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Organic Foods / The Ultimate Preventive Medicine

Allen L. Roland

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In this time of growing economic hardship, good health becomes our paramount concern. We cannot afford to get sick ~ as health care costs continue to soar.

In that regard, my life partner, Keiko, has introduced me to the ultimate preventive medicine ~  the joy of raw organic foods and my health has improved dramatically but especially my skin to the extent that I look at least 15 years younger. 


Organic foods will not only keep you healthy and help you live longer but will improve your skin, maintain your optimum weight, increase your energy and reverse your aging process as they most certainly have mine: Allen L Roland

Keiko says ~ " Do we Eat to live? or Live to Eat? What we eat deeply and radically affects the way we think, feel, and behave. We are what we eat. Food affects every aspect of our being. Food is the physical foundation of our body. When you give your body healthy-vibrant food, it will function amazingly.
Eating is such a pleasure for most of us. Some of us eat to suppress our anxiety or emptiness. Some of us eat anything unconsciously out of habit.  We must be aware of the vibrationary power of raw live food and how they promote good health ~ because these foods carry within them the vibrant sun energy that nourishes all life on this planet ... The conscious choice of eating organic plant-based food would heal many illnesses, support the growing organic industry, shut down the abusive animal-farming cartels, and eventually reverse much of the damage humans have done to this planet" 

A new report ( Organic Consumers Association ) shows how organics can promote good health. This "Critical Issue Report" describes six ways that organic food and farming can contribute to reversing current trends in overweight, obesity, and diabetes ~  But most importantly, the report explains " why the conscious decision by individuals to purchase organic food marks a critical first step toward a healthier diet and lifestyle... For many people, this first step is the beginning of a series of incremental changes with important, long-run health benefits for individuals, families, and society as a whole."
David H Murdock, has written an article ( Huffington Post ) on 33 of the healthiest foods on earth ~ and  keiko and I completely agree with his assessment on how they effect our health.  

David and our secret is this ~ large quantities of organic fruit and vegetables, plus an hour of daily exercise . 

Here are the 33 Organic foods that will enhance and protect your health and how they do it. 

" Pineapple Speeds post-surgery Promotes joint health Reduces asthma, inflammation  

Blueberries Restore antioxidant levels Reverse age-related brain decline Prevent urinary tract infection  

Spinach Helps maintain mental sharpness Reduces the risk of cancers  of the liver, ovaries, colon and prostate .  Top nutrient density  

Red Bell Pepper Reduces risk of lung, prostate, ovarian and cervical  cancer Protects against sunburn Promotes heart health  

Broccoli Reduces diabetic damage Lowers risk of prostate, bladder, colon, pancreatic, gastric and breast cancer Protects the brain in event  of injury  

Tomato Reduces inflammation Lowers risk of developing esophageal,  stomach, colorectal, lung and pancreatic cancer Reduces cardiovascular  disease risk  

Apple Supports immunity Fights lung and prostate cancer Lowers  Alzheimer's risk  

Artichoke Helps blood clotting Antioxidant Superfood Lowers "bad"  cholesterol  

Arugula Lowers birth defect risk Reduces fracture risk Protects eye  health  

Asparagus Nourishes good gut bacteria Protects against birth defects  Promotes heart health  

Avocado Limits liver damage Reduces oral cancer risk Lowers  cholesterol levels  

Blackberries Build bone density Suppress appetite Enhance fat  burning  

Butternut Squash Supports night vision Combats wrinkles Promotes  heart health  

Cantaloupe Bolsters immunity Protects skin against sunburn Reduces  inflammation  

Carrot Antioxidants defend DNA Fights cataracts Protects against  some cancers  

Cauliflower Stimulates detoxification Suppresses breast cancer cell  growth Defends against prostate cancer  

Cherries Alleviate arthritic pain and gout Lower "bad" cholesterol  Reduce inflammation  

Cranberries Alleviate prostate pain Fight lung, colon and leukemia  cancer cells Prevent urinary tract infection  

Green Cabbage Promotes healthy blood clotting Reduces risk of  prostate, colon, breast and ovarian cancers Activates the body's natural  detoxification systems  

Kale Counters harmful estrogens that can feed cancer Protects eyes  against sun damage and cataracts Increases bone density  

Kiwi Combats wrinkles Lowers blood clot risk and reduces blood  lipids Counters constipation  

Mango Supports immunity Lowers "bad" cholesterol Regulates homocysteine to protect arteries  

Mushrooms Promote natural detoxification Reduce the risk of colon  and prostate cancer Lower blood pressure  

Orange Reduces levels of "bad" cholesterol Lowers risk of cancers of  the mouth, throat, breast and stomach, and childhood leukemia Pectin suppresses appetite  

Papaya Enzymes aid digestion Reduces risk of lung cancer Enhances  fat burning  

Plums & Prunes Counter constipation Antioxidants defend against  DNA damage Protects against post-menopausal bone loss  

Pomegranate Enhances sunscreen protection Lowers "bad" cholesterol  Fights prostate cancer  

Pumpkin Protects joints against polyarthritis Lowers lung and prostate cancer risk Reduces inflammation  

Raspberries Inhibit growth of oral, breast, colon and prostate cancers Antioxidant DNA defense Lower "bad" cholesterol levels  

Strawberries Protect against Alzheimer's Reduce "bad" cholesterol  Suppress growth of colon, prostate and oral cancer  

Sweet Potato Reduces stroke risk Lowers cancer risk Protect against  blindness  

Watermelon Supports male fertility Reduces risk of several cancers:  prostate, ovarian, cervical, oral and pharyngeal Protects skin against sunburn  

Banana Increases Fat Burning Lowers risk of colorectal and kidney  cancer, leukemia Reduces asthmas symptoms in children. " 

Live organic food connects us to the source of life itself and will not only dramatically improve our health but will also reverse our aging process. Take the first step if you haven't already ~ and start eating raw organic sun ripened food ~ the ultimate preventive medicine. 

Allen L Roland 

Author's Website:

Author's Bio: Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on Conscious talk radio