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Open letter of Congressman Dave Weldon

Ron Van Dyke

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people who had never voted democratic before, yet voted a straight democratic ticket this time to send a message to those in ivory towers. My 78-year-old uncle said, "I may go to hell, but I voted for all democrats for the first time."

You remain in Congress, whether legitimately so or not. However, the mandate of the people will continue to be heard. We do not accept government that is secretive, conspiratorial, dishonest and disruptive. The war and fear-based policies of the Bush administration, which you supported, have been a wake-up call for Americans. We are beginning, as a nation, to see the sham you charlatans have unleashed on our nation and world. Many know that your opponent, Dr. Bob Bowman, is right. You belittled him in your attack ads as a conspiracy theorist. We know, however, that the official 9-11 conspiracy theory is the one that makes least sense. All evidence points to complicity with people in power. More and more Americans are awakening to this fact.

I, personally, will do everything in my power, especially in the invisible realm from which all things come into manifestation, to shine the light on you so brightly that you will find it more and more difficult to support actions and legislation that undermine the rights of the people and subvert the Constitution that you swore to defend and uphold. The lies you have told must and will come to the surface for all to see. Nothing shall remain hidden. The house of cards built by world banksters and others in the elite establishment will crumble and fall. Evidence of this already appears to those with eyes to see.

Having said this, know, too, that divine justice is always linked with mercy. Your only way out victoriously is to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Political lying won't cut it any more. We know much more than most of you realize; and while justice is demanded, I am ready to forgive you completely once you come clean. I'll even give you a hug if you find that courage within yourself and act upon it.

Along with many of my brothers and sisters in Christ, I can tell when someone is speaking from the heart and from a place of true integrity. I have not seen that from you; yet know in my heart that your heart feels these things in your quiet moments. As was said to Saul of Tarsus, "It is hard for you to kick against the pricks [in your own conscience]." It will get harder for you as well. Those in Christ you persecute know where you stand; and we stand in real power that is not of this world but of the one coming quickly.

Mr. Weldon, sir, there will be a new world order that will not be run by criminals whose goals and aspirations are based on dominance rather than freedom for all. Many of us are grounding that energy of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. How you respond is, and will remain, your choice. Know that what you sow, you will most assuredly will reap. This is not only true for you; it is also true for your entire staff and the entire government of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation. The gig is up. God reigns!

I implore you to talk with two of your fellow congressmen, men of high integrity from both sides of the aisle: Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul. Follow their lead; they are Americans first, neither democrat nor republican. If you look, you will find others as well who are ready to take this great nation forward to fulfill our God-given destiny as a lighthouse on a hill that will guide the entire planet home to safety and peace. We will all know God as the true light that lights everyone's life.

Join us in celebrating the transformation of human society. That's a standing invitation, not only from me, but also from the eternal throne of the Living God. The alternative is Self-betrayal. Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision…you are one of many.


Ron Van Dyke

473 Thomas Drive

Melbourne, FL 32935
