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The Secretive World Of Voting Machines

Compiled by Lynn Landes

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tice. Over the last 100 years Americans have slowly but surely surrendered our public voting process to private corporations and their voting machines... in violation of our constitutional right to fair, open, and observable elections. The price paid has been the legitimacy of our democracy.

Voting machines can be easily rigged and impossible to monitor. They are sold and serviced by a handful of private companies dominated by active and wealthy members of the Republican Party. The use of voting

machines should be unconstitutional, but Congress has failed to act... except to pass laws that give billions for voting machines, while failing to require any mandatory standards. Meanwhile, misguided voting

rights groups are suing for the right to use the latest most sophisticated computerized voting equipment... that are the easiest to rig by the fewest number of technicians.

In the last several decades the rich have gotten richer and the poor poorer. This is not a formula for a conservative groundswell. Yet, both conservative Democrats and Republicans have long enjoyed success at the

polls. Have elections in America been rigged to shift power to right wing candidates from both parties, despite the public's support of left-wing causes such as universal health care, quality public

education, a clean environment, and a living wage? In the secretive world of voting machines... anything is possible. (See: Nov 12, 2002 American

Coup: Mid-Term Election Polls vs. Actuals by Alastair Thompson of Scoop)



Bev Harris is the lead investigator on voting machine ownership and errors. She will soon publish a book on the subject - Black Box Voting.

The only legal option to voting machines - go back to hand-cast-hand-counted paper ballots. Paper ballots cast early, absentee, or by-mail may still be counted by machine, however they do leave a paper trail and may also be the only way to protest the use of voting machines and "business-as-usual."

HREF="">(for more details) Summary of issues regarding voting machines

Background: Voting machines have been in America since 1889. The use of computers in voting technology began around 1964. Most of Europe still uses paper ballots. In Canada's last national election, paper ballots

were hand-counted in 4 hours. Today, 98% of votes in America are tabulated by voting machines.

HREF="">Constitutional issues - federal & case law

Ownership - privatizing, monopolizing & politicizing the voting process

HREF="">Technicalities - vote rigging, audit-ability & voluntary technical standards

Voter News Service (VNS)

VNS was a top-secret private consortium owned by ABC News, The

Associated Press, CBS News, CNN, Fox News, and NBC News that allegedly

projected election night winners from 1989-2002. /">for more details...

Complete list of Landes articles:

Apr 14, 03:

HREF="">Voting Machines Violate Constitution - Who Will Launch Legal Challenge?

Jan 20, 03:

HREF="">Suspicion Surrounds Voter News Service

Nov 26, 02:

HREF="">Mission Impossible - Federal Observers & Voting Machines

Nov 8, 02:

HREF="">2002 Elections: Republican Voting Machines, Election Irregularities, and "Way-Off" Poll Results

Oct 28, 02: It's A

High-Tech Ambush - Just Say "No" To Voting Machines / PR Newswire press release

Sep 23, 02:

HREF="">Election Night Projections - A Cover For Vote Rigging Since 1964? (Voter News Service)

Sep 16, 02:

HREF="">Elections In America - Assume Crooks Are In Control

Aug 5, 02:

HREF="">The Nightmare Scenario Is Here - Computer Voting With No Paper Trail


Mar 28, 03 New Voting Systems Assailed, Computer Experts Cite Fraud Potential by Dan Keating of Wash. Post

Mar 6, 03 Now

Your Vote Is The Property Of A Private Corporation by Thom Hartmann

Feb 27, 03


Sold To Group Tied To Saudi Nationals (scrubbed - Lynn's copy< /A) by Mark Harrington of

Feb 25, 03

HREF="">Voting Machine Engineer Sues, Alleges Machine Design Flaws by Bev Harris

Feb 20, 03

HREF=" .html">Hacking Democracy by Farhad Manjoo of

Feb 12, 03

HREF=",3604,893701,00.html">Par anoid Party Rights by Matthew Engel of T he Guardian (UK)

Feb 5, 03

HREF="">System Integrity Flaw Discovered At Diebold Election Systems by Bev Harris

Jan 31, 03 If You Want To Win An Election, Just Control The Voting Machines by Thom Hartmann (

Jan 30, 03 Sen Chuck

Hagel Admits Ownership In Voting Machine Company by Bev Harris

Jan 29, 03

HREF="">Hagel's Ethics Filings Pose Disclosure Issue by Alexander Bolton,

Dec 10, 02 Charlie Matulka,Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Nebraska, asks for a

vote recount in his race against Republican Senator Chuck Hagel, who is invested in a company that owns the voting machines used in both of his election.

Nov 16, 02 Voting Machines and the Bamboozling of America by Christopher Bollyn of American Free

Nov 12, 02 Amercian

Coup: Mid-Term Election Polls vs. Actuals by Alastair Thompson of Scoop

Dec 14, 00 21400-108.htm">The Real Scandal Is The Voting Machines Themselves by Jonathan Vankin of New York Press

Nov 2000 186.html">Manufacturers Admit Voting Machines Unreliable (16-28% of the time) by Christopher Bollyn

Nov 1996 Pandora's Black Box by Philip M. Halloran of Relevance (good summary to that point in history)

Nov 7, 1988 Annals Of Democracy - Counting Votes by Ronnie Dugger for The New Yorker

July 29, 1985 Computerized

Systems for Voting Seen as Vulnerable to Tempering by David Burnham of New York Times

OUTSIDE LINKS: (Comment - I don't necessarily agree with everything on these websites, but they are good information sources. -- Lynn Landes)

Bev Harris is the lead investigator on voting machine ownership and errors - Black Box Voting

Dr. Rebecca Mercuri is the nation's leading expert on voting machine security. Her website has lots of information and links - Philip M.

Halloran (1996) Good summary to that point in history Pandora's Black Box

The Collier brothers: website, book, and

video. These brothers were the first to explore in-depth voting machine fraud, as well as the news networks secretive and suspect dealings through Voter News Service. In the book, readers must wade through the

adventures of the Colliers, however still lots of important information on election fraud. Comment: The Colliers description of VNS (Voter News Service) as the entity that "officially" tabulates and announces the

vote for major elections is not correct. See Voting Machines, VNS ...for more info

Jim Condit, Jr.

Good stuff, needs to be updated

Daniel Hopsicker, Follow The Chad (series) The Big Fix 2 000 (video): website and film contain lots of useful information on voting machine companies, but not particularly well organized.

HREF="">http://www.madcowprod.c om/welcomechad.htm

HREF=""> ro.htm



HREF="" (video)

Greg Palast, "


eft%20of%20Presidency">Theft of a Presidency" Nov 2002, PBS stations nationwide broadcast "Counting on Democracy," featuring Palast's investigation of state manipulation of the vote in Florida during the 2000 presidential election. Comment: Unfortunately, the movie (not Palast) endorses "state of the art" voting machines.

Christopher Bollyn - Free Press / s/2000/11/111400.html">

News "Keep up to date with the latest eVoting news" This is an industry website, but still has a lot of information in its news archives.
