What's Going On With The Bush Re-election Campaign ????
By Al Martin
in some of the large states -- like Florida, California and New York,
where they'd really want to make an effort to concentrate.
There again, it begs the question: they are increasingly acting
as if they don't even care. It's increasingly obvious that they're not
even bothering to mount a real campaign and that their only real agenda
at this point seems to be to insure that the sunset provisions of the
Patriot I Act are removed, to give the President authority to cancel or
postpone elections by edict.
I think that's what they're really
concerned about.
Secondly, they're concerned that the Democrats don't
foster any vote to reduce, at least for now, the big,
multi-trillion-dollar tax cuts for the Republican rich.
And that, at this point, seems to be their only agenda.
not campaigning. They have not instructed their individual-state
campaign managers. In 34 of the 50 states, they haven't even bothered to
print any political paraphernalia - posters, handbills, pens, and bumper
stickers. What does that tell you?"
By Al Martin