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Monsanto Secretly Gave Money to Farmer Caught Contaminating Organic Farms with GMOs

Christina Sarich

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may 6, 2015

Natural Society reported on organic farmer Steve Marsh’s dilemma with GMO cross pollination of his organic farms a while back, but some shocking news has recently bubbled to the surface about Monsanto’s involvement.

One of the secrets of monopolizing Monsanto is that it contributed big bucks to the defense of the Australian farmer whose GMO canola crop infected Steve Marsh’s organic fields. If you aren’t privy, a ruling by the Supreme Court of Western Australia had no sympathy for Steve Marsh’s plight, and sided in favor of Michael Baxter and Monsanto.


“An organic farmer in Western Australia lost his bid to claim damages from a neighbour after genetically modified (GMO) canola seed heads blew on to his property, causing him to lose his licence as an organic grower.”

Not only did Steve Marsh lose his organic certification, but he was going against another farmer who he thought someone came up with AUD 800,000 in legal fees on his own. To add insult to injury, the judge even ordered Marsh to pay the GM farmer AUD 800,000. So Marsh not only lost his organic farm, and lost his case, but he then had to pay his neighbor for contaminating his crops with his GM seed.

When Marsh appealed the decision, the court ordered Baxter to disclose any financial arrangements with Monsanto and the Pastoralists and Graziers Association, of which Baxter is a member. His lawyer denied that Baxter has received any questionable payments from either entity.

Only after a court order did Monsanto reveal that it had provided assistance towards Baxter’s legal defense, refusing to disclose exactly how much the corporation contributed.

Of the AUD 800,000 that Baxter magically came up with to win over Marsh in court, how much do you think Monsanto provided? More information will be reported as it becomes available. One thing is for certain though, Monsanto and its dirty secrets will always be exposed.

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About Christina Sarich:

Christina Sarich is a humanitarian and freelance writer helping you to Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.

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