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Selectees Clinton, Edwards Plot Against Kucinich, Obama

Kuet Nimmo

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t to cut the number,” Hillary responded. “They’re not serious.”

Serious “candidates,” or elite selectees, hate the idea of sharing the corporate media spotlight with the unselected. All of this is quite natural, as Edwards rubs elbows with the Council on Foreign Relations and Hillary is a Bilderberg doorstop. Serious candidates are arranged in advance by the elite and outsiders such as Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich are not welcome, are in fact deeply resented. But then, of course, the very idea of open and fair elections are resented by our rulers, who go out of their way nonetheless to pedal the idea of democracy and the absurd grade school myth that any man or woman may one day be president.

Hillary’s backstabbing is demonstrative. For instance, when “Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois and Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio walked by,” Clinton thanked “them for attending. Then, turning back to Edwards, she said she believed their campaigns had already attempted to limit candidates in the debate and ‘we’ve gotta get back to that,’” and Edwards apparently agreed.

“Imperial candidates are as repugnant to the American people and to our democracy as an imperial president,” said Kucinich.

Well, not exactly. If the American people truly and sincerely found such repugnant, they would have long ago surrounded the White House and demanded not only impeachment, but criminal charges be leveled against the current cabal, handpicked in advance by the very same elite Hillary and John represent.

“Today, Congressman Dennis Kucinich—1 of the candidates who might be kept out of a more limited forum—is accusing Edwards of showing a “lack of integrity” in the way he made the suggestion and the way he then tried to explain it,” reports the Associated Press. “Edwards told reporters today he doesn’t want to keep anyone out of future gatherings. Instead, he said, he wants to see them separated into two groups of 4 each, chosen randomly.”

Of course, the disfavored 4 will have their “debate” held at a Motel Six in Spearfish, South Dakota.

Finally, for all the Democrats who will vote for Hillary or Edwards, obviously the anointed, contra the Republicans come November of next year, the comments of Edwards are informative. “At one point in the debate, Edwards laughed when he followed Kucinich, who called for the impeachment of Dick Cheney. ‘Dick Cheney, huh?’ Edwards said, smiling and laughing.”

Real funny, John. But then Edwards is no different than Dick Cheney, except he has yet to drunkenly shoot anybody while duck hunting.