It is like using fiber-optics wires instead of regular phone cable. ;-)
You might align every day. However just as the tools used by the toddler, teenager, high school graduate, professor are not the same, the more you practice, the greater exposure you have to the actual G.R.I.D. network and the more often you align the better you do it.
We are ever evolving, ever growing, ever changing. Our understanding, knowledge, and wisdom grow as we reclaim our divine inheritance.
The energies presently available to Mother Earth and us in our road to Ascension are unparalleled. Positive, illuminating forces, such as these, have not been as widespread as they are presently. Perhaps not since we first entered into our Human form/contract, have we felt the influx of these energies.
The Creator is propelling us to reclaim our divine power, our soul destiny, our unity, working collectively as ONE to serve the Creator for the highest and the greatest benefit of all.
This is not an easy task. Putting aside the "I" want, "I" need, "I" desire and filling in the void with the "Where would the Father/Mother have me be, for the highest & greatest of All of Humanity." Acting from the heart, removed from self-serving impetus, is not an easy task.
There is no doubt that you have all lately experienced changes in time, space and reality. It is shifting and we are all experiencing it, in one-way or another.
There is no better way to get assistance from the Creator, the Masters, The Ancient Sacred Ones, the Arch Angels than through the G.R.I.D.S. of collective consciousness.
The information you receive will be clearer every time. You will hear, experience and feel the differences and answers faster and with more clarity the more that you attune.
Serve to Live, Live to Serve, E B