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Eustace Mullins - The Law by Frédéric Bastiat - Roger Shermans' A Caveat Against Injustice

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April 15, 2014"The rule of law is simply the rule of bandits who are in control of the United States." -- Eustace Mullins

Bastiat, along with Roger Sherman, are still the two most influential writers for me personally. In my opinion, between the combined hallmark contributions of these two men, 'The Law', and 'A Caveat Against Injustice', can be found a uncommon clarity and nexus in understanding the immense crimes committed by the DC Devils over the last 225 years.

The Book:

Video Audio Version -The Law: by Frederic Bastiat:

Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)

Here is Roger Shermans Essay 'A Caveat Against Injustice':


Roger Sherman is the author of Article 1 Section 10 of the United States Constitution: “No State shall ... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts”, which is perhaps the most important Article Section in the entire US Constitution, that was never adhered to by Congress, the states, or the people, not even from day one. What it means is that every state in the union is required to pay all of its debts in Gold and Silver, as well as the people living in those states. Not in paper notes, or via ponzi bills of credit, but Gold and Silver, period, end of discussion. If the people had forbidden the circulation of paper money, and state banking to take hold -- along with their printing presses -- there would have never been inflation, or the unilateral solidification of power into the hands of the government away from the people; upon which rose out of, the greatest governmental tyranny ever seen in history.