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Stunning Clues That Support Beyonce Is Cloned Nefertiti Slaving For Satan

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Feb. 24, 2014

Stunning Clues That Support Beyonce Is Cloned Nefertiti Slaving For Satan

Down the rabbit hole we go… thanks to Freeman Fly… his videos are posted at the end of this article…who got me thinking about cloning and influencial people…I’ve provided some clues that support the idea that Beyonce is the clone of Egyptian queen, Neferiti.  There’s no point in arguing that human cloning exists since it was mentioned in a presidential state of the union address years ago.  Mummies are created as an intended source of DNA… that’s how ancient royalty knew they could ‘return’… but alas, it isn’t really the body AND soul  returning, it is their ‘meat suit’ returning… only the body… a clone may or may not have a soul.  Btw, a hybrid laboratory human may not come with a birth certificate (hint hint).

Here are the clues… come to your conclusions regarding all your beliefs.  And never accuse anyone of being crazy for simply seeking the truth… that is a sign of wisdom.

Clue #1 – Beyonce’s face matches the realistic bust of Neferiti'

Clue #2 – There’s something about Egyptian mummies, .....