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Morsi denial of Copt persecution just Shariah-speak

Michael Carl

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Sept. 29, 2012

'A classic example of the Islamic inversion of reality'

Amid eyewitness accounts and press reports that Copts are leaving their homes after being threatened, Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi denies there is anti-Copt persecution.

In an article in, Morsi said, “Persecution does not exist on Egyptian soil. We are all people of the homeland.”

An Egyptian citizen who lives in Cairo who asked not to be named for security purposes says the denial is because of how Morsi defines persecution.

“Morsi denies outright the Copts are persecuted in Egypt,” the Cairo resident said. “Morsi is not lying because he sincerely believes what he is saying.”

“The Western definition of persecution differs to Morsi’s understanding of persecution because Morsi is following the Islamic meaning,” he explained.

Islam analyst and Jihad Watch, publisher Robert Spencer agrees, saying the difference is perspective is an “inversion” of reality.

“This is a classic example of the Islamic inversion of reality. In the Muslim view, Islamic law – Shariah – is synonymous with justice and fairness, even though from our perspective it oppresses women and non-Muslims,” Spencer said. “Thus when the Copts are persecuted in accord with its dictates, that is, from the Muslim perspective, not persecution, but justice.”

The Cairo resident believes the issue goes deeper. He says Morsi believes Copts are second-class citizens.

“As a member of the Brotherhood, Morsi subscribes to the Islamic tenets of treating non-Muslims as second-class citzens. They must be subdued, they are not equals with Muslims, they do not enjoy equal status with Muslims,” he said.

The Cairo resident added that Islam believes all non-Muslims are “fair game.”

“They are fair game. Islam teaches this is not persecution, the Quran refers to non-Muslims in the derogatory terms, kaffir, non-believer, infidel, people of the book,” he said adding Morsi believes the Copts are receiving normal treatment by Islamic standards.

“At the end of the day Morsi is telling us, this is not persecution. This is normal, this is fair, there is no problem,” the Cairo resident said.

The concept that persecution of non-Muslims is normal is a part of Islamic Law. Spencer adds that the perspective on the issue would be different if Muslims were receiving the same treatment as the Copts.

“If Muslims were persecuted, that would be persecution, as it would not be in accord with Shariah,” Spencer said.

“However, Copts being persecuted is just the way things are ordered, according to Shariah, and so it is justice, not persecution,” Spencer said.

The Cairo citizen believes there will be no reversal for the status of the Copts.

“Morsi believes that nothing needs to change, so nothing will change. The status quo will remain and persecution of the Copts as taught in Islam will continue under Muslim Brotherhood rule,” he said.

WND reported that Egyptian human rights activist and writer Wagih Yacoub said Copts are being forced to leave Rafah and armed militants are firing at their businesses.

“We’ve seen it today. People are going to the Sinai, shooting at Christian’s shops. They’re telling the people to leave their homes,” Yacoub said. “It’s especially because they are Christians.”

“The Copts are being evicted from Rafah in Sinai and have been evicted from Basshur, and the government has done nothing at all,” Yacoub said.