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Conscious and Spiritual Food Choices

Dieter Braun (Indian in the Machine)

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From: Dieter Braun
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 8:25 PM
Subject: Conscious and spiritual food choices

Society remains lax and unconcerned as to the level of toxins our community exposes itself to. No where is this fact more evident in the restaurants and grocery store aisles of Saskatoon.  MSG is a nerve toxin and yet people here in this town show no concern....are there any restaurant owners out there who are truly msg free (and are aware of the several other names that msg is known as "soy protein isolate" being one name)? Restaurant owners...If you are out there using fresh, raw, organic food, sea salt and purified water, please contact me at so that I can frequent your establishment and promote it at my website .  I love eating out in restaurants, however does any restaurant or grocery stores get a passing grade for food purity.   The food here in Saskatoon is dirty.  I eat organic rice at home, why is it such a stretch for the many successful restauranteurs to serve organic  brown rice (a simple staple that created healthy communties for thousands of years)?  Knowing how important raw food is to my dna, I sprout seeds and legumes at home and it's inexpensive and healthy, surely these options would be attractive especially to the many vietnamese and chinese restaurants who rely so heavily on onion, carrots and celery, in order to keep prices down.

From where I stand there's very little spirituality in the ways our city makes it's decisions.  The citizens of saskatoon could very easily gather together and make this town msg free similar to the anti-smoking movement.  Let's not eat the things that we already know we wouldn't enhale through a cigarette.

Saskatoon, let's see ourselves as a spiritual community, where we create our reality first in the spiritual world, so that we can experience it in the physical world.  We're doing this anyways, however let's be conscious of it, so that we can maximize the amount of Light our shining city can emit to ourselves, and outwards into the Universe.

Let's make the spiritual commitment to create and enjoy a clean food and water supply. 

Let's fully support all sincere and genuine efforts to create a benefit from a clean food and water supply.

A big thank you to those out there who are living loving healthy lives and are sharing your successes through your example.

Dieter Braun

Indian in the machine