Army of loyal customers helps Organic Pastures owner Mark McAfee get vindictive raw milk quarantine lifted
Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
(NaturalNews) More than a month after the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) forced a recall and indefinite quarantine on all raw milk products produced by Organic Pastures Dairy (OPD), one of the nation's largest raw dairy producers, the agency has finally relented in this particular battle against food freedom. With the help of his army of feverishly loyal customers, OPD owner Mark McAfee heroically put the rogue agency in its place by basically threatening to unleash the power of the people -- and it worked.
When five children in California came down with E. Coli back in November, the CDFA went immediately after OPD without so much as a single piece of evidence linking the dairy's products to the outbreak. Since raw milk could have been involved, the agency basically just decided that raw milk was the cause, and arbitrarily forced OPD to stop all production and just sit idly by while the agency dragged its feet in conducting tests after the fact. All the tests later turned up negative, of course.
But even after these tests all began to come back negative, one after another, the CDFA took its sweet time in lifting the ridiculous quarantine restrictions that had stopped OPD from running its business for over a month. Such outlandish "economic terrorism" is completely unwarranted and, by all accounts, illegal, but it is precisely how raw milk producers and their customers are treated all across the country on a regular basis.
The good news, though, is that things were different this time. OPD owner Mark McAfee, who has worked hard over the years to defend food freedom across America, finally decided that enough was enough, and stood up to the OPDC's abuse of power by filing an emergency injunctive relief petition in the Fresno County Superior Court. Behind this action were his thousands of loyal, and very vocal, customers that supported him in declaring to regulators that government tyranny was no longer going to be tolerated.
The people have the power to fight back against tyranny
Apparently intimidated by this groundswell of opposition to its obvious efforts at destroying OPD and further tainting the image of raw milk, the CDFA finally lifted the quarantine and slithered back into the hole from which it came. So by banding together as one to fight tyranny, OPD and its customers achieved a victory that now serves as a model to raw milk dairies and cooperatives across the country that are also facing government tyranny.
Be sure to read the incredible write-up at The Complete Patient about the OPD situation and how it transpired here, and how you can help support food freedom in your own community:
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