Dear Jayne,
You are in the same boat as many Americans -- confused, angry, wanting to do something, but not knowing what to do or how to do it. This is primarily because you were never taught anything valuable about how your government is supposed to be organized and operated or why.
The short answer is to organize township (or parish), county, and state unincorporated jural assemblies. That is Job One, and the good folk of Michigan and the good folk of Colorado and Florida and Georgia and Texas have already done the trail blazing for everyone else. As a result, you can use their guidebook published by the Michigan General Jural Assembly as a template to organize your own local jural assemblies.
What is a jural assembly? It is an unincorporated association of free men and women who organize in support of the public and organic law of these United States (the states holding the land jurisdiction) to enforce the same; they elect the local Assemblymen for the townships and counties, and the county Assemblymen then meeting compose a state jural assembly.
These are the lawful bodies of living men and women who "self-govern" the land jurisdiction of these United States and who are responsible for enforcing the Law of the Land including the Organic Law and the United States Statutes at Large.
They are also responsible for electing Common Law Court Justices, Sheriffs on the Land, form Grand Juries, serve as Trial Jurors and as Electors (not "Voters") and serve to administer every aspect of their local and state governments.
Remember the phrase "self-governing"? We are responsible for governing ourselves, via this process of self-assembly, but when we fail to do this (or worse, become so dumbed-down that we don't realize that we have to do this) it leaves a vacuum of power begging to be filled.
All this time that people have been roaming about ranting about the "De Facto" government versus the "De Jure" government and wondering where their government went and who stole it from them --- I guess it never occurred to them that they are their own enemies and the missing parties who aren't doing their own jobs.
The groups and entities that have stepped forward to fill the gap created by our "absence" are naturally self-interested. If we are stupid enough not to govern ourselves, someone else will be glad to do it for us and also glad to charge us
for their services and defraud us and rob us and even murder us for profit.
The lawful government of these United States has been left to rot and ruin because of ignorance promoted by the "public school" system put in place by incorporated "states". These "states of states" are franchises of large private, mostly foreign owned governmental services corporations.
To understand how all this came about you must go back to the founding of this country.
The American organic states belong to us in sum total--- air, land, and sea jurisdictions all belong to us and to our progeny, but as part of the settlement of the Revolutionary War, some concessions were made.
The British had the best navy in the world and stood at the start of the industrial revolution. They desperately needed our agricultural products. We had no navy to speak of, only a commercial fleet that was constantly ravaged by privateers, so that we had a hard time getting our goods to market. So we struck a deal with King George. He agreed to act as our Trustee on the High Seas and Inland Waterways (protect our shipping, in other words) and we agreed to let him control our international trade relations (get first dibs and best prices on American commodities, in other words).
British Subjects were allowed to remain in America for the purpose of providing essential governmental services related to this deal. See the Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783, where they are described as "inhabitants" who "reside" here, as opposed to the "free, sovereign and independent people of the United States" who live here permanently. See Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2 of The Constitution for the united States of America, which makes this explicit.
All this gives rise to two different populations living together on this continent--- American State Nationals and British Subjects. Over time, semantic deceits were slowly introduced over the two words "United States" which have several meanings.
One meaning of "United States" is the federation of separate sovereign nation-states known as the Continental United States, and the other meaning, secretively adopted by members of Congress operating as a Board of Directors for The United States of America, Inc., is "territories and District of Columbia".
This second meaning of "United States" is what the Federales are talking about when they ask if you are a citizen of the United States? That is, are you a citizen of the territories and District of Columbia, like someone born in DC? Or a member of the military or federal civil service who temporarily adopts that "citizenship" status while employed by the Federal Corporation?
If you say, "Yes, I'm a citizen of the United States." thinking of the federation of the separate sovereign state, they self-interestedly interpret it to mean that you are or want to be considered a "citizen of the United States" instead.
Who are they to complain if you want to voluntarily subject yourself to them and accept having them and their Queen ruling over you?
They will eagerly grant you "dual citizenship" and herd you like sheep into their fold and begin the process of sheering you without mercy, because they are in business here. Their only purpose is to provide "governmental services" and make money doing so.
If they can force you to buy more and more and more "services"--- Social Security all the way to Obummercare--- and charge you for it, from their perspective---why not? If they can create 80,000,000 regulations for you to follow, and then hire a bunch of thugs to keep you in line and charge you fines every time you color outside their lines, why not? It's Big Business. Literally.
The problem is that this was so lucrative it was a temptation the Brits and French couldn't refuse. So they colluded together against their clueless American Allies.
