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Ronnie Cummins- Organic Consumers Assoc.

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dEC. 28, 2014


Dear Organic Consumer,

Monsanto, Coke and Pepsi don’t want to put honest labels on their products. But they don’t mind putting a label on you. 

With the cooperation and collusion of mainstream media and too many politicians, the pesticide-peddlers and junk food makers have labeled you. 

You are an “alarmist.” You are “anti-science.”

We are still about $120,000 short of our year-end fundraising goal. Please help us raise $200,000 to #EndMonsantoLies in 2015. If we reach our goal by midnight December 31, natural health leader will match your donation. Details here on how to donate online, by phone or by mail.


In case you haven’t seen it, one of Monsanto’s front groups—Coalition for Safe Affordable Food—has launched a petition asking people to “Stop Alarmists from Hijacking America’s Food.”

You are the “alarmist” they target. You are the uninformed fear-monger who doesn’t “support science.”

On one hand, you should be flattered. For nearly two decades Monsanto quietly (and profitably) went about creating its gene-altered “lab food,” pumping billions of pounds of Roundup and Bt into the ecosystem. Without giving you a second thought.

But in the past few years, you’ve wised up. You’ve spoken out.

You’ve morphed into a movement.

With your help, we’ve forced some of the most powerful corporations in the country to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to defeat GMO labeling initiatives. We’ve also forced them to pour millions into buying favor with politicians and corporate media, into funding grants to pro-biotech researchers and universities, into brainwashing schoolchildren with pro-biotech coloring books and into luring 4-H’ers and future farmers with false promises of high yields and sky-high profits.

You also helped us win a major victory this year, in Vermont, when the state passed this country’s first stand-alone GMO labeling law—forcing Monsanto to follow through with what will likely be a costly lawsuit against Vermont.

You kicked the hornets’ nest. Now you are being attacked.

And it’s not just you. Monsanto’s Lie Machine is going after scientists, physicians and any credible source who dares question the “safety” of their pesticide-laden products, their soil-killing, biodiversity-destroying mono-cropping practices that don’t deserve to be called “agriculture.”

Our movement is strong. But it will be no match for the continued onslaught of slick campaigns designed to portray us as ignorant, anti-science alarmists.

Unless we take it to a whole new level.

In 2015, we pledge to fight back on a scale Monsanto has not yet seen. We are building an international coalition and communications team. We are investing in groundbreaking studies that we believe will prove, unequivocally, that Monsanto has been lying for decades. That, in fact, GMO foods and the toxic chemicals used to grow them are not safe.

Your support this past year helped us win in Vermont. You helped us come within about 800 votes of winning mandatory labeling in Oregon.

But we need you now, more than ever, to #EndMonsantoLies.

Please help us raise $200,000 to #EndMonsantoLies in 2015. If we reach our goal by midnight December 31, will match your donation. Details here on how to donate online, by phone or by mail.

Thank you!

Ronnie Cummins

National Director, Organic Consumers Association and Organic Consumers Fund

 P.S.  A study published in 2013 in the peer-reviewed scientific journal “Food and Chemical Toxicology” found that glyphosate (the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup), at residue levels commonly found in people, induced human breast cancer cells to multiply. GMO foods—and many non-GMO, but conventionally grown foods—are allowed, by the FDA, to contain glyphosate residues. GMO foods are not safe. Please make a year-end donation today to help #EndMonsantoLies.