CSPI to file lawsuit against General Mills for selling 'fruit' snacks that contain no fruit
Jonathan Benson, staff writer
General Mills "Strawberry Fruit Roll-Ups," for instance, do not actually contain strawberries. They are, however, loaded with questionable additives like corn syrup, dried corn syrup, refined sugar, partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil, and various other chemicals and petroleum-based dyes. The only fruit-related ingredient in "Strawberry Fruit Roll-Ups" is a form of pear concentrate that represents only a small fraction of the overall product's content.
Similarly, General Mills "Fruit by the Foot Strawberry" snacks, which bear a label claiming they are "fruit flavored," are packed with the same refined sugar, corn syrup, artificial food coloring, and partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil as Fruit Roll-Ups -- and they also contain no strawberries.
Many other "fruit" snacks marketed by General Mills also contain labels that say things like "fruit flavored" and "naturally flavored," and are typically marketed as if they are high in nutrients, and healthy for children. In truth, though, these products are nothing more than junk food posing as loosely-defined health food.
"General Mills is basically dressing up a very cheap candy as if it were fruit and charging a premium for it," says Steve Gardner, litigation director at CSPI. "General Mills is giving consumers the false impression that these products are somehow more wholesome, and charging more. It's an elaborate hoax on parents who are trying to do right by their kids."
General Mills makes many phony natural products filled with junk ingredients
Earlier in the year, NaturalNews conducted an investigation into General Mills cereals and found the very same thing about many of them. General Mills "Total Blueberry Pomegranate" cereal, for instance, contains neither pomegranates nor blueberries. It does, however, contain many of the same harmful ingredients as Fruit Roll-Ups and "Fruit by the Foot." This list includes refined sugar, corn syrup, and petroleum-based dyes (http://www.naturalnews.com/031053_G...).
More recently, the Cornucopia Institute (CI) issued a shocking report about "natural" cereals in general and found that many of them are no better than conventional varieties made by brands like General Mills. Though marketed as if they are the equivalent of organic, and often priced more expensively than organics, these imposter cereals are typically loaded with genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), pesticides, and other chemicals (http://www.naturalnews.com/033838_b...).
Sources for this article include:
Oct. 19, 2011