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The 'Golden Beef' that Contains 3 to 5 Times More of This Cancer-Fighting Substance
Dr. Mercola
A study done a few years ago found that ex-vegetarians outnumber current vegetarians by a ratio of three to one. This suggests that 75 percent of vegetarians lapse.
A survey shows that most former vegetarians are women (as many vegetarians are) who had been vegetarians for an average of nine years when they reverted. Most originally went vegetarian due to concerns about the treatment of animals, and most returned to meat because of reasons such as declining health, logistical hassles, social stigmas, and meat cravings.
According to Time Magazine:
“... [T]he latest form of animal activism is ... only eating ethical, sustainable meat ... Sustainable meat-eating is particularly suitable for those who return to omnivorism because of health problems”.
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
July 18, 2011
Why Vegetarianism Isn't the Best Diet for a Majority of People
Not All Meat is Created Equal
A More Humane and Healthier Option
Why Choosing 'Grass-Fed' Beef is More Important than Choosing 'Organic'
What You Need to Know about the USDA Grass-Fed Label
Are You Ready to Make the Switch?