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Yanukovych Quits as Ukraine PM

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aring an appeal to Ukraine's Supreme Court. "We are still fighting but I don't have much hope," he said in his New Year's Eve address.

On Thursday, the Supreme Court rejected Mr Yanukovych's complaints against the conduct of the election.

The poll was re-run on Sunday after Mr Yuschenko and independent observers alleged extensive vote-rigging.

Mr Yushchenko's followers clogged the streets of the capital Kiev to demand a new vote be held.

International observers praised the conduct of the re-run, saying it was much fairer than the earlier rounds.

Preliminary final results from the Central Election Commission suggest Mr Yushchenko won the vote with an 8% lead over the prime minister.

However, Mr Yushchenko cannot be proclaimed the winner until his rival exhausts all legal possibilities to challenge the election results.
