Why this athlete lost...
Mat Staver
Read this online here. <CLICK HERE>
May 6, 2019
This battle is heating up. You can hear Selina’s personal story and heartache. Because of policies like HR 5, she lost the opportunity to run in front of college coaches to earn educational scholarships designated specifically for women. But when reporter Kelsey Bolar wrote this powerful video, other students she interviewed were so afraid she had to distort their voices in order to let them express their opinions. After you hear their story, please sign Liberty Counsel Action's petition.
"She said, "It's very frustrating and heartbreaking when us girls are at the start of the race and we already know that these athletes are going to come out and win no matter how hard you try," Selina told The Daily Signal. "They took away the spots of deserving girls, athletes."
I hope to have thousands more names of people who are willing to join Selina in her stand against HR 5. These young girls need to have their opportunities protected. Join me by adding your name to our petition before it is too late.
The U.S. House could pass HR 5 in as few as eight days. Then the real battle starts in the Senate. I want to make a big impact right at that moment. We are preparing to take the names of every single person who has signed our petition and hand deliver them to key decision-makers in the Senate.
This misnamed “Equality Act” will make transgendered Americans “more equal” than others, to borrow from George Orwell’s book The Animal Farm. We are committed to stopping this false equality and restoring common sense.
I need your help to fight and win against HR 5. The resources we created are circulating around Capitol Hill. I’ve done media interviews aired thousands of times on radio stations across America. Liberty Counsel Action has been on the front lines this whole time. Will you help reach a goal to win against HR 5 with a donation of 25, 50 or 100 dollars or more?
This is the fiercest battle of the year. I can’t fight it by myself. But together we can make all the difference necessary to put an end to this insanity.
Mat Staver