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Acid / Alkaline Food Chart

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Balanced body chemistry is of utmost importance for the maintenance  of health and correction of disease. Acidosis, or over-acidity in the  body tissues, is one of the basic causes of many diseases, especially  the arthritic and rheumatic diseases.

All foods are "burned" in the body--more commonly called "digested"--  leaving an ash as the result of the "burning", or the digestion. This  food ash can be neutral, acid or alkaline, depending largely on the  mineral composition of the foods. Some foods leave an acid residue or  ash, some alkaline. The acid ash (acidosis) results when there is a  depletion of the alkali reserve or the diminution in the reserve  supply of fixed bases in the blood and the tissues of the body.

It is, therefore, vitally important that there is a proper ratio  between acid and alkaline foods in the diet. The natural ratio in a  normal healthy body is approximately 4 to 1 -- four parts alkaline to

one part acid, or 80% to 20%. When such an ideal ratio is maintained,  the body has a strong resistance against disease. In the healing of  disease, when the patient usually has acidosis, the higher the ratio  of alkaline elements in the diet, the faster will be the recovery.  Alkalis neutralize the acids. Therefore in the treatment of most  diseases it is important that the patient's diet includes plenty of  alkaline-ash foods to offset the effects of acid-forming foods and  leave a safe margin of alkalinity.

A healthy body usually keeps large alkaline reserves which are used  to meet the emergency demands if too many acid-producing foods are  consumed. But these normal reserves can be depleted. When the  alkaline-acid ratio drops to 3 to 1, health can be seriously menaced.  Your body can function normally and sustain health only in the  presence of adequate alkaline reserves and the proper acid-alkaline  ratio in all the body tissues and the blood.

For optimum health and maximum resistance to disease, it is  imperative that your diet is slightly over-alkaline. The ideal ratio,  according to the world's foremost authority on the relationship

between the acid-alkaline ratio in the diet in health and disease,  Dr. Ragnar Berg, is about 80% alkali-producing foods and 20% acid- producing foods.

Below are tables of common foods with an approximate potential  acidity or alkalinity, as present in one ounce of food.

Alkali-Forming Foods

Figs 30.0 Potatoes 2.0

Soy Beans 12.0 Pineapple 2.0

Lima Beans 12.0 Cabbage 1.8

Apricots 9.5 Grapefruit 1.7

Spinach 8.0 Tomatoes 1.7

Turnip/Beettops 8.0 Peaches 1.5

Raisins 7.0 Apples 1.0

Almonds 3.6 Grapes 1.0

Carrots 3.5 Bananas 1.0

Dates 3.0 Watermelon 1.0

Celery 2.5 Millet 0.5

Cucumber 2.5 Brazil nuts 0.5

Cantaloupe 2.5 Coconuts 0.5

Lettuce 2.2 Buckwheat 0.5

Watercress 2.0

Neutral (near/neutral) Ash Foods

milk Vegetable oils

Butter White sugar

Acid-Forming Foods

Oysters 5.0 Rice 2.5

Veal 3.5 W.Wheat/Rye bread 2.5

Most Fish 3.5 Most nuts (X-almond/brazil nut) 2.0

Organ meats 3.0 Natural Cheese 1.5

Liver 3.0 Lentils 1.5

Chicken 3.0 Peanuts 1.0

Fowl 3.0 Eggs 3.0

Most Grains 3.0

Most grains are acid-forming, except millet and buckwheat, which are  considered to be alkaline. Sprouted seeds and grains become more  alkaline in the process of sprouting.

All vegetable and fruit juices are highly alkaline. The most alkali- forming juices are: fig juice, green juices of all green vegetables  and tops, carrots, beet, celery, pineapple and citrus juices.  Vegetable broth ( HERE ) is an extremely alkalizing drink.