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John Joseph Kennedy Update After The Election

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cation. I will share what I've learned so far.

The final results of the election are NOT YET FINAL! All states and counties have until December 12th to have the votes counted and to post CERTIFIED Results. Some states finish before then, some publish the information and some do not. In most areas it is up to us to call to get the results for a write-in candidate, and they will be posted on or before December 11, 2004.

The results that you have been told about through the media are from those candidates who were listed on the ballots, however, a serious and criminal voter fraud scheme by the Clinton-Bush Crime Syndicate has been uncovered and is being investigated. The Clinton's were behind it with the Bush family to insure Ms. Hillary Clinton would have a chance at winning (one way or another) in 2008. Therefore, the entire election results are bogus and grossly inaccurate, some say as much as 80%.

We have also received very disturbing news from high ranking intelligence of the Clinton's plot to sabotage Mr. Kennedy's life and efforts for the future. It also involves the death of JFK, Jr., however, I am not at liberty to disclose more. You may want to do an Internet search on this as it has been leaked through the international media and Internet. It is not a rumor!

Our last email sent out on November 1st was simply the last of the major rush prior to the elections. I must admit, that over the past two weeks Mr. Kennedy and the rest of the team have taken SOME time to rest and gather our thoughts, developing ongoing plans for the future, while we are waiting to hear the final count of the write-in votes from the various states.

Once we have final results, everyone will be informed and given some idea as to where we are headed from there forward. That's when the REAL work begins. We are just beginning! We are at the doorstep of the next phase of this grand, divine mission. Mr. Kennedy has received millions of supporters from around the world, and he is deeply committed to move forward to create change in this country and in the world in whatever capacity God chooses for him. We are all behind him, too!

You have been wonderful, and yes, to those who have offered, we would love to be able to count on your help from all corners of the world from this day forward!

You, your families and friends, will soon hear of John Joseph Kennedy from everywhere. We were blocked from being on the major networks, but Mr. Kennedy was interviewed and appeared on shows many times. Take some time to go back to his website at where you, and your friends, can view or listen to a number of those interviews. I've finally had the time to do that myself, and have learned many things that I didn't know before.

Mr. Kennedy wants you to know that he is Divinely protected and doing very well. Many, many wonderful doors have opened to him to usher in the New Humanity. It is not over! It is only the threshold of this beautiful new beginning.

He sends his love, deepest gratitude and best wishes to everyone!

Very soon, Mr. Kennedy will be contacting you personally and he asks only that you love God more and more, and still more and more. He says, "Look to God, and only God, during this wonderful eclipse! God is the answer!"

He also asks you to always remember the Prayer of Protection and to say it often.

"The Light of God surrounds us.

The Love of God enfolds us.

The Power of God protects us.

The Presence of God watches over us.

Wherever we are, God is.....

And all is well!


Please hold Mr. Kennedy in your loving thoughts and prayers, as he is also holding YOU!

Thank you so much for your support, your love, and continued correspondence.

Love, Light & Many Blessings to You,

Julie Willems

National Volunteer Coordinator

John Joseph Kennedy for President NOW
