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Racial Multicultural social engineering in schools lying to children [Video]

The Unhived Mind [UHM]

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January 10, 2013 10:40 pm TheUnhivedMind 2 Comments

The four races must accept one another for peace on this earth.

Each race has a ability!

red people…LAND…the people of the earth…knowledge of plants, animals, earth sciences so to speak

black people…WATER…strong and malleable…black are reported to have a 4cc smaller sized brain, strong body

yellow people…WIND…efficient and quick…yellow people are smart, swift, efficient, cunning

white people…FIRE…innovation and determination…The creators of out modern industrial world.

This is the treat to the dark ages. This is why white people are being targeted with hate.

The whites will get fed up! Form a “party” and kick some ass, as history

always repeats itself, just sadly humanity is too entertained to see!

TheUnhivedMind on January 10, 2013 at 10:47 pm said:

Study ‘Practical Idealism’ by Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi and you will understand exactly what this video is all about and also why things are happening as they are today. Race has to be destroyed and race mixing to create mulattos is the weapon of choice. Then comes the destruction of class and gender which can both be removed by the third sex agenda of homosexuality.

-= The Unhived Mind

CDNpiper on January 11, 2013 at 12:41 am said:

“this is a threat to the dark ages” is what I wanted to say.

That race thing I over heard a Hopi Indian talking about it, years ago.

We’re all children under the creator. We all have out blessings and curses.

What’s been happening in the last few weeks is just insanity!! From Bullhorn

guy and CNN to gun supporters ending up with bullets to the back of the head.

Has this world completely lost it’s mind? I feel the elites agenda is running behind

schedule. So it appears this is now in overdrive. It’s uncanny how the USA in 2013

is like Germany 1929! Same play book, same tactics, same everything, hopefully the

results will be different. Talk about a world in balance. A gram of weight on either

side will tip the scales.

Sadly evil will do what the good won’t. How can good win if it won’t resort to evil?

Evil as no problem taking life, where as good can’t. Might is right!