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Silver-Tongued John Edwards

By Harsha Sankar

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not entirely surprised that the silver-tongued trial lawyer/politician did so well among Iowa Democrats, not to mention charming such commentators as Mickey Kaus (scroll to second "P.P.S." item) and Andrew Sullivan (second item). As we've had occasion to note, before entering politics Sen. Edwards had some of his greatest success representing families of kids with cerebral palsy against the doctors who'd allegedly botched their deliveries -- this despite a steadily mounting pile of research (see Feb. 27, 2003) tending to refute the popular theory that cerebral palsy is commonly caused by obstetricians' conduct during labor and delivery.

Last March, in a letter to the editor printed at this site, Mississippi physician S.W. Bondurant wondered whether the press would look into the question of whether Edwards's trial wins were based on sound science. Now reporter Marc Morano of the conservative takes on that assignment ("Did 'Junk Science' Make John Edwards Rich?",, Jan. 20). Just to clarify my own views, which are quoted at some length: I don't assert that every lawsuit blaming obstetricians for infant brain damage is unfounded.

The problem is that our system gives wide leeway for cases of debatable scientific merit to be filed and then, after a battle of the hired experts, decided by appeals to jury emotion. (& welcome visitors from sites including Kaus (Jan. 20), Sullivan, MedPundit, Rangel M.D., Blog 702, MedRants, and many others)

Posted by Walter Olson at 05:06 PM | TrackBack (7)
