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World's first test-tube grown hamburger served up in London restaurant

Lance Devon

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Aug. 6, 2013

(NaturalNews) Genetically modified foods are being rejected by countries all over the world now due to growing knowledge of GMO's pervasive, diseased properties, but the fight against GMOs may only be the beginning.


Because full blown, laboratory-designed Petri dish meats are now being manufactured as a new era of Franken-foods awaits us. In fact, the first lab-grown hamburger is set to be served at a London restaurant within weeks. This is the world's first truly all-out "Frankenburger," designed from approximately 3000 tiny strips of meat derived from a cow's stem cells.

Global food planners are salivating at the opportunity, knowing the demand for protein across the world is soaring and that feedlots cannot keep up with the rising demand. These mad scientists believe they have found an answer to the demand - a Petri dish experiment featuring stem cells that grow into "grey, slippery-textured" meat slabs "similar to squid or scallop."


Growing laboratory hamburgers

The experiment, which cost the Dutch government over $250,000 to conduct, was inefficient but altogether a success in the eyes of the scientific community. The designer, Professor Mark Post from the University of Maastricht in Holland, stated his purpose, "Right now, we are using 70 percent of all our agricultural capacity to grow meat through livestock. You are going to need alternatives. If we don't do anything, meat will become a luxury food and will become very expensive."

Basically, Professor Mark's goal is to save the world from soaring meat prices and hunger by designing a factory process that grows meat in Petri dishes. His process, broken down into four steps, starts with the harvesting of a cow's stem cells.

  • To begin, the stem cells are extracted from the muscle of the experimental cow.
  • The stem cells are then incubated in a scientific blend of broth that's injected with fragmented nutrients.
  • The stem cells then take off and grow, multiplying several times until they create a slimy substance much like the consistency of an undercooked egg.
  • From there, the goal is to bulk up the slimy tissue by stretching it, giving it "exercises."
  • The artificial muscle tissue bulks up and is gathered into approximately 3000 strips.
  • This artificial meat substance is then diced up and added to about 200 pieces of similarly grown lab animal fat.

The combined mixture becomes the world's first lab grown burger, and the man who funded the project is reportedly going to be the first one to try it out.

The New York Times reported that the growth of this test tube burger is currently centered around animal materials like fetal calf serum, but can be replaced in the future by materials "not originating from animals." This idea has the PETA group interested.

PETA group welcomes the idea

PETA spokesman Ben Williamson said, "We do support lab-grown meat if it means fewer animals are eaten. Anything that reduces the suffering of animals would be welcome."

PETA essentially adopts some of the most disgusting beliefs about food with this statement.

They really don't understand that this in-vitro meat is nothing like vegetarian meat substitutes currently on the market, which are made from vegetable proteins like soy. This cultured meat is an animal flesh product not derived from a whole food source or a complete, living animal.

Scientists plan to have lab meat on your plate in 10 years

Scientists say it will take up to 10 years to make the meat commercially available. The Food Standards Agency is now asking scientists for evidence that prove test-tube beef is safe for the public.

In the end, global food planners will get their idea approved, ramming it through their regulation agencies using cash bribes. Just as GMOs are forced upon the population, as people become part of grand disease experiments, so also will lab grown meat be forced upon the people. Proper education about real food and nutrition is vital at this point in history, as governments and global planners fund fake food projects that do nothing about "saving world hunger," but instead starve the world of proper nutrition.

In the end, those who keep it real will know exactly what this lab grown meat is capable of and they will demand purity.

An era of lab grown food is upon us

If people don't start pushing back hard and demanding only whole food, organic meats, grains, fruits, and vegetables, then global food scientists will design the people's fate. The world's food population will be controlled completely by a group of elite mad scientists who have only one vision for the future - watching billions of slaves bend to their Franken-food empire.

The GMOs they are producing right now in the field are void of nutrition, and the trend is set to continue as full blown laboratory grown meats become the new way to feed the masses. The consequences will rage on as these fakes foods destroy people's DNA, bringing disease and cancer.

To allow the design of laboratory meats is to allow complete tyranny over everyone's health and well being. It's time now, more than ever, to demand, grow, and seek organic, whole foods.

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