At the start of all this, the Virginia Company doing business as The United States (trading company) took over The Contract and began providing the nineteen enumerated services our states agreed to receive. That company was bankrupted by Lincoln and a competing company doing business as the United States of America (Inc.) took over and operated until 1933 when it was bankrupted and a third version (French) took over and operated as the UNITED STATES (INC.) until 2015, when this "governmental services corporation" was declared insolvent.
None of these "governmental services corporations" have a damned thing to do with us or our lawful government really. They are subcontractors providing services, like a lawn maintenance company that you hire to trim your hedges and mow your lawn and rake your leaves. The various "United States Congresses" that have sat as Board of Directors for these corporations and who are supposed to be riding herd on these subcontractors and looking out for your best interests have long ago grabbed the bit in their teeth and operated as self-interested oligarchs instead.
Each one of these separate governmental services corporations has its own regulations. The old "United States of America" that operated both in and out of bankruptcy from 1868 to 1999 formulated the entire 50 Titles of Federal Code that everyone still refers to.
The UNITED STATES (INC.) repealed all 50 Titles and kept only part of Title 50 as the basis of its operations and that is its only internal law, aside from Washington, DC Municipal Code.
And now that the UNITED STATES (INC.) is insolvent, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., a spin-off of the World Bank and the UN Corporation, is here providing government services on speculation, on a "for hire" basis, but they have already been told, "Thanks, but no thanks." based on the prior performance of Rothschild affiliates who ran the old United States of America, Inc. into the ground and also contrived to fraudulently involve us in their bankruptcy and who also began the mechanized process of entrapping us via semantic deceit and secretively changing our birthright political status via fraud and non-consensual private contracting processes.
All the above, explains why we cannot just "charge them under the Smith Act" and other such suggestions.
The "Smith Act" and all the other various "Acts" undertaken by the "United States Congress" were private corporate laws embraced by a corporation that no longer exists. It's bankruptcy settled in 1999. All 50 Titles of Federal Code became obsolete at that moment.
Then the UNITED STATES (INC.) a French-based governmental services corporation running under a small part of Title 50 and Washington DC Municipal Code took over the "federal" services contract, and ran our credit into the ground for another 15 years without our consent and without any of our international Trustees--- the Popes, the British Monarch, or the United States Postmaster -- objecting to this fraud and thievery.
At the current moment, we remain running our own states-on-the-land government via jural assemblies operated under the Organic and Public Law of the United States, known as the United States Statutes-at-Large; and, for the moment, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., funded by the World Bank and operated by the UN Corporation, has stepped in without a contract to provide the necessary services on a "for hire" basis and just for shits and grins is operating according to the old Federal Code, without formally adopting it.
Karen Hudes has falsely described this situation as an "interregnum" during which time there is no government, but in fact, we have been here clicking along in spite of the frauds and bankruptcies and "wars" and everything else that these "governmental services corporations" have engaged in. The so-called "Federal Government" which has never been a sovereign government of any kind may be in complete disarray, but we, the people, of these United States are not.
Enemies of our peace, freedom and standing have not only mischaracterized us as "citizens of the United States", they went before the United Nations Trust Committees and the UN Security Council and claimed that we no longer exist as fifty sovereign nation-states. They complained that we have not exercised our government on the land jurisdiction, that we have no national currency left in circulation---- both lies, and, they claimed that we no longer had representation in the international community---- thanks to the fact that the UNITED STATES, INC. went insolvent without naming a Successor to Contract.
Whereupon we issued new Sovereign Letters Patent to the United Nations Secretary General and the United Nations Trust Committees and the United Nations Security Council, informing them that yes, we are still very much alive and kicking, and that By The Way, we have negotiated an agreement with two of the sovereign indigenous nations that have representation in the United Nations, the Lakota Sioux and the Athabascan Nation, and issued a Declaration of Joint Sovereignty to memorialize the agreement.
Thus we are still standing, still have our Constitution in full affect, and are still operating our actual government. We still have the United States Silver Dollar in circulation. We still have our Public Law under enforcement. We have named new "federal" agents for the purposes of international negotiations and trade. We will in our good time act through our jural assemblies to name fiduciary Deputies as delegates to a Continental Congress to settle this hash and in the meantime, it should be well-understood by all parties that we are empowered and entitled to enforce the Law of the Land which includes the actual Constitution and the United States Statutes-at-Large against all and any federal employees or federal state-of-state employees, such as "State of Washington" or "WASHINTON" or "State of Colorado" or "COLORADO" franchise employees found trespassing against any of us or on our soil in violation of their corporate charters or our Public Law.
