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Now even questioning LGBT indoctrination of children gets teachers suspended

Ethan Huff

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England’s public school system has decided that it’s no longer okay for its faculty and staff members to do anything other than nod and smile in full agreement every time new LGBTQP “curriculum” is suddenly and forcibly imposed upon innocent children in the classroom.

A 74-year-old school board member by the name of Maureen Griffith learned this the hard way recently as she was reportedly suspended from her job simply for questioning a staff decision to implement an LGBTQP Pride month at Alperton Community School in Brent, North London.

Staff at Alperton also decided to purchase a whole slew of new LGBTQP books for the school’s library, which was done without any prior consultation with Griffith, who’s served as the school’s governor since the early 1990s.

Prior to a recent board meeting, Griffith stumbled upon a booklet from her school’s library that contained information about a “genre-specific” reading list to “celebrate” LGBTQP Pride Month. She then brought it up at the meeting, only to be chastised for daring to question this decision that was made without her permission.

“At the meeting, I raised that the introduction of LGBT books and Pride month into the school had not been mentioned before at any previous meetings,” Griffith is quoted as saying.

“I said that parents had not been consulted and that there would be parents with children from religious backgrounds who would object and not want their children to have this form of sex education.”

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Griffith strongly urged her colleagues to think about these children and their families, emphasizing the fact that, as a mother herself, she would not want her sons to be reading any of the LGBTQP books that were stocked in the library, nor would she want them to participate in LGBTQP Pride month.

These statements apparently triggered one of the school’s faculty members, who reportedly stormed out of the room in a tizzy, throwing a hissy fit along the way.

“Look what you’ve gone and done – you’ve upset him!” another staff member admonished Griffith, who was presumably shocked that merely questioning a decision that was made without her input could cause such an uproar.

But we’re talking about LGBTQP extremists, here, which means rationality is never part of the equation. As our readers well know, when LGBTQPs become offended by something, the whole world turns upside down and people end up being persecuted simply for holding opposing viewpoints, which is exactly what happened to Griffith.

It is now “homophobic” to express viewpoints that in any way trigger LGBTQPs

According to reports, the school’s clerk, Jo Sattaur, sent Griffith a letter not long after the meeting that accused her of having “breached the governor’s code of conduct.” Sattaur further accused Griffith of making “homophobic comments … that were offensive to members of staff.”

Griffith was then suspended, which prompted her to contact the Christian Legal Center for help in crafting a rebuttal letter to the school’s decision. Griffith later sent a letter petitioning the school “to reconsider my suspension” in light of her right to express her views without fear or punishment, to which the schools said it would work toward’s a speedy conclusion.

But it’s been several months now, and Griffith says she’s heard “nothing” from the school. Keep in mind that Griffith has long helped shape her school’s curriculum, as well as pioneered its health and safety practices as she used to be a nurse with more than 40 years of experience helping people.

“What has taken place at this school is a microcosm of what is happening across our society and sends a clear message to teachers, governors and students: If you oppose the LGBT agenda you will be silenced and punished,” says Andrea Williams, CEO of the Christian Legal Center.

“Such censor[ship] for merely questioning whether books with LGBT themes are appropriate for school libraries, and asking whether parents had been properly consulted, cannot go unchallenged. We call on the school to reinstate Mrs. Griffith and issue a full apology.”

For more related news about LGBTQP demands for total obedience, read

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