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Nationwide Veterans Recruiting Drive: Veterans, Once More Your Country Calls Out For Your Help!

Darrell L. Castle

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ent has turned a blind eye to the reality that terrorists as well as violent criminals are entering our country? Are you disturbed that the president, along with many members of congress have been pushing to allow twenty million illegal aliens to stay in the United States, working to grant them amnesty, along with education, medical and social services - even Social Security benefits - all against our will? Are you incensed that the strongest military in the world, with the most advanced technology and the best trained military leaders has become bogged down in an undeclared war in Iraq for longer than it took to win World War II, and that neither major party has a solution for this quagmire? Worst of all, our valiant military forces are paying the price for this political incompetence with over 3,700 deaths and 28,000 wounded.

· Are you disgusted that President Clinton cut the Ronald Reagan Total Force in half and then the Bush Administration, with the approval of Congress, allowed that inadequate "half" Force to go to war without even considering the critical need to guard our own borders first?

· Have you witnessed with alarm, as I have, that our fighting forces are becoming heartbreakingly fatigued and increasingly ill-equipped in a war funded by debt your children and grandchildren will have to pay?

· Are you worried about the scheme to build a 12-lane super-highway from Mexico to the Canadian border, locate a Mexican Customs office in Kansas City and give Mexican trucks the green light to threaten lives, safety and jobs on our already crowded highways? Would you be alarmed and outraged to know that this is part of a comprehensive plan to "integrate" the three countries of North America into one ‘North American Union’? That means the United States as we know it would no longer exist.

· Are you concerned about the economic security of your family when you see millions of middle class American jobs moved off-shore ?

Veterans, as you know, the toughest battles can be won by staying in the fight and, refusing to surrender. The National Veterans Coalition (NVC) is committed to joining with you and all liberty-loving Americans who are determined not to see this country destroyed.

The National Veterans Coalition was founded as a political arm of America's third largest, federally-recognized party, the Constitution Party. Our mission is to let veterans know we have options that extend beyond the two parties that have a stranglehold on America.

Neither of the parties controlling our government has any intention of offering voters a presidential candidate who’ll uphold our Constitution, the foundation of our freedoms. In addition, Congress regularly and egregiously refuses to do its job of representing the people and reigning in over reaching executive and judicial branches.

The Constitution Party diligently pursues and supports qualified candidates for public office at the local, state and national levels. We know the country is ready for a change because just last year we celebrated the election of Constitution Party candidates in both state and local races!

Just think how much influence you and your fellow veterans will have joining with the forward-moving Constitution Party….

Would you take a moment to visit our National Veterans Coalition website at See if you don’t wholeheartedly agree with the "SIX KEY NATIONAL ISSUES" which the NVC considers to be critical to our nation's future. After that, simply click on Have a look around the website and consider whether this party’s platform strikes a chord with you. Next, click on the "Join Veterans Coalition" bar on the right side of the website. Your $20 donation will not only entitle Veterans and their immediate families to a membership in the National Veterans Coalition, but in the Constitution Party as well (at a savings of $15). Your support will help us build a viable financial war chest for 2008!

There are more than twenty-six million veterans in the United States. Our goal is to recruit FIVE MILLION VETERANS to join the NVC and vote with us in 2008. Working alongside the Constitution Party we plan to take on the monumental task of gaining the ballot lines necessary to field a high-caliber, principled presidential candidate who will provide the leadership to stop the political war being waged against the Constitution and our people by the powers that now control government.

Along with your resolve and support we can begin to restore this magnificent republic…that you so valiantly sacrificed to preserve.

Thank you for your service…then and now!


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Darrell L. Castle


National Veterans Coalition