[A further conundrum and confusion was created back in the 1950-60's when organizations serving as state and county governments were lured by the promise of "federal revenue sharing" to incorporate---- an act that transformed them from being legitimate governments operating our landed estates to being private corporate franchises operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea. Any time you see the word "of" as in "State of Ohio" or "STATE OF OHIO" or see a name in all capitals like "WISCONSIN" you know that you are dealing with one of these deceptively named corporate franchises.]
I trust this goes a long way toward answering your question why we can't seem to get enforcement of all the federal and state laws and Acts of Congress that are on the books. It's because the corporations that adopted these private laws, called "statutes" and "regulations" and "codes", no longer exist. The only actual government still standing on this Continent is that of the people, for the people and by the people, and the only Law still standing is our Organic Law and our United States Statutes at Large.
As more Americans wake up and say, "WTF? I wasn't born in Puerto Rico! I ain't no flipping "citizen of the United States"------!" and as more and more Americans organize Jural Assemblies to enforce the actual Organic and Public Law in their townships, counties, and states---- it will all start to make a lot more sense.
The French Government is culpable for not restraining and insuring the lawful operation of both the UN Corporation and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and its subsidiaries including the UNITED STATES and the STATE OF..... franchises these organizations established here.
The British Government and the Government of Westminster are culpable for practicing press-ganging, inland piracy, unlawful conversion, and numerous other known international crimes against us and against our lawful government mostly via their undeclared foreign agents, including the members of the American Bar Association.
The international city-state District of Columbia and its government known as the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation are similarly guilty of these crimes against the American People, and have attempted to run a "government of the person, by the person, and for the person" in a mockery of our lawful government on the land.
As a result of criminality on the part of those both elected and appointed to act as our Trustees internationally and nationally, and the corporations they have operated against us in Breach of Trust, we have been plundered under color of law, suffered identity theft in contravention of the Geneva Convention Protocols of 1949, suffered credit theft and theft of our actual resources, and are now being threatened by these same thugs as they are now offering to literally kill off their Priority Creditors, the American People, in the same way they killed off the Jewish People who were their Priority Creditors in Nazi-Era Germany. (Anna just veered off into the pucker bushes with this statement, which is not uncommon for those still suffering from this crippling mental illness, more commonly known as holoocausitis.)
Every American needs to be alerted to these actual circumstance and every community needs to be organized in the event that international negotiations related to these matters break down and the British, French, Israeli, and District of Columbia so-called "US" forces have to be restrained.
You are all encouraged to spread the word from the members of Congress on down to the lowest levels of "their government" that we are fully aware now and that the false claims against us and our property must come to an immediate full stop. Federal employees, especially agency employees and appointed administrators, must be re-educated.
Any attempt by the IMF dba UNITED STATES dba "STATE OF OHIO" and other franchises to attack Americans using agencies including the "FBI" and "CIA" and "FEMA", etc., will be instantly recognized as the acts of foreign commercial mercenary armies on our shores, not the result of any civil war or unrest naturally arising within America or as the result of American politics, race relations, or religious antagonisms at all.
We know who we are and we know who did this to us and we know why they did it. We have stated it clearly and plainly before the whole world, before all the assembled governments, and before the people of all nations. We have notified the Pope, the Queen, the Secretary of the Treasury, the United States Treasurer, the United States Post Master and the United Nations Secretary General and literally thousands of other officials.
If the IMF and its subsidiaries or the FEDERAL RESERVE and its subsidiaries---either one---are allowed to take any action whatsoever against the peaceful and non-combatant American People under the false pretense that we are or ever were legitimately and knowingly operating as "persons" or as "citizens of the United States" these acts of genocide will be recognized as precisely the acts of criminals seeking to kill off their Priority Creditors and nothing more than that--- just the vicious and immoral and unjustified actions of the guilty against the innocent.
It has not been enough for them to steal us blind; now they seek to blame us for their criminality and to force us to pay for their debts at the point of a bayonet. (Typical jew behavior)
No American is forced to continue any contract with the "United States" military under these circumstances of fraud and false undisclosed contract. No American is obligated in any way to fire upon Americans. No American who takes part in any unlawful court actions or foreclosures or seizures of property or confiscations of any kind will be held guiltless.
It is time for all elected officials and all bureaucrats to be on High Alert and to remember the results of the Nuremberg Trials---- "just following orders" is not an excuse for murder, plundering, piracy, unlawful conversion, press-ganging, enslavement, involuntary servitude, identity theft, credit theft, conspiracy against our Constitution and the other crimes that the IMF and FEDERAL RESERVE have jointly indulged in on our shores.
Let it also be clearly understood that Americans all maintain our absolute right to defend ourselves and our families and our property with deadly force if need be. Should the Pope and other international trustees fail their duty as they have repeatedly done in the past, any and all bloodshed on this continent will rest squarely on their shoulders.