Oppose Washington Internet Voting Bill
OPPOSE SB 5463, a Washington legislative bill to authorize internet voting with no papertrail, thus no way to conduct a reliable audit or recount of vote tallies or even be sure votes were correctly tallied. Immediate legislative action is needed to stop a voting credibility disaster in Washington. This bill was crafted by the Sec-of-State, passed the Senate quietly, and sits in the carry-over bundle on the WA House floor. We learned Tuesday that a full-striker amendment has been prepared and may be brought to the House floor this week (obscured by the budget-hassle.)
Contact all your legislators, both houses and both parties, immediately, to demand that they NOT pass SB 5463 nor the striker, nor any variant of it. Details including full-texts are available at our website, http://whatcomdemocrats.com/ , under ISSUES.
The sole loss if this does not pass, is that Washington will join the 37 states (a super-majority!) who have opted to decline to participate in this experimental project during the 2004 Presidential election.
Barry Buchanan, Chair, WCDCC (Whatcom County Democratic Central Committee)
Barrie Hull, State Committeeman, WCDCC
Maggie Hanson, State Committeewoman, WCDCC
Randy Prehoda, Chair, 42nd LD Dems
RB Porter, State Committeeman, 42nd LD Dems
Jennifer Dixon, State Committeewoman, 42nd LD Dems
Anne Mosness, State Committeewoman, 40th LD Dems