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What Is Behind The Recall!!!!!

By Dr. Mike Bryron

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t is NOT an ad hoc effort by a group of unhappy California Republicans to redress their grievances via the ballot box. Rather, it is a part of a nationally orchestrated effort by the hard-right neoconservative cabal which has taken over the Republican Party to as Gov. Davis aptly put it steal elections that they cannot win. These folks are not conservatives, they are not even really Republicans, they are fanatical revolutionaries who are hell-bent on dismantling any and all obstacles to unrestrained corporate rule of the USA and the world. Period. One tangible indicator of the national cabals direct involvement in the recall is the involvement of Frank Luntz. Who is Frank Luntz? Frank Luntz is well known as being a committed right wing ideologue. He was the architect of the successful Republican strategy for capturing control of both houses of Congress in the 1994 elections. He subsequently worked as Newt Gingrich's principle advisor and strategist for devising and implementing Gingrich's ?Contract With America.

Mr. Luntz wrote an influential memo in 1998 to Congressional Republicans advising them on how to speak out against then President Clinton during the Starr investigations. In doing this he was counseling the Republican Congressional leadership on how to sell the need to impeach Clinton to a skeptical public.

In early 2002 Luntz orchestrated another smear campaign this time against then Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle. Luntz coined the phrase Daschle Democrat and gave its negative connotation. He advised Congressional Republicans to always use the word obstructionist in the same sentence as Daschle Democrat. He has provided advice to numerous Republican organizations and elected officials on how to smear their opponents effectively.

As an advisor to the Republican Party, the Likud Government of Israel, Enron, the Christian Coalition, Newt Gingrich, numerous Republican elected officials, Luntz has clearly come to occupy a central role at the very center of the far-right wing political juggernaut which has captured the Republican Party and indeed our nation. Mr. Luntz is not simply a hired gun for various Republicans, he is a key member of their strategic brain trust.

Mr. Luntz was Darrell Issa's key advisor throughout Issa's successful effort to buy enough votes through hired petition-gatherers, to force a recall on us. Given this, it follows inescapably that his deep involvement in Darrell Issa's campaign must lead to the firm conclusion that the national Republican Party leadership has sanctioned and is intimately involved in the conduct of Issa's recall campaign. Issa's campaign thus represents a tentacle of a Republican octopus. While Republicans attempt to redistrict Texas (and Colorado?s) Congressional Districts for a historically unprecedented second time following a decennial census to create six new Republican safe seats in Texas (and two more in Colorado) to ensure unbreakable Republican control of the House of Representatives, they are simultaneously seeking to capture the Governorship of California by stealth and subterfuge. Although Issa was eventually shoved aside in favor of the telegenic, if air-headed terminator Luntz lingers in the background of the Schwartzenegger campaign still quietly scripting things for Cheney and the neocon cabalists. This way, if Issa fails here the national Republican leadership will not have been publicly associated with the attempted coup d'etat, and so, presumably, will not be damaged by its failure. However, if it succeeds the Republicans will be in a strong position to deliver California and its 53 Electoral College votes to G.W. Bush next November. This would ensure a resounding triumph for Bush in the 2004 Presidential elections while giving the Republicans working control of California again. Don't be fooled this recall is not the work of disgruntled California citizens. It's part of an ongoing subversion of democracy in America. Period. In fact, to make things even plainer, Mr. Issa inadvertently made it unambiguously clear that the recall was always just a calculated right-wing power grab. The Tuesday September 23rd edition of the San Francisco Chronicle states as follows:

If two major Republicans remain on the ballot, I'd advise you to vote 'no' on the recall," said Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Vista (San Diego County), who spent more than $1.6 million of his own money to help gather signatures to recall Davis.

"It would absolutely guarantee that (Democratic Lt. Gov.) Cruz Bustamante will be the governor, even though a majority of voters are asking for a no-tax solution" to California's budget problems, Issa told a lunchtime meeting of the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco.

In other words the sole purpose of the recall is now and has always been to replace Governor gray Davis with a cabal-selected Republican. Period! Neither Issa nor the national Republicans who are orchestrating this sorry charade are motivated by concern that Davis has done an unacceptable job managing California and so consequentially, the voters need to be given an opportunity to redress the problem by choosing freely among a range of policy alternatives by voting freely among a range of candidates each offering a different possible solution to California's presumed woes. Rather, as the despicable Mr. Issa makes crystal clear, the sole and entire point of the recall is NOT to give the voters a choice, rather it is simply to engineer, to consciously manipulate the political system for the specific purpose of replacing the lawfully elected governor with their hand-picked ?alternative.

Mark Hull-Richter, U.S. Citizen & Patriot
